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Third person view removal from SA discussion

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Its not its presence....its the fact it had continued to be present for those 10 years. Its a popular feature. And im sorry but weather your play style is catered for or not is completely relevent. As it stands you can have you experience of  hardcore, I can have my 3rd.....give me 1 good reason to strip 3rd person away now that we have the server options.....just 1...

Seperate hives and the problem with having one or few players in your group who won't play on 1st person only servers for life which is maybe THE issue over all other issues, because that creates a lot of gravity towards 3PP enabled servers to the point they suck 1st person only ones dry as happened in the mod.

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Seperate hives and the problem with having one or few players in your group who won't play on 1st person only servers for life which is maybe THE issue over all other issues, because that creates a lot of gravity towards 3PP enabled servers to the point they suck 1st person only ones dry as happened in the mod.


Theres only 2 reasons the servers would be unpopulated....1) The friends issue....had it myself on vanilla arma2, but more for game-modes.....some friends refuse to play domination....some refuse to play CTI. But that dosent stop me enjoying them alone or with other friends.


2) and i think the most likely......a small minority are making a mountain out of a molehill....the demand simply isnt there for 1st only. Even knowing this from the mods the devs have added the option.


But some poeple still arent happy....hey it didnt work on a small scale....let do it to the whole game....dont get it lol 

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1st person view in this game is totally gimped IMO because the sounds are glitchy and the character controls are too clunky and slow.


The glitched sounds further reduces your 1st person situational awareness couppled with the slow character controls and reaction time is cut to a point that you almost cant defend yourself.


If people want to call that "hardcore mode" I guess they can but shitty game mechanics doesnt equate to hardcore IMO.

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There's a reason there's only 1 first person server left in the mod. Because nobody plays first person except a VERY small minority.

If you take out 3rd person from DayZ the game will tank. That simple.


It won't tank. What a bunch of sensationalized BS.


You have some posters here threatening to leave the game if it's changed to first person only but I guarantee none of them actually leave. They'll force themselves to play it and within an hour they'll be totally used to it. 


Again, what people don't understand is that people like me and bad_mojo aren't trying to force a playstyle over the other.. it's arguing that the 3rd person view is absolutely wrong for a survival game. It completely takes out the risk factor of turning a corner haphazardly and running into another player or zombie. It has as much to do with ambiance as it does with the PvP 'cheapness' aspect of basically wall hacking. As what has been said multiple times, it's doing what's best for the game as a whole.


Frankly, the fact that some people like looking at their character as it animates in the world isn't and shouldn't be a valid reason for keeping something so cheap in the game. It would be servers giving you the choice to see how much ammo you have, health, blood, hunger, thirst, player tags, etc on screen versus a "hardcore" server that has none of that (which is what we have now).. And then everyone piles into the former because it's easier despite being cheap..

And then you guys say "Well just go into the hardcore servers, what's the big deal?" despite the hardcore servers being complete ghost towns because people will always always ALWAYS join popular servers over their preferred server settings.


In short.. it sucks for people like us. During PRIME TIME hours on Saturday (last night), the most populated 3PP:OFF server that I could find at 17 people in it. It's only been a few days since they were implemented and they are already becoming extinct. 

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1st person view in this game is totally gimped IMO because the sounds are glitchy and the character controls are too clunky and slow.


The glitched sounds further reduces your 1st person situational awareness couppled with the slow character controls and reaction time is cut to a point that you almost cant defend yourself.


If people want to call that "hardcore mode" I guess they can but shitty game mechanics doesnt equate to hardcore IMO.


It's not even close to being that bad.


Infact, I would go as far as calling bullshit that you've even played on a first person server. At the moment you can tell when you hear a zombie sound glitch. It's short and it gets cut off. Same with all the other sound glitches like guns reloading and cans popping. It's seriously no different than in a 3PP:ON server.


As for character controls.. you honestly just need to learn how to use free look more often. When going into a room, don't turn your entire body to get around, just look around in free look. I can walk into a room, free look and scan it for items within seconds and then simply leave or move on without any sort of trouble or hesitation. It's really not that hard.


The problem is people are barreling into houses and trying to twitch move their way around it in 1st person as they would in a game like BF4 or CoD. Stop comparing that kind of 1st person to DayZSA 1st person.

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All that is cured with 1st only server.....you all want 1st only....then get on those 1st servers and show up that they will be populated. But they NEVER do, as other people have said the ones that have been out fr what....a week...less?? are already de-populating. 


