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OrLoK's Random Thread -

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Hello there


To keep the forum clean of "hilarious" gifs/posts etc, we usually have one thread to rule them all.


This one will suffice as the other official one is in the dayz mod section.


Please use this play area.


Usual rules still apply.





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Something random, c'mon something random Dedcell, It's your third post and you're like second on this thread do something original!
Edit- Fuck.

Edited by Dedcell

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Edit: wait, I thought this was the new Demongroover. Whatever :lol:

Edited by Gews
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To keep the forum clean of "hilarious" gifs/posts



Orlok... ._.




Edited by GOD™
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Deamon Groovers thread indeed still rules the roost, but his is in the mod section.


Plus after having to nom many daft posts, id thought Id let you chaps and chapesses blow off steam. We may get merged with the DG thread at some stage.



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We know how to ramble! :P


I love this place <3 Happy new year

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Slightly enebriated, Lok you shouldn't have done that.

Edited by Zarniwoop
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Anyone ever wonder why the DayZ forum has such a large number of military men and hardcore outdoor enthusiasts?

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Edited by Hetstaine
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Oh no..fuck animated ponies. Kill them all. 

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Close enough!

A very handsome chap indeed.



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Aaaahh the Greek Television sillyness.... lel :P

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There was a baby Raptor. You see, this was not any ordinary twenty first century baby Raptor either. Its guardians had been killed in the great Schnitzel war, in which the dinosaur population and the loathed apes warred for a mouldy schnitzel eaten by Kaiser Wilhelm the II.


This Baby Raptor was left on the body of a ape who had been shot whilst having a pee in a bush. It was picked up after 4 days by a mass migration of "Forumers" who recently had been driven from their mighty bastion of a home called "The Normal part of the internet", you may think "Who was the leader of this all?!".


Rocket, thats bloody hell who.



Lifted by Rocket, who then quoted "This thing looks dangerous, the army never fucking taught me how to deal with this. You have it Matt". Matt (Who was Rockets maid) then had deep visions of the enslavement of humanity once he touched its scaly skin. So he threw it to the Horseman OrLoK, a old Shaman who had enjoyment in LEGO, who then stated "Bet a fiver this thing can post more than Fraggle in a month" and kept it in his coat pocket whilst laughing at the can of beans with legs trotting behind him powerfully.



The Forumers had finally settled down in a dark forest, and so lived like Ewoks (Just more menacing). The baby Raptor had eaten all the other babies on the trip for snacks, and so everyone used him as a example of love and kindness. Hetstaine taught him how to hunt Huntsman spiders, Steak taught him how to cut down trees. KoS taught him how to shoot three men whilst jumping through the air whilst Johnny Cash was playing, (now this was bit of a problem as every time The Ring of fire played, he would go and practise). 


The great Horse shaman and the other mods, and one non mod who had a alcohol problem and put up Youtube videos. They discussed the naming of the baby raptor, from things like Zombiesaurus or, Crazy Dinosaur with a Nazi problem. Until they came up with a name.


"Yeah, Dave…nice name, cheers mate. Yeah this is just one of those internet things. Ill pay you at the pub, alright."


It was...


Wolfensteinsaurus, also known as Wolf boy, Wolfie, and Wolfy.


Once it was decided, the Raptor now decended into adulthood, and said one thing. "Kill all humans", now: of course they all Awwwwed, as in Raptor its just Cough Roar and cough. As soon as this was decided, Rocket flew in and gave Wolfy 2 traits, one a wish and one a curse. LoK shouted out "I WANT TO BEAT FRAGGLE AT DEM POST COUNTZ" which royally fucked things up as now Wolfy can post at the speed of light. The curse though…that was much darker. 


They cursed him to include Hitler in every thread and act like a Fascist with dreams of world domination.



But once this was done. The forumers accepted Wolfy as a member, and now he is classed as a forum god.

With words in carved into his scales as a job for the forums.




Omnibus qui sit carnifex in foro denuntiat periculum DayZ omnipotens, et vivificet eum, et arma mortem operari.


Erucae scopulos, amen.

Edited by Wolfensteinsaurus
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