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jaytmuk (DayZ)

Cant understand KOS moaners :s

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DayZ is one of the few games where you can feel actual guilt for killing someone

A few months ago I was on the top of the Cherno town hall when I saw a survivor enter the lobby of the hotel. I called out in direct chat, something like 'hey you, guy in the hotel, you OK, need a blood bag?'

He came out and stood in the open, he was spinning around trying to see where the voice was coming from and something came over me, I aimed my m16 and shot him, he died instantly.

I felt so guilty about that, even now as I relive it I wish I could rewind and just lower my gun, climb down the drainpipe and go see if he needed anything. That was the first and only time I ever shot someone for no good reason.

Edited by (MUC) Feral
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I don't get one thing. Letting somebody "rob" you. Maybe if I didn't have a gun, I'd talk a bit with somebody who wanted to "rob" me. Who knows, might team up for a bit. But I'm not giving up anything I have.

Go ahead and take it from my dead body if you want it that bad, you thieving "robber." Earn your bandit skin.

Gee, why would you give a "robber" anything, or let him toy with you? I don't get that.

It's different than handing over your wallet to a guy pointing a gun at you in real life.

In Dayz you just respawn. What am I missing here?

I don't understand the "getting robbed" mentality either. In this video game setting I would never let anyone rob me. I've had people try to, telling me to lower my gun, but never succeed. If you are robbed in this game you're left with nothing. If you're killed (by zombies or players) you're left with nothing. If I let someone rob me I am guaranteed to be left with nothing. If I resist then I have a chance to keep my stuff, and in absolute best case scenario even upgrade.

Why anyone would let themselves be robbed is baffling to me on many fronts.

I play a bandit role in this game, and I rob people all the time however. But I make sure that they cannot walk away or log off when I rob them of their gear. I do that by shooting them, and then putting one in the head when I get close (regardless if I hear flies or not). This ensures I get to rob the person in this video game.

Edited by Tek

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Anybody stop to think that maybe players "KOS" because they don't want to take all of the risk/work associated with going into towns/barracks and doing the looting themselves? I know the best equipment I've ever acquired has been obtained from dead bodies; whether I was the one doing the killing or not.

I do not kill every single person that I come across and I am usually fairly successful in my attempts to engage in friendly interaction/cooperation. But if I see a survivor/bandit that has a weapon that is superior to my own and I have the drop on them, it is very tempting to relieve them of it.

Killing other players does not automatically make you a "cod kiddie" as everyone loves labeling their killers. If anything you should be embarrassed if a legitimate cod oriented player is able to kill you.

It's survival of the fittest. Not survival of the most morally pure.

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I don't understand the "robbing" mentality either. In this video game setting I would never let anyone rob me. I've had people try to, telling me to lower my gun, but never succeed. If you are robbed in this game you're left with nothing. If you're killed (by zombies or players) you're left with nothing. If I let someone rob me I am guaranteed to be left with nothing. If I resist then I have a chance to keep my stuff, and in absolute best case scenario even upgrade.

Why anyone would let themselves be robbed is baffling to me on many fronts.

I play a bandit role in this game, and I rob people all the time however. But I make sure that they cannot walk away or log off when I rob them of their gear. I do that by shooting them, and then putting one in the head when I get close (regardless if I hear flies or not). This ensures I get to rob the person in this video game.

I guess robbing without killing the victim is a bit more challenging and therefore a bit more rewarding. I robbed a guy on the Taviana bridge once - I used a commanding voice tone, ordered him to drop his guns and ammo, go prone and crawl away, I told him if he turned around I'd kill him. He didn't turn around. It felt quite satisfying watching this fella crawl off into the distance. I'd got what I wanted so why kill him?

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KoS'ers are just noobs cus its the only thing they can do in a survival game like this to turn it into a FPS game like the little brats do in every other game cus they cannot rly play CoD or any ordinary FPS game without whining around due to their FPS skills and lowest PC specs ever seen in this reality..

Edited by SoulHunter

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One time, I was going through Chernogorsk. I don't normally do this, since Cherno is a completely stupid place to be, but I spawned there, and there was a vehicle nearby, so I said fuck it and went looking for gear, and a tire. I found everything I needed, then took a dip into the church. Suddenly, I heard players talking and moving outside. Now I've been playing this game for well over a year now, so let's not bullshit around. My first priority was to kill anyone who I might encounter, and try to escape with my life. I waited inside for what felt like a good ten minutes, listening to footsteps and aiming at the door. Suddenly, a man appeared in the doorway, and my highly honed instincts kicked in.

I shot him straight through the eye with my Lee Enfield.

