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What you guys think about the new update?

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Trizzo, you are not making any sense because your points - if any - got lost to the word "idiot".

It's blinding my eyes. Try again.

Edited by Skadefroen

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I think that people must realize this is a game. If its not fun to play, its a bad game. Dont turn DayZ into a bad game (mod). There are distinct rules you MUST follow to keep the players active and make it fun for us to play, you are breaking some of them now, trying to make the game way to realistic.

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Triz and Taj have captured the hardcore v. casual argument pretty thoroughly. I'm always in favor of hardcore, niche games that aren't driven by the market, but that's just the way she goes. CoD became successful by catering to the whims of the masses. WoW has become a casual-ty, at least as far as many vanilla players are concerned. Once you move past the early stages of a dark horse/indie game or a mod designed for fun and not for profit, you get into the territory where the cash starts making the calls.

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I think folks have forgotten that one of the main feature of this game is Zombies and them being a threat.....

This was a much needed wake up call.

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I think folks have forgotten that one of the main feature of this game is Zombies and them being a threat.....

This was a much needed wake up call.

Unlearning months of commonly practiced behaviors will be difficult! (some people are experiencing

teething issues as we speak) Given time and enough failed attempts at the old loot runs and old ways they will adapt, as humans always do.

ps: before this epic thread debate i played dayz for 40 mins, i got an infection that i never got in 8 months and i died to zombies legitimately for the first time in recent memory, this is good

Edited by Trizzo
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Occasionally this patch came arround when I just decided to start playing again, after I stopped months ago because of boredom basically.

I have had many discussions with other players, because I did not want to play pvp deathmatch with zombies. I like it that the zeds are getting harder now. Havent tried it yet and maybe it was a touch too much, but in general I like the way things go. Keep calm guys, if its really unbearably hard it will get tweaked.

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what makes you think people are noobs or whatever and loot is rare.

its like a benny hill show with zombie knockdowns on busy servers

for eg

was on a busy full 50 man server in electro yesterday , ran near hosptial and there were already about 40 zeds around because of others not my spooking them so i jogged by them and i got knocked down even though im like 15 ft away from nearest one :rolleyes: get back up knocked down again rinse and repeat three or four times. great fun that !

next busy servers yes and loot

becuase many want to play with people it is mp after all . then many places are quite barren of loot anyway so because of the decreae of loot there is litterally nothing now ! genius !

so you spawn you cant get anything because its so rare. so you can shoot defend yourself cause you spawn with nothing and there is nothing to pick up . so as said bad decision and nothig skill based .

on servers which arnt busy which are pointless playing if noone plays them (might aswell play single player ) then you will get odd bit of loot.

so the loot needs to be upped a little .

Bingo! The people who are loving the patch and hankering after that illusory "golden age of dayz" where everything was pve are not playing on big servers. They are playing on servers with maybe 20 ppl tops. They are entering small towns and looting areas that others have not been at (because its a small server and there are few ppl). So, of course the patch rocks! Try playing in the main cities with hundreds of zombies roaming the cities and then saying that, lol. Trying finding anything when the server has 50 ppl. Hackers rejoice, now there is nothing a non-cheater can really do to you. You don't need wallhacks, aimbot, just give yourself 1 gun and you are tops.

edit: the patch doesn't really matter. I don't see alot of the private hive servers switching over to this and losing their player base. At least was finally stable. These community developers don't really seem to understand that unless you are 14 yrs old and its summer, you can't be having 5hr play sessions 3-4 times a week. Alot of us have maybe 2 hours, 2 times a week because of work, family, etc. We want to get in and have some fun before our times runs out. Spending that two hours "surviving" on a empty server is stupid.

Edited by boatie

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Bingo! The people who are loving the patch and hankering after that illusory "golden age of dayz" where everything was pve are not playing on big servers. They are playing on servers with maybe 20 ppl tops. They are entering small towns and looting areas that others have not been at (because its a small server and there are few ppl). So, of course the patch rocks! Try playing in the main cities with hundreds of zombies roaming the cities and then saying that, lol. Trying finding anything when the server has 50 ppl. Hackers rejoice, now there is nothing a non-cheater can really do to you. You don't need wallhacks, aimbot, just give yourself 1 gun and you are tops.

So many fallacies. Your saying DayZ only matters when it's played in the city. WTF is that?

The golden age of dayz was when you had one gun and you feared a single zombie aggro, you felt like a champ. But now if you have one gun you are essentially as powerful as a hacker? This mentalilty demonstrates one thing. That PvP, being considered the most imporant element of the game, essentially diminished or destroyed the full potential for the DayZ mod.

When a player thinks of a gun only in terms of how powerful it makes him or her in relation to other humans, to quote "there is nothing a non cheater can do to you" half of the DayZ experience is missing. Making zombies tough enough to annihilate you is one of the best ways to get those golden months, which I sadly missed most of, back.

Questions for you:

what could an armed player do to a hacker without a gun?

what can an unarmed player do an armed player anyway, pre patch?

"one gun are you tops" shouldnt this be the desired flavour of dayz, if no why not?

--and im bed--

Edited by Trizzo

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Bingo! The people who are loving the patch and hankering after that illusory "golden age of dayz" where everything was pve are not playing on big servers. They are playing on servers with maybe 20 ppl tops. They are entering small towns and looting areas that others have not been at (because its a small server and there are few ppl). So, of course the patch rocks! Try playing in the main cities with hundreds of zombies roaming the cities and then saying that, lol. Trying finding anything when the server has 50 ppl. Hackers rejoice, now there is nothing a non-cheater can really do to you. You don't need wallhacks, aimbot, just give yourself 1 gun and you are tops.

edit: the patch doesn't really matter. I don't see alot of the private hive servers switching over to this and losing their player base. At least was finally stable. These community developers don't really seem to understand that unless you are 14 yrs old and its summer, you can't be having 5hr play sessions 3-4 times a week. Alot of us have maybe 2 hours, 2 times a week because of work, family, etc. We want to get in and have some fun before our times runs out. Spending that two hours "surviving" on a empty server is stupid.

wrong dude, I am playing on full servers 50/50 and I love new patch

P.S. Bingo ... dudes who hate this patch are just bunch of noobs who dont have guts to play with real mans in wasteland mod... thay like just camp in bushes 24/7 and killing unarmed freshspawns with .50cal

Edited by V3C1C
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So many fallacies. Essentially your saying DayZ only matters when it's played in the city. WTF is that?

I am saying that the people who like the survival aspect of dayz are playing on small servers. They can't handle the pvp that is evitable on the big servers.

The golden age of dayz was when you had one gun and you feared a single zombie, you felt like a champ. But now if you have one gun you are essentially as powerful as a hacker? This mentalilty demonstrates one thing. That PvP, as the most imporant element of the game, essentially destroyed DayZ.

Just like you can't go back to being a virgin, you can't recapture that feeling after it has occured. You screw a girl, you no longer a virgin, no matter how much you might want to, lol. Same thing with any initial emotions created by this game. Once you have experience it, its a law of diminishing returns. Only the truly new players get to experience that.

PvP made dayz, it is the thing that create the incredible atmosphere and created the tremendous playerbase. If you think that the popularity of dayz was because there are millions of ppl who want to play a mountain man simulator, well, I have a gold mine in Uganda to sell you.

When a player thinks of a gun only in terms of how powerful it makes him or her in relation to other humans, to quote "there is nothing a non cheater can do to you" half of the DayZ experience is missing.

Battleeye is a joke. When it was not that difficult to find a gun, you can live with the hackers. The reason is that there many types of hackers, but one thing they are share: hackers usually don't make good bandits. They never had to defend themselves and so never learned. That makes it easier to spot them and since most don't use godmode, its actually not that hard to kill them. So, with a gun, you can actually defend yourself against some of the hackers.

Making zombies tough enough to annihilate is one of the best ways to get those golden months, which is sadly missed most of, back.

As I said, you can only be a virgin once, lol.

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Guys Guys for the record, its not PVP, or PVE


Player vs PLayer, Everything and Zombies =3

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wrong dude, I am playing on full servers 50/50 and I love new patch

Sorry, didn't realize I was talking to god. Since you are right, everyone must be wrong. We each have your opinion and the only one that matters is the watching the poplutions of the 50-60 servers, if these go down, then that means the patch is not being well received.

