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Third person view removal from SA discussion

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CAUSE THE FREAKING 3RD PERSON IS A EXPLOIT, and EVERYBODY takes the easy route. Say to me: What's the difference between 3rd person and the bullshit mod servers where you spawn with tons of gear?


explain to me why those servers are the most populated? EXPLAIN TO ME, I DARE YOU!


Because now your on your own hive with no 3rd person users.....whats the problem.....why remove from the other servers aswell??

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Sigh, now it starts all over again.

Edited by Ken Bean

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Nope, it's like we have already two movies but that one movie is so unpopular that it tries to ban the other.

The analogiy is not fitting anyway because nobody has a problem to watch a movie in solitude. So cut the crap please.

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Well you are clearly in the minority. As I said this experement has already been tried and failed on the MOD.  There is obviously a reason for it.  You think its cause people like the crutch of seeing around corners and I think its cause the controls suck.


Either way why should the minority dictate to the majority? You guys already have your servers, you should be happy with that.  If no one populates them then, so sad too bad.

Because this is not a democracy, ultimately the devs will either let us pick, or lock it down to one setting (which i hope they do) and no amount of crying will change it.

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You are still really annoying.


Forcing would work perfectly. And you'd have choice. The choice to play 1st person or leave. Would work fine with me, as my preferred mode would prevail. The choice would be in my favor and I could give less than a fuck to the whining and bitching of 3PP lovers. Why should there be any change if anything is like I want it to be? 

Sadly it's the exact opposite situation.


One hive gives more choice inside of it. More servers, more players more everything.


I said nothing about difficulty. As for me there should only be one difficulty: extremely fucking hard but plausible! No bullshit!


Yeah, and more ways to hoard items.


I'm for separated hives for each difficulty.



As for me there should only be one difficulty: extremely fucking hard but plausible! No bullshit!


So you try to remove that other difficulties...

Are you aware that as a result, the only remaining difficulty might be eased down a lot?

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As for the popular "casualized" DayZ servers, they're a non-issue because there are still populated servers that don't have that.


Yet you simply can not find a populated first person server at all. It's not a proper comparison, so stop using it. That alone shows that plenty of people don't just go the easiest route, some people enjoy vanilla DayZ over 500 cars and 30 helis, that's plain to see. Even with first person servers in both the mod and the SA it seems people don't stick around and I'm sure they have their reasons.


As I've said before, I know two guys personally who get nauseous with ArmA first person as it is. How this thread can keep going is beyond me.



I'm all for limiting what you can see even while in third person. People seem to support making it so you can't use the third person exploits while still being third person. Let's try that instead. If your character can't see someone, then you can't see them. I think most people like that.



Forcing would work perfectly. And you'd have choice. The choice to play 1st person or leave. Would work fine with me, as my preferred mode would prevail.


Is that a serious statement?

Edited by Diggydug

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You are still really annoying.


Forcing would work perfectly. And you'd have choice. The choice to play 1st person or leave. Would work fine with me, as my preferred mode would prevail. The choice would be in my favor and I could give less than a fuck to the whining and bitching of 3PP lovers. Why should there be any change if anything is like I want it to be? 

Sadly it's the exact opposite situation.


One hive gives more choice inside of it. More servers, more players more everything.


I said nothing about difficulty. As for me there should only be one difficulty: extremely fucking hard but plausible! No bullshit!


And there we go again.....1st or leave....whats with you people. 


Want to punish players that are enjoying the game perfectly well without the bieng forced into 1st. 


Our impact on your gampleay experiance, with seprate hives - NONE


Your impact on our game play by pushing this agenda - HUGE


You are being greedy as hell, you knew 1st was a niche, the mod proved that....the SA is doing a good job of proving it aswell. 

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Simple fact of the matter is that TPV seems to counter everything Dayz stands for.


Dayz appears to be a hardcore survival game with zombies then it goes ahead and includes an insanely immersion breaking feature like tpv.


One that lets you gain advantages over other players while remaining completely safe.


What they should do is improve fpv so its more viable, increase the default fov, remove blur and head bob.


Then remove tpv, brace for backlash for a week or so and eventually players will adapt.


Not only will players adapt but the game will be better for it. This is the most important part no more stupid firefights where people just wait each other out because they know the other player can see them if they try to advance. No more players hiding on a rooftop without being seen yet they can see for miles all around them.

