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What are your biggest concerns and fears regarding the near/far future of the game?

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...and why?


my personal "concerns" and inner fears:

  • by far too many "we want to do this/look into that" features which we most likely won't see in the game eventually. - rage/tears/disappointment may emerge.

  • zeds will never be the way i personally always imagined them to be or we will never see them in their full potential.

  • MMO architecture and load on servers are such a restriction that we will never see "enough" zeds, loot, players, wildlife and other objects.

what are your "deepest" fears and concerns regarding the future of Dayz?


original thread from reddit




many updates since then, a lot has changed, i would actually like to hear how things have changed for you personally. much less fear and concerns maybe now  ;) ?



Edited by joe_mcentire
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Biggest fear is the game will move away from its mil sim arma roots and the influx of casual noobs will help shape the game to be a more forgiving and casual game.


We are already seeing some of that with unrealistic weapon behavior and characteristics.


Then again I have more faith in the modding community than the actual developers so I am sure they would fix everything wrong in the vanilla game.

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That controls/movement will always be a clunky experience, ArmA/DayZ are the only games I've played where it feels like I have to wait for an animation to play every time I do an action.

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Private server admins.


Avoid private servers or have your own private server maybe? :)


I have to agree with gibonez, my main fear is that the dev team/BI will cave into the "make everything convenient for me" type of demands of the casual noobs.

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underground bases...

I`m not sure I like this idea. I fear the "instances" world, the underground bases.

We will see...

Edited by NoCheats

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one of my personal "downfall-of-the-project-along-with-the-community"-ideas ;) are horses. i don't really know why we should need them and what the fuss is all about them? i don't even know how they should fit even so ideally into this scenario but Dean and the devs seem to have jumped on that bandwagon. the effort going into horses and their whole mechanic would be just ridiculous compared to the actual benefit imo.
but let's just see...

Edited by joe_mcentire
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My main fear is that the Devs will begin to listen to all the Carebear/Complaining people who frequent these forums and implement something horrible that would take the game in a totally different direction, ruining it for those who enjoy DayZ for what it is.


My reason is that I have been part of a multitude of games where the Devs wanting to please the masses A.k.a (Carebears/Whiners) and change the game's design or feel to that of something more family friendly and soft hearted, I like this game's direction, and can't wait to see it blossom further in the next few months/year.

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Ghost logging on public servers. I play the game solo, my friends don't like the game but I do. So I fear when the personal servers go live all the ghost loggers will be on the public servers and I will be stuck with them.... alone...

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Ghost logging on public servers. I play the game solo, my friends don't like the game but I do. So I fear when the personal servers go live all the ghost loggers will be on the public servers and I will be stuck with them.... alone...


Patch notes, read them.

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Definately ZOMBIES.


I fear they will never be the main threat, Dean maybe has to change the name of his game to DayA (Apocalypse). I honestly dont see them ever being the main threat, and that in my eyes is a huge problem. I feel bad for the players buying this game thinking its about zombies.

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one of my personal "downfall-of-the-project-along-with-the-community"-ideas ;) are horses. i don't really know why we should need them and what the fuss is all about them? i don't even know how they should fit even so ideally into this scenario but Dean and the devs seem to have jumped on that bandwagon. the effort going into horses and their whole mechanic would be just ridiculous compared to the actual benefit imo.


but let's just see...

For the "normal" Game I fear nothing. When horses come, than they work proper. If they work not proper, than he takes them out.

All money spend on the real world I fear nothing.

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the recent twitter from Dean implies more and respawning zeds in the "upcoming" patches. i would honestly prefer to keep them at the actual level (in terms of numbers, spawns etc.) as long as they are so incomplete and bugged as they are right at the moment. which benefits could we gain from more zeds in such a horrid state? this is basically THE ONE fear which almost everyone had initially: Standalone with the same bugged zeds... don't let that happen!

Edited by joe_mcentire
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I want to crap my pants going to cities because a clusterfuck of efficient Zombies are hungry for my flesh. Do I think it will ever happen? No :'(

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1: Lack of zombie mobs / too easy to survive


2: Gameplay Clunkiness:  never being able to break out of the Arma 2 system clunk (scroll wheel, slow animations, font from 1996, server lag, overall glitchiness)

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My fear is that it will be just a pvp map with zombies as a back drop and no threat.

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my only real "fear" is that hacking gets out of control, I know its way better than it ever was in the mod at the moment but it doesn't take much in a high stakes game like dayz for the experience to be ruined.

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My biggest fear that is the zombies and environment remain unchallenging.

^ This! 

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I fear:


That the game won't provide much for players who invest a lot of time into it.


Zombies remain in small amounts and as annoyance like in the mod.

That there never will be moments when i absolutely have to use my assault rifle against zombie hordes in order to get out of a town alive.

That i never have to team up with a stranger and say "i keep the zeds busy you go and grab what you can!"  :P


Surviving stays too easy. (non-violent death is very uncommon)


Night won't be having any real improvements.

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My biggest concern is the influx of new players that wants to make Dayz easier to play. I hope these players never become the majority. Dayz should stay as the anti-game.


Also, I hope the survival aspect in regards to man vs nature is developed much more. Right now there is no man vs nature survival.

Edited by svisketyggeren
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I really hope it doesn't turn into what I have seen with the Dayz mod... where people have NV goggles, helicopters, heat scopes, c4 and junk.   I really like the post-apocalyptic aspect of the game and would appreciate they keep some of the struggle, even moving about the map I think imposes certain decision making choices that is what makes the game worth playing.

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I'm worried that it will eventually turn into an Origins/Epoch hybrid with the number of comments Rocket has made about their "cool" stuff.


I'm worried there will be too many military weapons.


Zombies. (too much to say about this one so I won't)


No beards.  :|

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