OrLoK 16190 Posted October 1, 2013 Hello there Firstly lets calm things down a notch. Secondly, for some folk like OP it probably wont affect their playstyle but it may hinder their progression. The mechanic is not there to stop KOS, its one of the mechanics to make you think and evaluate as gear will be far harder to come by. You may still wanna kill on sight, but you might have to be more careful in how you do it. Rgds LoK 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
klesh 2423 Posted October 1, 2013 If gear has no value in the mod, then why do people shoot each other to defend their camps and cars, as I said? If gear has no value in the mod, then why do people camp towns with sniper rifles and shoot people at random, even newspawns, never venturing in to collect their gear? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rossums 2190 Posted October 1, 2013 No one is going to care if ammo is scarce. If your gear can't be gotten back, you aren't going to want to take the risk of dying even more than before. See somebody with a gun? any gun? BAM. And if all it takes is an accurate shot to kill someone and steal their gear, it won't stop good gear-hunters from getting what they want.Hello thereI will care if ammo is scarce, so will many others.Why potentially waste ammo for no return value?The goal isn't to kill people, wasting ammo for no reason isn't helping anyone and it makes the area more difficult for you by attracting both zombies and other players in the vicinity.Your whole argument is as follows:HURR DURR I DONT WANNA LOSE GEARI SHOOT PEOPLE BECAUSE I DONT WANT TO LOSE GEAR SO DOES EVERY1!!Your crappy anecdotal evidence of you having a complete inability to play doesn't mean everyone else is as equally as useless as yourself.Again, nobody said it would stop KoS, but it will (along with ammo scarcity) make you stop and reevaluate a situation before you decide to start shooting someone for no real reason.RgdsRossums 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wayze 549 Posted October 1, 2013 (edited) If gear has no value in the mod, then why do people shoot each other to defend their camps and cars, as I said?Because they worked for it. The accomplishment is more valuable than the things themselfs. Edited October 1, 2013 by Wayze Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
applejaxc 2500 Posted October 1, 2013 Because they worked for it. The accomplishment is more valuable than the things themselfs. Point being people ARE fighting to defend their stuff. >.> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
applejaxc 2500 Posted October 1, 2013 If gear has no value in the mod, then why do people camp towns with sniper rifles and shoot people at random, even newspawns, never venturing in to collect their gear? Because once they've got a sniper rifle, there's no point (to them) in collecting more stuff, but they'll still fight like hell (or combat log like pussies) to save their own sniper rifle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted October 1, 2013 KoS = DayZ Easy mode It is the most basic, primitive way to play the game. Fine if you like that but some of us would rather think about that shot before taking it due to ammo being low, attracting zombies or ruining any valuable gear the player might have. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Loafy 46 Posted October 1, 2013 You can't stop people from shooting on sight. I shoot on sight any bandit skin. even if he is unarmed and shouting out friendly. I'm also aware that bandit probably got his skin from self defense right...Yeah okay squeeze the trigger send this punk to respawn. Get over it. Quit Complaining! It is a Dayz human mechanic. If you take the ability to kill on sight away what kind of game would you be left with. I can't stand people that try to claim something that isnt theirs either. *whine* *whine* Thats MY V3S I fixed it blah blah blah. Well I put fuel in it and drove it the hell away from you. Possesion is 9/10ths of the law. If I get shot at I drive/run away hopefully that guy has alerted some zeds of his position or the other 12 bandits lurking here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Loafy 46 Posted October 1, 2013 Grear Gear always repsawns. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wayze 549 Posted October 2, 2013 Point being people ARE fighting to defend their stuff. >.>The question is what are most people doing? We simply don't know... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MissSweeney 105 Posted October 2, 2013 Regards there,Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards Regards RgdsMissSweeneyI'm sorry, someone had to. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Siberian (DayZ) 527 Posted October 2, 2013 KoS is legit and should be included, but it should have some kind of ramifications such that it doesn't become the dominant playstyle. to late its already the overarcing style of most of the Dayz community.. there is no going back from KoS in Dayz or dayz SA, until rules, or actual coded reasons not to are implemented. till then u best get ready for more CoD game play.. cuz thats what its gunna be. oh and about the medical/disease stopping/slowing down KoS ??? hahaah no chance.. people will just find a Zombie and respawn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MissSweeney 105 Posted October 2, 2013 But for real, I second what pretty much everyone has already said.It wont stop people who kill for the sake of killing or kill because of some future possibility that person might kill you, but it would stop a decent amount of people.It gives you something else to think about when encountering another player. Should I hide and let them run by? But I need gear. Maybe I should shoot him and take it, but that will damage the gear. I could knock him out and take it, too dangerous! I could talk to him, but what is he kills me and I lose what I have? Etc. That's what makes the game awesome for me, as well as baseball bat duels. Baseball bat duels are hilarious Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inception. 9443 Posted October 2, 2013 Hello there As someone stated before...your playstyle is not everyone's playstyle and therefore you now have you one logical reason.You have your answer. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hogscraper 328 Posted October 2, 2013 Maybe, and this is a huge maybe, if the spawn rates are dropped enough, there might eventually be a huge deficit of guns and ammo in the game that might lead to people being cautious. Otherwise I think this will ultimately hurt the game. I can't see that there is any benefit at all here. For those trying to kill or rob for gear the drive MIGHT make them more cautious but will most likely cause them to kill MORE people on sight when they go to their kill and find broken gear. For the victim, who rises up to the challenge and kills their attacker, there is a much greater chance that they will have nothing to loot from their encounter. When someone tries to rob me now, I go on the attack knowing that the risk to my life has the possible reward of finding things on their corpse I can use. In SA I will be defending my life, causing a racket and drawing zombies and other players to the area, with less chance to have anything in that situation go my way except surviving. I think the gains in people not killing for gear will be offset by people knowing that if they are about to robbed, shooting at their attackers increases the chances that attacker will get nothing if the victim dies. Some guy trying to rob me now is most likely still going to end with me dying. Once enough people realize that fighting back might stop a robbery the chances of those same people rolling the dice and just shooting them first goes way up. Count how many times you've died, but had the pleasure of making it back to your corpse and get a few supplies before moving on. SA makes it so that you have little chance of recovering gear? Its a lose-lose-lose-lose situation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beavis_5000 111 Posted October 2, 2013 I think we can all agree the main reasons for most KoS is to protect ones gear, to gain someone elses gear and just shear wanting to kill someone. Regardless no one like to lose stuff. Maybe if there were some type of pentalty to killing someone, like loosing a piece of gear? That way people would be more picky about their engagements and would only kill someone if the had to. I dont know just a thought. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ozelot (DayZ) 394 Posted October 2, 2013 Hello there As someone stated before...your playstyle is not everyone's playstyle and therefore you now have you one logical reason.You have your answer.If someone chooses not to kill regardless, how does the change actually affect anyone or anything? The answer: it doesn't. People who KOS'd before will continue to. Just saying well this person won't! doesn't mean EVERYONE else will follow that example. Many people might decide to KOS even harder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inception. 9443 Posted October 2, 2013 People who KOS'd before will continue to. You cannot be sure upon whether people will necessarily continue what they do in the mod. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ozelot (DayZ) 394 Posted October 2, 2013 You cannot be sure upon whether people will necessarily continue what they do in the mod.Actually, I can. Because we've seen it before. Hundreds of flashlight-toating noobs are killed on the coasts in the mod every day. No one cares about the gear they have or how conservative they should be with ammo. Why are people going to care after? I doubt most KOS'rs even PICK UP the gear from their kills, because it's extremely risky to even bother with most of the time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Diggydug (DayZ) 331 Posted October 2, 2013 I feel the KoS "problem" is not able to fixed with game mechanic, but I'd like to be wrong there. It's the community, more than anything, and the community doesn't really seem to be here to play a survival game, but a PvP game with the fun of scavenging for the guns. I think the only thing that can really fix that is the standalone being a turnoff for those in the community who play for the above reason. Where survival is actually difficult alone. I can dream. Until then I expect nothing to really change. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inception. 9443 Posted October 2, 2013 Actually, I can. Because we've seen it before. Hundreds of flashlight-toating noobs are killed on the coasts in the mod every day. No one cares about the gear they have or how conservative they should be with ammo. Why are people going to care after? I doubt most KOS'rs even PICK UP the gear from their kills, because it's extremely risky to even bother with most of the time. You have seen it before in the mod. The Standalone will be different to the mod, and some people may take a different route, especially considering the damage items can take from being shot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
broguenz 333 Posted October 2, 2013 They will be watching and you will receive no mercy Regards Them Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SalamanderAnder (DayZ) 1747 Posted October 2, 2013 1: It probably will affect some people's play style, as it would no longer be lucrative for a bandit to kill newbs and survive for weeks on the beans and other equipment he invariably will harvest from their corpse, as you know we all do. Sure, people kill out of fear. People also kill out of greed. People also kill for fun. People are people and they do things for many different reasons. The simple truth though is that earning new loot from corpses is a huge bonus and it can often just seem like those soda's appeared out of thin air, but the reality is that you just forgot that you got it off a corpse. 2: How about restraints and non-lethals? Does your "logic" leave any room for those kinds of implementations? How about permanent nicknames and disguises? You don't think these would have some kind of effect on the way people behave in a game? 3: What about cooperative objectives and actions which necessitate the presence of more than one person? What about the idea that transporting a tire or a fueltank would actually require labor and skill on the part of the player? If you were thinking logically, you would realize that this one feature is not supposed to be some kind of a "solution" to murder in DayZ. If you honestly think that's "the idea" here, then you're clearly setting up a straw man argument, and also forgetting that the game is still only in pre-alpha, and therefore the features you see RIGHT NOW are not necessarily representative of the final product. You know the story of the Zen master? On his 16th birthday, a village boy gets a horse as a present. All the villagers say, "How wonderful!" The Zen master says "We'll see." Then one day, the boy is thrown from the horse, and can no longer walk. The villagers all say "Oh, how terrible!" The Zen master says, "We'll see." Then one day, the country goes to war. All the young men are rounded up for service in the army, but the boy has a limp and he gets to stay with his family. The villagers all say, "How wonderful!" Can you guess what the Zen master says? The point is, how about we stop acting like fucking Congress, trying to predict the future and the behavior of players in DayZ, and allow the team to develop the game, experiment, and actually accomplish something. This game is relatively unprecedented territory. Sure, this or that might work, or might not work. Certain features might work in conjunction with other features. We won't actually find out until they are implemented and tested, will we? Let me remind you again. (ALPHA TEST) As in, not a complete product. How many times does this have to be repeated before people realize that they are testing an incomplete game? It is subject to change. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rossums 2190 Posted October 2, 2013 Hello thereThis should just be locked.OP is unbelievably fucking stupid, he's been given logical reasons but insists on putting his fingers in his hears and shouting LALALALLALALALA CANT HEAR YOU.Basic logic and skills of deduction seem to elude him, it's like trying to argue with a brick wall - YOUR ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE MEANS NOTHING.For the final time, if ammo is scarce enough and there is no definite return value, people will think before they shoot. There is literally no point in wasting your very limited ammo unless you have to.You are playing it the easiest way it can be played, it's also the most boring and unsatisfying - people shoot people on the coast because you find ammo everywhere and they are too shit to kill people up north, this is why all the baddies hang around at the coast.RgdsRossums Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted October 2, 2013 Unfortunately being stuborn and/or ignorant is not against the rules. If you're sick of the discussion simply leave the topic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites