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your choice in weapons?

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I was an M4a1 lover before but due to the incovenience of finding good parts, Ive now switched to an SKS. Granted the SKS is loud and kinda weak compared to the mosin, I just feel really safe carrying one all the time.

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I use whats I finds. Until I finds something better.


SKS is pretty groovy but the lack of a scope is a bit of a bitch.

The Magnum makes me feel like a big man, too.


However, whatever protects me at the time is my favorite.

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Hard to choose. I think the SKS for closer-up and the Mosin (duh) for longer range. The M4 is too inaccurate, and the Blaze, while awesome, is not for long range with only iron sights avalible.

Edited by KingBritain

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My load out right now has a Mosin with compensator+bipod and both a PU and a LRS to deal with different range engagements (though as soon as a clan mate picks up an SKS and we meet up he'll get my PU).


I find myself partial to the FNX over the other pistols, although I have a softspot for the 1911.


I keep a sawed off shotgun with a couple snaploaders in my pack for an emergency backup/building clearing gun.


I've used all the primary weapons, and I am actually partial to the M4 over all the others. When you add a few MP parts to it and an Acog and you've got a pretty accurate gun that can double as an oh shit weapon in a hurry. Shotguns are a LOT of fun though.

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I avoid Military locations so...


I can never turn down a Blaze 95. Or the Sporter .22, once I find a mag for it.


M4 is fantastic all around if you are brave/lucky enough to find one and enough ammo.


I hate the Mosin. It's too long and has too much recoil. Most of my encounters are in close quarters.

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I have a mosin with compensator, bipod PU scope and LRS but I am actually really tempted to use the blaze 95. The two rapid shots in succession really make me want it, as I usually don't snipe, I just go round with a group of friends, so having a more close combat weapon might be better. I am torn! Could someone please tell me which one would be best for me? By the way, just to keep it relevant, I have no favourite weapon, but I hate the M4, .22 weapons and the shotgun.  

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I usually go for the SKS until I can collect all the MP parts for the M4 then I'll switch to that. I feel like the SKS is good for starting out because it does enough damage that I'm confident enough to go to the NWAF or NEAF with it, but when I find an M4 and both MP parts then I go for that because of the volume of fire you can put out with it. Victory through superior firepower ya know? Although once the AKM gets put into the game that will be my weapon of choice instead of the M4, really can't wait for it.


As for a sidearm, I honestly love the FNX because its the pistol I can find the most mags for. Although I did recently come across an engraved M1911 and if I could find a mag for it I would switch to that.

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I HAD a Mosin, with compensator, LRS, and bipod, all in pristine condition



That would have been the only pristine compensator in the whole game. My Mosin is all pristine, except the compensator, which is worn. I found compensator in worn damaged, badly damaged and even ruined, but never pristine.


I prefer the Mosin for long and short range. Weapons in games are too easy to handle. I hope that wind comes soon in the ballistic calculations.

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Unless I have more than one m4 magazine, I prefer the sks. It's what I'm used to using in the game the most. I like the magnum, since I've had one for a while now. But the amphibian s is great for killing zombies if you have to shoot them. The only gun I haven't used yet is the blaze, I would love to get my hands on one.

So my preferred setup is:


axe (of any kind)

amphibian s

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As much as I hate to admit it, I really,really love the fnx .45. It just feels like a solid firearm. Couple it with a silencer, reddot, and flashlight, I feel like I can handle most anything within a given range.

FNX-45 with MRD is probably the best sidearm you could ask for, although I do like the Magnum.

I really wish the M4A1 had an Eotech and/or Shortdot sight, I would use it much more than I do now, but until that point it's just going to be the Blaze 95 (Also great gun).

I tend not to use the SKS because I can never seem to find 7.62x39mm rounds and I'm so accustomed to the Blaze at this point that switching would be bad. Instinctively reloading the SKS after every two shots would be a nightmare.

Edited by Chaingunfighter
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SKS has proven itself of worth in my experiences. Most anything else simply doesn't cut it. Blaze comes in at a close second.


I'd like to see the crossbow in action but I can't seem to find bolts.

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Crossbow, once the wonky sights are fixed.  Until then I am using a Sporter.  I used the crossbow in the mod extensively, I rarely PvP as I stay away from other players and so a silent zombie killer fits the bill for me.


I posted my thoughts on the crossbow recently.

Edited by _Mandrake_
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a Pistol. That's all I need. I kill zombies, not people after all. A good CZ75 with a couple of mags and a stack of loose ammo and I'm good to go.


When I have everything I need:






-Taloon BP


-2 Cans of food

-2 canteens



All I do is run around the map killing zombies for the sake of it.

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I tried the blaze, it's a nice gun but the two-shot needs some steady hands and a calm head to use well. So once I get better at PVP I'll try it some more. Gimme an SkS and I'm good doe :3 Most kills with that as it's the best of the M4 and Mosin! Power like that of the mosin with being semi auto! 2-4 hits with that and bitch is down. 1-2 hits with mosin and 492394293589 hits with the M4, though mosin is bolt + 5 bullets and the M4 requires a whole mag to kill someone...so I'll stay with the SkS


'till they do anything good with the shotgun, not bothering with it either. 

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I carry an m4 just because close quarter protection is most important for me. I have no plans to shoot long range. When I do, I move closer. Matchete and FNX aside of it.

There are times when I only carry matchete and FNX but I take up m4 when I can.

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style wise.   blaze > sawed off shotty > sporter


personal Preference:

    M4 w MP parts + acog > 

                         mosin +LRS >

                                       SKS >

                                           M4 +shit parts >

                                                    mosin pu-scope

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Anything I can get my hands on honestly. I like to play with different styles whenever I can. I tested out all the guns and for me I prefer an M4 with MP parts and an Acog, sided with either an FNX or 1911. Combat knife for melee. (it shreds zombies...)

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sks with pu and magnum or fnx

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has to be the m4 with dot and an acog , and suppressor, i can carry no other weapon and feel "ok"

i like czr75 with suppressor

i like pipe wrench.i hope we can spray it in future, then il never drop it



i enjoy using almost whatever i find,and camo mosin is cool too

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Blaze for myself, as of right now, I find it very trustworthy. 


In addition, I carry a magnum, amphibious and a 1911, I plan on trading with the next friendly survivor I find.

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I play anything that is not common and boring, to have more fun and kill with style.


my combinations might be:


1-Double barrell, Sawed off, handgun

2-Blaze95, sawed off, handgun

3-Crossbow, sawed off, handgun

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I have not seen the amphibia mentioned. I love it for quick disposal of zombies. I do wish it didn't have the Hiroshima size muzzle flash though... that's a little ridiculous. It's a stealthy silenced pistol with a meteoric ball of flame coming out the end of it. I don't have much of a preference for a long gun at the moment. I find the SKS more plentiful and easier to keep fed, but I want to try the others out more in the future.

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