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December Round-up: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE SA

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this :D


Even a skill system that is not directly visible would suck. increased immunity after you have successfully cured a disease would make sense though

you do realize that 'increased immunity' after you become infected(and subsequently cured) , well would be a 'hidden skill set' in and of itself.

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It's Majik, I'm afraid. As has been pointed out.


It just exists in the virtual world.






You fooled me!  :blush:

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you do realize that 'increased immunity' after you become infected(and subsequently cured) , well would be a 'hidden skill set' in and of itself.


Just because it would be a hidden skill doesn't mean being hidden is what makes it acceptable. Increased immunity after fighting off an infection is a realistic part of human life. Dealing more damage with melee weapons or reloading faster because you do it more, just seems so forced for the sake of it being a video game. Hiding the values doesn't improve that in my eyes. Sure, you get quicker at doing things in real life, but what if I was a soldier prior to the infection? Or a lumberjack swinging an axe all day? I have to start at square one?

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Instead of trying to bribe players into valuing their virtual lives with skills. Maybe the solution is to make it a hassle to die. Gear is king in DayZ. Right now in the mod, it's worth fighting to your death for the gear on your back, because losing it is the same as death. You can respawn and run back or find new gear pretty easily. What if we made spawning a royal pain in the ass?


Using the mod as example, spawn the player hungry, thirsty, less than full blood, with pain, & freezing their ass off. Along with the regular, no gear. That way the washed up survivors are really in a vulnerable position and have to struggle to survive. Once you've stabilized your condition, then you can think about going back to where ever to find whatever.(or whoever)


If you make being held up for all your gear favorable to fighting to your death, the game might change. I can't see a skill system having the same effect on players.

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It just exists in the virtual world.

For some reason that makes me more sad than Standalone not being out...

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Skills would be something that are a 'hassle' to learn. Gaining gear is something that can never be too much of a hassle to acquire otherwise it'd turn away players. I'd rather lose my full bag of loot rather than my character who has a 75% chance of doing medical actions correctly rather than 10% or my character who can create fire without matches compared to only creating fire with matches for example.

Ignore poor use of vocab, it's 5:12am here

Edited by Owain1122

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Seriously, guys.


Gear can be taken by teammates and given back to you. Players in teams can be reckless with their lives because they know that's all they have to lose. People shouldn't value their gear, they should value their lives. Gear is a means of staying alive. 


I should still want to live if my character's been robbed of all of his belongings and finds himself buck naked in the middle of nowhere. I should, if the situation calls for it, want to beg the bandit who has me besieged to let me go if I surrender my weapons. No matter how hopeless the situation, in life most would still want to live, even if you found yourself despoiled of all your worldly possessions. You managed to find them in the first place, didn't you? The situation can't possibly be that hopeless.


Valuing your life instead of your gear opens the door to a lot of interesting interactions; robberies being the most obvious. In life, most people would undoubtedly comply with someone who has him dead in his sights, where the only other option is death. In DayZ, where gear is all you have to live for, you think ''Fuck it'' and ignore the robber out of spite. It's ridiculous. 


It's not bribery at all, it's something that should have been in the game from the start. The point is to survive, not to hold onto gear. Skills don't have to be invasive or even that obvious; the mere knowledge of knowing that you're losing a little something is a lot. I don't understand how this is a worse solution than yours, which is just adding an inconvenience as punishment for death as opposed to rewarding survival. Hell, one of the greatest rewards in life is self-accomplishment. 


Additional aestethic features beyond your clothing and default features need to be implemented as well. Scars, beards, subtle differences in posture as Katana described all have their place in this game. 

Edited by Very Ape
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I don't understand how this is a worse solution than yours, which is just adding an inconvenience as punishment for death as opposed to rewarding survival.


They're the same thing. The reward is not facing the punishments of spawning. I agree with your whole post, I just feel like skills would only have an effect on those that value the skill. You can't please everybody with skills, but you can punish everybody for failure to survive.

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I doubt they'll go that route.

Don't speak of the devil. Please!.

I was not talking about micro transactions. ;)

I meant that as a crowdfunded game where money switched hands between consumer and developer Star Citizen has a bigger responsibility to keep funders (customers) informed and updated.

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Its Jasonday so now would be great time.

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Seriously, guys.


Gear can be taken by teammates and given back to you. Players in teams can be reckless with their lives because they know that's all they have to lose. People shouldn't value their gear, they should value their lives. Gear is a means of staying alive. 


I should still want to live if my character's been robbed of all of his belongings and finds himself buck naked in the middle of nowhere. I should, if the situation calls for it, want to beg the bandit who has me besieged to let me go if I surrender my weapons. No matter how hopeless the situation, in life most would still want to live, even if you found yourself despoiled of all your worldly possessions. You managed to find them in the first place, didn't you? The situation can't possibly be that hopeless.


Valuing your life instead of your gear opens the door to a lot of interesting interactions; robberies being the most obvious. In life, most people would undoubtedly comply with someone who has him dead in his sights, where the only other option is death. In DayZ, where gear is all you have to live for, you think ''Fuck it'' and ignore the robber out of spite. It's ridiculous. 


It's not bribery at all, it's something that should have been in the game from the start. The point is to survive, not to hold onto gear. Skills don't have to be invasive or even that obvious; the mere knowledge of knowing that you're losing a little something is a lot. I don't understand how this is a worse solution than yours, which is just adding an inconvenience as punishment for death as opposed to rewarding survival. Hell, one of the greatest rewards in life is self-accomplishment. 


Additional aestethic features beyond your clothing and default features need to be implemented as well. Scars, beards, subtle differences in posture as Katana described all have their place in this game. 



Very good point...characters that have survived for a long time could get some subtle small boni like beeing able to carry one or 2 kilos extra, being able to eat pet food without getting a bad stoach,,being immune to different deseases, making less noise when sneaking (avoiding zombies), better frost resistance etc etc I am NOT talking about stuff like better aiming, better melee ,faster running or taking more damage !!!! Maybe some micro skills for treating wounds or reparing vehicles and stuff like that. 

Edited by Private Evans

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Why is everybody so upset? I don't see a reason why it should come out now. No new information, nothing.

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Alright I'll bite. What are you on about?


I wont bite, but I can give you a mercy shot if you start biting people and become a zombie .... :P

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I wont bite, but I can give you a mercy shot if you start biting people and become a zombie .... :P


I appreciate that :)

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Why is everybody so upset? I don't see a reason why it should come out now. No new information, nothing.

Everyone is upset because it's taking an entire team to fix one minor bug in the game in order to have it released.

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Everyone is upset because it's taking an entire team to fix one minor bug in the game in order to have it released.


Count me out of that one. My upset = zero. He never said that was the only bug and how do we know how major or minor it is/the fix is?

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Count me out of that one. My upset = zero. He never said that was the only bug and how do we know how major or minor it is/the fix is?


Nor did he say the entire team was fixing the bugs or that it was only the bugs holding up the release. I remember a post about steam not being as easy as pressing a button.

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Arma devteam is on vacation, it could mean something nice, but also it could not mean that same thing.

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Wouldn't a Friday release be a bad idea?

On the weekend there are too many people, with too much time and everybody wants to get into the game at once.

Even if the game would be ready now, I think they are going to wait until Monday.

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Dear Mr Rocket, Sir. As you know it's my birthday today. But don't panic. I'll be back home at 4 p.m. so it's enough time for you to release my present. Thank you so much. I'm really happy about the surprise. See you somewhere near Cherno.

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