You want to play dayz first only.....you can......i want to play 3rd....i can.....tell me again why i should loose 3rd because a VERY SMALL amount of people prefer 1st. AND after the devs hav kindly provided for this minority.

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Nametags....disabled.....built in arma 2 option on expert servers

Squads......spawn as an un grouped individual.......anyone can do that on the editor

What markes?? the ones you place....in arma vanilla

What teams?? dont get that one

HUD....Yes very intuative and an awsome creation.......never made it into arma 2 and didnt appear in arma 3

Inventory......very nicely reskinned......but only late in the mods life......never made it into arma 3....in fact dayz SA uses closer to A3's inventyory system.

What missions?

Mutiplayer architecture in the mod was completly vanilla arma.....hence the reason to make the SA


Il give you the last one ;)


Dayz didnt change Arma2, if i fire up combined opps there isnt a hint of dayz in there atall.



Who is going to exploit 3rd person on your 1st person server? answer NOBODY


Sigh. I equate nametags to 3rd person view. They're both things added to the game to help the player navigate the virtual world or identify others. While identifying friendlies without nametags, or navigating the world in first person view are more difficult, they're not impossible. So, I don't think they should be relied upon. If those things are in the game, they will be taken into consideration by the developers when new features are added. If they split the hive/game into regular & hardcore, you suddenly have two directions for the developers to consider. I feel like consistency is important in such a unique game.


You asked for differences in arma/dayz. So I named things that DayZ removed or changed from vanilla arma2. I'm kind of confused by your replies. I guess you thought because some things worked amazingly in dayz, they should be reverted back to arma2 or integrated into arma3? Arma has always been a completely open military playground. Endless possibilities in customizing that game to suit your exact taste. Then there's DayZ, a consistent experience across the board.


I don't really know a whole lot about Arma2, but I do know that the mutiplayer in dayz wasn't the same as vanilla Arma2. The AI zombies you encountered in DayZ were controlled by a players system. In vanilla Arma2, the AI is controlled by the server.




How about you answer me a question? Why is it vital 3rd person remains in DayZ?(besides disappointing people obviously)

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All that is cured with 1st only server.....you all want 1st only....then get on those 1st servers and show up that they will be populated. But they NEVER do, as other people have said the ones that have been out fr what....a week...less?? are already de-populating. 


You want to play dayz first only.....you can......i want to play 3rd....i can.....tell me again why i should loose 3rd because a VERY SMALL amount of people prefer 1st. AND after the devs hav kindly provided for this minority.


Like I said.. people choose populated servers over server preference.


If the norm becomes "US EAST 200+ VEHICLES MURDER KILLROOM SERVER!!" then you will see those full all the time too.


Is that good for the game? No.


EDIT - people always choose the path of least resistance. And once that path has been trail blazed.. people will choose the path of popularity.


Since 1st person "hardcore" servers are the exact opposite of "path of least resistance", they will never be populated. Then that problem is exaggerated by the fact that the most populated 3PP:OFF servers will be about 15-20 servers down the list when sorted by popularity. It doesn't even get a fair shake.

Edited by serenityrick
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The problem is people are barreling into houses and trying to twitch move their way around it in 1st person as they would in a game like BF4 or CoD. Stop comparing that kind of 1st person to DayZSA 1st person.


I would never compare a first person view that actually works to DayZSA :P

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Sigh. It was promising at first.. I Favorited several full 3PP:OFF servers once they went live and now, only a few days later they are either empty or have been switched back over to 3PP:ON

This honestly sucks.

Of course the 1st person servers are already empty. People tend to forget that the vast majority of players don't even bother coming to the forums to discuss the issue.

Most of them are very happy playing 3rd person and will not play in 1st person. There's no point in trying to change it. The devs know what players want and unfortunately for a small group of players who come to these forums it's not what they want.

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One "fix" they could implement is having TWO tabs at the server screen at the top and START people on the 3PP:OFF tab.. and in that tab is nothing but 3PP:OFF servers. I mean, it could very well be that people don't even know that first person servers exist in the first place as they are pretty hard to see amongst the sea of 3rd person servers.


It won't fix it of course.. but at least it would be a lot easier to see the 1st person servers and people would physically have to switch over to a 3PP:ON tab to see 3PP servers. It might help populate them a bit more until they figure out a way to fix 3rd person.

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Why are people arguing about this when there are 1st person only servers?