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Sorry, didn't realize I was talking to god. Since you are right, everyone must be wrong. We each have your opinion and the only one that matters is the watching the poplutions of the 50-60 servers, if these go down, then that means the patch is not being well received.

what are you talking about, before patch servers were like max 10 people on 60people server - now almost all servers are full - I am not talking about private hives

Edited by V3C1C

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what are you talking about, before patch servers were like max 10 people un 60people server - now almost all servers are full - I am not talking about provate hives

We are talking about different things. I haven't played on a public hive in like 6 months.

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I like new mod. Today I played with group of random people which didn't happened for a very long time.

I think that Zeds and loot spawn is fine and I have only two suggestions.

1. Antibiotics should also spawn in civilian buildings. With low rate but you should have chance to get one anywhere if you are lucky, considering the high chance of getting infected.

2. Zombie aggro should be lowered. The crouch-run should be enough if you are not going too close to Zeds. This would encourage people to more sneaky game-style and less sprint/rambo looting and still penalize players who shoot too much.

Edited by SEM

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1. Antibiotics should also spawn in civilian buildings. With low rate but you should have chance to get one anywhere if you are lucky, considering the high chance of getting infected.

2. Zombie aggro should be lowered. The crouch-run should be enough if you are not going too close to Zeds. This would encourage people to more sneaky game-style and less sprint/rambo looting and still penalize players who shoot too much.

1. thay are spawning in civilian buildings - i got two in one of those red houses

2. go prone and you fill be fine :)

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1.7.7 servers may seem relatively full because of ...

Novelty factor -

The new patch has inevitably piqued interest and (see below) there are initially limited numbers of correctly updated servers. Apparent player numbers are irrelevant until the end of the novelty period and when stable server numbers settle.

Slow implementation -

The migration to new releases tends to be a dreadfully slow trickle, with servers adopting new patches at wildly varying pace, whilst the player base sits in limbo. Public hive servers will tend to update sooner, but private hives may lag most, owing not least to the extra work required to update their custom builds.

My favourites are on different versions, so I am running two mod builds. However, many won't even know how, so they may well stick to updated servers after the impulsive jump to the new release.

As for the features in 1.7.7

Once I get my sandbox server updated, I'll try some of the things I haven't encountered in routine play. Not having the opportunity to place any more tents yet, or try the stashes, that will be high on my list. From what I've read and heard, I don't like the idea of having tents forced into the open due to "safe placement".

Perhaps a couple of prime candidates have been a missed from 1.7.7, that are widely utilised and seem popular in private hives, namely fuel siphoning and vehicle parts removal.

No mention in the changelog and nothing in game so far regarding crafting of "home made" military weapon attachments ... and sincerely hope it never appears either.

Finding genuine attachments separately, fair enough. Making high tech precision instruments from trash loot with McGuyver skills? Lollerskates.

Edited by RN_Max
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Not mutually exclusive. Surviving isn’t fun, wasn’t meant to be. It’s the times in between the cans that makes DayZ.

if it wasnt any fun there would be absolutely no point in this mod whatsoever; the difficulty the devs' face is keeping it fun yet just challenging enough at the same time. while i dont necessarily agree with some of the "woe is me" rants in this thread, this thread's purpose is to get a general feel for how people are responding to the new updates. dont like it? stay the out of threads like these. no one needs you, who has absolutely nothing to do with the development of this game, shooting down their feedback whether its negative or positive. all the defending in the world isnt going to help shape this game into 'your vision'. Dean and co have their own vision, and whether you like or not, they LISTEN to both negative and positive feedback which is one of the many reasons DayZ is what it is. we get it, youre a badass,hardcore 1337 vanilla player, but that doesnt make your lone voice any more important than mine or anyone else posting in this thread. keep your "WELL GO PLAY COD" comments to your god damn self

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So far...i like the harder zeds, but loot is TOO FUCKING RARE. (For gods sake ive found 3 sandbags but only one damn 1911)

And tents. PLEASE fix the tents.

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So surviving is not supposed to be fun? Tell me, why do we play games? Is it to stare at a computer screen crying inside ourselves because we keep dying off zombies?

