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"Friendlies" are just a bunch of lamers

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There is not a single reason not to be KOS. The majority of the people you meet will KOS. If they miss you, they are bad and deserve to be killed by the likes of you. If they don't miss you, you'll be the one to make a new character.


Prove me wrong.

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I am +9 in trustworthy allies since launch because I don't always KoS. Because I interact with others, I have people I can rely on from time to time who have proven themselves trustworthy. 

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Prove me wrong.


Don't need to.

When I play, I meet people. Sometimes we hang out. Sometimes we run away from each other. Sometimes something else happens.


I don't see a reason to kill other people on sight.


It's a game, we play it in different ways. No worries.

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Because when you run with someone else and you come against a KOS bandit, chances are they are going to be immediately dropped. Strength in numbers means you have to be friendly to someone. Good luck with running solo as a bandit...

Edited by Napalm Dog

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Don't need to.

When I play, I meet people. Sometimes we hang out. Sometimes we run away from each other. Sometimes something else happens.


I don't see a reason to kill other people on sight.


It's a game, we play it in different ways. No worries.

This man speaks the truth! 

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Because when you run with someone else and you come against a KOS bandit, chances arethey are going to be immediately dropped. Good luck with that...


Except if the KOS bandit shoots first and he is half-way decent, you are dead. If he misses, he deserves to be killed because he's too bad of a player to go on.


Prove me wrong.

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Also, it's not a matter of bad-assness, I'm just saying. People who insist on not shooting on other people in a half-dead zombie-game where there's little zombies to go around in the first place won't make far in any form of video games.


Your quotes are from few years back btw

Edited by Sinfulsebastian

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I shot an un-armed guy in the back earlier, my first time killing on sight.


Why? Because he has the same logic which I've posted a few times; "If I pretend I can't hear him offering me free weapons, food or water; and just run away instead, maybe it'll hurt his feelings and he'll leave me alone."


I offered him food, my water canteen and a handgun. I know he could understand English just fine because he was talking in English to one of my group members in Kamyshovo.

I saw the guy running toward Elektro so I started asking him, he just started running again and stop in 100 meters, I ran up to him and told him if he keeps running then I will shoot (For my own groups safety as several people have used this to lure us in to traps), he tried punching me and continued running; again stopping. I ran back up, question his reason to do so but he began taking off so I just shot him in to the back of the head and left him die whilst I walked in toward elektro..


Just a question for anybody that does what that guy done, running away whilst getting offered food, water and weapons; what the fuck is it all about? WHY do you do that? Especially if somebody or a group have their weapons aimed at you? Then you all complain about KoS, no-wonder it happens to you.

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You cannot be proved wrong in the fact that you prefer kos. Friendlies cannot be proved in the fact that they choose not too.

Here is a bunch of kos types we met in Elektro. Two more around the corner down the alleyway.


Prove me wrong.

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There is not a single reason not to be KOS. The majority of the people you meet will KOS. If they miss you, they are bad and deserve to be killed by the likes of you. If they don't miss you, you'll be the one to make a new character.

Prove me wrong.

Did u really think u where adding anything new to the forum when u posted that post?

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Also, it's not a matter of bad-assness, I'm just saying. People who insist on not shooting on other people in a half-dead zombie-game where there's little zombies to go around in the first place won't make far in any form of video games.


Your quotes are from few years back btw



I shoot other players.. I just prefer to interact with players rather than playing a deathmatch. Sometimes those interactions result in a gunfight. Sometimes they result in a friendship. Usually the result somewhere inbetween. If you want a deathmatch there are plenty of other games to do that in. COD, Counter-Strike, Battlefield; to name a few.


And, I've played several games competitively (In leagues) and won money at LAN tournaments. 


It doesn't take skill to shoot an unarmed player.

It doesn't take skill to shoot a man in the back while he's running away.

It doesn't take skill to snipe someone while they're looting from 400m away.


Anyone can do that shit, so if anyone couldn't handle other FPS games, it's people who run around getting their dick hard by KOSing every player they see and pretending to be "hardcore KOS bandits".. The type of players who hang out all day near the coast picking on fresh spawns are the same type who get their asses royally handed to them in a heads up fair gun fight where both groups are armed equally.


I can't tell you how to play.. Maybe you think it's fun to collect FlashLights off of fresh spawns.. Or maybe you're so bored with your day to day life that sitting on a hill in full camo with a sniper rifle and picking off 1 player every hour or so at the airfield is the highlight of your day, but I think I can speak for most people when I say: We're not impressed.


For me, DayZ is about the player interactions.. It's about building a character from the ground up and gaining a reputation as a player or as a squad, where people on your "home" server know they can trust you and know when shit hits the fan you have their back. It's fun to get a small group of organized players and control the majority of the vehicles on the map, wipe out peoples bases, and lay the smack down on bandits in Elektro who pick on noobs.. It's fun running into a new person and communicating through the tension. It's fun taking people hostage and watching what kind of action emerges from a chance encounter. 


If I just shoot people on sight, then none of those things are possible. If there's any life lesson to be learned from DayZ, it's that possessions are meaningless without people to share them with, and that friends/allies are more valuable than resources.

