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Hotfix Build Rolling Update (was

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You guys realize that alpha games/mods have these kinds of problems all the time right? You should EXPECT this kind of thing when something new is added' date=' this is the whole purpose of alpha and beta.


i dont really see to much bitching. do you realize the purpose of this forum is to report on issues people are having with the new updates?

Obviously I am not referring to people who are offering up notifications of problems constructive bug reporting. Do you realize that assumptions make you look kind of silly when wrong?

but you make me assume when you are not specific.

obviously off topic and i assume will be deleted!

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ok it seems we are beginning to veer off course with these posts again, lets stop replying to people and look for more stuff to fix :D

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I bet rocket is (not that he allready do) working his ass off to make a fix to all this.

I wont be joining a server until i know works.. or i will be reverting my server back to

Creds to dayz team ;)

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This just doesn't feel right.

Do Zs have supersight again or something? It's pitch black night and they see me 60m away while crouched and "one bar" for sight.

Do they go more after sound now? I'm confused.

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So is this labeled r37 or r38 in the Six Updater?

Click "changes" next to the rXX build to see patch notes (including DayZ build number) in the SIX Updater GUI, I don't recall it though.

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ppl are spawning in DB forest and have regular gear but with army clothing..

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I just do not know why as I have said before since this current engine of Arma II will only cause huge issues with melee and other add-ons. Why can we keep the core of what Arma II does best. A military simulator..Melee is not going to work smoothly. Please can we just fix the zombies..Thats it the zombies. Limitations are clearly being seen and felt with all these other hotfixes that I know that you know will only cause problems.

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Sneaking in town is nearly impossible.. zombies aggro you while you crouch move from everywhere because of the sound changes.

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* [FIXED] Hunger and Thirst no longer continue to drop while you are offline (only ingame time counts)

I kind of liked how you'd get hungry and thirsty offline. Made me think twice and prepare myself before I logged out.

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crouch walking inside a barn and I had 3 bars of sight, 1 hearing the entire time

zombies flocked to my position. I'm glad I had weapons, I wouldn't try sneaking atm

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Well just got done with my first run of

The zombies do seem to have amazing sight now. Crouch-walking gives you 3-4 Visibility bars, which is rough. They are aggro'd, so I run into a apartment building in Berezino, and die from having no ammo. And I had a lot of ammo. Zombies just kept coming and coming. Are they still respawning when killed? Because it looked like a section of road was PAVED with zombies there were so many.

Initial thoughts- Zombies aren't too attracted by sound, but visibility seems a bit too much now. Item spawn seems better. Zombies kept coming and coming, and coming. They are not easy to lose at all now, unless running through a building. Running around corners to lose them is almost impossible now that they head in that direction to 'investigate'. They always see/hear before I have time to run away from the corner I rounded.

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Spawning in wilderness, can't use my compass or map. So im stuck

EDIT: So i can't use my compass or map since i dont have them any more. Lost all my gear.

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I'm not sure if this counts as abuse or not, but I've tried the latest patch out and everything works fine for me, no noticeable problems glitch-wise apart from anything that would be my fault, but I think that the zombie detection mechanism has gone from difficult to damn near impossible, I don't think it's balanced correctly, and I know it's supposed to be realistic but I don't think a zombie will come running around a corner miles away (lol exaggeration) if I was crouch walking by a building, mainly because all the other zombies stumbling around next to it would also have the same affect in that particular case.

I just think that with the whole 'no starter weapons or drinks' thing a zombie who can detect whether or not that one tiny step from god knows how far away is a zombies or a humans and all this 'super realism' stuff has just made it nearly impossible to get the weapons we are meant to get before we can do anything.

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FPS goes down to unplayable levels once you are able to lose zombies because they will investigate your position. Tried it by losing them through a barn and my fps took a nosedive after that. Several of my friends have reported the same thing.

Sound levels are way too high atm as well, you are unable to lose Zombies because they will always hear you, going slow or prone won't help much if they still investigate and refind you since going prone still makes you visible. Firing your gun in that situation won't help either cause you make sound, Zombies will come to your position and since we're still having Zombies respawn infinitely and immediately it is pretty pointless to do so.

Go ahead and call me a scrublord and CoD kiddie but I'm not playing this game until it is possible to use every feature without breaking my fps to unplayable levels.

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I have to agree sneaking seems to be a bit broken at the moment. I use to be able to sneak walk about 15-20m sometimes a bit closer without aggro but now it seems if I sneak anywhere from 60m+ near them they aggro like crazy leaving no choice but to run to the closest building to take them out.

This makes it even harder when you die and respawn as you try to crouch walk and find a weapon you aggro pretty much every zed in the the town you're in should you try looking in a building.

I'm all for them being a bit more sensitive but there needs to be a fine balance of just sensitive enough to be a challenge but not as sensitive like now where it's near impossible not to aggro a zed, especially in the city.

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The zombies sight was buffed ? or something changed from ?

aggroed zombie from like 50m away while proning, hope it was just a bug tho.

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Hey guys' date='

i have make a mirror...

http://download.dayz-mod.de :)


this mirror is crap, i hope you know that.

read the changelog, there are more files to download to get DayZ up to date.

Guys like you force other players to have bugs which are not caused by a failure of rocket or the other developers.

so make it right and not only to get some attention for your site.


FPS issue because of the Zombies looking for you - noticed

unplayable atm, but i dont lost my akm, so you guys maybe forgot to update a dayz file. not only the code file!

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also what is VERY vexing is why hasnt there been any progress on increasing number of zombies and make them you know NORMAL speed. Can we try that instead. I do not care if it is alpha beta phi stage. Can we just try stuff we know will work.

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Well just got done with my first run of

The zombies do seem to have amazing sight now. Crouch-walking gives you 3-4 Visibility bars' date=' which is rough. They are aggro'd, so I run into a apartment building in Berezino, and die from having no ammo. And I had a lot of ammo. Zombies just kept coming and coming. Are they still respawning when killed? Because it looked like a section of road was PAVED with zombies there were so many.

Initial thoughts- Zombies aren't too attracted by sound, but visibility seems a bit too much now. Item spawn seems better. Zombies kept coming and coming, and coming. They are not easy to lose at all now, unless running through a building. Running around corners to lose them is almost impossible now that they head in that direction to 'investigate'. They always see/hear before I have time to run away from the corner I rounded.


Yeah pretty much unplayable right now :(

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Share on other sites was awesome btw, had a great game time today with it and in my opinion it was really good balanced.

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I'm seeing some zombies running a little bit inside buildings.

Was inside a barn, a lot of zombies were inside with me, they would walk a little, then run like hell, then walk again.

I hope it's a bug.

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