Ken Bean 175 Posted December 4, 2013 Hehe, saw this on Reddit, here's an example of someone really stretching for any possible explanation:"I imagine you can acquire these masks in real life? What is stopping the backstory just being they got another country to manufacture them and their factory is in Chernarus? We can give blood transfusions in a field, whilst being chased by zombies...we can wear Payday 2 masks."If you have to come up with excuses and ridiculous backstories, that's a clear sign something is totally out of place.On the other hand, such masks do exist in real life. Sure, you wont find them every day but basically everything what exists in real life could exist in dayz as well. Or do you think it's better to ban certain items which only exist in other games but not in rl in order to keep the immersion?If they are very rare and/or if they only spawn on certain crashed halloween goods delivery planes, I personally see no problem in it. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Very Ape 748 Posted December 4, 2013 Or we can treat it as any generic clown mask, instead of pretending that the video-game Payday exists in whatever world contains Chernarus. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted December 4, 2013 On the other hand, such masks do exist in real life. Sure, you wont find them every day but basically everything what exists in real life could exist in dayz as well. Or do you think it's better to ban certain items which only exist in other games but not in rl in order to keep the immersion?If they are very rare and/or if they only spawn on certain crashed halloween goods delivery planes, I personally see no problem in it. Well, sure it would be awesome to have the entire world shoved into a game, but it won't happen anytime soon. That's why I doubt we'll be seeing stuff like Pakistani Al-Khalid tanks, a set of fine Wedgwood china, vuvuzelas or Leonard Maltin's 2014 Movie Guide. They can only make so much stuff, so it's better to concentrate on useful and appropriate items, this applies to even very rare items. If the mask is extremely rare, does it bother me? Not much. However if I start seeing it a lot, then I might start to be annoyed. The thing about the mask is that it isn't like a high-end sniper rifle, a fast car or a ghillie suit... those things all have uses. I simply don't believe anyone would be running around wearing those masks in a zombie apocalypse, for whatever reason. There are no uses for the mask. So it comes down to presenting authentic and believable gameplay: if you give the players too many options to do silly and implausible things, what do you end up with? A silly and implausible game. But although I'm not a fan, a couple rare masks I can live with. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wili 156 Posted December 4, 2013 Include this mask also Please, please :) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheRedScare 353 Posted December 4, 2013 Also people looking at one screen shot of a dev team having fun and then deciding everything is now shit is fucking idiotic. Stop being so judgemental and pessimistic. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ken Bean 175 Posted December 4, 2013 (edited) @GewsYeah, I see it quite similar. Realty is a bit too complex to exactly rebuild everything in a game. But I think there of cause can be some strange junk items, why not?Look at a game like Fallout New Vegas. There litteraly is a sh*tload of items. Most are usefull, many still are junk. But there hardly is anything that disturbs - as long as it fits into the games universe and lore.Also people looking at one screen shot of a dev team having fun and then deciding everything is now shit is fucking idiotic. Stop being so judgemental and pessimistic.That this mask was more like a joke than reflecting the entire game was the first thing that came to my mind as well as I saw it first time in a video, I think.There probably will be one or two serious parts as well. I'd say it's too early to burn the whole town down just because of one item. Edited December 4, 2013 by Ken Bean 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted December 4, 2013 (edited) Part of Steam media assets also shows another mask: There's been a lot of knee-jerk negative reaction to the Payday masks being in game. FTFU. If the "payday masks destroying immersion" is the biggest concern going into the alpha then it's a true triumph of a release. While I can see why some might have reservations, sometimes you read something, roll your eyes, and say really? Edited December 4, 2013 by Gews Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thegoon84 54 Posted December 4, 2013 (edited) This has gone a bit crazy! Listen, my original point was not to