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Hotfix Build Rolling Update

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first hospital had no morphine

every hospital has morphine, bandages, blood bags, and pain killers, if the box is missing any of those it is because they have been looted, empty the box, rearm it via the scroll mouse wheel and reopen the box, it will be full again.

It is like freaking magic.

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YESSSSSSSSSSsssss!!!! THE FPS Drop lag is gone for me while i use Six Launcher, i can finally play this game :D

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Got everything working. I think visibility is still 1 bar too high, other than that, things look good. I'll see how it is at night.

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After being sniped by some asshole in Cherno i passed out but did not die. Baddie cant shoot but still got me. Another survivor saw zed chasing me and killed him for me. Then he got sniped coming to revive me from the sniper shot but i couldnt warn him. Apparently the sniper got a better shot on him. Getting up with 2k blood i bandaged and ran barely seeing anything. I came to a hospital where i found blood bags etc etc. Really wish someone would transfuse me but 45/50 people on the server are either hostile or dont care.

My reason for posting this is that while in this extremely low blood state i was literally running in front of zombies, like right up next to them and passing by, brushing their shoulders and they didnt aggro. I assume not intentional.

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Logged in with the new patch, first thing I witnessed was a suicidal zombie, casually walking off a rooftop and splatting on the pavement.

Gave me a good laugh.

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Logged in with the new patch' date=' first thing I witnessed was a suicidal zombie, casually walking off a rooftop and splatting on the pavement.

Gave me a good laugh.


He must be trying to get a better spawn LOL

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Desync at 0, ping good...getting teleporting zombies. Literally disapear from in front of me, then they're hitting me. Through doors, buildings, in the open.

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Logged on, new character, basic gear. Tested flashlight, removed from toolbelt to use slot, turned it on. Working good. Server said wrong version (despite reporting the one i have installed). Left server.

Logged on to another server, flashlight is nowhere to be seen.

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Thank you for all the fixes. I just wanted to ask if you could work more with collision bugs such as: getting hit in the face with a door sometimes breaks a bone, knocks unconscious, massive blood loss, ect. Crawling over any uneven surface can kill you, going through walls, and worst of all falling off ladders to your death while you're climbing for no reason. If there's anything you can do to fix these it'd really be appreciated and help with the core gameplay experience.

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Do I just update on Worroms DayZ Updater and i'm done and ready to go?

You need to install the latest ARMA II beta patch too. Get it here > http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php

Its right at the very top of the page called "ARMA2_OA_Build_93965.zip" ... Just download, Extract, Right click the file named ARMA2_OA_Build_93965 and run as administrator.

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My FPS is still horrible for some reason. I run through steam and updated manually.

The other "new" features worked though! I was a little worried about what was going to happen when I moved my Military Flashlight in my backpack to my active inventory but it placed itself nicely in the tool slots. :)

Would it be possible to alter how much sound you give away depending on how much gear you have? It would make sense that a guy with the assault pack and a pistol generates less sound while moving then a guy with a large backpack, lots and lots of tools hanging around and an assault rifle. It would also work as a "class system" that many people are (for some reason...) asking for. We have overwatch, medics and so on right now. Maybe a runner/scavenger would be fitting. Have less stuff in your inventory and a smaller backpack and you won't make a sound when raiding those houses. :)

Because right now I sneak by every infected very very easily.

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My FPS is still horrible for some reason. I run through steam and updated manually.

The other "new" features worked though! I was a little worried about what was going to happen when I moved my Military Flashlight in my backpack to my active inventory but it placed itself nicely in the tool slots. :)

Would it be possible to alter how much sound you give away depending on how much gear you have? It would make sense that a guy with the assault pack and a pistol generates less sound while moving then a guy with a large backpack' date=' lots and lots of tools hanging around and an assault rifle. It would also work as a "class system" that many people are (for some reason...) asking for. We have overwatch, medics and so on right now. Maybe a runner/scavenger would be fitting. Have less stuff in your inventory and a smaller backpack and you won't make a sound when raiding those houses. :)

Because right now I sneak by every infected very very easily.


Can you tell me EXACTLY how you are runnign the BETA from steam? Ive seen the other threads but couldnt get it to work.

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The FPS issues are still here.

I'm running:

CPU : Intel i7 2600k @ 4.4Ghz

RAM: Corsair Vengeance 16GB (4x4GB) DDR3 1600Mhz

GPU1: MSI R6950 Twin Frozr III 2GB

GPU2: MSI R6950 Twin Frozr III 2GB

I'm getting 30fps max everywhere. I used to get 100fps with the current settings.

GPU1 Hits: 98% Usage

GPU2 Hits: 30% Usage

CPU Hits: 30-40% Usage

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Awsome! Keep it up Rocket! Don't work to hard though ;) I have had no problem Updating Via Sixupdater and beta just give it time this always happens when there is a mass of people trying to update.

Maybe people can look at my link as im looking for feedback :heart:


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Love you Rocket. Game is running a lot better, less big FPS drops. But, will framerates be affected by this patch or future ones? I mean, would you be able to comment on terribly low FPS/GPU-usage? I get 30% GPU-usage half the time, and this hotfix didn't help too much (not a hardware bottleneck, running a 2500k @ 4.5Ghz). Is this the engine or DayZ? Everytime I look at buildings my framerate plummets into the 30s, but GPU usage has never gone above 40% :(

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Just so I am clear. This patch is not being done through six updater' date=' but through a torrent?


I believe if you attempt to join a game it will say that mod needs updated and automatically update you no need to go to torrent.

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much smoother. Still a bit of a pain to get away from zombies still feels very awkward. Otherwise very nice to see this "come along"

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zombies still seem to find me from very far away, and nothing I do can make them loose sight of me.

Also, tried to pick up a crowbar with crossbow equiped, while I was being chased into a house by zeds. got the message "Not enough room in your inventory to equip." Awesome. Needless to say I died. Couldn't equip fast enough.

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Not reading through all 15 pages... My feedback....Zeds upon you from almost the moment you spawn in and they're fast and someone had the bright idea of taking away our gun. UFB

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I've noticed bugs when picking up main weapons that it will drop a lot of your inventory when you pick up a main weapon, pistol, hunting knife. For some reason i've seen this drop usually ammo but it also drops other things as well. There is plenty of room in my inventory for what i am picking up. This has been a problem for me for the last couple of 'hotfix' updates and i think it started when the double barrel shotgun was added.


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