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Guns I Dont / Want To See In The Game

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  On 12/28/2013 at 3:29 PM, MSFOneBadBastard said:

Wow...Cries about the DMR and AS-50 , shows 5+ rifles that he wants to see in-game...



Anyone see how much of a fucktard he is already?

You sir are an asshole...

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DMR doesn't mean it has to be the one we had in the mod. Could be a Russian variant for all I care, as long as it's 7.62 and has a similar rate of fire.


Something like this perhaps



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  On 12/28/2013 at 3:29 PM, MSFOneBadBastard said:

Anyone see how much of a fucktard he is already?

Insulting members is not a wise thing to do around here.

Just don't do it.

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To be honest, I am fine with any gun, within reason.


One thing I would like to bring up though, Rocket has mentioned the possibility of a hive managed loot inventory for exceedingly rare items, in order to control exactly how many exist across all servers, it is usually mentioned in regard to NVGs.

But basically the way it works is, you have 200 allowed NVGs at any time in the game, and it is distributed to random servers on the hive, not all at once mind you, but it'll have a low chance to spawn.

Once all 200 NVGs exist in game, no more will spawn, until some are lost via item damage or say, despawn from the world, then it will allow more to spawn again, all controlled by the hive, rather then individual servers.


For weapons like DMRs, if they are ever added, will likely be part of this system, so you can limit how many exist globally in the economy.


Now, last I heard of this was many months ago, its possible this global hive controlled loot spawns might have been scrapped, hopefully not as I like the idea, but just keep that in mind.

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Personally, I'd love to see this baby! :D


Edited by phoboss
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I definitely support the "more civilian weapons" theory.  I think the game would be much more balanced and entertaining if most people were limited to civilian weaponry.  And it makes more sense even with the many military installations around.  


And by civilian, we can still find M4's.  Just semi-auto versions as opposed to their full auto counterparts.

And definitely yes on the hunting rifles.

My family is much more gun oriented than most families (my father is a Gunsmith).  But at any given time we own a great variety of weapons.  In our prime we had:

3x M1 Garands

3x M14s

2x Remington 870s (one an express tactical, the other a standard with wood stock/grips)

3x WWII era Colt 1911's

2x Colt AR-15s chambered in 5.56

3x M1 Carbines

2x Cheap .22 pistols (damn things always jammed)

1x 9mm Browning Automatic

1x Glock G22 .40 cal

Some odd .44 mag rifle with optics, couldn't tell you what it was.

And also 9x (yes, at one point NINE) German K98 Mausers.

Not to mention a WWII Japanese Officer Samurai Sword, and a variety of knives.



Now we're gun lovers, so this is a bit extreme.  But just about everyone I know owns some sort of firearm.  So civilian weaponry should be much more plentiful than military grade.  I'd love to see the full-auto M4's toned down a bit.

EDIT:  I'd have to give a healthy "No" to the Pancor Jackhammer.  It was an experimental weapon that never took off.  Finding one in the entire world would be very difficult, let alone this small area of Russia.  There are other semi-auto shotguns you could implement, but any of them might be a *tad* over powered.  Easily walk into a room and clear out 4 guys who were fully armed with M4s.

I'm very okay with just having a standard double-barrel that is very common, followed by the 870 which is already planned, and maybe a Mossberg 500 since they are very common for hunting and home defense.

As far as the mossberg/870 go, I sincerely hope we either see tactical variants or in the very least, upgrades such as a pistol grip tactical stock and foregrip/magazine extensions/tactical lights.  Just like you find the alternative pieces to the M4.  Being as the 870 is the highest selling shotgun in the world, I wouldn't see this as unrealistic.

Edited by Bakercompany86
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Crossbow + bow thats all that should be added to the game, take out the m4 and make mosin as rare as as50 used to be in the mod.

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  On 12/28/2013 at 4:08 PM, SolidOwlPL said:

Crossbow + bow thats all that should be added to the game, take out the m4 and make mosin as rare as as50 used to be in the mod.

Crossbow is already planned, which is cool.

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The number of sniper rifles in this thread is TOO DAMN HIGH.


Do not put a bunch of sniper rifles into DayZ.  Please.  That was the lamest part about the mod.  If you want giant maps where you can snipe people all day long, play Battlefield 4.  This is a zombie apocalypse survival game.


1 or 2 sniper rifles is plenty.  They should be rare, the parts should be rarer, and they should require constant maintenance to keep in working order so if you want to be a sniper, you have to troll around cities trying to find parts to keep your gun working.  It should be hard to amass more than 5 or 10 rounds at a time.

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I'm seeing way to much military grade hardware. Half the pogs I know couldn't level one if these properly, let alone the average gamers.

We need civilian arms. Where's my thirty aut six? Four o eight? Snares, bear traps, etc.

You bring in the big guns, you turn us into a call of duty mindset, which people already have. I've already seen one popular streamer complaining of having to eat, drink, and gather his gear.

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  On 12/28/2013 at 4:18 PM, fooferz said:

The number of sniper rifles in this thread is TOO DAMN HIGH.


Do not put a bunch of sniper rifles into DayZ.  Please.  That was the lamest part about the mod.  If you want giant maps where you can snipe people all day long, play Battlefield 4.  This is a zombie apocalypse survival game.


1 or 2 sniper rifles is plenty.  They should be rare, the parts should be rarer, and they should require constant maintenance to keep in working order so if you want to be a sniper, you have to troll around cities trying to find parts to keep your gun working.  It should be hard to amass more than 5 or 10 rounds at a time.



I don't care if there are 30 sniper rifles in the game, as long as they are all bolt action hunting rifles like the CZ550.

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Honestly i would like to see a huge array of weapons in game (if loot is your level in game then there needs to be variety to make it interesting) its the rarity that matters i dont want to see large bands of guys mil armed and with only 2 or 3 weapons always seen.


There should be far more civilian guns floating around double barrel shot guns hunting rifles various pistols of a civ nature(and country of origin in rarity eg you find russian civ and mil weapons more than some of these exotics but the exotics should be there in microscopic amounts for that super rare find.


But i have faith in the devs that they will find a happy medium of what there putting in.

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  On 12/28/2013 at 4:18 PM, Ineedscoffee said:

I'm seeing way to much military grade hardware. Half the pogs I know couldn't level one if these properly, let alone the average gamers.

We need civilian arms. Where's my thirty aut six? Four o eight? Snares, bear traps, etc.

You bring in the big guns, you turn us into a call of duty mindset, which people already have. I've already seen one popular streamer complaining of having to eat, drink, and gather his gear.

Agreed.  I don't know about Russia, but just about everyone here in the south has some form of Rifle in their house.

As to the comment above about "Sniper Rifles" they're really just "Rifles".  They only become a Sniper Rifle in the hands of a trained Sniper.  

And if you walk into just about any firearm carrying store, you'll see that those types of rifles are by far the most abundant.  Even Wal-Mart has a wide selection of them (in addition to hunting shotguns, and usually 1 or 2 semi-auto AR-15s/M4s).

Having said that, I think it's perfectly acceptable to find semi-automatic AK-47s.  If I had to wager, they are probably the most abundant "assault rifle" in the world.

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Most games balance a sniper rifle's power and range with a decreased effective rate of fire.


I hated seeing people dancing around in close combat with a AS50 or hearing the characteristic sound of a one shot one kill DMR sniper going Bam... Bam... BAM BAM BA BA BA BA BA BAM BAM... BAM... BAM.

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  On 12/28/2013 at 4:28 PM, Bakercompany86 said:

I don't know about Russia, but just about everyone here in the south has some form of Rifle in their house. [...]

And if you walk into just about any firearm carrying store, you'll see that those types of rifles are by far the most abundant.  Even Wal-Mart has a wide selection of them (in addition to hunting shotguns, and usually 1 or 2 semi-auto AR-15s/M4s).


I dont think that many other countries beside the USA do have guns next to the bread in a supermarket. In fact weapons are not very common in the EU. Especially here in Germany.


Weapons should be rare. It's not the US. Right now its far to easy to get a waepon.

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  On 12/28/2013 at 3:41 PM, Gews said:

Something like this perhaps



Sure, one with a wooden grip and stock, though. But since the Dragunov in the mod had a lower rate of fire than the DMR, and had a much smaller mag I refrained from naming it.

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I would like to see a bigger emphasize on handguns. I think in the mod Rifles were a bit too common. But i think in reality you would find more handguns than rifles. That would change pvp in a great scale imo. Since the maximum range of a handgun is 50 to 80 meters.

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  On 12/28/2013 at 4:53 PM, Neew said:

I dont think that many other countries beside the USA do have guns next to the bread in a supermarket. In fact weapons are not very common in the EU. Especially here in Germany.


Weapons should be rare. It's not the US. Right now its far to easy to get a waepon.

Yeah but it's Russia.  I don't know anyone from there, so I'm purely speaking from what I've seen and read.  But there are many youtube videos that show Russian citizens with firearms.  Plus the country to me always seemed kind of lawless and chaotic, but again I know nothing of the true nature of Russia.

If this were Germany, I could understand not finding any firearms :)

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  On 12/28/2013 at 5:01 PM, Ratiasu said:

Sure, one with a wooden grip and stock, though. But since the Dragunov in the mod had a lower rate of fire than the DMR, and had a much smaller mag I refrained from naming it.


The guy who made the upcoming AK-74M was also working on an SVD model, with a polymer stock... it's possible it could also be intended for DayZ.

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I want civilian weapons, handguns, but also military weapons. It has to have variation. Not 10 kinds of bolt actions and 15 kinds of 9mm and civilian shotguns... The attachment system is pretty much proof we'll have more military weapons than some people here would like.

  On 12/28/2013 at 5:10 PM, Gews said:

The guy who made the upcoming AK-74M was also working on an SVD model, with a polymer stock... it's possible it could also be intended for DayZ.



Hm, I'm not the type to make a fuss about it tbh, just would fit the "old" soviet country setting more I think. But like I said: it's a detail, still cool.

Edited by Ratiasu

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