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DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

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I just came upon that statement from R4ZOR : "As we all know infection is proving to be a hot topic for everyone so we are going to try and change it up a little without changing anything else around the game so loot will remain the same and so will zeds. The only difference is how the infection from being attacked by zeds will work." Does that mean that having zeds zigzaging, going through walls, spotting you with no LoS is going to remain and is indeed how the game is supposed to work ? If not, shouldn't that be the first and most important thing to fix at the moment since it unbalances the whole game ? Is it even possible to fix it ? Since we all witnessed this issue reported as being fixed patch after patch but only seeming to get worse, i am starting to wonder. Also, i am asking myself if people who pretend the game now feels like good old times really were there during the good old times. Because i goddamn was ! and i don't recall the game as being as unbalanced as it is now with Zeds behaviour being so broken. Furthermore, and as an example of what the patch truly achieved, on the server i play atm and under 1.7.7. I did manage to find gear for myself despite the loot spawn being "Fixed" so here i am, set and looking for other players. The only problem is that i am now on an empty server with 3 people (that's 4 players including me) where they used to be 20 at exaclty the same time and for months until 1.7.7 "Fixed" that too. Is that what dayz dev team is aiming for ? And if it is, how is getting rid of the casual population a good thing ? Lastly i can't say i was impressed with the SA gameplay that was showed at E3, mainly because Zeds behaviour looked exactly the same than it is now in dayz mod (unbalanced and unrealistic). If you add that to the fact 1.7.7 created a lot of frustration that the dev deam seems unwilling to hear and even less adress , i have a feeling Dayz is aiming straight for a black hole.

Edited by rod
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Shame you didn't feel the need to write such a informative post when the game was good in your opinion

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Shame you didn't feel the need to write such a informative post when the game was good in your opinion

Nope i just dragged a 8 members squad from our TS into it

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Any word on a fix so one can repair the hull of choppers? As of 1.7.7 you cannot repair the hulls of chopper. You just a get a bugged message that says "You need a to repair this" The chopper will continue to leak fuel very rapidly.

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updating the server i'm working on to 1.7.7 now. hopefully it wont do to much damage to all the scripts that i have in place.

it did to the server im on

some of its fixed up

players keep spawning in debug mode though

here help me with this issue i posted if anyones having the same problem to help bring light to this situation for custom serves, private hives,etc

posted the issue here


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Is this path remove SUV?

Because, I can't add it in my private server.

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I just came upon that statement from R4ZOR : "As we all know infection is proving to be a hot topic for everyone so we are going to try and change it up a little without changing anything else around the game so loot will remain the same and so will zeds. The only difference is how the infection from being attacked by zeds will work." Does that mean that having zeds zigzaging, going through walls, spotting you with no LoS is going to remain and is indeed how the game is supposed to work ? If not, shouldn't that be the first and most important thing to fix at the moment since it unbalances the whole game ? Is it even possible to fix it ? Since we all witnessed this issue reported as being fixed patch after patch but only seeming to get worse, i am starting to wonder. Also, i am asking myself if people who pretend the game now feels like good old times really were there during the good old times. Because i goddamn was ! and i don't recall the game as being as unbalanced as it is now with Zeds behaviour being so broken. Furthermore, and as an example of what the patch truly achieved, on the server i play atm and under 1.7.7. I did manage to find gear for myself despite the loot spawn being "Fixed" so here i am, set and looking for other players. The only problem is that i am now on an empty server with 3 people (that's 4 players including me) where they used to be 20 at exaclty the same time and for months until 1.7.7 "Fixed" that too. Is that what dayz dev team is aiming for ? And if it is, how is getting rid of the casual population a good thing ? Lastly i can't say i was impressed with the SA gameplay that was showed at E3, mainly because Zeds behaviour looked exactly the same than it is now in dayz mod (unbalanced and unrealistic). If you add that to the fact 1.7.7 created a lot of frustration that the dev deam seems unwilling to hear and even less adress , i have a feeling Dayz is aiming straight for a black hole.

What's wrong bro, never seen zombies doing karate jumping kicks before? :D

Seriously I feel exactly the same as you about this, only you expressed it better.

I do not like the way things are going here. In example, Razor confirmed to me how the wall crash detection (or whatever its called) in this game is no problem and quite accurate, yet I dont see zombies hitting through walls on the "fix" list.

This patch do have some nice changes and DayZ just got harder, but in a distorted and weird way.

It's like we are all gently pushed towards the SA, with bugfixes as the reward?

But it only prolongs the process towards PvP. The unevitable question "now what?" will come up after crawling on your belly for 5 hours and gearing up.

After watching the E3 footage, my expectations for the SA as a bugfree, hackerfree version of current DayZ crumbled. So, I no longer see the point in critisising this patch to no avail, also I doubt I will like what comes next.

However, the majority seems to be happy with the changes. So democracy has spoken.

The rest of us now have 2 options - keep playing a buggy till the end of time or quit DayZ altogether.

You choose. I am out of here, don't want to become a grumpy old man just because of a game :)

Edited by Skadefroen
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But it only prolongs the process towards PvP.

In my opinion this patch enables more PVP since you need to do everything in your power to get your hands on that antibiotics.

