[email protected] 2416 Posted September 7, 2013 In an ideal world the damage would be confined to the area shot and only damage equipment in that particular zone. Not sure how difficult this would be to implement though, especially with all the items that will be in game.The locational-bleeding, depending on the point of contact, shows that they already have the ability to detect a "hit" to a specific zone.As a proof-of concept, I'm happy to see the stored-item damage and point-of-impact detection both working. I noticed that although they have the ability to show varying stages of degradation (as show with the 3 pairs of boots), the items stored inside a damaged piece of clothing went straight to being "destroyed".I'd guess the whole setup was just to give us a rough idea, with damage-values accelerated for demonstration purposes.Suppose it's all just guessing ATM. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SalamanderAnder (DayZ) 1747 Posted September 7, 2013 (edited) 1- Go to 1:58 to avoid crazy combat bullshit- 2- Watch the gun fly out of his hand. 3- ???? Profit. "A round struck the tube by my hand of the 203 grenade launcher which knocked it out of my hands. When I picked the rifle back up it was still functional but the grenade launcher tube had a nice sized 7.62 cal bullet hole in it and was rendered useless." If the concept itself is in question here, I really can't see why. Otherwise, I agree the visual ques could use some improvement, but the concept makes complete sense. Imagine if a Taliban fighter had retrieved that rifle? It would literally be damaged because of his own actions. Cause, and effect. (Not to mention that the gun clearly absorbed the damage from the bullet, which probably saved his life. So there are more aspects to this feature than simply "mitigating KoS.") Edited September 7, 2013 by SalamanderAnder 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 2416 Posted September 7, 2013 I wonder if we'll be able to do a little patch-job on clothing items.Any fiddly, technical bits an bobs will just have to stay broken, but I'm sure most folks could stitch a coat back together with some scraps of material, or darn a hole in a sock. The more I see of SA the more I get the scavenger, salvager, survival vibe. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
meat pie 632 Posted September 7, 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdcVPKD803E I fucking slid down the road coming off my Motorcycle at a high speed and my clothes were damaged but they were mostly fine, I bet in SA I would be completely naked and probably have an infection and then die because antibiotics are nowhere to be found.Dayz in a nutshell Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FrostDMG 398 Posted September 7, 2013 Unfortunately, most of the forum "zombies" (pardon the pun), are broken records.I agree that currently the system is fucking stupid, but I'm hoping this shit'll get fixed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inception. 9443 Posted September 7, 2013 I agree that currently the system is fucking stupid, How so? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michaelvoodoo25 3120 Posted September 7, 2013 Once I was killed by a door!Its a game, a game which has not been released, one you havent bought yet.Stop with the childish comments! Be greatful you are seeing history in small steps 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maxgor 2314 Posted September 7, 2013 (edited) Unfortunately, most of the forum "zombies" (pardon the pun), are broken records.I agree that currently the system is fucking stupid, but I'm hoping this shit'll get fixed. No, currently the system is a pretty cool survival element that will have an interesting gameplay impact when ready, it just has it's values wrong, something admitted to by the developer, but good thing this is an unreleased alpha, or it might be a problem. We are only broken records here, because some people are unable to understand what state the game is in and seem to expect brand new features to work perfectly right away. These devblogs aren't to show the finished product, they are too show the unfinished product and to keep people up to date on what they are working on and what they are adding into the game currently. Sorry if most people around here like to use some common sense. It's complaining about an unfinished feature being unfinished. It's pointless. Edited September 7, 2013 by Maxgor 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SmashT 10907 Posted September 7, 2013 (edited) Obviously damage/armour values will be tweaked, it's even talked about in the blog. Your shoes aren't going to get damaged because you got shot in the arm either :/ I can't imagine we will ever see specific location damage for individual items though (back of shirt, front of shirt, left sleeve, pocket etc) for two reasons:There are hundreds of thousands of items in game, each stores it's own damage state in the database and has textures for them (okay, damaged, destroyed) - I can't see them making individual parts of each model also have their own individual states and textures. It's unnecessarily complex and would be a massive amount of work both in terms of making so many textures for each piece of clothing as well as storing that in the database for so many items.Having the entire item become "damaged" makes it easier for players to identify that the clothing/items are in fact damaged. Edited September 7, 2013 by SmashT 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 2416 Posted September 7, 2013 I don't get why anyone has cause to complain about what we've seen.Per-object location damage aside. Is instant destruction of the contents of your pockets intentional, do you think? It's hard to tell from viewer-side if it's meant, but the devblog seems to be showing us that it's the act of destroying the "Red Check Shirt" which causes the magazines stored inside it to break.If they can assign statuses to objects and also have objects assign statuses to players when equipped, couldn't the pockets on a coat a player is wearing get a sort of "hitbox" detection, to decide whether or not pocket-contents get damaged/destroyed? If general wear and tear can damage your clothing, I don't want to have to worry that my clothes becoming tattered from age will break everything that I was carrying at the time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
