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Where are all the devblogs?

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Well that is a cretinous way of thinking, either you have genuinely missed any info Dean has posted, or you are chatting out your arse, They are progressing and changing things quite quickly, so if they were to devblog, it would be redundant soon after because they changed/removed components, like this bubble feature they're adding, That takes some doing. If you really want to see what they're doing, go download the leaked copy of DayZ standalone, see how buggy it is, how drastically unplayable it is, how far they've come from the last big games/press junket. Instead of pissing snot out of your nose, either go away, or wait. It's simple.



"either you have genuinely missed any info Dean has posted"

Dean posted what? Dean posted another (no.415 probably) post saying "we are working on it, we make progress bladiebla".


Call it what you want but my point is that there is literally no communication thowards his so called 'respected community' and as i see it, no organisation aswell. Why is it so hard to point out date the standalone will arrive? I do understand that with development comes bugs, but DayZ is now in the hands of BI so bugs should be less an issue.


Face it. This game had to ship one year ago when everyone was still playing it. Now literally no one really cares about it anymore and the only reason it is still beeing played by a small amount of people is that there are a few dedicated modders around that keep on developing the mod and keep it alive. If these people wheren't around, DayZ would be as populair as Kim Jung Il. I do understand that it takes time but you can't take forever, and if you do take a lot of time, at least show the community something about the progress. If you can't show any progress or don't care about informing the community about it you have probably nothing to show/talk about at all.


Rocket and BI should send the opendayz.net lads some flowers for keeping this game alive. Opendayz.net is DayZ's pacemaker. If those people wheren't around, DayZ would be laying down in a dark corner, totally forgotten what it ever was.

Edited by GeneralMelchett

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"either you have genuinely missed any info Dean has posted"

Dean posted what? Dean posted another (no.415 probably) post saying "we are working on it, we make progress bladiebla".


Call it what you want but my point is that there is literally no communication thowards his so called 'respected community' and as i see it, no organisation aswell. Why is it so hard to point out date the standalone will arrive? I do understand that with development comes bugs, but DayZ is now in the hands of BI so bugs should be less an issue.


Face it. This game had to ship one year ago when everyone was still playing it. Now literally no one really cares about it anymore and the only reason it is still beeing played by a small amount of people is that there are a few dedicated modders around that keep on developing the mod and keep it alive. If these people wheren't around, DayZ would be as populair as Kim Jung Il. I do understand that it takes time but you can't take forever, and if you do take a lot of time, at least show the community something about the progress. If you can't show any progress or don't care about informing the community about it you have probably nothing to show/talk about at all.


Rocket and BI should send the opendayz.net lads some flowers for keeping this game alive. Opendayz.net is DayZ's pacemaker. If those people wheren't around, DayZ would be laying down in a dark corner, totally forgotten what it ever was.



Everything you just said then is laughable. No communication? Well he has apparently posted 415 topics saying they are making progress... Oxymoron right there. Why is it so hard to make a date for the release? Because they're adding new features with unforeseen consequences such as breaking the build and crashing the player every 5 minutes.


"The game HAD to ship 1 year ago" No it didn't. The game doesn't HAVE to ship at any time other than when it is ready and playable. "Literally nobody cares about it any more" I care, people on this forum care, and you care enough to cry about there being no set date. Another oxymoron.


"It can't take forever" Look at Duke Nukem Forever. Evidently it CAN take forever to make a game. And my personal favourite:  "at least show the community something about the progress. " Well. They are releasing a Devblog next week. So yeah. They kind of are showing some progress to the community.


EDIT: Let me point out what happens when people rush a game. RAGE, one of the most anticipated titles from ID software, was a good game, but Bethesda forced ID to rush and as a result the ending was fucking terrible and there were apsects of the game which could have been much better and aspects that just weren't there, but were promised. Aliens: Colonial Marines too. That was promised to be a great game, was rushed and ended up being fucking horrific, bad graphics, terrible game play and disappointing over all. Calm your tits and wait. Or go away and play something else.

Edited by sabre05
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Call it what you want but my point is that there is literally no communication thowards his so called 'respected community' and as i see it, no organisation aswell.
You're typing this on a thread where the lead dev is communicating with us.  Go and read Rockets post again, structure and organisation are exactly what he wants to offer us.   Check here for more communication:  http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/page/2
Reddit and Twitter are worth a look too.  All of that adds up to more communication than I get from most of the games in development that I follow, which is quite a few.


