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First vs Third Person Discussion (Dslyecxi video)

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It very well may happen , would you still be so interested if it was (god forbid) restricted to 3rdp only ?


If you were not able to pick up stuff decently and to use a sniper (which is the case in third person only) then the game would be totally screwd, which means probably noone would play it. You forgot one thing, third person is not able to live without first person in dayz, but first person is able to survive on its own.

Edited by Wayze

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Nobody is forcing you to click on it. Let us have our discussion. This thread is the only thing on these forums I'm remotely interested in.

I may not agree with how you said it but I agree with the sentiment :)


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If you were not able to pick up stuff decently and to use a sniper (which is the case in third person only) then the game would be totally screwd, which means probably noone would play it. You forgot one thing, third person is not able to live without first person in dayz, but first person is able to survive on its own.

Since when cant you use a sniper rifle on a 3rdp server ? I do all the time , yes using the scope and all .

You guys assume that because im taking the side of the 3rdp view camp I don't use 1stp view , very wrong I use it all the time the beauty about playing on a 3rdp enabled server is I get to choose when where and how much 1stp view I like , you cant do that if your locked into 1stp view all the time .

 Watch Mr Hall in some of those youtube videos , he's popping in and out of 1st and 3rd all the time as need and choice require .

Maybe I just have trouble restricting my thoughts to inside the box , what some of you guys see as a problem/exploite I see as an asset to the game on any other of the many MMO's out there with 3rdp view this is a non point 3rdp view is what it is people by far and away prefer it .

Again It does not threaten 1stp view in any way , it does not take away from the game anything for anybody , its already and always has been part of the game , let people choose their play style everybodys happy .


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On a side note some of us were asking the blue names if they could ask Mr Hall for a comment that will help us move this thread forward .

blue names any news please ?


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On a side note some of us were asking the blue names if they could ask Mr Hall for a comment that will help us move this thread forward .

blue names any news please ?



Deans at PAX, what did you want him to comment on?

Edited by SmashT
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ask please for comment different hive for 1st and 3rd?

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I'll ask, I have a feeling it's going to be similar to the mod with once central hive initially.


Q: Will all servers connect to one central hive or will we see private hives?

A: Initially when we release there will be one central hive and once we have that working beautifully we will allow other hives to pop up just like with the mod. That will mean DayZ will survive for a long long time and I also think allowing anyone to host servers means we will get the best level of server hosting, much better then what we could do ourselves. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/120064-shannonzkiller-jan-2013-interviewlivestream-with-rocket/

Edited by SmashT
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What a surprise.


I think because I hate it so much I'm probably more conscious of what it can do than most people who prefer to use it. So I exploit the shit out of it in spite. While people are accusing first person players of hating third person because they get killed by "skilled" players who use third person, I'm running around as a maniac bandit on a 30+ kill-streak, exploiting third to it's full potential.

Edited by RooBurger
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Deans at PAX, what did you want him to comment on?

If you could ask him please will there be options to play on 1st person and or 3rd person enabled servers .

I didn't know he was away if its a problem It can wait , as you know this thread isn't going anywhere , literally :)

thanks mate


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There will be some degree of customisation and settings so I doubt that is going to change. Why would they not allow each option?

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There will be some degree of customisation and settings so I doubt that is going to change. Why would they not allow each option?


Its at the centre of my argument/solution if the answer is yes then there is no logical reason for change to how 3rdp view works , not the massive change proposed here anyway , if the answer is no then I can rest in peace so to speak and find greener pastures :) which I think would please you guys greatly .


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For those late to the conversation, this is what you have missed thus far: 



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Its at the centre of my argument/solution if the answer is yes then there is no logical reason for change to how 3rdp view works , not the massive change proposed here anyway , if the answer is no then I can rest in peace so to speak and find greener pastures :) which I think would please you guys greatly .



The devs have acknowledged there is a "problem" with third person currently and are looking to address it, whether the current proposals work well or not we don't know but regardless of server settings options available they are going to try them. I expect the answer to be yes in regards to server options but that doesn't really change anything.



I think that it has been demonstrated that there is a "problem" with the allowance of third person, and the proposed solution is the best I can come up with. It's not perfect, but if we just allow servers to turn it on/off then I think demand will dictate that people gravitate to 'third person allowed" servers - despite them acknowledging the exploits.

