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About deniedfool

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  1. deniedfool

    Pending Update: Build

    Rocket are you trolling us with updating the release date to the 24th of july? lol
  2. deniedfool

    Playing DayZ on a second PC?

    Just install Arma 2 and Arma 2: OA on your laptop and install the DayZ mod.. nothing will change and you should have the same character because it's on the same Arma 2: OA GUID
  3. deniedfool

    Player on FR 75 with as50 thermal

    You can't tell if he spawned it in or if he just found it and started using it :( sorry to tell you but no action will be happening to him as you don't have proof.
  4. deniedfool

    Global ban #0ba9

    Nice try guy
  5. deniedfool

    guild wars 2 > this broken game

    They're 2 different games you can't even compare!
  6. Seems like it, I see "addweapon" then "addweaponcargo" looks like they're spawning the infamous weapon crate.
  7. deniedfool

    Admin abuse on server US 925

    I can say that this is true, i also tried joining the server with a few friends and after 1-2 minutes we got kicked off by the owner: Oaksy
  8. deniedfool

    Dayz Commander (Six Launcher alt)

    DayZ Commander is amazing..Who ever made the program thank you
  9. When it asks for a username and pass for the beta patch just leave them blank and hit login, if it downloads then it worked, if it says reload hit the reload button and it will download. Hope that helps!
  10. deniedfool

    DayZ Public TeamSpeak (Staff Needed)

    I would love to moderate your teamspeak. I'll hop on now.
  11. Yeah they're still a bit glitchy
  12. deniedfool

    how to make day z better, 90% will agree

    I'm still able to sneak through towns.. it doesn't feel like much has changed for me but zombies wouldn't just clearly see you and not attack..
  13. deniedfool

    New infected.

    It would be pretty good, but they should be very rare, and dynamic :)
  14. deniedfool

    Loving the new forum!

    Yeah, they're amazing!
  15. deniedfool


    use this: http://dayzmap.info/ and when you login to a server at the bottom right it says where you are when you login so just read the 2nd line and find it on the map: http://dayzmap.info/