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As for the popular "casualized" DayZ servers, they're a non-issue because there are still populated servers that don't have that.


Yet you simply can not find a populated first person server at all. It's not a proper comparison, so stop using it. That alone shows that plenty of people don't just go the easiest route, some people enjoy vanilla DayZ over 500 cars and 30 helis, that's plain to see. Even with first person servers in both the mod and the SA it seems people don't stick around and I'm sure they have their reasons.


As I've said before, I know two guys personally who get nauseous with ArmA first person as it is. How this thread can keep going is beyond me.



I'm all for limiting what you can see even while in third person. People seem to support making it so you can't use the third person exploits while still being third person. Let's try that instead. If your character can't see someone, then you can't see them. I think most people like that.


After all the bickering and bullshit.. I think the bolded is what needs to happen to satisfy everyone. It also apparenlty seems to be the only thing most people in this thread can actually agree on. There wouldn't have to be a need for a separate "hive" or first person servers. 

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Or, Gibonez, they can have first person servers where everyone is restricted to FPV.


How do those servers not meet your expectations?

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no advantages anymore....SEPRATE HIVES....next question...

Absolutely. That thing not only works in one direction. Maybe they now are upset because they can't longer loot on 3rd person server?

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Or, Gibonez, they can have first person servers where everyone is restricted to FPV.


How do those servers not meet your expectations?


People will pass up their preferred server option in order to play with more than 10 people at a time. It sucks. Plain and simple.


And a response of "well looks like you're in the minority so deal with it!" is simply unacceptable. I cannot, no matter how hard I try, change human behavior when it comes to the fact that most people choose the path of least resistence.. and once again, once people choose that path it snowballs into choosing "well which server has the most action/most people?" Which servers get left in the dust because of this? the 3PP:OFF servers. 


With all that said, please, Rocket, for the love of GOD.. fix 3rd person exploiting. If they pull it off (like it apparently has already been pulled off), then I'm officially a happy camper. Until then a response of "well just go play on your empty 1st person servers and deal with being in the minority!" is a shitty one.


The reason some of us argue that we can say "you should have to deal with 1st person only!" has at least SOME merit though because of the nature of this, supposedly realistic/authentic survival game. It doesn't make sense to have 3rd person whereas 1st person does. Admittedly, some of our opinion on this subject was rather harsh. 

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People will pass up their preferred server option in order to play with more than 10 people at a time. It sucks. Plain and simple.


And a response of "well looks like you're in the minority so deal with it!" is simply unacceptable. I cannot, no matter how hard I try, change human behavior when it comes to the fact that most people choose the path of least resistence.. and once again, once people choose that path it snowballs into choosing "well which server has the most action/most people?" Which servers get left in the dust because of this? the 3PP:OFF servers. 


With all that said, please, Rocket, for the love of GOD.. fix 3rd person exploiting.

When 1st person is fixed so that it looks equally appealing and if it no longer does feel clunky, more people will join 1st person server by free will.


Oh and if 1st person is fixed and the Ocolus Rift is out, then you'll finally get your happy end, I hope.

Edited by Ken Bean

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With all that said, please, Rocket, for the love of GOD.. fix 3rd person exploiting. If they pull it off (like it apparently has already been pulled off), then I'm officially a happy camper. Until then a response of "well just go play on your empty 1st person servers and deal with being in the minority!" is a shitty one.


The reason some of us argue that we can say "you should have to deal with 1st person only!" has at least SOME merit though because of the nature of this, supposedly realistic/authentic survival game. It doesn't make sense to have 3rd person whereas 1st person does. Admittedly, some of our opinion on this subject was rather harsh. 


Having a minority detrmentily effect our game experiance because they are not happy with what they have been given (which is pretty much what they wanted) is shitty. You want thousands of people to change how they play bases on a vocal few. 


If third dosent make sense this great thing came out.....its like dayz....except its first person only....and you wont have a negative effect on thousands of players. Its exactly what you want and no 3rd person players. You have your game i have mine. Enjoy yours dont try to ruin mine.

Edited by Karmaterror
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When 1st person is fixed so that it looks equally appealing and if it no longer does feel clunky, more people will join 1st person server by free will.


Oh and if 1st person is fixed and the Ocolus Rift is out, then you'll finally get your happy end, I hope.


There is nothing to be "fixed" with 1st person cameras. I don't know how to argue with someone who holds that opinion because there is literally nothing wrong with them unless you're expecting an unrealistic portrayal of first person twitchy-ness that arcade shooters use.


