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What is 1 clothing item that you would want in DAYZ

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I want black executioner mask please ;)






and some thing nice for carebear guys make them feeling safe in apocalypse :D



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mars volta t-shirt. or suicide vest, take your pick.


EDIT: plague doctor mask would be nice too

Edited by Gwraspe
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Hooded Robes.

yes, this, then we can play as Sunn O)))

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An olive-drab soft shell jacket.


Would look cool on a character model but is also very practical ;)

Edited by ForensicShoe

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Ponchos (raincoats) in multiple colours and patterns. I know it's gonna be a bitch to make but it has to be ingame to protect one from rain and stuff.


Edited by h3l1x
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A shemagh.


With the ability to wear it over your face, or around your neck. In a variety of colors and patterns.




With many different uses! To bandage wounds, to conceal the face, as a scarf, different styles of head wrapping....


Ponchos 'd be sweet too, i have some in OD and various camo styles, they are extremly usefull and versatile!

Edited by Weparo
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All I want is a simple scarf around your neck.

It wouldn't even have to be a long one, so it could be mostly static (no effort goes into rigging the thing).

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Really, any kind of all-covering cloak would be badass. What they used in LOTR or something would work too. BOULDER DISGUISE because YOLO (....esp in DayZ, oooooh pun)

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A Santa outfit what could be in a department store out the back maybe for Christmas time, I would love to run around giving morphine as gifts and beans to people. Just give the Christmas joy around set up a house and have people sit on my knee and ask what the would like the Christmas and have a box were you get a gift after like in a shop. A bunny suit to would be funny to see a huge bunny running around and chasing them with a axe to kill them for food

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A Santa outfit what could be in a department store out the back maybe for Christmas time, I would love to run around giving morphine as gifts and beans to people. Just give the Christmas joy around set up a house and have people sit on my knee and ask what the would like the Christmas and have a box were you get a gift after like in a shop. A bunny suit to would be funny to see a huge bunny running around and chasing them with a axe to kill them for food

Is this an insult to immersion?

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Flip flops.

Na Akua I hate that term.  Just about threw a shit fit when they used it on Five-Oh instead of slippers.

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Na Akua I hate that term.  Just about threw a shit fit when they used it on Five-Oh instead of slippers.



Perhaps even "slippahs" would be more accurate for out here, too.

Flip flops are people who can't decide what they stand for. Slippers are something you wear on your feet.

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Full on Ninja clothing with a katana so i can silently sneak up on bandits in cherno and slice their throats.

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...Ninja's didn't use Katana.  They would use straight edge short swords normally.  And a quote I like to use 'You pretty much need to be a Samurai to properly use a Katana.  Can't just pick one up and start chopping heads off.'

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I'm assuming we're talking in game here.  Irl I would wear what ever would give me the most protection and help blend in with the environment the best.


In game, I'd like some cool jackets.  Ones that would be able to hold a decent amount of stuff while still looking fab while surviving.

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