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...but u should've removed the clothes, nothin can beat a skinned trophy^^




btw, killing on sight REDUCES your gaming experience and potential of dayz.

...guns, ammo, food and other stuff u loose when u get killed, can be looted again.

the unique experience u may have had with that human player u shot for no reason however, is lost. ...forever.

Edited by RedNoak
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There is not a single reason not to be KOS. The majority of the people you meet will KOS. If they miss you, they are bad and deserve to be killed by the likes of you. If they don't miss you, you'll be the one to make a new character.


Prove me wrong.


If all I wanted was to play PvP, I'd go play Infestation Survivor Stories :P

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I shot an un-armed guy in the back earlier, my first time killing on sight.


Why? Because he has the same logic which I've posted a few times; "If I pretend I can't hear him offering me free weapons, food or water; and just run away instead, maybe it'll hurt his feelings and he'll leave me alone."


I offered him food, my water canteen and a handgun. I know he could understand English just fine because he was talking in English to one of my group members in Kamyshovo.

I saw the guy running toward Elektro so I started asking him, he just started running again and stop in 100 meters, I ran up to him and told him if he keeps running then I will shoot (For my own groups safety as several people have used this to lure us in to traps), he tried punching me and continued running; again stopping. I ran back up, question his reason to do so but he began taking off so I just shot him in to the back of the head and left him die whilst I walked in toward elektro..


Just a question for anybody that does what that guy done, running away whilst getting offered food, water and weapons; what the fuck is it all about? WHY do you do that? Especially if somebody or a group have their weapons aimed at you? Then you all complain about KoS, no-wonder it happens to you.

That isn't killing on sight, you made contact and he refused to comply. Your actions were justified.

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I feel the world would be a much better and beautiful place, if people were exactly like me.

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lamer such an old word. from 90's gaming. Same like sosos. op is oldie - hes words are wise!

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Also, it's not a matter of bad-assness, I'm just saying. People who insist on not shooting on other people in a half-dead zombie-game where there's little zombies to go around in the first place won't make far in any form of video games.


Everyone plays the game differently, that makes you blatantly wrong. The fact that you come here stating that your way is correct in a sandbox game shows your arrogance, ignorance and disrespect.

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Well I for one was in a school in Berezino or the city north/south of it and heard a guy coming up the stairs.  I shot him but he said he was friendly.  I bandaged him and said I have saline and IV start in my first aid kit.  While I put it down to get the stuff out, he took out his axe and hit me. Luckily I managed to escape, but this is probably going to make me shoot one more time in the future.

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I'm generally pretty friendly in-game. I've been a comedian for years, and I'm not saying I'm a really special wacky guy, but some I've had some real great laughs with fellow survivors- especially when they play along with my bullshit. There's loads of hilarious shit up on Youtube.


Lots of creative people play DayZ, and when you run into them the game can become really funny.


The entire reason I'm generally not KOS is because the chance that you'll hold somebody out who turns out to be hilarious is just so great. All of my best mmorpg memories with my online peeps are from ridiculous player interactions, and DayZ with voice chat is pretty much the best medium ever for mmo comedy.


Maybe you're just boring or suck. 

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There is not a single reason not to be KOS. The majority of the people you meet will KOS. If they miss you, they are bad and deserve to be killed by the likes of you. If they don't miss you, you'll be the one to make a new character.


Prove me wrong.

You're wrong! There, now p*** off.

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lamer such an old word. from 90's gaming. Same like sosos. op is oldie - hes words are wise!

Everything old is new again!

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The entire reason I'm generally not KOS is because the chance that you'll hold somebody out who turns out to be hilarious is just so great. All of my best mmorpg memories with my online peeps are from ridiculous player interactions, and DayZ with voice chat is pretty much the best medium ever for mmo comedy.



Saw an unarmed player in a restaurant in Zelenogorsk just standing behind the counter. Walked in with a can of beans in hand and in my best fake British accent, opened with:


ME: "Hello, I wish to register a complaint. Hello, Miss."

THEM: "What you mean, Miss?" <- without missing a beat!

ME: "I'm sorry. I have a cold."


What followed was a full re-enactment in DayZ of Monty Python's Dead Parrot sketch subtly changed to accommodate the can of beans.


Now I don't know who this guy was, and it doesn't particularly matter. The fact is, this is why I play this game. KoS-kiddies are a dime a dozen, and when they kill you it's no big thing. But this guy created an experience that I'll remember for a good long while.

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There is not a single reason not to be KOS. The majority of the people you meet will KOS. If they miss you, they are bad and deserve to be killed by the likes of you. If they don't miss you, you'll be the one to make a new character.


Prove me wrong.

Players choose to be friendly because DayZ is supposed to be more than just killing everyone you see. They are trying to encourage people to interact with other players in more ways than just blowing each other's heads off.There are plenty of other shooters where that is precisely the objective. I'm saying this as a KoS player, and I'll continue to KoS until the developers add more incentive to work with other players, but I respect friendlies, and won't kill them if they approach me. 

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