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DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

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Some nice info in there. Good to see things are moving along nicely. Hopefully some of the critics thinking that DayZ SA is just an Arma 2 port will actually read this one.

Edited by Fraggle
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I kid. Fraggle gets all the perks. Bloody mods.

Stoked on this! There was really no need after giving us a heads up the other day, but I suppose Rocket was gonna do it anyway.

Cheers homie!

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Sounds good. I like the radio idea

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Now that is awesome! Its even better to not expect a devblog and getting one!

Kudos to all the devs! Keep up the good work. :beans: :beans: :beans:

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Looking forward to the radios. Any idea if the radios will make noise while on the ground, and not in your inventory?

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I'm really excited about radios as well. The (fake) radio chatter was the most exciting thing in one of the early WarZ staged videos.

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Looking forward to the radios. Any idea if the radios will make noise while on the ground, and not in your inventory?

I believe they do. I remember hearing Rocket say they will be able to do so for purposes of ambush (I think it was from the PAX East exhibition?)

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Lovely stuff. Big thanks to everyone for their continued hard work. Especially Matt for forwarding the good news (Cheers dude).

Best o' luck to the boss man with his big hill.

I'm away for a lie down. The high altitude is making me a bit wobbly.

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Tomorrow I am off to the Khumbu Icefall for training in fixed lines and ladders

Pfffffft training... Man up, climb that hill and then back to work! :)

Nah, best luck for the ascent and thanks to the team for all the hard work!

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"This is going to take as long as it needs to, we want to release our initial alpha under the architecture it needs to avoid hacking and security issues - this is the only remaining task stopping us from releasing the alpha."


cant wait for SA Alpha. gonna be one of the first to buy it, just watch

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You're all reading this in Rockets voice aren't you? :D

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Nice one.

Peace for another week

You don't really believe that now do you?

Thanks Dean, good luck with your little walk.

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So are we getting a dev blog this friday? ^^


Can you maybe provide an estimate for the progression of the MMO architecture or what your best guess would be for its completion date? Ofc only if that is even possible at this stage. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Edited by R9Rsc68avHbs

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So are we getting a dev blog this friday? ^^


Can you maybe provide an estimate for the progression of the MMO architecture or what your best guess would be for its completion date? Ofc only if that is even possible at this stage. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

It's being reviewed in June when Dean returns from Everest, as he's already said, so I guess we'll know then.

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lol, I thought you were making a silly joke (thought it was sun-screen maybe) - but it turns out it is flour :P

Rocket talks about the new animation rig alot, and in some

he mentions how this new rig will make the way weapons are held/viewed in first person look better, because essentially there will be two seperate skeletons for third and first person. As is, in DayZ/Arma, the FPV is basicly (layman alert) a camera directly attached to the head of the skeleton. What you see of yourself is directly representative of what others see when they look at you, or what you see of yourself in 3rd person.

I guess my question is if there are two different rigs/skeletons for the two different views how does this reconcile with the way we currently experience first person in dayZ - eg. the way you can move you're head around independantly from your body? (EDIT: and the way you can view you're body from FPV)

Edited by Hoik

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You're all reading this in Rockets voice aren't you? :D

I was reading it in Morgan Freeman's voice......

So are we getting a dev blog this friday? ^^


Can you maybe provide an estimate for the progression of the MMO architecture or what your best guess would be for its completion date? Ofc only if that is even possible at this stage. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

I'm returning home to the UK for a week to deal with some boring things, I'll be working from home throughout this time and I'm hoping to do a screenshot update later this week.

No ETA sorry as we don't know although progress seems to be good.

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Nice and settling heap or words coming from a calm and impressive adventurer Dean Hall! :)

Or rocket as we call him by rants or praise, we all will rant and shout untill SA is out then we all will calm down and play it and cry about bugs that is never fixed (like the hospital glitch)..

Then after a while, noobs stop playing and only pro's play the game after a few years it will get boring and the "new discussions" forum is dead... people are moving on to other games that are more interesting,, people will ask you who was that Dean Hall guy? you will say... I dont know?

Then who made dayZ? that was BIS!

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