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Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

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They advised us not to buy it but were perfectly willing to take the money. Fucking teachers pet lol.


Why the hell did you pay for it then? It's like someone telling you not to put your hand into the fire and you do it anyway. Are implying that you are stupid?

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How did they hire anyone, then? Can you name any Developer apart from Hicks that came in specifically for DayZ?


Most of them didn't as far as I know, why would they hire an entirely new team when they already have a large team available that are familiar with the engine, some of whom built it? I was replying to the comment made that there are only 2-3 people working on the game which is clearly not the case.

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make no mistake..


KoS killed this game...


i'll bet Deans next game has mechanics in place from the get go, that limit the douche level the game community within can be..

noob tears best tears

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He's got 10 months to get the basics down and then I don't see a reason the team can't finish up through what will be the beta and then release.  Sounds like after working so long on this and living away from home, I'm honestly not surprised he wants to, especially since he can make his own studio.  Just look at Irrational Games recently.  Levine shutdown his big studio so he could then focus on smaller projects.  I'm sure people would call that crazy after having just released Bioshock Infinite, but it makes sense that he would want to try and scale back abit.


What would you do in this situation if you had the opportunity for complete freedom as head of your own studio in your home country? He said he'll stay as long as he is needed to finish, but I imagine at this point, the ideas are all set up and ready to go, it just needs development time.  He isn't abandoning the project as some are making it seem.  It's obvious the game won't just shutdown and be unfinished after he leaves otherwise BIS will be in big shit.  Sure, they made the money, but they aren't a huge studio like EA that can take a huge PR disaster like that and keep moving because they have tons of properties.  BIS is a niche gaming studio that relies on the hardcore fans to buy their games.

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On a side note, Banished is really good.  

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I doubt that him leaving will have a negative impact at all. His vision and the communities vision of Dayz are so far apart sometimes it isn't even funny. Maybe, when he leaves Bohemia will take the game into a direction that the community (as a whole) likes much more.


But then again since that is 10 months away it probably won't impact anything at all.

Edited by ONLiine WArri0r

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I can accept buggy alphas. I can even accept paying into having access to them... but I don't accept if a vendor does not follow through on a contract. Period.


So where did that happen? From what I can see we have an Alpha that is being developed to reach Beta. That's all that was promised from what I can gather, no contract was entered into by either side.

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All I'll say is; with or without Dean, by the time this game goes final, you'll still have problems with ladders.

but what about the vehicles ? no one ever thinks of the vehicles !!!!

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Wohoo we have another underage moderator.


Except this one has lied about his age as a precaution.


This forum is going to be dead well before the game.

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So.. Yet again we're depending on Modders to finish DayZ. I was really hoping i didn't have to browse through 10+ different versions of the mod trying to figure out which one had what in it (features etc) and finally finding one i'd stick with. The modding community did a fine job, don't get me wrong.. I was just hoping this could be avoided by having a pretty damn awesome feature complete game to begin with!


Honestly this title will hurt BI in the long run, no matter how much cash was generated through early access..


Motherfuck this....


Did you even buy the game? And if so, can you try and transfer it to someone that will actually appreciate it? Someone smart, maybe?


You, like many other people, are the problem. You give companies like EA, Ubisoft, Creative Assembly, BIS, etc the authority to take legal tender, which was given on good faith for the company to complete a product, but then allow the company to not follow through on that contract (a receipt is a contract).

It may just be 30 dollars, however, when taken to the n-th degree... that 30 bucks from thousands of people is a sizable sum of money. Which means the company must fulfill its promise. The only thing we agreed to in this case, is the fact that it will be buggy until it is finished. Upon which time, the game's problems have been sorted out, should be in a fully functional state and thereby fulfilled the contract of purchase.

I can accept buggy alphas. I can even accept paying into having access to them... but I don't accept if a vendor does not follow through on a contract. Period.

So, while you may be OK with your $30 of entertainment, even if the shop closed tomorrow... it is not the right thing to do. Because then, we're just saying it's ok to sell us s**t. As it is, gamers aren't taken seriously and companies take advantage of us. Look at SimCity. Look at Rome 2 Total War or Empire Total War. Look at Diablo 3... these are all ways that gamers are being made fools of and there are hundreds of thousands of retards saying it's ok... and it isn't.


P-E-R-S-P-E-C-T-I-V-E. Say it with me, kiddos. PERSPECTIVE.


If you really think that this interview with Rocket is comparable to the Sim City release, the fool is YOU.

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All I'll say is; with or without Dean, by the time this game goes final, you'll still have problems with ladders.


And zombies :-) 

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On a side note, Banished is really good.  


Hardly. Maybe after some updates but it gets boring real fast atm.

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 It's obvious the game won't just shutdown and be unfinished after he leaves otherwise BIS will be in big shit.  


Have you played ArmA3?

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Wohoo we have another underage moderator.


Except this one has lied about his age as a precaution.


This forum is going to be dead well before the game.



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This is old news and everyone was literally warned by the devs not to buy the game.


Why are people going crazy and crying 'scam' all of a sudden?

my best understanding of the situation is that people either can't read or won't read. Out of the few that can read, i think half of them cant actually comprehend what they read.

Edited by Chucknorris405
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And zombies :-) 

And fucking KOS COD 360 noscope lolbbqwtfargrghgrhrrgh bandits.



Edited by Dallas
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All I'll say is; with or without Dean, by the time this game goes final, you'll still have problems with ladders.

Them ladders! Those are a real threat.

And people still states that the environment is not so dangerous...go climb ladders!


Anyway, as I already stated way before today, his way of acting is really really disappointing under many aspects, for a fan. And I'm not ok with many things, even if I try to justify everything because I trust him and overall I hope that DayZ will be fantastic.

But not really today, I mean, today he did not say something new: he's been talking about the things that were reported today for months, those just got more visibility.

This enormous shit bubble, today, makes not that much sense to me, even if I understand it and I have sometimes the same concerns many have.

I would stop this discussion here...on this forums the staff is very permissive, I won't dislike the freedom of talk that the mods allowing here, if I were you (referring to those complaining some pages ago).

Edited by Gugolas

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On a side note, Banished is really good.  


It is, isn't it?

Although needs work in terms of pacing and progression. That said I've been saying for years that there is a market for the sort of game Settlers used to be.

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Wohoo we have another underage moderator.


Except this one has lied about his age as a precaution.


This forum is going to be dead well before the game.

 Directly challenges moderator on the basis of maturity and age, while acting like an immature douche.


This guy is filled with win.

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dad game BI disband

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Hardly. Maybe after some updates but it gets boring real fast atm.


Banished is alright, I mean it's made by one guy, and it's polished, he's not asking you to pay money to beta test his game then leave through the process either, so that puts him a head above other titles out there.


Banished is what Godus should of been.  Very peaceful game.

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Hardly. Maybe after some updates but it gets boring real fast atm.


How many hours you have playing it?

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