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1 fact 90% of you didn't know before.

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The pistol is Пистолет Макарова. The man's name is Никола́й Макаров.

The "а" is like "'s" in English, instead of "Makarov pistol" they say "Makarov's pistol".

Да, я знаю


My best friend growing up is from Soviet Lithuania where his dad was (and still is in not so soviet) a high ranking General. Doesn't change what I said.

Edited by Weedz

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1) Dumb, surely you have more important things in life to care about. If person A speaks and person B understands and the situation is not in a professional setting then who cares. The internet is like texting... Who cares. Far out. 


2) Yes lets generalize a whole country, better yet! two!


3) No doubt you are not Australian... we are way more chilled out then that. Pompous ass hat. 


It was a joke.



Pointless topic is pointless.

The rest of you are just ridiculous.

Especially Demon.

But he's groovy.

Edited by Inception.

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