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About esgvirus

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  1. esgvirus

    November Round-up

    I highly doubt it.
  2. esgvirus

    November Round-up

    Why would your mouth be dry? What does he know? Why so many questions? Anyway, it seems they are still testing some things, hoping for a progress report of some kind in a few days.
  3. esgvirus

    November Round-up

    He has also said something about that they should be familiar with the scalability of the performance once they reach 30 players EDIT: Never mind. I must have though of something else regarding 30 players.
  4. esgvirus

    November Round-up

    It actually is. Hicks said that it's his favourite "weapon".
  5. esgvirus

    November Round-up

    What "is fail"?
  6. esgvirus

    November Round-up

    Thanks for the info, I'll tell people who whine about KoS and killing freshspawns to blame Hicks. :)
  7. esgvirus

    November Round-up

    It'll run decent (probably), but if you plan on playing other games, you should consider upgrading.
  8. esgvirus

    November Round-up

    Hopefully not, I can't stand admins who ban you for killing them and destroying their stuff.
  9. esgvirus

    November Round-up

    I think it's good to demands really powerful servers. In that way not anyone can create a server and expect a population.
  10. esgvirus

    November Round-up

    Yes. But the last thing we lose is hope.
  11. esgvirus

    November Round-up

    One can hope :|
  12. esgvirus

    November Round-up

    Some info from; http://www.reddit.com/user/rocket2guns
  13. esgvirus

    November Round-up

    Did you miss the update 2 days ago?
  14. esgvirus

    November Round-up

    Maybe he just tweeted it out because he found it funny. He posted the same video on his facebook page with the comment "wft?"...