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The devs have acknowledged there is a "problem" with third person currently and are looking to address it, whether the current proposals work well or not we don't know but regardless of server settings options available they are going to try them. I expect the answer to be yes in regards to server options but that doesn't really change anything.

Your just taking us back into the circular discussion , If you cant or wont or don't want to ask Mr Hall on my behalf there is nothing I can do about it , but rather than being neutral you are showing your colours again .

Hey im not totally stupid I know I cant fight the man so if your not interested just say so and im out of here .


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Its at the centre of my argument/solution if the answer is yes then there is no logical reason for change to how 3rdp view works , not the massive change proposed here anyway , if the answer is no then I can rest in peace so to speak and find greener pastures :) which I think would please you guys greatly .



What do you mean... no logical reason to change how 3rd person works? Even if there were dedicated first person and first/third person hives and servers, what about the people who like to see their character but hate the "exploits" you can do with that view?


Just because you like the exploitable view with all its faults, that doesn't mean it's illogical for people to want to make it less exploitable.

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SMLE, they're moderators, not Mr. Halls secretary. If they want to pass something on to him, they will.


Also, they're free to take any side on any issue, they're what we call human.

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Your just taking us back into the circular discussion , If you cant or wont or don't want to ask Mr Hall on my behalf there is nothing I can do about it , but rather than being neutral you are showing your colours again .

Hey im not totally stupid I know I cant fight the man so if your not interested just say so and im out of here .



I already asked on Skype 15 minutes ago, he's at PAX though as I already mentioned so I don't expect a response. Your argument is essentially if there are both first person and third person servers then we don't need to change anything but that doesn't solve the existing problems with third person. This is already addressed by Rocket in the first post. 


I think that it has been demonstrated that there is a "problem" with the allowance of third person, and the proposed solution is the best I can come up with. It's not perfect, but if we just allow servers to turn it on/off then I think demand will dictate that people gravitate to 'third person allowed" servers - despite them acknowledging the exploits.

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What do you mean... no logical reason to change how 3rd person works? Even if there were dedicated first person and first/third person hives and servers, what about the people who like to see their character but hate the "exploits" you can do with that view?


Just because you like the exploitable view with all its faults, that doesn't mean it's illogical for people to want to make it less exploitable.

There you go using the exploite word again , if I play say WOW or Rift or SWTOR in 3rdp view am I exploiting ?

No I can not speak for everybody only myself but there is a disproportional representation in this thread when compaired to the game community as a group that's why their called the silent majority nothing short of a bomb under them gets them moving even then they will simply vote with their wallets . 3rdp view works , its popular , it makes sales , it doesn't hurt anybody why butcher it .


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SMLE, they're moderators, not Mr. Halls secretary. If they want to pass something on to him, they will.


Also, they're free to take any side on any issue, they're what we call human.

Above SmashT's picture it says "Rockets Secretary" so I beg to differ :)


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Above SmashT's picture it says "Rockets Secretary" so I beg to differ :)


It's a joke because I'm constantly typing up his interviews etc. I don't actually make Rocket tea and coffee, that's Matt's job.


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There you go using the exploite word again , if I play say WOW or Rift or SWTOR in 3rdp view am I exploiting ?

No I can not speak for everybody only myself but there is a disproportional representation in this thread when compaired to the game community as a group that's why their called the silent majority nothing short of a bomb under them gets them moving even then they will simply vote with their wallets . 3rdp view works , its popular , it makes sales , it doesn't hurt anybody why butcher it .



There you go again, ignoring the point and focusing on your dislike of the terms used.

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I already asked on Skype 15 minutes ago, he's at PAX though as I already mentioned so I don't expect a response. Your argument is essentially if there are both first person and third person servers then we don't need to change anything but that doesn't solve the existing problems with third person so it doesn't really change anything. This is already addressed by Rocket in the first post. 


firstly thankyou for asking on my behalf , much appreciated .

You are correct that is my argument , but that is where you and I part ways you see existing problems where there there are none , do you not see all through this thread the complaints and being put forward by people who wont even be playing on the 3rdp enabled servers , there are no problems for the vast majority of 3rdp view players as shown by server numbers and sales thus far , those people are playing the game not here argueing for change .


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There you go again, ignoring the point and focusing on your dislike of the terms used.

I did not ignore the point and yes I dislike the use of terms that misrepresent the truth .


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