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1. thay are spawning in civilian buildings - i got two in one of those red houses

2. go prone and you fill be fine :)

1. That's nice I didn't know that civ spawn them.

2. I know about that but ppl wont crawl for an hour to scout area it's unnecessary and boring so they will just rambo. It's better to encourage players to avoid danger rather than gun and run. In old times of dayz sneaking was main way of dealing with zombies and then they decided to broke it and suddenly all ppl started to just rushing into cities with train of zombies trying to loot some gear.

If you force players to loose too many time on crawling they will just ignore zeds and adapt to new play style then you have to make them extremely overpowered like in other mods where you have to put whole mag into zombie to kill him to force players to respect them again.

Edited by SEM

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So far, I like the patch, the Zombie Knock down thankfully is being looked into so I can rejoice in knowing I won't get the feeling of being constantly knocked down. The only two other problems with the Zombies themselves is the number of Zombies that spawn (having a small horde appear from a shed and chase me relentlessly seems a little off) the other is the sensitivity to aggro a single zombie, even while prone and crawling through a bush and yet a zombie 20 meter's away spots me.

However the one thing that is straining me, is the level of Loot. For example, a bug which persists is that Loot takes an incredibly long time to spawn and the amount of loot that spawns is yes incredibly rare but it's starting to feel like I'm playing DayZ:2017 with how scarce the loot is. Granted, it's a Zombie apocalypse, but in all honesty I just want to hop into a server, scavenge what I can and bug out. If anything I'd rather the scarce loot be a server option (no doubt it is but I honestly can't tell with it being this early).

Overall I feel the patch has sacrificed a little too much of the "fun" aspect of DayZ in exchange for more realism. I honestly want to find fun in this latest patch, but like Boatie has said, I can't personally afford to have 4-5 hour sessions, 2 hour to 3 hours are tops for me

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Haven't played new patch enough yet to decide, but found it difficult to survive. That's probably only because we haven't learned to deal with infection yet. I've seen suggestions that antibiotics aren't as important as it seems at first.

It appears that the patch is designed to spread people out and away from the big cities, with pure survival loot spawns decreasing in the common attraction areas - supermarkets and hospitals.

Another element is the effect on KOS'ers, spawn killers and the like. Looks like murdering bandits won't have long lives, but a balance has to be struck there too.

But I hope kiddies killing a new spawn will find that extracts a very high price.

High and strong zed agro from gunshots should work wonders.

My partner and me spent a couple hours traveling between Cherno and Electro in a car just looking for antibiotics and blood bags to survive. Alone on the server and just trying to gear up with meds because of infections. Thought the med spawns were bugged. We never even checked the apartments, as we already had the gear commonly found there.

Didn't check outlying areas. A mistake, so we'll adjust our strategy next time in.

Soon, survival tips, spawn locations, etc, will become known as players report in.

I expect some tweaks, but like the direction it's going.

It'll be interesting to see if the more difficult survival aspect leads to more banditry or less, and I think that is a major purpose of the patch - to find a balance.

The players will decide.

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OK, I've played for a good few hours of the last couple of days and I've come to the conclusion that the fun has well and truly been removed from the game. I haven't died yet, but staying alive has meant crawling on my belly in high zed areas, only to find no loot when I finally get to where I wanted to go.

I've spent so much time with my face in the dirt that I feel like I'm playing a snake simulation game (Well, I say game, but games are supposed to be entertaining). Even slow speed crouch walking agro's zeds from miles away, and getting rid of just one can mean 10 minutes of crouch walking through pine trees unless I want to start shooting and waste what is now rare precious ammo.

No disrespect intended towards the dev's. People asked for a harder experience, and they got what they asked for, and a lot of the other tweaks are very good. All except the tent placement thing. They basically just made tents pointless for anything other than very short term use.

Harder zombies are fine if the loot is worth the effort, but it just isn't. And when a game isn't worth the mental effort of playing it, it's time to walk away.

I'll stick to Broken point I think. It may take 20 minutes to actually get into a server, but it's better than spending 3 hours crawling around for no reward.

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I logged in with an SVD camo and and M14aim. The first infected to come near me broke my leg.

20 dead infected later I was also sadly dead.

Respawned near Elektro, was knocked over maybe 5 times in 5 minutes, met another player, who was armed but too preoccupied with infected to bother about me.

Didn't have time to run north to find my body so wrote cryptic instructions to find the loot in side chat.

So far I like it, seems like there's been a subtle shift in the atmosphere/experience... which I appreciate.

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