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DayZ Mod Hotfix.

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Thing about that was, that all prior releases were tested and you would think that a lot of people would want to contribute to the testing of a new version to see what's going to come up, but even in bigger communities we struggled to fill the servers past 10 players.


Back when I was with the Trusted Medics we had servers up for that as well as MustyGaming has, but it never really picks up as much as it should have. That's the main reason some things just pass by unnoticed.


I only jumped in BMRF's test server once but when I did there were 20+ people online. When you restrict things to one smaller community like MustyGaming or TrustedMedics you also don't really get a view on what the whole community at large feels about changes. There's lots of different types of players who play this game. The more casual ones aren't going to see that there is a test coming up, hell I didn't even know there were test servers and that I could help out for a long time. 


I always thought there should be an official test server that's linked on these forums and always up running the latest code possible. Link the latest patch whenever you add things to the changelog, bump the thread and post to places like reddit when really big major changes are made to it. When you only have one small community test a patch you restrict the types of players you expose it to. Then when the unwashed masses who haven't heard of musty or even these forums get their hands on it they complain that the zeds are way too hard etc etc . 

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I only jumped in BMRF's test server once but when I did there were 20+ people online. When you restrict things to one smaller community like MustyGaming or TrustedMedics you also don't really get a view on what the whole community at large feels about changes. There's lots of different types of players who play this game. The more casual ones aren't going to see that there is a test coming up, hell I didn't even know there were test servers and that I could help out for a long time. 


I always thought there should be an official test server that's linked on these forums and always up running the latest code possible. Link the latest patch whenever you add things to the changelog, bump the thread and post to places like reddit when really big major changes are made to it. When you only have one small community test a patch you restrict the types of players you expose it to. Then when the unwashed masses who haven't heard of musty or even these forums get their hands on it they complain that the zeds are way too hard etc etc . 


Again up until now this has been a no go due to red tape. :-( If you look around most of the current forum team are mustys hence the reason musty has had access. I'll need to do some checking on ways we can improve this for both easy install to everyone and better planning of each patch and test section. We still have some red tape issues preventing public release's on development. 


I wish it was as easy as 123 but its never been that easy.

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Again up until now this has been a no go due to red tape. :-( If you look around most of the current forum team are mustys hence the reason musty has had access. I'll need to do some checking on ways we can improve this i just don't know how with the red tape issues still around.


I wish it was as easy as 123 but its never been that easy.


Well hopefully the discussion in this thread helps makes it clear to the people who are in control of things (BIS I presume) that the red tape is doing the mod no good in the slightest. Its my opinion that this red tape has done nothing to help it and only hurt it, to the point that the majority of players no longer even chose to play it any more. 


On a bit of a tangent, it is my opinion all you guys really have to do is release one major patch featuring some form of basebuilding (which I guess involves getting around annoying hive restrictions) and people will return to dayzmod in swarms. Now I'm probably biased since I've run a hacked together basebuilding dayzmod server for 18 months, but I see how much people love it even before epoch came out.


It's mostly because epoch offers a long term goal past 5-10 hours play that people switched to it. I don't want to play with AI, currency's and traders, common loot, the crappy old inventory with no 1,2,3 weapon switch hotkeys, plus easy zombies that are no threat, thats not dayz to me. However building a base is something that keeps people playing the dayz way past the 10 hour mark and is the main reason people play epoch. 

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We have permission to use epoch's base building system and also Daimyo21's(i think it was his version) we have just chosen not too. The hive would die with the amount of objects.


Lets say the average server has about 1000 objects X 10 servers = 10,000 objects to be spawned in.


If you ask most users who talk about base building most of them admit its for the locked access something we just cant explain would be realistic at all. We have a type of base building in game now and we have our own version of a base building system drawn up.


how would you define base building?


For me its pretty close to what we have now (tents, traps, netting)  

Missing the abilty to capture and defend buildings like schools,prisons,airfields,old mill outposts

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We have permission to use epoch's base building system we have just chosen not too. The hive would die with the amount of objects.


Lets say the average server has about 1000 objects X 10 servers = 10,000 objects to be spawned in. The hive would have a melt down. Then take into account how realistic is it to build 6 foot fence's and walls around a base and 10 floors high with locked doors when your trying to survive from zombies and other players.


If you ask most users who talk about base building most of them admit its for the locked access something we just cant explain would be realistic at all. We have a type of base building in game now and we have our own version of a base building system drawn up.


how would you define base building?


Isn't the public hive all but dead now anyway? There's a handful of servers and I heard you can't even get one from most gsps now? Why hold the mod back further for a concept that is all but abandoned now anyway. The public hive just introduces more problems than it solves to the game. 


I would define basebuilding as the ability to construct something over time which requires the collection of items, maybe owning that base allows you to do things you couldn't otherwise like growing food etc. I don't believe in safes or a way of totally securing items, but I don't have a problem with being able to make a tent or stash more secure than it would be before. Bases should never be invulnerable fortresses but breaking into one should require a proportional amount of time to building it. I would suggest in the case of dayzmod this is through collection of rare items again, maybe in this case the materials required to build some kind of explosive devices. I've not played enough epoch to comment on how they handle it but I their system for wooden items taking damage which works reasonably well. However they also have safes and metal doors etc which I don't agree with necessarily. In the case of my server we had to use the basebuilding toolbox mechanic (more info here http://zerosurvival.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=746), regardless the gameplay proved to be very balanced up until a certain point. That's not a problem that can't be solved through mechanics like item maintenance though which is something I'm working on currently. The main problem we have on my server is that some groups have been playing upwards of a year. Their bases have now gotten so massive they are almost impenetrable without at least a hundred toolboxes and hours of repetitive animations, that's not intended but it's not unsolvable either from a gameplay standpoint. 


