Cap'n (DayZ) 1827 Posted September 4, 2013 (edited) Okay, so I've been seeing people throw this term around a lot. When you're having an argument, discussion, or pretty much anything involving the mod, people like to separate the community. For example, proponents of 1st only claim that they are the "true" hardcore fans of DayZ. So...who entitled you to that? We're playing the same game here, 1st only or not, Veteran or not, it's the same game. It's like saying you're the master race of Christianity because you're Catholic. Just because you prefer something else doesn't entitle you to be considered superior to others, it's just your opinion and your preference. I hate to bring 1st vs 3rd into it, and it may not be the only example of this mindset, but it's the best one and most relevant to our current conundrum. I'm just not too fond of this attitude. I'm not any better than you because I prefer 3rd, I just have different tastes. I might be in the minority, but that doesn't give you any right to regard yourself as better than me. FYI, Rocket isn't making your game, he's making his game. As much as we may try to recommend(or demand), it's still his project and he does as he pleases. So you may be regarded by your inner circle of buddies on this forum as the "master race", but the people who really count don't give two shits about how you feel. That's just my two cents, m8 Edited September 4, 2013 by Cap'n 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rage VG 4033 Posted September 4, 2013 The "Hardcore" and non "Hardcore" are two valid ways to sort of differentiate from one part of the community. To me, anyone who plays on default settings or harder with the intention of getting to End-game pvp level is hardcore. Anyone who plays casually, like on servers with looser settings or they just like to mess around, are not hardcore. Neither are better than the other, and anyone who thinks otherwise is silly. It's like the "Casual" and "Competitive" variation between other games like FPSes and Fighters; those who play to get better are competitive, those who play to fully enjoy themselves are casual. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
applejaxc 2500 Posted September 4, 2013 (edited) It's entirely valid; "Hardcore" players intentionally play a more difficult variety of the game. There is a HUGE difference between the player who goes on vanilla public servers and players who refuse to play anything without self blood bagging, extra cars, and extra guns. Your argument is like saying gold medal olympists aren't any better than bronze medal olympists because the extra work they put into their performance equates to nothing. It's nothing about mentality; it's about who is going to greater lengths to create a more challenging environment to play in. Edited September 4, 2013 by Applejaxc 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wild_man 4442 Posted September 4, 2013 (edited) first times playing dayz I use third everytimes 3rd person is good for see everywhere stay hide ;)example I kill too many guys in elektro hospital using 3rd to see them coming inside, this kill not possible no 3rd I watch live stream survivor gamez and was 1st person only, I enjoy this too much and for me is make game more intense experience and show more skill for survive and win pvP :thumbsup: after this dsylecxi video coming and it make me convince 100% more honest pure way for play this game is like this now I play always 1st person even 3rd person server but I stop to worry what other guys doing is true I believe inside heart 1st person is best, most intense, more difficult, more reward feel, more realism, maximum immersion way for play but I don't think that make me better person :rolleyes: I know for sure it make me better player B) Edited September 4, 2013 by KoS 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted September 4, 2013 The hardcore players play in Russian. :D 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted September 4, 2013 A lot of us found DayZ because we were looking for a hard core game. I personally am sick of linear, arcadey, scripted games so when i heard about DayZ and how different and difficult is was i was instantly hooked. That doesn't mean i think i am better than anyone else. Really, what kind of person would think they are better than someone because they play a game at hardcore difficulty? Are we infants here or what? I think you need some fish to go with that chip on your shoulder. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bad_mojo (DayZ) 1204 Posted September 4, 2013 (edited) The term is actually being used as kind of an insult these days. Any time I ever mention making DayZ more difficult I get tons of responses that imply I only suggest adding difficulty because I want to boost my image as a hardcore player. The first/third debate in particular is ripe with these backhanded compliments. People wanting to split the game into a Elite Hardcore and normal difficulties. You'll notice they never want to refer to our version as normal or hard, it's always to the extreme. It gets so bad that discussions routinely get derailed into a debate about difficulty and elitism. The funniest shit is the people they're calling out for being hardcore wannabes are usually the more mature gamers who don't give two shits about what people think of them. They're just here to discuss DayZ and follow its development. Hardcore, expert, elite, are all words I look for in a DayZ server, but by no means do I feel like I'm any better than a player who plays on beginner, regular, or simplified servers. To me it's all about what we're looking for in our experience, not what we're capable of. Edited September 4, 2013 by bad_mojo 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JIJOK 49 Posted September 4, 2013 arma 2 oa or dayz ( same ) bullet isn't afected by wind, so no1 play really hardcore 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IncognitoNico 71 Posted September 4, 2013 (edited) Rocket isn't making your game, he's making his game.And he intended a hardcore, survival experience, he once told the story about how he got inspiration for DayZ, and that he intended DayZ to make playeres feel the way he felt on his experience (or something on those lines)..... So yeah..... I think the point of the so called "Hardcore elitists" or whatever you want to call them is valid Edited September 4, 2013 by IncognitoNico Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jamz 253 Posted September 4, 2013 One thing I like about DayZ is that everyone starts with, and to a degree continues with, and equal chance. Lower end weapons are arguably the most deadly and everyone has almost instant access to them, it's a great equalizer between players.By the above definitions I am a hardcore player myself, playing only the vanilla game as a lone wolf (so blood bagging is not an option) but I try to avoid player contact and use third person view sometimes. I think the definition is rather a grey area and a generalisation, but there are many players who would rather have a watered down survival experience and play on a modified version of DayZ and they are who I would consider more casual players. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bludy 324 Posted September 4, 2013 i understand how Op means that it's sometimes a way to split the community or it's used like an insult of boobness..POV is one of the worst debates ever seen here, so i put the attention on the old oneshotkill snipers and not oneshotkill snipers..there the you are not hardcore was thrown left and right, no matter what did you prefere, you weren't the hardcore player. that was stupid.sometimes it's cannot call yourself hardcore if you spawn with an m4sd and in 100m you find a fixed car fuel loaded. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dgeesio 1034 Posted September 4, 2013 I AM HARDCORE I PLAY NAKED WITH MY EYEZ SHUT BLUT ! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
okami (DayZ) 129 Posted September 4, 2013 I dont like being put into categories. I had characters lone wolfing in the north geared to the teeth more than 14 months ago and i played on servers where you spawn with snipers and find vehicles everywhere when i know that i will only be able to play for 2 hours in the whole week. Why? Because it`s fun and i don`t give a sh*t if this is not what the game is meant to be played. Just see it as two different branches. We have the freedom to choose whatever we like at the moment and personally i think it`s a great thing. And only playing one style doesnt make anyone better in any way. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tommes 331 Posted September 4, 2013 My observation is also that players with lower skill tend to go easy while the higher skilled tend to want more hardcore stuff. The reason might be that any folk you would call something like "hardcore" are willingly putting themselves under harsher conditions than they'd have to. That will make them better at what they do than people only going easy all the time. It's like with lifting weights. You play around with the girls weights you will get the according muscles. Might be fine for you but the big boys will always just smile. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inception. 9443 Posted September 4, 2013 And he intended a hardcore, survival experience, he once told the story about how he got inspiration for DayZ, and that he intended DayZ to make playeres feel the way he felt on his experience (or something on those lines)..... So yeah..... I think the point of the so called "Hardcore elitists" or whatever you want to call them is valid This.--Being apart of the hardcore or casual community has nothing to do with how you play currently, but how you wish to see the mod and Standalone to be like [hardcore for hardcore players, casual for casual players; it is rather self-explanatory] that categories you into the hardcore or casual community. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
h3l1x 327 Posted September 4, 2013 (edited) So, I only play on vanilla public hive servers (and a vanilla private hive without crosshairs I discovered recently), lone wolf and such (no bloodbagging, no mates with vehicles covering my ass and taking me back to my corpse so I can loot it), I really hate crosshairs and I want more public hive servers with that feature disabled, but I still like using 3rd person view. And also I'm in for more realistic/hard features. And I never KOS, I just like to stalk people and have fun watching them while they don't know I'm there (which is much harder than killing everyone you meet just in case they try to kill you first). In which category do I fall in? 1st person view only people would call me a casual player, all others a hardcore one. My point is, the lines are really subjective and everyone interprets them by his own playstyle/standards. Edited September 4, 2013 by h3l1x 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pxxl 259 Posted September 4, 2013 For example, proponents of 1st only claim that they are the "true" hardcore fans of DayZ. So...who entitled you to that? We're playing the same game here, 1st only or not, Veteran or not, it's the same game. It's the same game, but you prefer to hover over a treeline to see a name including the distance it is away from you pop up? It's the same game, but you prefer to stay prone and still see like you are hovering a meter above ground level. It's the same game, and yes if you prefer to use these settings you are indeed less of a Hardcore player. And you can wrap your whole story in a bunch of half truths, but that doesn't make your opinion/preference any better. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jonson (DayZ) 31 Posted September 4, 2013 Maybe one of the problems here is that hardcore vs. non hardcore implies some kind of value instead of just different play styles. Being "more hardcore than others" is often used as a reason to demand more weight for ones wishes. It really just comes down to the search for arguments to get what someone wants. I mean we all have things that we like to see in the SA and feel threatened when someone wishes for something else, so we look for ways to give our opinion more weight. Thinking that you are better because you are hardcore is in my opinion more of a byproduct of the terms use as an argument. We should just voice our wishes with equal rights and see what comes, knowing that the devs are well aware of different play styles and there will most probably be servers to cater to every one of them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jex 1104 Posted September 4, 2013 Saying "playing in first person is hardcore" is like someone telling you that your an extreme sportsman because you rode your bike to the shops and when you go "how's that extreme" the moronic response is "well it's more extreme than sitting in my armchair". DayZ was made to hunt for gear, survive and get around zombies. The various mods out there that dumb the game down cannot be labelled dayz, likewise the mods that make the game impossible, cannot be called dayz. Playing the game in 1st person is normal, as is having to hunt for gear spending hours doing this. A decent zombie threat is meant to be present but we all know that's coming and cannot be achieved in the mod. If you are on a server that you get geared up in 10 minutes and have a car that is not DayZ, likewise if it takes you 2 hours and all you find is a can of beans, that isn't dayz either. I would say these two states are the difficulties - One is easy mode, the other is hardcore mode. DayZ has always been about finding gear and getting the basics fairly quickly and then slowly building up more and more to better gear, fixing up a vehicle, getting some tents down and player encounters. Making things too easy or too rare isn't Dayz imo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tommes 331 Posted September 4, 2013 No matter what or where "hardcore" implies some sort of significantly more than average quality of involvement. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dallas 5195 Posted September 4, 2013 (edited) "I've seen things, you would not believe, I've done things, you would not understand. I've gone beyond normal mode and faced virtual death and destruction. I've been there and done that and if I had to play the game again on hardcore mode... I'd do it all over again, without hesitation, without regrets. I am, a hardcore gamer." *eyes blink and 1000 yard stare disappears* The gaming term hardcore comes from casual games and basically means "automatic health generation disabled" or difficulty not completely dumb down. I feel no shame about being labeled not hardcore, because I enjoy playing on third person servers, because to me, hardcore is just an attempt to redefine "hard" as something to be absurdly proud of, almost so real you could potentially get PTSD from it. Edited September 4, 2013 by Dallas 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mercules 1290 Posted September 4, 2013 Look, Hardcore is not an absolute, I will give you that. However, it is a scale and people can be more left or right on the scale. I won't use up or down because for some reason up is considered good in many people's eyes. Far left we can set Extremely Hardcore and far right we can set Extremely Casual. We can then set up a scale that is 20 to the left and 20 to the right with 0 being really balanced between the two. I can then very much state I am more Hardcore orientated than Billy and more Casual than Tommy. Am I hardcore? Maybe. We would have to define 0 and then if I was 1 to the left of 0 I would be "Hardcore" but not strongly hardcore. Some of that would be what server settings I choose to play under but the rest of it could be what conditions I decide to play under. If I only join servers with 40+ players on them and stay away form empty servers that would make the experience a bit more hardcore. If I join a passworded server that only I and my friends can log into, that is less hardcore. If I only join serves that are in their day cycle after 10AM and before 4PM that is less hardcore than joining servers that have full night and moon cycles and joining during that time. If I join 400+ vehicles, self blood bag, and so forth servers I can hardly call myself hardcore DayZ player even if there are 60 people on the server.It is subjective and while it is not black and white a person can actually state they are more hardcore than another and it shouldn't be an insult. You are not necessarily less skilled if you prefer 24/7 daylight, self bloodbag, starting gear, nametag, servers but you probably are not challenging what skill you do have on them. Some people just want a relaxing release and others want something that is stressful in a good way. What I want is a stressful game that challenges me... most of the time... Of course when I don't want to be challenged I hop on Battlefield 3 which has less stress to it. If I die I respawn with full gear. Sometimes I consider making suicidal charges so I can get certain special items back to use again. Casual games can be fun. I like Tower Defense games, but I would never consider them "hardcore". Some are more challenging than others but none of them eat up resources to try again or make you start over other than starting that level over. I like ME1-3 but they are not "hardcore" since you just go back to a save point and try the same tactic or a different one. BF3 could be a bit more hardcore, if the maps were better. A sprinkle of vehicles instead of a deluge of vehicles or total lack of them would be nice. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 2416 Posted September 4, 2013 (edited) Choosing to make the game more difficult for ourselves seperates us in playstyle only.Anyone using the term "hardcore", referencing some imagined superiority, is nothing but a self-important ego-stroker.Still, some folks seem to think their opinion carries more weight because of the way they choose to play the game. They need to grow up a bit. When I'm playing with my buddies, I'm on a 3dp server, fighting and driving in FPV by CHOICE.By that measure, I'm more "hardcore" than your "hardcore" crew, because my enemies can see me around corners. And I don't give a shit. EDIT: Classic whine sarcasm in italics. Edited September 4, 2013 by Chabowski Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mercules 1290 Posted September 4, 2013 Still, some folks seem to think their opinion carries more weight because of the way they choose to play the game. They need to grow up a bit. Well, this isn't always a false assumption. If I chose to play DayZ so heavily modified that it turns out to be CoD with zombies I don't care about, I'm really not playing DayZ and my opinion of what happens in DayZ shouldn't have much weight. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 2416 Posted September 4, 2013 That's besides the point. The official version of DayZ will always be just that.2 folks playing the same version of the mod (or SA), one in FPV, one in 3dp. Neither's opinion is more or less valid. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites