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Lets be honest: How many times?

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Be honest here, how many times have you actually died to zombies?

Actually zombies killing me without them letting me, 2. 9 If you count broken leg respawn deaths

How about you?

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This whole thing is flawed. First off, without them letting you what?

Secondly, everyone plays on different servers. I have played on servers where finding a hatchet took days, and I've played on servers where I've spawned almost on top of an assault rifle.

To answer your question though, way too many times.

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about 4 times or so.

Next patch that will change, there getting seriously OP =)

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I died to zombies this evening... I had full blood and I got hit once and fell unconscious, woke up and instantly fell unconscious again... You are dead.

Probably the most degrading experience of my life thus far.

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I always manage to pull off a zombie death once every two days or so then again I don't play conventional dayz.

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How in the world... I'm not Rain Man, I can't remember shit like this! :lol:

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I saw Steak get killed by Zeds once, it was halarious. Although to be fair I died too. We both played like noobs but it was good fun.

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Just wait till the next patch guys

But zombies will still be defeated by running in a straight line?

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Some people seem to claim they have never died to zombies and i find this very hard to believe.

I have been Mike Tyson'd many a time trying to hack zombies to death. There isnt any shame in it.

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Hello there

I've died innumerable times to zombies. Much more so than to players.



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What's truly rewarding is when Zeds do your dirty work for you, taking out your assailants.

I was driving my tractor along in Taviana last night, minding my own bidniss, when shots ring out.

They are clearly directed at me. 15-20 rounds from maybe a CZ. I get away with no damage to my vehicle or myself apart from needing a bandage.

I return to where the shots came from 20 minutes later, to find a cross grave marker (this is Origins). the poor bastard was stuck between a wreck and a destroyed bus when he had a perfect line of sight to me earlier. His reckless shooting got him swarmed with no way out.

And I went back to tending my crops.

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Simple, any time i start to get cocky one of them sneaky feckers always gets the drop on me.

But i have a character on a public server hibernating in the woods for the last 6 months his still alive, but then again i have logged onto that server for about 6 months. No infected getting him.

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I saw Steak get killed by Zeds once, it was halarious. Although to be fair I died too. We both played like noobs but it was good fun.

My blessed leroy enfield caused a ruckus that evening.

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Leroy does love a bit of potato with his steak though.

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Assuming we're talking about more than the first 10 where I was all "wait, I can't punch? Wait, this knife does nothing? Wait, I have to reload this hatchet??"

I don't know. A lot.

Here's why: if you get cocky, and slightly unlucky... once you have more than 2 on you + bleeding, you are as good as done if you are in a field or not close enough to a building you can enter.

Stop to bandage, they catch up and the damage gets compounded. Yes, Zombies are 'easy', until somehow 2 of them get a crack at you. 1 lucky hit and you're bleeding, 1 more, and your leg is broken.

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since 1.7.6 never killed by zombies :( really miss super fast and bugged ones

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How in the world... I'm not Rain Man, I can't remember shit like this! :lol:

Some people seem to claim they have never died to zombies and i find this very hard to believe.

I have been Mike Tyson'd many a time trying to hack zombies to death. There isnt any shame in it.

Too many to count or remember. Got stuck in the doorway of a building recently, zeds on either side, bleeding, broken, dead. fought off a horde at Grishino whilst refuelling my atv, bleeding, killed 'em all..then no bandage. Tripped over something near a heli wreck, bleeding . broken...

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Next patch is going to be wonkey

Zombies get headshots so every hit makes you bleed

and Last I checked their super human detection was fixed but who knows what it will turn out like on release.

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I've died today due to them storming a house I was in and blocking the entrance.

While trying to squeeze through the door I broke my leg and bled out.

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i can't remember the last time i died to just zombies and nothing else, but I can tell you dozens of stories where rocks/doors have broken my legs or knocked me out and zombies then came to feast

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Far more than to players. I survive for a while, starts thinking that I can rush a loot spot, and a zombie either comes from behind me, or I think I can manage to grab the loot before they come near, or my shots wakes up the entire city, or a hit causes knockdown. And should I happen to survive the zombies by focusing on them, there is always someone handy with a rifle nearby.

I like to think that I learn a little from my mistakes each time, but appearently that is a convienient lie.

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I think me getting killed by zombies is somewhat around a hundred maybe double that, I'm that bad.

But hey on the bright side I haven't died as many times to zombies as I have to glitches.

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Too many to count. I cannot understand how anyone can keep track of how many times they die to anything. I get out in the world and run around so much I feel I have died almost every possible way, many many times. Zombies have killed me a bunch, under a wide variety of circumstances.

Favorite memory of zombie death though was from one of my very early play sessions with some IRL friends. We had made it up to the NWAF (only my 2nd or 3rd time ever) and loaded up with guns, found some chopper crashes, ghillie suits. May have been the best equipped we had ever been up to that point. We approached Stary Sobor from the south-west hill just above the market. We stopped on the edge of town to discuss how we would enter. The conversation was leaning towards quiet and sneaky. However, being so well armed, I felt invincible. As my two mates continued to discuss I said screw it, and began blasting the FN FAL I was carrying at the zeds around the store, charging in. My two buddies took the hint, stopped discussing, and started shooting. As we charged into the store, we were laying waste to the zeds we saw, not really noticing the incoming mass attracted by the FN FAL.

One of my friends decided to change out his backpack in the store, switching the whole inventory as he went. The zeds did not like him doing this, and knocked him out. The other two of us began to panic as the more we tried to clear the incoming zeds, the more that showed up. We tried frantically to save our friend passed out at the back of the store, being eaten. I shifted around the outside back of the store to attempt to clear them from another angle, only to find more and more zeds running at the exterior of the store. I barely managed to fight my way to the back of the store, clear the zeds off my friend as he lay dying. Then the last two of us were in a cross fire and I was struck by a friendly round. The first to go down started laughing. Now there was only one standing, and two passed out guys in the back of the store. He managed to fight his way to us only to be incapacitated as he began to bandage the first guy to go down. There we were, three dying guys laying in the back of the store together, no help to be found. As the zeds finished us off, my buddies rightfully questioned my brazen charge, asking why I had not let the discussion run it's course. All I said was "I thought we had it, I suppose good weaponry is no substitute for sound tactics." Lesson learned.

After a similar experience that led to zombies killing us at NWAF, we decided to call the FN FAL "The Death Sentence." Not for the guy on the receiving end of the barrel, but for the bearer of the weapon. Damn it used to pull so many zeds. I think this was back in the Lee Enfield "dinner bell" days, as even after many updates to the zeds neither gun seems to draw as many zeds as in the old days. Either that or my skills at avoiding them have progressed to the point that I do not notice as many.

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