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E3 Expo - June 2013 - Interviews and Gameplay

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I must agree that there isn't a lot of visible progress. I'm also getting a bit tired of hearing the same things repeated over and over. That said I'm still really looking forward to the game and actually like the new animations, some of them are still a bit sketchy but movement seems improved.

Most Vehicles are burnt out . HUH and then they have loot in them. Watch any Zombie Movie . 90 % of Vehicles are intact, might not be operational but the whole landscape is not burnt out Vehicles. ONCE again this is more from the Mod ie Arma 2 where the environment is part of a War Zone. We are supposed to be particapaiting in a Zombie Apocalypse that just happened are we not ? If it happened years ago why are there loot laying around as it would have been all gone withing the first few months after the Apocalypse.

+A million, I've been wondering this as well.

As long as they don't implement the whole 'Hold a button to raise your weapon' idea i'm not concerned. I wouldn't mind if it was something you toggled and then if you moved the weapon dropped and you had to re-toggle it but 'holding space' or whatever to use your weapon would be just annoying after a while.

I actually feel quite the opposite, granted I haven't tried either so can't be sure but I think I'd like it more if you had to hold the key.

I'm not really sure why they picked Vybor as the spawn point though, most of the new areas are awesome and really show the effort they put in improving the map.

Edited by Bass50

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nah the animations are fine, but they don't quite match the movement speed.

The A3 animations I saw in earlier gameplay vids, recent ones, looked way better and more fluid. This, to me, looks like a step back. I understand that they want their "own" animations in the game, but I don't think they're up for it. I mean, the zombie animations don't look like anything exciting either. It looks like they're flying through the air instead of walking/running, it looks awkward. They messed something up since the last time. My excitement for SA has dropped significantly after this presentation. And it's a sucky feel.

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Your criticism is unfounded because it has been said countless times that the ones that were shown are not final and are still work in progress. You may not have liked them but that's your personal opinion and you should make it clear that it is.

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I hope they change the lame zombie noises in the near future :)

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It just looks like the went backwards from the mod IMO and they really need an art guy to design a proper UI. I can tell the game wont be releasing any time soon though, if that is how the zombies and animations are going to be, I'd rather stick to the Mod.

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Your criticism is unfounded because it has been said countless times that the ones that were shown are not final and are still work in progress. You may not have liked them but that's your personal opinion and you should make it clear that it is.

Yes, I remember Rocket saying that when he had the old A2 animations. When I saw the gameplay with the A3 animations, I was pleased. I thought they'd stick with them. Because, most people that bought and played A3 Alpha have praised the improved animations and movement. So I thought that was the actual progress. It just looks worse now, to me. And I'm not the only one here that thinks so.

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Your criticism is unfounded because it has been said countless times that the ones that were shown are not final and are still work in progress. You may not have liked them but that's your personal opinion and you should make it clear that it is.

Well for one, I would assume that everything in a forum post is personal opinion... hence why we have things like forum tags and usernames to delineate my thoughts from others.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here, voicing dissatisfaction with something BEFORE it's final is exactly what alphas are for and is the best time to voice criticism.

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Everything in this mod can be improved. What I doubt they will change though, Is the running, Sprinting, And crouching animations. They are the most immersive breaking. They stutter in between transitioning, and just

really look terrible. I would have preferred the arma 2 running animations over these new ones. Also, Hip fire is absolutely retarded. And should be removed as soon as possible. The UI and inventory can be worked on,

And the zombies, In my opinion, Looked great. Other then the clipping, and hit detection of course. What I was really hoping to see was mass amounts of zombies, Scattered loot, the struggle to survive. What I got was

new animations, Enterable buildings, and motorbike helmets. The most gamebreaking thing for me right now is the terrible movement animations, Not the lack of progress. Most of the progress is buried deep in the game.

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new animations, Enterable buildings, and motorbike helmets. The most gamebreaking thing for me right now is the terrible movement animations, Not the lack of progress. Most of the progress is buried deep in the game.

I agree and I think this is where people saying "Oh, it'll be the same as the mod" are off point.

Likewise, I think the developers are very slightly off point by dismissing the notion of making things look good at this juncture. Obviously, yes, you should be focused on adding new systems that work and enhance gameplay. But, personally, I think they're getting to the point where they should be devoting at least some resources into making what they've already got look better.

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I really don't know what you guys bashing on the alpha anims of SA where expecting... :( After all they are all-new!

With polish they can become neat, responsive and functional. Arma 2 animations are just neat.

Edit: Hmm it would seem I contradicted myself. What I mean is that I was miffed at first when I saw them but later saw that they were quite responsive. Not like Arma 2 anyway. Improvement I say.

Edited by Zarniwoop
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The A3 animations I saw in earlier gameplay vids, recent ones, looked way better and more fluid. This, to me, looks like a step back. I understand that they want their "own" animations in the game, but I don't think they're up for it. I mean, the zombie animations don't look like anything exciting either. It looks like they're flying through the air instead of walking/running, it looks awkward. They messed something up since the last time. My excitement for SA has dropped significantly after this presentation. And it's a sucky feel.

I agree. It feels like they want to change lots of stuff but just don't have the ressources/talent to change them for the better. I'm afraid they won't make better animations than Arma 2, and for me it's a big issue. Also, it feels like the "civilian" direction they are taking, makes your character look like an idiot who can't hold a gun properly... it looks kind of laughable.

I really don't know what you guys bashing on the alpha anims of SA where expecting... :( After all they are all-new!

With polish they can become neat, responsive and functional. Arma 2 animations are just neat.

Well I'm just commenting on what I see, and how it differs to what they promised us. They promised us an improvement thanks to a new skeleton, and what I see is just as bad as arma 2, just another kind of bad.

Edited by Bat

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I think that deep down we are all disappointed, some more so, some less demanding can try to see the positives, but certainly anything is clear, it is a lot of work, and there are lots of things to change drastically. the first and the elimination of fast usage bar, we are attempting to minimize the ui to create a more immersive admosfera and icons fill the screen, the second is the animations of the zombies, sorry dean, I know you worked a lot in the capture session, but you have to be self critical and despite it's you the author of those animations are bad, the animations of weapon 2 were far better, and that's pretty sad. animations in general need a complete change, I will not talk about bugs and glidches, as this is understood to be refined and improved, but note that the road is still wrong, and you have to rectify tiepo ahead, a clear example is the space for objects, divided by areas haveis totally unnecessary wear and tear, would have to be unified, and simply extended when you wear clothing that has more slots, so would avoid having to moving objects by dragging them to the right place, add the option with the right mouse button you can choose if you want to place the object in your main inventory or backpack and all so happy, but force players to drag objects around the screen, is certainly an error.

I believe in you, with all this criticism is my humble help you to take the right path. will not fail us, you will not let this stand alone below many user created mods now and still working on your original mod dayz, I do not think that after waiting so we will have to continue playing the mod for that we see best content. I want to believe that you will put to work hard on the important aspects of the game such as gameplay. if you need help, look in your community are very capable people working in parallel in your mod that perhaps also need the opportunity that you had at the time and that could bring a lot to your project.

a hug and for the good of all I hope you read these words.

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Crap, so it wasn't just me. I felt there was something Warz-ish about it. The movement, the looks, etc.

Somebody must make "Hitler reacts to Dayz:SA E3 footage" video... So much fail.

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Well for one, I would assume that everything in a forum post is personal opinion... hence why we have things like forum tags and usernames to delineate my thoughts from others.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here, voicing dissatisfaction with something BEFORE it's final is exactly what alphas are for and is the best time to voice criticism.

I disagree. If I state facts, such as: "the release date for Day Z SA has not yet been set. It is still in pre-alpha stage and thus a work in progress", I am being objective. There's nothing wrong with subjective criticism as long as it is made clear that it is something you have a problem with, especially if it is about something that may or may not be there (seeing as Day Z SA is being worked on, nothing is final).