Face it. This game had to ship one year ago when everyone was still playing it.
The SA was only announced 11 months ago, how is that even possible?


Now literally no one really cares about it anymore
Clearly wrong as proven by this forum, Reddit, youtube, live streaming figures and the gaming press.


I do understand that it takes time
Obviously not.
Edited by Fraggle
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I hope in this devblog AT LEAST we will get an estimated release date because after ALL this anticipation WE DESERVE it.


No we don't. It's done when it's done.


Thank you.

you guys are hilarious, you know


 I do understand that with development comes bugs, but DayZ is now in the hands of BI so bugs should be less an issue.


I suggest you read again what you say you have read already but I'm sure you haven't read carefully enough.

Edited by Bat
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You're typing this on a thread where the lead dev is communicating with us.  Go and read Rockets post again, structure and organisation are exactly what he wants to offer us.   Check here for more communication:  http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/page/2
Reddit and Twitter are worth a look too.  All of that adds up to more communication than I get from most of the games in development that I follow, which is quite a few.


The SA was only announced 11 months ago, how is that even possible?


Clearly wrong as proven by this forum, Reddit, youtube, live streaming figures and the gaming press.


Obviously not.




You're typing this on a thread where the lead dev is communicating with us.  Go and read Rockets post again, structure and organisation are exactly what he wants to offer us.   Check here for more communication:  http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/page/2
Reddit and Twitter are worth a look too.  All of that adds up to more communication than I get from most of the games in development that I follow, which is quite a few.


The SA was only announced 11 months ago, how is that even possible?


Clearly wrong as proven by this forum, Reddit, youtube, live streaming figures and the gaming press.


Obviously not.




Whatever you say, you truely cannot ever give an objective judgement as a forum mod.


"The SA was only announced 11 months ago, how is that even possible?"


I say it should been released 1 year ago, you say the SA was announced 11 months ago, is that all you got? My point you obviously dont get is that it is taking way too long. If i would say it would be 11 months too long, would you correct me saying the SA was announced just 11 months, 3 days and 2,30 seconds? Don't act that way, you know exactly what i mean.


My main thing is communication towards the community, not the mods or other devs. Yes, for this SA its getting real late and i'm 100% asure that i'm speaking for at least 80% of your so called 1,8M players you mention on your website. 1.8M players? You'd say i'd be lying about this but open dayzmod.com and go checkit out yourself.


The amount of players have dropped dramatically and whatever you will turn against me, face it, it's true. And be happy just 10% of your community is still playing thanks to the opendayz.net lads. If it wasn't for them, almost no one would be playing this mod anymore.


Say what you want and dream the dream you want but face it, your 1,8M players ad on the main page is literally a hilarious joke. I'd say maybe 100K people are still  playing it, the amount dropped by 97/98% because of hackers that fucked up the game entirely. Yes, many players would still play if there would be any reason to play it: progression.


As far as i see it, and probably many with me, no progression is beeing made as we literally dont hear shit from the dev team, no more then "we are working on it". Fraggle, i will personally send you a massive crate of beer if this SA will ship on Steam before christmas 2013. If it doesn't, send me one. If it does, PM me your personal address and i will send you 24 bottles of exclusive beer in a crate no matter where you live.


Let's see who is right. The only thing that is certainally not right is the amount of players that are playing dayz on your website. It's not just wrong, it's a total scam.


I'm not blaming you or any of the other mod guys on this forum whatsoever. It's BI in general. If they are really close to the beta they should publically announce something at least, at least for all the DayZ players that have been playing this mod for the past 2 years.

Edited by GeneralMelchett
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Whatever you say, you truely cannot ever give an objective judgement as a forum mod.


"The SA was only announced 11 months ago, how is that even possible?"


I say it should been released 1 year ago, you say the SA was announced 11 months ago, is that all you got? My point you obviously dont get is that it is taking way too long. If i would say it would be 11 months too long, would you correct me saying the SA was announced just 11 months, 3 days and 2,30 seconds? Don't act that way, you know exactly what i mean.


My main thing is communication towards the community, not the mods or other devs. Yes, for this SA its getting real late and i'm 100% asure that i'm speaking for at least 80% of your so called 1,8M players you mention on your website. 1.8M players? You'd say i'd be lying about this but open dayzmod.com and go checkit out yourself.


The amount of players have dropped dramatically and whatever you will turn against me, face it, it's true. And be happy just 10% of your community is still playing thanks to the opendayz.net lads. If it wasn't for them, almost no one would be playing this mod anymore.


