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August Round-up: DevBlog, #DayZDaily, Gamescom

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Can any of the Test players of the closed Alpha say something towards the Character creation?


Or do you spawn with some randomized character?

Currently it's just random.  That doesn't really indicate anything though, each build has things added/removed and so on for testing.

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Well that's good to know, hopefully that won't be final and we get to make a character ourselfs. Even if it is just like the arma 2 or 3 character builder.

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Well that's good to know, hopefully that won't be final and we get to make a character ourselfs. Even if it is just like the arma 2 or 3 character builder.



I'm hoping that something like that happens, that way we can use the custom faces like we have in Arma 2, it's a shame Arma 3's is currently borken...

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No leaping zombies then? :/ I think they should reconsider using arma 3 after all and start from the scratch. Dat game looks amazing !

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No leaping zombies then? :/ I think they should reconsider using arma 3 after all and start from the scratch. Dat game looks amazing !

welcome to the wrong game! if this is your main concern i think the SA is clearly nothing for you :/

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I just wonder what we can expect with character customization? It hasn't really been described all that much. Will it even be available in SA?

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Work on the network bubble isn't going to begin until next week.


You're telling me that after over a month of talking about this "network bubble" that they haven't even started on it yet?  Gotta love them priorities...

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You're telling me that after over a month of talking about this "network bubble" that they haven't even started on it yet?  Gotta love them priorities...


At this point, it's all speculation.

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At this point, it's all speculation.

I think he did say on gamescom that they would start with the bubble in one weeks, that was almost a week ago so probably they are working on it.

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Sorry guys if this has been already explained and mentioned, I haven't been able to read the whole thread just yet, but the SA is going to be much better optimized than the DayZ mod, correct? I'm pretty sure the answer is yes since they're using a completely different engine to suit the game and I'd expect it to run better. However I'm not exactly sure if this is the case. Also is there any information regarding what loot/weapons will be found in the SA game or what has been taken out from it? or will we find out about it only once it's (SA) released? Thank you in advance. 

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Where is the september round-up...?  :P

Nothing to round up just yet. I want it naaaaaaows <3


Sorry guys if this has been already explained and mentioned, I haven't been able to read the whole thread just yet, but the SA is going to be much better optimized than the DayZ mod, correct? I'm pretty sure the answer is yes since they're using a completely different engine to suit the game and I'd expect it to run better. However I'm not exactly sure if this is the case. Also is there any information regarding what loot/weapons will be found in the SA game or what has been taken out from it? or will we find out about it only once it's (SA) released? Thank you in advance.

No, not much information have been about weapons yet. So far what we've seen in-game is only M4 (as far as weapons go).

We will most likely have to wait until SA Alpha before we can elabroate on that question (=


(Please fill in if there's something I've missed, been trying to follow SA progress but I might have missed information)


Quoted from SmashT:

Will we see a Mauser or Mosin-Nagant?

Mauser is already made but won't be in the initial release of SA. There will be assault rifles.  As for the Mosin...



Ruger and Ak47 were confirmed at E3 I think, anything else?

Remington 870 was shown at PAX, I think, at the same time as that CZ75 SP01 Shadow.


What about an SKS?

Right, it has already been publicly acknowledged but it won't be in initial release. The scope will be somewhat narrow as far as weapons are concerned. The config and setup work required for DayZ weapons is far more complicated than ArmA weapons are and some of those design requirements are still being defined so we can't quite just add a flurry of new weapons to the build until we're sure the limited number we added already are working 100% as they should. That's where internal play-testing and the alpha release will be very helpful. Post release it will be easy to add the backlogged weapons via regular updates.



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Do not worry brothers, the man himself is with us. The first person scourge may be tamed, but we can never stop fighting. UNTIL DEATH, WE MUST NOT GIVE UP!

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regarding the weapons...any infos about which handguns we will see in the SA ( beside the Ruger) ??

I hear the CZ75 is confirmed, don't have any links though.

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Work on the network bubble isn't going to begin until next week. Work on the current zombies has ceased as they are redoing the AI from scratch.


So what you're saying is, the current zombie AI is being completely reworked and that's the next 'milestone' we're waiting on for SA to be released?

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So what you're saying is, the current zombie AI is being completely reworked and that's the next 'milestone' we're waiting on for SA to be released?


"If the network bubble doesn't result in enough performance improvements to zombies, then we'll need to consider what step to take from that. But the zombies aren't of themselves a reason to delay the alpha."

"[zombies are] not an alpha-blocker (unless it's performance issues aren't solved with network bubble)."

Edited by SmashT

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"If the network bubble doesn't result in enough performance improvements to zombies, then we'll need to consider what step to take from that. But the zombies aren't of themselves a reason to delay the alpha."

"[zombies are] not an alpha-blocker (unless it's performance issues aren't solved with network bubble)."

:thumbsup:  gotchya

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every-time you hear the world "Network" or "Bubble" and it involves dayz


take a drink

Edited by leviski
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