That being said my previous post was not meant as a personal attack. I was merely pointing out that before you write personal opinions as truths, make it apparent, because some people might actually mistake them for such.

The game is still being worked on. A few pages back there was even a quote from Rocket himself, saying that the animations you saw were a placeholder- not final at all!

Edited by Tilen

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I disagree. If I state facts, such as: "the release date for Day Z SA has not yet been set. It is still in pre-alpha stage and thus a work in progress", I am being objective. There's nothing wrong with subjective criticism as long as it is made clear that it is something you have a problem with, especially if it is about something that may or may not be there (seeing as Day Z SA is being worked on, nothing is final).

That being said my previous post was not meant as a personal attack. I was merely pointing out that before you write personal opinions as truths, make it apparent, because some people might actually mistake them for such.

The game is still being worked on. A few pages back there was even a quote from Rocket himself, saying that the animations you saw were a placeholder- not final at all!

But one cannot factcheck said facts, this isn't a peer reviewed journal. It's a public forum, thus, everything posted by posters is their own opinion/thought... however objective/subjective/logical/illogical it may be.

Plus, I'm not entirely sure you were referring to my post, hence why I wasn't taking it personally. I was taking issue with the notion of splitting hairs, when it should be readily apparent that no matter how objective/subjective someone is being, ultimately, they're expressing their personal thoughts. One shouldn't have to explicitly disclaim that, when it is already in the context of a public forum. You can challenge their assertions, but doing so by saying "You're not disclaiming that this is opinion" doesn't make much sense.

Facts are all well and good, and are essential to a logical argument. But subjective analysis of what those facts represent, what consequences they impose, and whether or not they are supportive, is far more valuable than just stating the facts.

Edited by Katana67
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...compared to Chernarus+.


Already there's quite a big difference. :)

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Man, that's kind of a bummer... There might be too many roads and such, who knows what structures are on them.

Could be a good thing I suppose, but I pointed out a while back that Chernarus isn't all that big... so I'm a bit worried about the wilderness staying wild.

Vybor sure looks different though, and Zeleno has barracks. Not sure if the loot'll still be high-end at barracks, but... we'll have to wait and see how it plays out.

Oh, that and Petrovka is now bordering a massive open field... Maybe they really expanded up north after all. I'm baffled.

Edited by Katana67

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Got to love Bohemia offering Czech beer and the talking about beers! :D

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They've got to have something planned for the edges of the map and beyond.

Would be pretty pointless to bring a road that far leading to nothing, or a massive troll.

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They've got to have something planned for the edges of the map and beyond.

Would be pretty pointless to bring a road that far leading to nothing, or a massive troll.

Wouldn't be the first time... Road north of Skalka leads nowhere, trololololol.

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Those fonts...so unprofessional.

Agreed, looks like a thread on forums made by a kid with annoying fonts and colours.

EDIT: Seriously guys, things are really bad with the standalone ATM, don't expect to get your hands on it this month or the next one...

Edited by Barrett_killz

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I'm sorry I didn't post earlier, my hands have been sore from all this masturbating whilst watching E3. So far, they've actually delivered above my expectations just through the game play shown. I felt a twinkle of hope when Dean mentioned he MIGHT have vehicles on release, no shits given if they aren't some super craftable whatever everyone else is frothing at the mouth for. Also, why is it the only weapon they've implemented is the AK-74MN(I WON BITCHES! MY FAVORITE GUN GOT IMPLEMENTED!) when both Matt & Dean mentioned that all the weapons are *somewhat* finished? Isn't everything just *somewhat* finished? Anyways, the best of luck to Dean, Matt, and the entire team of Czech geniuses that are making the game of my dreams!

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Arma 2 animations are just awful.

Thought i would correct that for you...

Edited by Ellesmere
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