Say what you want and dream the dream you want but face it, your 1,8M players ad on the main page is literally a hilarious joke. I'd say maybe 100K people are still  playing it, the amount dropped by 97/98% because of hackers that fucked up the game entirely. Yes, many players would still play if there would be any reason to play it: progression.


As far as i see it, and probably many with me, no progression is beeing made as we literally dont hear shit from the dev team, no more then "we are working on it". Fraggle, i will personally send you a massive crate of beer if this SA will ship on Steam before christmas 2013. If it doesn't, send me one. If it does, PM me your personal address and i will send you 24 bottles of exclusive beer in a crate no matter where you live.


Let's see who is right. The only thing that is certainally not right is the amount of players that are playing dayz on your website. It's not just wrong, it's a total scam.


I'm not blaming you or any of the other mod guys on this forum whatsoever. It's BI in general. If they are really close to the beta they should publically announce something at least, at least for all the DayZ players that have been playing this mod for the past 2 years.

The reason why people are not playing DayZ anymore is because it is a modification. It is unfinished and will stay forever unfinished. The end game is reached really soon, so there is nothing to do for players. But, as soon as SA releases the game is no mod anymore, but a game which stays on its own. Features will be added, hackers will be no big issue and the game will be controlled by the developers.

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1.7mil is the amount of unique players that have played the mod so far on public hive. It doesn't mean 1.7m people are still playing. Whether or not the game "SHOULD" have come out a year ago is completely irrelevant. It wasn't done then and it's not done yet either.

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I say it should been released 1 year ago.


So it should have been released the same day it got announced?

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So it should have been released the same day it got announced?


1.7mil is the amount of unique players that have played the mod so far on public hive. It doesn't mean 1.7m people are still playing. Whether or not the game "SHOULD" have come out a year ago is completely irrelevant. It wasn't done then and it's not done yet either.


You read the site again: 1,73M Players.


1,73M Players.


How does that sound to you?

Edited by GeneralMelchett

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It's BI in general. If they are really close to the beta

they aren't they're not even into alpha yet.

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Well you completely dodged my other points but I guess that's how peeps like you roll.  There will be no reasoning with you.  You've already decided this is one massive fail and will ignore anything that says otherwise.  That's why I said earlier in the thread that the only thing that will prove people like you wrong is the game itself, nothing I have to say will change your mind and I don't expect it to.


I wasn't being picky, you clearly said it should have been released a year ago, even if I give you 2 months leeway that's a stupid thing to say.


With regards to the release date why do you want to bet with me about when it'll be released?  I haven't made any predictions, I even said I'd be happy to wait another year.


let's leave it at that, I can see we're never going to agree on anything so all we'll end up doing is pissing each other off more with every post.





In the name of sportsmanship I will take that bet.  And I don't want that cheap 2.4% proof nats piss in stubby bottles either, I'll have a case of Sagres please.

Edited by Fraggle
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General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay Melchett you reek of troll Sir. 


Just my 0 cents on the matter.

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Well you completely dodged my other points but I guess that's how peeps like you roll.  There will be no reasoning with you.  You've already decided this is one massive fail and will ignore anything that says otherwise.  That's why I said earlier in the thread that the only thing that will prove people like you wrong is the game itself, nothing I have to say will change you mind and I don't expect it to.
I wasn't being picky, you clearlt said it should have been released a year ago, even if I give you 2 months leeway that's a stupid thing to say.
With regards to the release date why do you want to bet with me about when it'll be released?  I haven't made any predictions, I even said I'd be happy to wait another year.
let's leave it at that, I can see we're never going to agree on anything so all we'll end up doing is pissing each other off more with every post.
In the name of sportsmanship I will take that bet.  And I don't want that cheap 2.4% proof nats piss stubby bottles either, I'll have a case of Sagres please.



"Well you completely dodged my other points but I guess that's how peeps like you roll"...


Ofcourse. Where did you decided i think this wil be a massive fail? Read everything i said back and try again. All i'm saying is 'Rocket get over with it and not only show some simple stuff, give us the Alpha". It will be released as Alpha so fuck the bugs. We are used to bugs. I play DayZ since the beginning of 1.7 and all i ever saw was bugs. If you will release it in alpha, why not simply release it and just give us a go?


And, if this SA will ship before christmas, no way you will get 2,4% shit that you can find in any supermarket, i will send you a mixture of top quality belguim premium beer and i know you will defenately like it.

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General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay Melchett you reek of troll Sir. 