St. Jimmy 1631 Posted September 7, 2013 Rocket is also aiming for authenticity and I kind of liked how it was now. But it has been said many times before that it'll be tweaked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bfisher 561 Posted September 7, 2013 Why would you get a foot injury anyways from worn out trainers? At worst you'll get blisters, tbh I walk around all the time in bare feet and I'm fine, if I get a bit of glass in my foot, I pull it out and get over it, but I bet in this system I'll get aids and die. "Blisters" are a "foot injury". If you get blisters or a bit of glass in your foot while living in a zombie infested post apocalyptic post Soviet wasteland, you're going to have real problems IRL. I actually think it's pretty freakin cool. Sure the system isn't perfect yet, but I like the idea that you constantly need to scavenge to repair or replace your stuff. After a couple of hours running around the woods getting chased by zombies and bandits, your character should look like a of hobo refugee with worn out shoes and clothes falling off him. He shouldn't look like he just raided the local REI sporting goods store. I don't think it's going to stop KoS that much. Some people just like killing other players for the heck of it. But it might give people something else to do besides just gearing up and going on shooting rampages. I, for one, am looking forward to flex-cuffing someone in the middle of a field of zombies and throwing a smoke grenade on top of them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfstriked 143 Posted September 7, 2013 Hopefully the degredation makes for the feel of finding a brand new set of boots exhilirating.Going from past Dayz experience they dont seem to know the meaning of rare so I think it will be a running simulator where you run from town to town to replace your shoes,shirt and resupply your antibiotics to cure the infection you got running to the newest town etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cap'n (DayZ) 1827 Posted September 7, 2013 I feel bad for Rocket. He has to please these people. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gooober 34 Posted September 8, 2013 (edited) "Please these people" Wouldn't we have the Standalone already ? Don't get me wrong... I enjoy playing DayZ, but adding more shinny options to the game that causes more delays is getting old..... Release Dec 2012 ?? What's the date ? Edited September 8, 2013 by Gooober Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dulix11 731 Posted September 8, 2013 "Please these people" Wouldn't we have the Standalone already ? Don't get me wrong... I enjoy playing DayZ, but adding more shinny options to the game that causes more delays is getting old..... Release Dec 2012 ?? What's the date ? If we had the standalone all ready we would have a bug ridden mess. That is why we haven't got it yet. Watch the latest dev blog you can see that there is still loads to do. Give it time, because even it if it takes another 6 months, all this 'shinny' options are going to make the game freakin' aweshum. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Siberian (DayZ) 527 Posted September 8, 2013 If we had the standalone all ready we would have a bug ridden mess. That is why we haven't got it yet. Watch the latest dev blog you can see that there is still loads to do. Give it time, because even it if it takes another 6 months, all this 'shinny' options are going to make the game freakin' aweshum. would that be 6 months from now, or 6 months from 6 months from now ??? have to have your head pretty far in the sand if you dont see that Rocket is clearly suffering from dev. feature creep at this point.. this is NOT a retail-release candidate we are all waiting on. its a VERY early ALPHA. bugs n missing features are what we al expect and understand. thats why its a ALPHA, not even a beta for cripes sake. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hockeyguy 107 Posted September 8, 2013 I think its an awesome idea along as its nerfed a little bit. It will also make it so items are not in the game as long and will cause bandits to have to loot some things instead of just shooting to kill people. I am not sure if it is going to stop people from shooting each other because I don't know to many bandits that shoot people because of their gear, they shoot them because they are a bandit and bandits shoot people. The only way to stop people from shooting each other in a game like DayZ is to remove any and all weapons. Just my opinion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inception. 9443 Posted September 8, 2013 If I see someone mention the December 2012 "release date" [MAJOR EMPHASIS ON THE QUOTATION MARKS, PEOPLE] again, stuff will be broken. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SaveMeJebus 164 Posted September 8, 2013 This is the main reason the devs are so hesitant to show the masses what they are working on. Even tho it was stated many times by rocket in the video that the variables still need adjusted and that he was just displaying how the system they have been working on will function, we still end up with posts like this. Maybe OP watched the dev blog with the sound off? 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted September 8, 2013 "Please these people" Wouldn't we have the Standalone already ? Don't get me wrong... I enjoy playing DayZ, but adding more shinny options to the game that causes more delays is getting old..... Release Dec 2012 ?? What's the date ? They scrapped the initial deadline in favour of rebuilding the game from the ground up instead of releasing a more polished standalone version of the mod. How can there be delays when there is no release date? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Firewarrior64 69 Posted September 8, 2013 I think item damage is a nice way to reduce KoS, but it still doesn't fight the core problem. Regardless if you kill someone or handcuff them, it's still a hostile encounter. I'd like to see a lot more things encouraging friendly encounters than stuff punishing hostile ones. Actually, I think handcuffing people is worse for the victim than killing them. why? Imagine you get killed. Great, now you can respawn and gear up again. Now imagine you get handcuffed in the middle of nowhere and everything is stolen from you. 5 minutes later you struggle free. And you are without food, probably already hungry and thirsty, without a weapon, without anything. Half an hour later you'll have starved to death. If you had been killed immediately, you'd probably already have a weapon again by now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bludy 324 Posted September 8, 2013 i liked the video..things will change so i'm not afraid at all about these features..anyway if this system will make people learn to shoot and learn to think BEFORE shooting i'll be happy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted September 8, 2013 Not sure if anyone read Rocket's response on reddit regarding the damage shown on the Devblog. There was a bug in that the full damage of the weapon was applied to the clothing and all items in that clothing, meaning all items were fully damaged and destroyed. The real concept is the damage is given to items until the damage points are used up. From reddit: "So if you are hit with a damage of 4.2, and 2 damage is used to destroy the vest, it leaves 2.1 damage left for everything else. Say the shirt gets destroyed with 0.5 damage, it leaves 1.6 damage for the items. Take off 0.5 for the can of beans, that leaves 1.1, take off 1 for a hammer, and you have 0.1 left that might slightly damage another item in your inventory." 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted September 8, 2013 This was Rockets narration as he demonstrated the new concept: "Might be a little bit overpowered, for this demonstration here. But you can see where we're going with the concept" and "I need to play with the values quite a lot, to get them working right. But you can see the basics of the concept" I'm not sure how much clearer he can be tbh. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites