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What are your biggest concerns and fears regarding the near/far future of the game?

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I read the road map report for the SA today, and there's going to be some cool change's coming. Also the SA will not be in beta for a year. So we might as well be patient.

GTA 5 is coming anyways. I don't know about you guys, but that's sure to keep me busy anyways. Its got online and heists too. Not even worried about day z, not going to rant about it. They got it under control. People need to understand this alpha, which most the time gamers don't even see alpha stage of a game. All considering its doing pretty good seeing its in alpha.

Here's the thing, if there were hiding stuff from us or being misleading I would be pist off. There not though. There pretty up front for better or worse and pretty transparent. They also are very clear it is early access and alpha, and that it will have glitches. They get some slack from me cause of this, so long as they stick to the road map.

So I'm not concerned at all really. Look we got a whole year before it even close full release...A year! Just take break if the game bugging you, play something else and come back in a while. Cause its going to be while lol no amount of forums bitching will change that.

Edited by CJFlint
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Partially agreed, CJFlint. There are many gamers that are a part of the pre-alpha and closed alpha phase of a project. An alpha usually doesn't last 2 years, though.

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Partially agreed, CJFlint. There are many gamers that are a part of the pre-alpha and closed alpha phase of a project. An alpha usually doesn't last 2 years, though.

Well if it is taking longer the normal I'm ok with that. Same thing with GTA getting put on hold again. Day Z dev team has not been misleading to me anyways. The road map was pretty clear on when things are going to added roughly and when issues are being addressed. Intact it looks like there going to go even more heavy handed on hacking in the next few months. Zombie are also getting addressed in next months as well.

To me its just a matter of patients, and not expecting much overnight. If were still saying the same thing next year...then it will be a different story.

Edited by CJFlint

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This is going to happen no matter what your fears are.

Yep. But I still also afraid it no matter what :blush:

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What really worries me is the public perception of the game.


Any kind of media related to this game has at least one person complaining. It's almost never relevant unless the purpose of the video/article is about problems with the game. And even worse, if you bring it up outside the official forums, you are pretty much guaranteed to be harassed especially if you try to defend it (I know, I've tried before). "Ha, look at the dumbass defending this buggy piece of shit!".


Seriously, I think Bohemia should pour a lot more money into PR so they can curbstomp this shit.

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The modding community should start out with ArmA if you want mil sim


You should stay away from the popular DayZ SA if you don't like "casual noobs"


We have unrealistic weapon behavior AND unrealistic zombies

in a completely NON-historic unrealistic environment... non of this ever existed, nothing in it is similar to any environmental situation that has ever existed .. it's a "game"


Maybe you could check up on zombies and tell us where they are manufactured, how many exist on the planet, what are their serial numbers and ranges, what modifications have been produced, what devices you can fit them with, and if they take crosswinds, air-temperature, humidity, and coreolis effect into account when they hit you, please...  ? 



I'm really sure some of those zombies are not completely realistic

and I'm certain that some of their hits should have been misses if they had been properly programmed to act according to the exact physics of real zombies



DayZ is not a mil sim.

please don't take offence at the above comments, I know you are a knowledgeable gun buff and I have no objection to that (why should I?). I apologize in advance if you don't see the humor of your own contribution

<< game = "realistic guns + realistic zombies + casual noobs" >>


The only comment that I really want to take you up on is the quote "casual noobs"   So BI is going to pander to "casual noobs" and wreck DayZ SA ? When ?

it seems one of your favorite concepts - the "influx of casual noobs"

I could reply "who the hell do you think you are?" but I apologize (again) in advance for even thinking such a thing. It was the first thing that came into my head when I read "casual noobs"..

And a day later it's STILL the thing that comes into my head.. so I thought I ought to mention it. Sorry.


xx pilgrim (casual noob, 945 hours)


The quoted comment was from almost a year ago. A time where the gun mechanics featured a magical cone of fire and weapon attachments that magically reduced dispersion.


At that time I did have fears the game was going to be made easy for the easy mode crowd.


However those fears have been pretty much eliminated. Comments from the developers and the actual games development has instilled confidence in the game.


The game looks to be the brutal, harsh, and unforgiving survival simulation many of us wanted.


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The quoted comment was from almost a year ago. A time where the gun mechanics featured a magical cone of fire and weapon attachments that magically reduced dispersion.


Which is why reviving old Topics is,,, derpy.

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