If the bobbing makes you sick, turn it off

if the blur makes you sick, turn it off

If turning around in a house or small space annoys you, learn to use the free look more liberally. 


To call it clunky is lazy. To call it "broken" is lazy. It's not. haha

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Having a minority detrmentily effect our game experiance because they are not happy with what they have been given (which is pretty much what they wanted) is shitty. You want thousands of people to change how they play bases on a vocal few. 


If third dosent make sense this great thing came out.....its like dayz....except its first person only....and you wont have a negative effect on thousands of players. Its exactly what you want and no 3rd person players. You have your game i have mine. Enjoy yours dont try to ruin mine.


k but lets put in some jets.. and lets get rid of the medical mechanic because getting sick isn't fun... also what's with not being able to choose where I spawn? so annoying amirite?


Why does the realism suddenly END when referring to something as essential as camera view?


EDIT - as someone said earlier, this isn't a democracy. Nor should it be one. The devs should do whatever it takes for the good of the game they are making. Frankly a 3rd person view doesn't make any sense whatsoever. 

Fix the 3rd person view so you can't see anything but static environment? Absolutely. I'm on board. 100%. Doesn't change the fact that 3rd person as it stands (being able to see people around corners) flies in the face of what this game is about.

Edited by serenityrick
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There is nothing to be "fixed" with 1st person cameras. I don't know how to argue with someone who holds that opinion because there is literally nothing wrong with them unless you're expecting an unrealistic portrayal of first person twitchy-ness that arcade shooters use.


If the bobbing makes you sick, turn it off

if the blur makes you sick, turn it off

If turning around in a house or small space annoys you, learn to use the free look more liberally. 


To call it clunky is lazy. To call it "broken" is lazy. It's not. haha

As said, first person view feels limited and trapped.

Especially if I'm in the middle of nowhere in the game, I have to "escape" that opressive limitedness.

Sorry, if I cant describe it better, but that's how broken 1st person view for me is.

It also has it's roleplayelements. I want to see my character doing survival stuff.

And I don't know where my ingame body exactly is. Can't tell if the feed are in or outside that bush.

Edited by Ken Bean
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You are still really annoying.

Forcing would work perfectly. And you'd have choice. The choice to play 1st person or leave. Would work fine with me, as my preferred mode would prevail. The choice would be in my favor and I could give less than a fuck to the whining and bitching of 3PP lovers. Why should there be any change if anything is like I want it to be?

Sadly it's the exact opposite situation.

One hive gives more choice inside of it. More servers, more players more everything.

I said nothing about difficulty. As for me there should only be one difficulty: extremely fucking hard but plausible! No bullshit!

I think we need more 3rd person ONLY servers. In fact let's go even further with that. How about we just remove 1st person view entirely from the game? Imagine how many people would quit if they lost their precious 1st person playstyle?

Answer: Less than if you removed 3rd person

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There is nothing to be "fixed" with 1st person cameras. I don't know how to argue with someone who holds that opinion because there is literally nothing wrong with them unless you're expecting an unrealistic portrayal of first person twitchy-ness that arcade shooters use.


If the bobbing makes you sick, turn it off

if the blur makes you sick, turn it off

If turning around in a house or small space annoys you, learn to use the free look more liberally. 


To call it clunky is lazy. To call it "broken" is lazy. It's not. haha


You seem to be in the minority with this opinion as well.


You really need to check out World War II Online for an example of what a good 1st person experience in a very large continuouse map is like.  One that works well with the slowed pace of long distance combat as well as the speed of close quarters.


There is no bunny hoping (you cant even jump), no ice skatting 360's, no run and gun ttwitching (you dont even get an aim site firing from the hip)... its just smoother and feels better. Thats the only way to explane it


The thing about that game is that they built their own engine in house specifically for it and have control over it.  I dont know how much Rocket and his team can actually do to make 1st person "feel" better for the majority of players although fixing the broken sounds would help a lot.

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I think we need more 3rd person ONLY servers. In fact let's go even further with that. How about we just remove 1st person view entirely from the game? Imagine how many people would quit if they lost their precious 1st person playstyle?

Answer: Less than if you removed 3rd person

Why should we care who leave the game any way? As long as you already paid, from a business perspective whether you stay or not doesn't really hurt future sales.

I get the feeling DayZ was adopted by people who are not part of the target demographic for FPS games.

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