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no more alphas for me

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this is my last alpha, im going to stay here until the end but after this no more ;)


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Don't get mislead by the mechanics included. In the end of the day is all up to the players.

Better infected AI ( and some servers actually have a 3x increase in number ) are making new spawns life miserable unless there's someone half equipped to lend them a hand.

Nothing is an absolute and even on the future IF the features you imagine would be implemented ( and they will, let the team work the netcode so it can accommodate more player and AI infected ) you will have anyway to deal with humans and find situation and fight through.

There is no end for what other players can do. Even friendlies sometimes do surprising acts.

DayZ alpha if played with a carefree mindset is hugely worth the money paid.

( would get boring to do the same thing all the time, so why do it ? )

What the game needs is dynamic spawns, not continuous server restarts for the spawns to happen. That is a priority IMO.

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Alpha is what it is and they are doing things properly.

it is a stage for optimization, not really features.


so that being said, they are progressing just fine.


its too bad they have to pander to the, "i need more guns crowd"


we dont even have loot spawn timers yet...

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I see the guys point , it seems everything added so far is kind of bandit stuff like handcuffs, too much military weapons.

I know i know, once more melee/ Bow and arrow we will reduce military gear..

However i think difficulty is far far too low, this encourages PVP too much because survival is a 'walk in the park'

Food , drink need to be much rarer, as do guns and ammo. It should be a struggle to survive. Zombies should kill in 2 or 3 strikes max.

The zombies are also need so much damn work. They stand stationary until you go near them, even the old mod zombies could wander around roaming. I think the melee is slightly improved from mod, and the way they jog and not sprint is better. But they need to be harder, and more of them. You shouldnt be able to run circles around them because their turning circle is too slow.

I agree with OP to be honest, forget adding shotguns and more weapons and bandit stuff, Make the game harder, and add more zombies. Creating a challenging survival 'base' game rather than cranking up damage and stuff later. Its just too easy, its more like Wasteland at the minute.

The harder the better

This is what im saying

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You shouldnt be surprised by this in the very least you did after all open the alpha publicly on steam. How you didnt see it coming is beyond me. Since a majority of players are casual and dont give a crap if its alpha or not lol.


I don't think they saw it coming and by "it" I mean that 1.2 million people bying a game with allcaps warnings about "SERIOUS ISSUES AND POSSIBLE INTERRUPTIONS." I guess "casual" means Steam customers, who don't give a crap about what they are purchasing, they just buy anything that's the daily top seller without any thought or reason and then fueled by entitlement, run their ignorant mouths, because they bought something in complete blindness.


What happened to ignorance is bliss?


These days ignorance seems to be loud and stupid.

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Alpha is what it is and they are doing things properly.

it is a stage for optimization, not really features.

I see that a lot of people dont know read between lines...

so that being said, they are progressing just fine.

its too bad they have to pander to the, "i need more guns crowd"

we dont even have loot spawn timers yet...

Do you think new zombie skins, sprays, beer or new pvp weapons are optimizations? Edited by papazombie

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I expected that DAYZ wasn´t going to be like this but it takes the same road. in one month the core of the game is still the same; we have more shoes, more trousers, we can paint our mosin?!? more drinks with funny games but mothing important like a new AI zombie, a better melle combat system...

ummm... wild guess, but maybe because they take shitloads more time to test and implement properly than a goddamn spraycan? ever though of that?


after a month of early access release this game should be already in beta, right?

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well, this is my last alpha. I´ve been at warz before this and sadly at this moment it´s happening the same. they promise AI zombies is the first but patch after patch zombies are the great forgotten. 

The big problem with this prepaid prealphas is all players asking for things that they want to see ingame. Hardcore gamers want more pvp features and oldschool gamers more PVE improvements. Dev try to give a bit to all players and finally the game goes to no place. we never have a finish and polish game.


I expected that DAYZ wasn´t going to be like this but it takes the same road. in one month the core of the game is still the same; we have more shoes, more trousers, we can paint our mosin?!? more drinks with funny games but mothing important like a new AI zombie, a better melle combat system...

well, this is last prealpha for me :)

It is WAY too early to be making this kind of judgement on DayZ. It is possible that it might turn out the way you claim, but unlike WarZ, DayZ has developers that actually care about the game, and it's fans. WarZ was a cash grab from the start. 

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Zombies are getting better. Can devs fix the game besides the major patches, because I feel the assigned keys are more responsive than before...Maybe it's just me. I hope they hurry up tho. Even when they mess up it can be fun for us to test....


Yeah, the zombies are a constant work in progress, so they aren't mentioned in the patch notes, and are slowly getting better. I'm sure most of you noticed that they randomly started navigating around fences properly between the last 2 updates.

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Sooo, let me try to understand this, because i truly dont..

You are complaining about lack of progress, from an Alpha, which is a little over a month old and is littered with warnings, telling you not to buy it yet?
You are comparing it to WarZ, a game which, as mentioned in this thread, jumped to beta in a matter of months, with no additional content?
Do you realize Beta, in DayZ, isnt gonna hit till late 2014? we still have 1-2 years of development, down the road, before this is a "finished" game.

When i read thread like this all i can hear is:
"Its to slow progress, you should do this and this and this, instead of this and this and this"


And im sorry mate, but from reading your thread i seriously doubt you are any form of programming expert...
You where warned not to buy it yet, you where told it will be 1-2 years before its done and yet, you have the nerves to complain after a month, of what can only be described as a "giant stress test of the core architecture"?