I could hear one of his buddies talking out back in direct chat and read another one freaking out in side chat as the guy informed them that he had been killed in the Church. I instantly ran out the doors and across the street, through a gap in a wall. The guy's friend took a couple shots at me but missed, and finally I reached safety in the woods to the north. Over side chat I could see them all talking about "so much for meeting up," ect. An intense shot of guilt ran through me, because suddenly I realized that every time one of my meet-ups with my trusted friends was ruined by some other "douchebag," he was probably just trying to do the same thing as me - find a tire and get out alive. This time, I was the douchebag who ruined someone else's fun. And the world keeps turning.

So I do understand where people who complain about KoS come from. But when it comes down it, KoS is a natural human response to the situation we are in.

Edited by SalamanderAnder

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I don't understand the "getting robbed" mentality either. In this video game setting I would never let anyone rob me. I've had people try to, telling me to lower my gun, but never succeed. If you are robbed in this game you're left with nothing. If you're killed (by zombies or players) you're left with nothing. If I let someone rob me I am guaranteed to be left with nothing. If I resist then I have a chance to keep my stuff, and in absolute best case scenario even upgrade.

Why anyone would let themselves be robbed is baffling to me on many fronts.

I play a bandit role in this game, and I rob people all the time however. But I make sure that they cannot walk away or log off when I rob them of their gear. I do that by shooting them, and then putting one in the head when I get close (regardless if I hear flies or not). This ensures I get to rob the person in this video game.

You people just dont understand that one is able to play outside the given parameters in DayZ. Yes, it doesnt bring the robber any ingame advantage to rob someone instead of shooting his victim straight in the back. Why do I do it then? Maybe because I want to do something cool and challenging? Maybe because I want to be a "real" bandit? Nowadays the term bandit is the same as "rampant murderer".

Why should the victim not kill the robber?

A good question. Maybe because he also is a player who wants to achieve more in this game than just the build-in PvP aspects. I am a person who loves acting and roleplay, not mainly in DayZ but as one of my hobbies. And lets face it, if you are the robber you have to cater a bit to the ingame aspect and dont be greedy. I would never command you to drop your mainweapon and everything on your body. That would be insanely stupid. I would ask you what you would be willing to pay for your live. And if you would look like a bambi without any proper gear, I would even take your can of soda and let you go.

To conclude my personal motivation to encourage players of this playstyle: It brings an intense playerinteraction and you will surely tell your friends about that story the next day. And isnt that the maximum of reward we can archieve?

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Someone PM me when one of these threads has a solution.

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I'd rob people all the time instead of killing them if they'd just not always try to attack me back.

The main reason why most people KOS, instead of robbing is that the victim cares as much about dying as losing their gear.

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Someone PM me when one of these threads has a solution.

A solution was never needed.

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I'm going to echo what a few people have talked about on here. My frustration with KOS is never with the death. I die like once a day. It's more that KOS is so bad (I'm sure it's worse on some servers than others) that it takes a lot of diversity of experience out of the game. In a sandbox type game that diversity is important. It's safe to assume that when you see someone they will kill you if you interact with them. The game has come to the point where seeing someone and thinking "what's going to happen?" is just not practical. Which is unfortunate. I get why it happens though. KOS the easiest thing to do because it doesn't require thinking. Point and shoot, go about your day. I think the majority of people think like this (don't think much) in real life and when it comes to video games the mentality is driven by the last decade's proliferation of first person shooters. It's so mindless so I think what happens is when people expect a more sophisticated or at least new experience in DayZ, they're let down by the fact that it ends up being like every other first person shooter.

That's my take!

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I don't get one thing. Letting somebody "rob" you. Maybe if I didn't have a gun, I'd talk a bit with somebody who wanted to "rob" me. Who knows, might team up for a bit. But I'm not giving up anything I have.

Go ahead and take it from my dead body if you want it that bad, you thieving "robber." Earn your bandit skin.

Gee, why would you give a "robber" anything, or let him toy with you? I don't get that.

It's different than handing over your wallet to a guy pointing a gun at you in real life.

In Dayz you just respawn. What am I missing here?

This is why we can't have fun in DayZ. "You just just respawn" jeez... The game gives you good keys to roleplay but you just turn this to another fancy shooter. I hope that there will be good rp servers in the standalone where life matters.

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Dont think its the kill on sight mentality that is the prob tbh,

So what is it?

Players making themselves an easy target is the prob.

So you are kill on sight

Where are you going with this?

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I understand how a robber/robbed roleplay can happen. That's all fine. Go for it. But I don't play that, and I didn't see anybody here admit to letting themselves be robbed.

Takes two to play that, and I only say I won't participate on either side.

I can see where somebody who counts "days alive" might let himself be robbed instead of starting a new day count, and hope he isn't shot after giving up his gear. Makes sense. Just not how I play.

