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How was your weirdest death in DayZ? Describe the feeling :D

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Falling off the Berenzino port.

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Spawned in, then teleported about 50m above the ocean. I would then, apon reaching 10m above the ocean, teleport back up 50m. This would then repeat itself for about 2 minutes before I died.

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A column of Multi coloured rainbow smoke grenades appeared out of the ground beneath my body pushing me 1000 meters into the air then suddenly disappeared letting me fall to my doom all to the theme of the NYAN cat song.

I felt..surprised.

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I was running towards my friend. There was two zombies chasing me but they were far away. Then I just died 10m from him. We both were like WTF because those zombies couldn't hit me.

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Toilet Door.

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Having my friend eject out of my Littlebird while I was moving and completely FUBAR it.

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Flying in the heli, then it instantly runs out of fuel, then I hear the "Tourettes" scream horrible words...... it was terrifying

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I just suddenly dropped dead... thirst? Maybe, but I'll never know for sure...

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on a shop with my bro I was running to him and him running to me until legs broke and death

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Worst shit i ever happent to die in and the funniest was that i was running on a tall building, got hit by a zombie, then when i fell unconcious i fell of the building and was like WTF?

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The server restarted while I was on a dirt bike. When I logged back in, I was glitched up to my neck a couple of clicks outside of Stary in some field. Eventually I just starved to death.

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A zombie struck me through the canopy glass of a helicopter as I was taking off. The blow knocked me out, yet I could still use the controls. When I panned around the hull in third person, I noticed that I was hanging half through the cockpit floor. I quickly landed and in doing so crushed myself against the ground.

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Heres a good one, tried to get a tin of beans out of one of those outdoor toilets and hit the close door option instead.

A horrible way to go.

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I was struggling to get through that narrow upper door of the lighthouse, ran "too far" and right off the lighthouse catwalk. Heck, I just wanted the view!

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Ran over a dead zombie on the runway, leg breaks, and instant death followed.

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