make this a game breaking point. It was only an observation. We've only seen a few video's and 1 stream. I could list 1000's of things i like/dont like. While others might think "arguing about masks, REALLY?". Yeah its pretty pointless, but when practically EVERY poxy screenshot/video is of players wearing poxy payday masks then yeah, why shouldn't we voice our opinions. Judging by peoples responses, the masses dont want everyone running around in pay day masks, dont get me wrong if it were a rare rare rare spawn then fair enough. Best response was, rags and balaclavas are a better option that endless payday masks... This isn't Warz or Payday! HELL a much more pressing point in my opinion is day/night time...Surely it has to be a universal time across all servers? I suppose I can understand why someone might not like it. We discussed this kind of thing. In the aftermath of the Christchurch Earthquake I saw some photos of guys robbing a place wearing those horse head things. What we want to do is add content. Payday is also a product we feel very strongly about, it's something we all really like and we wanted to honor it as a product. We wanted to put masks in game not only for hiding identity individually, but to allow the players to gain some kind of group identity if they wanted. It's another thing to: find, trade, or treat as junk. With or without the masks, someone is going to find/do something that you don't like in the game. Someone is going to run around electro naked, with a radio blaring "Never Gonna Give You Up". There's no way (nor should there be) for us to enforce exactly how someone plays the game. We're also not always thinking "what would be in Chernarus, for reals" because that is not the game we are making. There are many people playing the game for many reasons - and it is this great variety of reasons that I believe adds a the unique character to the game. I get that, and yes more content is never a bad thing... My point was pretty much all recent video's we've seen a huge number of payday masks. All i'm asking then is please let it be a rare rare spawn. It would be more believeable to me to see players running around in balaclavas. Edited December 4, 2013 by Thegoon84 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kingochaos 131 Posted December 4, 2013 HELL a much pressing point in my opinion is day/night time... I think it MUST be a universal time across all servers! NO!!! I think all servers in a hemisphere/time zone sure.. originally with the mod, it was basically locked to local time, so, by the time you got in from work, it was night in server, and i liked it... but if its locked to say GMT +12, us poor souls in new zealnad, would be playing in perpetual night, while those limey bastards would be frollicking in the sun >:( But, yes, i think it needs a locked day night cycle somehow, whether they go for the 4 hour day, 4 hour night or whatever... but to lock all servers to the same clock, would kill the game for one hemisphere or the other. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Delta Smoke 01 765 Posted December 4, 2013 To the guys preaching that mask's have no place in a zombie apocalypse, I say this as an example. Medics are rather popular in the apocalypse. They offer life when death is all but certain. Now would these medics save your life knowing the face of the man going round taking lives like it's rambo 4 ? No.How could we hide our identities I wonder ? With.........................waaaaaaaait for itt................................wait for eeeet........................a fake id ! No. With a mask. Cmon guys this thread is almost as bad as the infamous 'named food items' rage thread. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thegoon84 54 Posted December 4, 2013 To the guys preaching that mask's have no place in a zombie apocalypse, I say this as an example. Medics are rather popular in the apocalypse. They offer life when death is all but certain. Now would these medics save your life knowing the face of the man going round taking lives like it's rambo 4 ? No.How could we hide our identities I wonder ? With.........................waaaaaaaait for itt................................wait for eeeet........................a fake id ! No. With a mask. Cmon guys this thread is almost as bad as the infamous 'named food items' rage thread. Missing the point a bit.... Yes this thread has gone a bit mental, i just cant wrap my head around the fact that out of nowhere has come this Dayz Standalone: Payday edition. Just needs to be seriously toned down a bit! Put them in, yes. Keep them rare. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
klesh 2423 Posted December 4, 2013 Cmon guys this thread is almost as bad as the infamous 'named food items' rage thread. If I see a Herpy Dooves mask, I quit!! lol B) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