I really think you need to sit down, calm down, and figure out why you lack any kind of patience. 

No matter how you look at it, it is simply to early to complain about anything.
Give BI 6 months and then start complaining about lack of content, if thats the case, but 1 month? really?


I think this is one of the core "flaws" in the younger generation theese days.
Basicly, they want everything, they want it perfect and they want it yesterday.
That, is far from how reality works.

Edited by Byrgesen
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I think this is one of the core "flaws" in the younger generation theese days.

Basicly, they want everything, they want it perfect and they want it yesterday.

That, is far from how reality works.


Ist because the "older Generation" is teaching them nothing besides "greed is good" and consumerism is king...

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Alphas should be banned.

DayZ should not have been released as is. People were too impatient. Most if the Dev video blogs looked better than the current build and had more items in. Look back at some of them you will see what I mean. Sometimes too much work done leads to bigger flaws.

Whats going on? First and foremost a fan and player of the Game.

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Do you think new zombie skins, sprays, beer or new pvp weapons are optimizations?

Do you think the people who work on new content work on bug fixes and optimisations. IF you answered yes, you would be wrong.

Failure to grasp how things work/


Alphas should be banned.

DayZ should not have been released as is. People were too impatient. Most if the Dev video blogs looked better than the current build and had more items in. Look back at some of them you will see what I mean. Sometimes too much work done leads to bigger flaws.

Whats going on? First and foremost a fan and player of the Game.

Nope but idiots posting idiotic posts should be banned!

Edited by Irenicus

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lol. I don't want to be a dick but you should have know what you are getting into.. An Alpha is an Alpha and what you are saying should be said if this game flops. not at this stage of development

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Alphas should be banned.

DayZ should not have been released as is. People were too impatient. Most if the Dev video blogs looked better than the current build and had more items in. Look back at some of them you will see what I mean. Sometimes too much work done leads to bigger flaws.

Whats going on? First and foremost a fan and player of the Game.

nope. people should just understand the deal with early access games. many of them don't; they think they paid $30 for an earlly alpha build.


NO YOU DID NOT. you funded the project, and you bought the final product. as a BONUS, you get to try a work-in-progress version of the game.

Edited by komadose
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Most of us actually want to see PVE progression with this game. PVP is just a side hobby. To be honest the main driving force of this game is the zombies. Without them its just another call of duty sim. And im sure allot of players dont want that to happen especially hard core zombie nuts like me.


I only bought this game for the zombies as i hope most others would have.


Not saying I disagree with you (Although I do disagree that there should be progression), but I do get a kick out of someone claiming to speak for a majority as if you somehow know.

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Sooo, let me try to understand this, because i truly dont..

You are complaining about lack of progress, from an Alpha, which is a little over a month old and is littered with warnings, telling you not to buy it yet?

You are comparing it to WarZ, a game which, as mentioned in this thread, jumped to beta in a matter of months, with no additional content?

Do you realize Beta, in DayZ, isnt gonna hit till late 2014? we still have 1-2 years of development, down the road, before this is a "finished" game.

When i read thread like this all i can hear is:

"Its to slow progress, you should do this and this and this, instead of this and this and this"


And im sorry mate, but from reading your thread i seriously doubt you are any form of programming expert...

You where warned not to buy it yet, you where told it will be 1-2 years before its done and yet, you have the nerves to complain after a month, of what can only be described as a "giant stress test of the core architecture"?


I really think you need to sit down, calm down, and figure out why you lack any kind of patience. 

No matter how you look at it, it is simply to early to complain about anything.

Give BI 6 months and then start complaining about lack of content, if thats the case, but 1 month? really?


I think this is one of the core "flaws" in the younger generation theese days.

Basicly, they want everything, they want it perfect and they want it yesterday.

That, is far from how reality works.


I agree 100%.  Freaking Call of Duty generation is ruining gaming.  Your last paragraph sums it up perfectly.

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Ist because the "older Generation" is teaching them nothing besides "greed is good" and consumerism is king...


And yet we have thousands of people telling you otherwise, right here....

Yes some people have gotten to greedy over the years, but its your own damn responsibility to become who you want to be, not follow the stream of braindead cattle, into the slaughter house mate.


how can People argue against adding Content ?


Who exactly are doing this?

As far as i can read the general concent here is: "Be patient, and dont complain about something thats suppose to be in alpha for almost a yer, after one damn month"

Am i missing something?

Ofc we want content, but it appears most people dont know anything about a roadmap, which companies use to develop theese things.

They have a timeline for new content, it will be here, and they have a timeline for bug "squashing", that time will come.

Patience guys, nothing truly great gets accomplished in a month, it takes years.

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they've never said that AI zombies will be upgraded as 1st...

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I guess I thought the abundance of "DO NOT BUY THIS GAME, IT'S ALPHER!" warnings that you get between looking at the game on Steam, buying it and then eventually reaching the main menu may have had some effect.

You would think but then consider a whole generation being taught by parents the word "NO" was just a suggestion.

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You want to see more zombies?  Post a complaint about the alpha you spent $30 on.  They come out in hordes.

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The Wall bug will be there in release version too - unless they get a new game engine, which I recommend; either Frostbite 3 that BF4 used, or Cryengine 3 that Star Citizen will use.

You don't have that low fps due to buildings in BF4 for example as you have in larger villages in Arma 3, and this standalone. 




Edited by Ori42

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