At the very least dayzmod should provide a way for people to build a structure of their own which is useful to them day to day, and continues to get more useful the more they add to it (to a certain point of course which is where maintenance and decay come in). To do that they have to be able to use it to store things really but I definitely don't think basebuilding should be for "locked" access. But it should require a lot of work to get into a base, for us the simple collection of toolboxes provided that, at least until the bases reach a size of 50+ items, which takes literally hundreds of hours of gameplay. Basebuilding itself provides a long term goal to players, and so should breaking into a base is basically what I'm trying to say. If you don't make at least part of its purpose for item and vehicle storage though I don't think anyone will care about using it. 

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The hive is part of the red tape i need to wait on that stuff





Two concepts.


That's great, seems like we're on a similar page anyway. I like aspects of both but certainly I think freedom in how people construct structures is important to basebuilding. Predefined models have their draw as origins proved but I think its important to give building blocks rather than whole buildings, which is what I liked in the 2nd concept... I'm not a fan of artificial limits like having to have x number of players though, when these things can be enforced purely through the rarity of the items required to build them. Certainly as far as basebuilding is concerned some limits are of course necessary in our case they were mostly to prevent glitches and exploits. Another really big benefit we saw from basebuilding was a currency naturally evolving, if you don't believe me loot a tank trap kit and ask sidechat if anyone wants to trade in our server.  


I'm excited for the future having seen the above, having been very pessimistic recently with regards to the future of the mod, and would love to help make it a reality any way I can. Here's hoping the red tape can be done away with soon. 

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Dayz has been far bigger than just rocket for a long time even before it was the standalone, I doubt he has anything to do with the mod approval process and indeed many of the things he is blamed for by people these days. 


Understood, I posted that in a fit of rage tbh, I'm not very proud of it, but I really do love the mod. My statement was fueled mostly from the fact that Rocket was simply ignoring questions regarding the mods future these past 5 months like it didn't even exist. If Rocket was barred from discussing the mod then my apologies to the guy, if that's the case then shame on Marek. And I understand they need to protect the asset they are investing in now (SA), but the mod is a big reason they've got this far; neglecting the original community seemed like a poor strategy to me.


I can only assume that the mod has finally been a green-light due to the fact that they sold over 2 million copies of SA. It's clear that the Mod is NOT competition for SA...




With regards to testing prior to general release: What if there was a sort of listserve for those interested in testing and we setup weekly community test events. That way we get a concentrated population joining the server at a given time rather than just keeping a testing server open and allowing people to come and go as they please. Setup a teamspeak or equivalent so everyone can discuss the testing in real time during the given event.

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yessss 1.8.1 - please relase it as soons as possible :))

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Great news on 1.8.1 at last and possibly in the nick of time.  The decline in public hive servers has slowed, but that may be owing to approaching balanced numbers for the player base.


Time zone and free time willing, I'll look out for testing details.

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I have most of the files now reconstructed for testing if anyone is looking to test. Msg myself (R4Z0R49) or (kichilron) on skype. 

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I have most of the files now reconstructed for testing if anyone is looking to test. Msg myself (R4Z0R49) or (kichilron) on skype. 


Posted some initial stuff to kichilrons reddit thread, we'll probably pop on again tomorrow to test some more. 

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Makes me even more excited to see 1.8.1 released.. ;)

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Posted some initial stuff to kichilrons reddit thread, we'll probably pop on again tomorrow to test some more. 


guess i need to find that then :-) (just got home from work)

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guess i need to find that then :-) (just got home from work)


Check your PM's, mate,

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Could someone post a link to that reddit thread?

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I'm not sure what I think about the achievements, on the one hand I think its cool especially if it gives further purpose to the journal. On the other hand I don't like the way its displayed in game after achieving it. Feels too much like I'm playing on my xbox and breaks the immersion a little. Rather than removing them maybe think about a more subtle way of notifying people they have unlocked an achievement than the dynamic text. I forgot to check if it adds something to the journal if you get one but I am assuming it does. If there's no permanent saving of them, or a way of displaying them in the journal and its just the dynamic text popups I would remove them. 

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Use one of the other methods to report issues trying to keep up with 20 million different topic's is kind of hard Skype is your best bet.

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I noticed in the Infantry Controls, there's a "Surrender" option. When the key is binded, you'll put your hands up but goes down after the animation finishes.


I see it having a lot of potential when holding players up. Perhaps we could see this in the future?

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We could do.


But for now getting some new dev members and getting this red tape removed then getting 1.8.1 out the door is more important.

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So is 1.8.1 ever coming out or? I like mod a lot more than standalone atm. F**K that rubberbanding crap!



Like I said before, Dean doesn't care, he is too busy getting moneys from standalone. Someone else should take care or releasing the updates for the mod and testing them out(like R4Z0R49). It is getting more and more frustrating watching this thing.

It would be enough for one guy to release them. He/she can see if the mod build works properly or if it needs to be worked on. It is just a bunch of BULLSH*T!

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Someone else should take care or releasing the updates for the mod and testing them out(like R4Z0R49).



rocket isn't working on the mod anymore and hasn't been for quite a while. We're currently developing the mod and in the testing phase. If everything goes as planned it will be released soon.

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