klesh 2423 Posted December 4, 2013 Put them in, yes. Keep them rare. So wait, you don't actually know how rare they are, but you will call out rocket and say he is losing his way? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thegoon84 54 Posted December 4, 2013 So wait, you don't actually know how rare they are, but you will call out rocket and say he is losing his way? To be fair i honestly didn't expect this much attention... I just saw that imagine and kind of cringed. As i've said above, pretty much all new video/screenshot content shows pretty much the majority of people wearing pay day masks! That is all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16190 Posted December 4, 2013 Hello there What we do have to remember is that the interweb, as a rule, will macro analyse every little bit of info released. So whilst I think many are over reacting, I can see their point, even if it is incorrect. A simple solution is to tone down the appearances of the masks in future vids/pics released to the public. I do like the fact that the community discusses issues and problems they can foresee, but on the whole a mask or two isnt going to be game breaking. This is starting to feel like cangate all over again. Rgds LoK 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Target Practice (DayZ) 1335 Posted December 5, 2013 orLoK's nailed it here. This outrage is based on what - a brief appearance of a single mask in a video where Rocket was talking about how the SA is progressing? Many (if not all) of the people who are up in arms are complaining about an item they've seen once in a video of the Alpha of a game they've not played. For all we know, that could be the only one in existence - it might not even make it into the final product. Let's not forget that game developers are human beings too - they have a sense of humour, they like to put their own personal touch on things and to put shout-outs to stuff that they enjoy. If you don't like that, perhaps you need to lighten up a little and remember that you're playing a game designed to entertain people. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mercules 1290 Posted December 5, 2013 (edited) If anyone is "seeing it in all the screenshots/videos" that would probably be because there is a very limited crew playing the SA right now. One of them has that mask. So now if I had found something that makes me stand out in such a unique way would I leave it in my backpack... Hell No! I'd proudly display that thing far and wide. With one server and say 50-100 people playing what are the chances of "that guy" being in screenshots and videos? Chill out. It is a mask. Next up you will be ticked if there is a Hello Kitty sweatshirt in the game. If you really want to know how such a mask could make it into Chernarus... some kid had to have the collector edition of the game and his parents shelled out dough for it. Guess what it comes with? The North American collector's edition for Payday 2 is notable in that it's priced at a reasonable $59.99. That, and it includes a wearable mask, which is a pretty good bonus as far as these things tend to go. There's also a soundtrack CD, gloves (okay, that's a bit creepy), and a $100 bill wallet. All told, not a bad offering for a game that looks as good as it does. Derp! Edited December 5, 2013 by Mercules 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jex 1104 Posted December 5, 2013 WTF are you talking about? Game mechanic? It's an item your find in the world like any other, it's not a bandit skin. Anyone can wear it if they choose, bandits, survivors, traders, medics, whatever. Untwist those nickers fella. I would also have said wtf but it's him - he never reads threads through so alway ends up arguing a point nobody is making. I'm sure one day he'll actually get so confused he'll end up arguing with himself in a thread. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bfisher 561 Posted December 6, 2013 That mask alone makes the screenshot look very... WarZ-esque for some reason. It's not a big deal but I agree it looks out of place and don't really see any practical purpose in having those in the game. What exactly is the point of trying to hide our in game identity? You wouldn't hide your identity anyway. We'd just recognize you as the jerk with the mask! I don't know. Eye patches, sunglasses, bandanas, ski-masks, balaclavas, and shemaghs are fine because they look menacing and appropriate. I can even handle ski masks, motorcycle helmets, and the occasional Guy Falkes, Lord Humungous or Insane Clown Posse duct tape face. But it's not supposed to be a cross between Dead Rising and a West Village