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DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

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.. when they (the devs and co) don't have to do a damned thing.

It was brought to the community as a weekly thing.. not doing that does give you bad feedback. I know they over estimated the work that goes into the devblogs. I don't expect/demand it, but i secretly wish for a video every friday.

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I love how Bohemia Interactive is not above silencing unfavorable opinions.


So the youtube comments section is considered a valid source to prove a point for some nowadays?

Time to get the cyanide pill. Laters!

Edited by Terrorviktor
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Only thing I can see preventing an alpha release in June is if they've not ironed out the server architecture by now. Barring any immense holdups, we have no reason to suspect that they won't live up to their projected review date of "June".

Once all the basic stuff is ironed out, I see no further reason for there to be a hold on releasing the alpha.

That being said, anyone who'd be upset about the release not being "100%", knowing full well it's been stated as an "alpha release" is just... Wha?

Consider what's being changed, and what's -been- changed.

- Most buildings are enterable. If you look at the screenshots, coupled with the number of building types in DayZ that aren't enterable currently, it's reasonable to surmise that 90% of buildings will be enterable on release. This is a MASSIVE change to gameplay.

- Zombies spawning serverside. Genius.

- New areas to explore. Self-explanatory.

- New control scheme and inventory.

I mean, what more do you want???

So what if vehicles and a lot of weapons aren't there for release? I guarantee there'll be an adequate number of things to do and weapons to shoot. Who the piss needs vehicles? Vehicles were removed for LONG periods of time during the development of the mod for various reasons, and people got along fine.

Edited by Katana67
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Angry customers will be the uninformed ones.

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Much like building a home, it is more important to have a solid foundation than to have a pretty facade.

Without a proper foundation, the whole thing would crumble when it comes under pressure (from hacker attempts). Without a solid foundation, much of the rest might have to be rewritten to compensate for changes to the foundation.

It is much easier to add the facade (all the extras like more weapons, vehicles, etc) once the foundation is solid.

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hey Fraggle! or one of the devs! I don't really see a particular Q&A Thread. would be nice to see something like this. i'm really looking forward to see some community questions getting answered by the next upcoming dev-blogs! is there a possibility to get something for us?maybe with a sticky? like some of these in the Information section (Reddit - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket, aso.)?

thanks in advance?




what i meant is a thread where everyone could ask questions whenever they want, to a topic they want to. so that this would slowly grow to an ultimate Q&A thread. and devs, matt, aso could answer some of them from time to time. maybe even in the course of a dev-blog. live-chat...is there going to be a live-chat again in the future?? questions over questions..

Edited by joe_mcentire
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Much like building a home, it is more important to have a solid foundation than to have a pretty facade.

Without a proper foundation, the whole thing would crumble when it comes under pressure (from hacker attempts). Without a solid foundation, much of the rest might have to be rewritten to compensate for changes to the foundation.

It is much easier to add the facade (all the extras like more weapons, vehicles, etc) once the foundation is solid.

NO!!!...i want my "potemkin village"-esque game and i want it NOW!!

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a lot of the comments defending dayz are starting to sound more and more like the war z at the beginning, They are not the same game and the end result will not be the same, ie the dayz standalone will be epic. But I feel its developed into hardcore fans making excuses for the team not pumping out much info about the game.

Either way i think people who are getting annoyed/will be annoyed need to mediate their expectations slightly. It has been what, 8-9 months since they got the go ahead for standalone? I think people just think they are using the same engine and slapping a few bits on, like the war z. This is not the case, i dont think people really realise how much work it has taken to strip down the entire engine and pretty much rebuild it. It takes a lot of time and effort.Some games are in production for years longer than dayz before they even get a alpha/beta out.

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But I feel its developed into hardcore fans making excuses for the team not pumping out much info about the game.

TBH if you read the devblogs in full we already know a lot more about DayZ SA than we do for most games at this stage of development. I don't blindly defend the SA but I do think some should reserve their criticisms until they've actually played it. Some seem to be trying to find holes in the SA or discredit Rocket/BIS when we really have nothing to judge them on yet (well we have Arma I guess but I'm referring to DayZ).

Also, some are using AAA standards to judge what they see. DayZ is being developed by a small team and won't be selling for AAA prices.

Of course there's a chance the SA could be a steaming turd and we could all have been wasting our time here but at this point we just have no way of knowing and not enough info (rightly so IMO) to start jumping to conclusions. In the future when people actually have something tangible to judge then the Devs will have to suck it up and address it, until then everything is speculation and should be treated as such. Criticism should be encouraged as that is what will make the devs push harder and result in us having a better game to play. The only time I get frustrated is when people report things as facts and then criticise them when really they're just speculating. Speculation's cool to, without it we wouldn't have a forum but when people with (arguably) large followings start making videos they should make it clear that they are just guessing at what the future holds and are not basing any of thier information on any actual facts.

Edited by Fraggle
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I love how Bohemia Interactive is not above silencing unfavorable opinions.


I think you need to start a thread of your own. The Gummy Files - The Truth is Out There

That way you can post any old conspiracy you like and we can all have a good chuckle read.

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The Gummy Files - The Truth is Out There

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay out there.

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New "No-Sex Box" reveal tomorrow! Taking bets on a DayZ console announcement! (Hopes the sarcasm is evident, but just in case, there's that...)

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I love how Bohemia Interactive is not above silencing unfavorable opinions.

Are you implying that it was only BI employees that flagged it as spam?

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.... not basing any of their information on any actual facts.

Facts? Who needs facts?! this is not reality this is the INTERNET! *boots fraggle into a bottomless pit whilst wearing my Zardoz outfit*

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Has anyone looked at the most recent DayZ mod changelog? Attachments? Word?

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BTW news from the Adventure Consultants (about 4 hours ago).

100% summit success for AC Everest team!

Golli summited a short time ago and Lukas and Deano have just began their descent.

Meanwhile Ang Dorjee, Cason and Rocket are at the top of Triangular Face so will be back at the South Col soon. Everyone else is doing well and making their way down.

Fantastic effort to all and


Adventure Conslutants Facebook

Congrats and have yourself a good can of beans for great successful climb!

Edited by Va3V1ctis
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BTW news from the Adventure Consultants (about 4 hours ago).

100% summit success for AC Everest team!

Golli summited a short time ago and Lukas and Deano have just began their descent.

Meanwhile Ang Dorjee, Cason and Rocket are at the top of Triangular Face so will be back at the South Col soon. Everyone else is doing well and making their way down.

Because its all down Hiill do you run back or at least Jog, I reckon I could get down in a matter of hours ;)

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Are you implying that it was only BI employees that flagged it as spam?

The likelihood of Bohemia flagging that comment is about as high as the likelihood of gummy52 himself flagging it................. :o

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^He's alive!

He's moving, he's alive, HE IS ALIVE!

*slids back under his lurking rock to resume DayZ hibernation*

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Adventure conslutants sounds fecking filthy...

Glad rockets not missing any of those typing fingers! :)

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TBH if you read the devblogs in full we already know a lot more about DayZ SA than we do for most games at this stage of development. I don't blindly defend the SA but I do think some should reserve their criticisms until they've actually played it. Some seem to be trying to find holes in the SA or discredit Rocket/BIS when we really have nothing to judge them on yet (well we have Arma I guess but I'm referring to DayZ).

Also, some are using AAA standards to judge what they see. DayZ is being developed by a small team and won't be selling for AAA prices.

Of course there's a chance the SA could be a steaming turd and we could all have been wasting our time here but at this point we just have no way of knowing and not enough info (rightly so IMO) to start jumping to conclusions. In the future when people actually have something tangible to judge then the Devs will have to suck it up and address it, until then everything is speculation and should be treated as such. Criticism should be encouraged as that is what will make the devs push harder and result in us having a better game to play. The only time I get frustrated is when people report things as facts and then criticise them when really they're just speculating. Speculation's cool to, without it we wouldn't have a forum but when people with (arguably) large followings start making videos they should make it clear that they are just guessing at what the future holds and are not basing any of thier information on any actual facts.

way to cherry pick one part of my entire post, kind of likens me to those who are criticising the quality of the game etc. I am simply saying I can see why people are annoyed about the lack of info.

I have made the point many a time before, comparing dayz to "other games" is moot. The dayz is not other games, the dayz is not fifa, gta or anything else. The Dayz is a game that has come into fruition because of the support from the community and the popularity of the mod. People are of course going to feel a sense of entitlement opposed to a game pumped out by a faceless corporation, because everyone feels they have had a part in it. So my point swings both ways, you can’t claim that we get more info about dayz than other games, and then say it can’t be compared with AAA titles, it’s kind of double standards and the same goes for those criticising it. People saying the lack of info is warranted because it is more than we usually get are conveniently ignoring their own point that dayz is not another AAA title.

The issue is that people are getting itchy plainly because they want the game so much. Placating people would be much more constructive than alienating them and just giving the community a bit more info would do that. I wasn’t talking at all about the quality of the work, because personally I believe it looks fantastic, but some of the dev blogs are indeed rather “lite”. I personally would prefer more in depth dev blogs not so often, those screaming for a huge one every week are indeed being unrealistic. A fortnightly dev blog which is relatively chunky should suffice, but it seems the regularity/in depth nature of the dev blogs varies wildly. People are sticklers for routine, give them that and a decent amount of info each time, they shouldnt having anything to complain about. There will always be some that just want something to bitch about, but the majority wont. Most do not understand the complexity and time consuming nature of what they are doing, Informing people properly is the main thing here. I dont doubt the work they are doing, just the ability to convey that to the wider community is lacking.

Edited by triggy89
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way to cherry pick one part of my entire post, kind of likens me to those who are criticising the quality of the game etc. I am simply saying I can see why people are annoyed about the lack of info.

I have made the point many a time before, comparing dayz to "other games" is moot. The dayz is not other games, the dayz is not fifa, gta or anything else. The Dayz is a game that has come into fruition because of the support from the community and the popularity as a mod. People are of course going to feel a sense of entitlement opposed to a game pumped out by a faceless corporation, because everyone feels they have had a part in it. So my point swings both ways, you can’t claim that we get more info about dayz than other games, and then say it can’t be compared with AAA titles, it’s kind of double standards and the same goes for those criticising it. People saying the lack of info is warranted because it is more than we usually get are conveniently ignoring their own point that dayz is not another AAA title.

The issue is that people are getting itchy plainly because they want the game so much. Placating people would be much more constructive than alienating them and just giving the community a bit more info would do that. I wasn’t talking at all about the quality of the work, because personally I believe it looks fantastic, but some of the dev blogs are indeed rather “lite”. I personally would prefer more in depth dev blogs not so often, those screaming for a huge one every week are indeed being unrealistic. A fortnightly dev blog which is relatively chunky should suffice, but it seems the regularity/in depth nature of the dev blogs varies wildly. People are sticklers for routine, give them that and a decent amount of info each time, they shouldnt having anything to complain about. Most do not understand the complexity and time consuming nature of what they are doing, Informing people properly is the main thing here. I dont doubt the work they are doing, just the ability to convey that to the wider community is lacking.

Agreed. Sorry for using your post to make a larger point, that isn't what I intended and TBH I agree with most of what you say.

People are hungry for info and that's a good thing thing because it means they care about the game and are waiting for the devs to deliver. TBH I think the one major mistake Rocket has made so far is telling us there will be weekly blogs and then completely failing to follow up on that without really explaining why. It's given people the impression that they're un-organised and led others to doubt other things he says which is a shame.

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Agreed. Sorry for using your post to make a larger point, that isn't what I intended and TBH I agree with most of what you say.

People are hungry for info and that's a good thing thing because it means they care about the game and are waiting for the devs to deliver. TBH I think the one major mistake Rocket has made so far is telling us there will be weekly blogs and then completely failing to follow up on that without really explaining why. It's given people the impression that they're un-organised and led others to doubt other things he says which is a shame.

no worries mate, we all do it, hell i do that a lot, more than i should do really :P

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