You should see the behemoth threads that have been in the past on the subjects. Some of the best discussions on this forum has spawned in them. :)

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Sigh. It was promising at first.. I Favorited several full 3PP:OFF servers once they went live and now, only a few days later they are either empty or have been switched back over to 3PP:ON


This honestly sucks.

I do screenshot of 3PP:OFF server list 3 minute ago

is 4 page of server more than 10 having 20 player or more also 4 full or almost full ones ;)

is healthy compare with dayzmod

and new guys coming for try everyday

also when separate hive happen too many guys will use because is giving extra character for them :thumbsup:  :D

so don't be so negative ;)


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One "fix" they could implement is having TWO tabs at the server screen at the top and START people on the 3PP:OFF tab.. and in that tab is nothing but 3PP:OFF servers. I mean, it could very well be that people don't even know that first person servers exist in the first place as they are pretty hard to see amongst the sea of 3rd person servers.


It won't fix it of course.. but at least it would be a lot easier to see the 1st person servers and people would physically have to switch over to a 3PP:ON tab to see 3PP servers. It might help populate them a bit more until they figure out a way to fix 3rd person.


That i have absolutly no problem with.(well you would say start them on the 1st tab.....id say start em on the 3rd....they can read :P) But what i dont get is why the whole thing has to go to 1st person. 1st players got there dedicated servers with a whole hive shard to boot. Thats a great reason to say thanks...now i can enjoy playing 1st person....not try to encourage the complete removal of 3rd because those servers are empty.

Edited by Karmaterror

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One "fix" they could implement is having TWO tabs at the server screen at the top and START people on the 3PP:OFF tab.. and in that tab is nothing but 3PP:OFF servers. I mean, it could very well be that people don't even know that first person servers exist in the first place as they are pretty hard to see amongst the sea of 3rd person servers.


It won't fix it of course.. but at least it would be a lot easier to see the 1st person servers and people would physically have to switch over to a 3PP:ON tab to see 3PP servers. It might help populate them a bit more until they figure out a way to fix 3rd person.


They could go the route of GTA5 and whichever view you set in the options menu is the servers it displays.

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I would never compare a first person view that actually works to DayZSA :P


Those views "work" because those are arcade games. You can't 360 no scope in DayZ nor should you be able to. 


Besides, the DayZSA 1st person view works fine if you're playing correctly. You can't side step strafe at 30 mph or bunny hop or spin 180 degrees like you're on ice but nor should you be able to. If you're clearing out buildings or tents or moving up on someone, it's not only fine but works beautifully. Checking your corners, side stepping slowly around corners while you "slice the pie" moving past a room.. that all works. It works fine.


Again.. people are way too used to 3rd person ghosting a room or area, seeing someone then walking into it firing from the hip in the exact location of an enemy. That is not good for gameplay and frankly not good for the game.

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I do screenshot of 3PP:OFF server list 3 minute ago

is 4 page of server more than 10 having 20 player or more also 4 full or almost full ones ;)

is healthy compare with dayzmod

and new guys coming for try everyday

also when separate hive happen too many guys will use because is giving extra character for them :thumbsup:  :D

so don't be so negative ;)



I wouldn't connect to any one of those because of the latency though. I only look at US servers and last night, the most full US server with 3PP:OFF had 17 people in it.


EDIT - All I got from that screenshot is that Russia loves 1st person only servers. Probably the only thing I envy of them, lol

Edited by serenityrick

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I wouldn't connect to any one of those because of the latency though. I only look at US servers and last night, the most full US server with 3PP:OFF had 17 people in it.

ok is unlucky for you if geography is problem :|

I know in Australia also is problem and US have too many timezone spread guys around

but give time ;)

separate hive WILL INCREASE PLAYER BASE :thumbsup:  :)

also all this guys who bitch about kill on sight begin to realise 3PP:OFF server make ambush player more difficult and more high risk ;)

I never see dayz with soo many guys play 1st person only and this make me positive for future :)

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Again.. people are way too used to 3rd person ghosting a room or area, seeing someone then walking into it firing from the hip in the exact location of an enemy. That is not good for gameplay and frankly not good for the game.



Again....how would that effect you in any way, shape or form when playing on a 1st person server?? It wouldnt....problem solved. 

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Again....how would that effect you in any way, shape or form when playing on a 1st person server?? It wouldnt....problem solved. 


I do play on 1st person servers so it doesn't affect me.


What does affect me is... well.. look at that screen shot. That sucks massive dick.

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