Halloween parade. I don't want to see a Chernerus full of guys in their bathrobe, horse heads, Optimus Prime, Halo Master Chief MJOLNIR armor, medieval suits of armor, Vikings, Samurai, Marvel or DC characters, fucking Pikachu, Miley Cyrus bears, cow costumes, Blind Melon bee girls, Dragonballs A through Z, SpongeBob Squarepants, anything Star Wars and/or Disney, Star Trek uniforms, a bobble head of A-Rod or Derrick Jeter, any gang from The Warriors or a mask of any US President ever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mercules 1290 Posted December 6, 2013 You wouldn't hide your identity anyway. We'd just recognize you as the jerk with the mask! I don't know. Eye patches, sunglasses, bandanas, ski-masks, balaclavas, and shemaghs are fine because they look menacing and appropriate. I can even handle ski masks, motorcycle helmets, and the occasional Guy Falkes, Lord Humungous or Insane Clown Posse duct tape face. But it's not supposed to be a cross between Dead Rising and a West Village Halloween parade. I don't want to see a Chernerus full of guys in their bathrobe, horse heads, Optimus Prime, Halo Master Chief MJOLNIR armor, medieval suits of armor, Vikings, Samurai, Marvel or DC characters, fucking Pikachu, Miley Cyrus bears, cow costumes, Blind Melon bee girls, Dragonballs A through Z, SpongeBob Squarepants, anything Star Wars and/or Disney, Star Trek uniforms, a bobble head of A-Rod or Derrick Jeter, any gang from The Warriors or a mask of any US President ever. He said nothing about the Disco Boys from Mystery Men!Come on guys, get on it. We can bring back the "Golden Revolver". :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ken Bean 175 Posted December 6, 2013 (edited) Part of Steam media assets also shows another mask: Despite of fitting in the universe or not, this looks damn pretty good. Cheers to the artists. You wouldn't hide your identity anyway. We'd just recognize you as the jerk with the mask! I don't know. Eye patches, sunglasses, bandanas, ski-masks, balaclavas, and shemaghs are fine because they look menacing and appropriate. I can even handle ski masks, motorcycle helmets, and the occasional Guy Falkes, Lord Humungous or Insane Clown Posse duct tape face. But it's not supposed to be a cross between Dead Rising and a West Village Halloween parade. I don't want to see a Chernerus full of guys in their bathrobe, horse heads, Optimus Prime, Halo Master Chief MJOLNIR armor, medieval suits of armor, Vikings, Samurai, Marvel or DC characters, fucking Pikachu, Miley Cyrus bears, cow costumes, Blind Melon bee girls, Dragonballs A through Z, SpongeBob Squarepants, anything Star Wars and/or Disney, Star Trek uniforms, a bobble head of A-Rod or Derrick Jeter, any gang from The Warriors or a mask of any US President ever. Didn't mention anything 'bout ponies... That's why you cant win this war. ;-) Well, at least, almost everyone has their weird side, you can't ban that. What's yours? Give them a vent. (Edit: as long as it fits into the games universe.) Edited December 6, 2013 by Ken Bean Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ImageCtrl 719 Posted December 6, 2013 Talking about masks...someone knows negative effects?FOV reduced or something like this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
strongtent 74 Posted December 7, 2013 (edited) Some people see the content for what it is, an unusual mask. Others see it and think of possibilities to exploit for their gain, based upon the game-worlds rules; adding to their enjoyment. I think it is great they are creating large amounts of content, (so long as it stays fairly neutral) because these things will essentially be a means for staying alive or being killed. Hopefully the Alpha will drop soon so people can get a feel for the game and critique it for the dev's. Edited December 9, 2013 by Strongtent Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sausagekingofchicago 4711 Posted December 7, 2013 I can only say, for me it is gamebreaking seeing this mask each day. And it is fun for me when I get surprised after a few weeks seeing someone wearing this mask. I like the idea of finding extremely rare unique items. I'm not a big fan of the clown masks but it seems like a good number of people are. If they're rare, great. If not, oh well. Either way, if I find one, I"m going to burn it, smash it, roast it, grind it up and bury it. Or perhaps just make sure it spreads disease. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ImageCtrl 719 Posted December 7, 2013 (edited) I wear all masks. :D No burning for me. Reading my quote again, fun was the wrong word, sounds like "making fun about s.t... I mean it´s cool and wanted. Edited December 7, 2013 by NoCheats Share this post Link to post Share on other sites