My game is basically letting non-bandit skins lose humanity. I don't steal it. They freely give it up, earn their bandit skin, and then provide me "clean" PvP opportunity when they earn their bandit skin.

KOS doesn't bother me, except new spawn killing. Never do it myself, but it's what gives the game tension. Same with betrayers/back-stabbers. Good thing is, this all generates bandit skins, and the game needs bandits.

If bandits get too light in number, we'd have to cook some up.

Here's a scenario I'd like to see done, and wouldn't mind doing it myself. Find a public server with a group of goody-two-shoes patrolling Electro or Cherno. Four or five heroes and survivors helping each other out and keeping the town "safe."

Get your own team of 5-6 players together to spawn in, with one guy joining the hero/survivor group, so he can report in TS where they are. When he's in position, your other guys charge in, one at a time, with whatever shotgun, Makarov or Winchester they've picked up. You could pre-arrange a weapons repository to speed things up a bit.

These are just suicide runs, shooting to miss, but making the hero/survivor lose humanity by killing the shooter. Your guys just keep spawning in, charging the hero/survivor location and extracting humanity.

Soon enough all the heroes/survivors are bandits. Your infiltrated guy convinces them all to gather up at the fire station or wherever.

Then you all start typing in side chat that you're seeking volunteers to assault the fire station where a group of murdering bandits are holed up.

Of course your infiltrator guy is recording all this for YouTube. The reaction of the heroes/survivors as they become bandits, their reaction to him expressing his doubts about being in the company of bandits, their reaction to the side chat, etc.

Could be done. So who are the "real" bandits here?

Anyway, unless I become a "days alive" player, I won't cough up anything for some "robber." I'll run away, and if he shoots me down, he'll pay with humanity.

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This is why we can't have fun in DayZ. "You just just respawn" jeez... The game gives you good keys to roleplay but you just turn this to another fancy shooter. I hope that there will be good rp servers in the standalone where life matters.

Hey, you can start your own server. Then recruit people to play robbers and others to play the victims of robbers. Then you'll have your "fun."

Likewise, you can build bases, start families by naming people Jed and Jed Junior and such.

Just don't expect me to join up, nor to give up my gear when you "rob" me. I'll run away.

If you shoot me down, we'll both be playing our "roles" well enough for me.

If you don't shoot me down, you'll feel like a real life robber whose victim ran away without you shooting him.

Should be good enough for you.

Damn, it's like you expect a stranger to play YOUR game. Doesn't work that way in real life either.

Roleplay with your friends.

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So why not just play along if someone has the drop on you and tells you to surrender

Your probably just going to blood bag them or if they take everything then sure try and kill them

You might even make a friend

Oh, I'll talk to them. Tell them I forgive them for falling into a life of a thievery, and that I won't shoot them, but I also won't give them a damn thing. Because that's how I roll.

So the choice is theirs what to do next. Become friendly, or murder. It's not too complicated. And very natural to the game.

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KoS'ers are just noobs cus its the only thing they can do in a survival game like this to turn it into a FPS game like the little brats do in every other game cus they cannot rly play CoD or any ordinary FPS game without whining around due to their FPS skills and lowest PC specs ever seen in this reality..


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I don't get one thing. Letting somebody "rob" you. Maybe if I didn't have a gun, I'd talk a bit with somebody who wanted to "rob" me. Who knows, might team up for a bit. But I'm not giving up anything I have.

Go ahead and take it from my dead body if you want it that bad, you thieving "robber." Earn your bandit skin.

Gee, why would you give a "robber" anything, or let him toy with you? I don't get that.

It's different than handing over your wallet to a guy pointing a gun at you in real life.

In Dayz you just respawn. What am I missing here?

Fun. I think that's what you're missing.

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The possibility of KoS players keeps you on your toes.

Yes!!! DayZ would be a lot less intense without them, God bless the little fuckers.

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Yes!!! DayZ would be a lot less intense without them, God bless the little fuckers.

There is nothing more satisfying than killing someone who fired upon you first.

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There is nothing more satisfying than killing someone who fired upon you first.

Indeed, exhilarating and satisfying almost beyond words. I can think of nothing in this game that feels better than hearing the sound of flies emanating from the corpse of a player that intended to kill you for no good reason. You can almost taste their feelings of devastation and shame.

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All who tied to rob me died before they spoke the sentence ``freeze dumbass``

Also dont rob people on your own you will die.

If you have 2 mates with you, your victim probably wouldnt feel so chancey.

Who is the genius that thought of robbing people armed with rifles anyway, what an idiot.

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No, robbing is completely idiotic, even with 2 guys. He wont listen to you and at least harm or kill one of you. Unless you're playing on a RP server.

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