Just my 0 cents on the matter.


I know people don't like my banter but someone has to do it.


I ain't a troll. Don't just post this stuff without arguments. My opinion is: BI doesn't give a shit about what is happening, nor does Rocket. I hope he is reading this but i doubt it.

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"Well you completely dodged my other points but I guess that's how peeps like you roll"...


Ofcourse. Where did you decided i think this wil be a massive fail? Read everything i said back and try again. All i'm saying is 'Rocket get over with it and not only show some simple stuff, give us the Alpha". It will be released as Alpha so fuck the bugs. We are used to bugs. I play DayZ since the beginning of 1.7 and all i ever saw was bugs. If you will release it in alpha, why not simply release it and just give us a go?


And, if this SA will ship before christmas, no way you will get 2,4% shit that you can find in any supermarket, i will send you a mixture of top quality belguim premium beer and i know you will defenately like it.

BECAUSE IT'S NOT READY YET.  That's just a fact, not smoke and mirrors.  It's nothing to do with simple bugs but fundamental things that need to be in place before they release.


Anyhoo, I thank you in advance for the beer and rest assured I will not welch on the bet.  


Much love.

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I know people don't like my banter but someone has to do it.


I ain't a troll. Don't just post this stuff without arguments. My opinion is: BI doesn't give a shit about what is happening, nor does Rocket. I hope he is reading this but i doubt it.


You have my apologies Sir, that was low of me. I spose only time will prove you wrong. I really don't understand why you think that though. I personally think Rocket is the guy that cares more than anyone. I see it in his interviews etc. He loves what he is doing, and I think he will deliver a good game, given time. After all I think we all prefer quality. Lastly I assure you there will always be bugs. 



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You read the site again: 1,73M Players.


1,73M Players.


How does that sound to you?



Funny, because it says "Unique Players : 1,737,741" for me.

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I play DayZ since the beginning of 1.7 and all i ever saw was bugs.



Also playing since 1.7, and you're saying that most of the DayZ fanbase have fucked off? Pal, you've been here for a tiny iota of time compared to most on this forum. I've been here over a year, not that long in the grand scheme of things. People play things then get bored of them. Welcome to the internet. Claiming them to have gone away or lost interest in the Standalone is just speculation until you talk to each of the "97%" of the 1.75 million players which is - 1,697,500. Which would leave 525,000 people playing the mod, which would still be a lot. 

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You read the site again: 1,73M Players.


1,73M Players.


How does that sound to you?


The 1.73 million players is a running total of people who have ever downloaded the game and played on a public hive. Nowhere does it say that this is the amount of active players. 


 I play DayZ since the beginning of 1.7 and all i ever saw was bugs. If you will release it in alpha, why not simply release it and just give us a go?


:rolleyes: Nice... 1.7 ...Looks like you're rather new here. They won't release the alpha because people like you enjoy to troll and complain. On top of that, it really isn't even in a playable state. Mr. Big 1.7 player over here missed quite a bit of the hacking that went on in the couple of months following the game getting popular and doesn't quite realize the impact of that. Thanks to Rocket and friends, most of those problems should be eliminated while we wait. Either way though, I don't care much. A better game is fine and the Mod is still keeping me busy. 

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Well you completely dodged my other points but I guess that's how peeps like you roll.  There will be no reasoning with you.  You've already decided this is one massive fail and will ignore anything that says otherwise.  That's why I said earlier in the thread that the only thing that will prove people like you wrong is the game itself, nothing I have to say will change your mind and I don't expect it to.
I wasn't being picky, you clearly said it should have been released a year ago, even if I give you 2 months leeway that's a stupid thing to say.
With regards to the release date why do you want to bet with me about when it'll be released?  I haven't made any predictions, I even said I'd be happy to wait another year.
let's leave it at that, I can see we're never going to agree on anything so all we'll end up doing is pissing each other off more with every post.
In the name of sportsmanship I will take that bet.  And I don't want that cheap 2.4% proof nats piss in stubby bottles either, I'll have a case of Sagres please.



*Gets out popcorn*

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*Gets out popcorn*


Sits next to you and grabs a handful :P

Edited by AmberHelios
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Thats not my knee you are touching.......


Fantastic, Whisper into my ear Steakums

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Is that all you got?


It's all i need. You clearly love the attention you are getting, but you are not making any sense. Going 'off the deep end' kinda like Rhinocrunch.

If you claim to know there is time involved in making a game and then later demand it's released the same day it's announced.. that's all i need.


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