I really don't see the problem here. All of you guys want PVP, and this patch literary requires you to kill everyone to loot their body for foods and antibiotics. Do you guys want everything served on a plate? Like one of those medic-crates found in hospitals? Nah, that is just the easy way out. Get your hands dirty and kill that m4 dude or stab the fresh spawn just leaving the hospital.

Srsly, you guys complaining will ruin this game because the only voices heard is you... Everyone else is busy playing and wont even know why 1.7.8 brings rainbows, flowers and zombies that want to cuddle instead of eat you.

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I always avoided pvp. I don't want things to be easy. I love more complicated survival.

But I don't want to lie down and wait for 12 zombies to all enter the log cabin before I can loot tin cans.

Zombies can: Hit now, hit while running, follow you forever, "sense" you when you are hidden, knock you down, knock you down while they are lying down, can lie on loot, infect you with one hit, take 5-6 shots with an m16 to die, spawn like rabbits on Viagra, and signal others so that if you accidentally agro one there will soon be 12 following you.

AND loot has been lowered, no backpacks, and lower rate for melee weapons.

Too much. Too unbalanced. The idea might be good, but the implementation is lacking. IMO not a good patch at all.

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Got infected by 1 hit and was searching for antibiotics for about 4 hours... I run across map, visit 3 hospitals, industrials, farms and other buildings and found nothing to cure. You really need to fix this... I can understand that the loot is hard to find, but this infection thing should start when you have, let's say, 1/3 blood, not when I'm fresh spawn, and after one hit I get infected. This is very irritating please do some fixes or do some tests first...

Next time I got infected by few hits, but thats rather lucky not to get infected by 1 hit.

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Ok my 2 cents, I want to be a loner in the game, I avoid other players when I can I like the fact they are there and can either be a help or a murdering piece of crap. I enjoy being a ghost and moving amongst you unseen, that's right I was in that bush you ran by so secure in your safety, when one swing of my axe ........? I do interact with players when it suits me. I do not want to be forced to team up. All you people saying "no loot and super zeds make the game real" I say to you bullcrap! There are a ton of things that affect the realism of this game, check your pockets right now I bet more of you have a knife and matches or a lighter then you do bandages and aspirin. Sticking a needle in a vein is one of the simplest things to do yet no self blood bag. Not to mention, how many of you can change an alternator or a starter on a car in rl? Yet in game we are mechanical and aviation engineers right from birth. So take that realism crap and stick it where the sun doesn't shine! Because it is a game therefore subject to the whims of the developer. I will continue to play DayZ as a loner no matter what gets thrown at me, because I enjoy the challenge. If I get infected or break a leg and have to crawl home.... well dammit I will .

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Ok my 2 cents, I want to be a loner in the game, I avoid other players when I can I like the fact they are there and can either be a help or a murdering piece of crap. I enjoy being a ghost and moving amongst you unseen, that's right I was in that bush you ran by so secure in your safety, when one swing of my axe ........? I do interact with players when it suits me. I do not want to be forced to team up. All you people saying "no loot and super zeds make the game real" I say to you bullcrap! There are a ton of things that affect the realism of this game, check your pockets right now I bet more of you have a knife and matches or a lighter then you do bandages and aspirin. Sticking a needle in a vein is one of the simplest things to do yet no self blood bag. Not to mention, how many of you can change an alternator or a starter on a car in rl? Yet in game we are mechanical and aviation engineers right from birth. So take that realism crap and stick it where the sun doesn't shine! Because it is a game therefore subject to the whims of the developer. I will continue to play DayZ as a loner no matter what gets thrown at me, because I enjoy the challenge. If I get infected or break a leg and have to crawl home.... well dammit I will .

I can't tell if this is a complaint or a compliment for the patch. Maybe just actual feedback? Hmmmm.

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Just played it today and my opinion is that this patch made game in to a crap. Let me explain, i was today at Electro, sitting at the hill near red barn with Cz 550, covering my buddy in the town and can you believe me, how i was been impressed when i hear that someone is moving behind me, i turn around thinking that it was just a player, ready to shoot him but it was just a freaking zombie, he has respawned right behind or maybe walked at mu direction, there was like 20 centimeters between, this story has repeated like 6 times, it was something like this: Take zombie in to the forest then kill him, run back, there is more zombie spawning behind me.There wasn't any buildings and they are aggro at me in the same moment they spawn, don't mater if i crawl or there was trees and bushes between and there is like 100 meters between us or if they even don't look in my way, they are respawning and start attacking me no matter what. That was one point.

The next problem is a loot, i have traveled across 3 cities, looking at every building for some food, all i have found is a colorful empty cans, nothing that could save my life from hungry death, every building have this brand new empty cans, and nothing useless for surviving, but i was lucky enough to kill some zombies with beans, it wasn't really much, only two cans and one of them i eat at once, also i was at 3 hospitals and you know what? i found nothing, absolutely nothing, but again thanks to my luck there was a one single blood bag and one single morphine at the red cross military tents at Cherno, but btw i died because of this freaking zombies, they are to freaking overpowered, my buddy was unconscious like 4 times of 5 from one single hit and that's when he had a full health and was fresh spawn.And of course i forgot to say that there was a lot of dead players, all because of this Super Captain Spiderman America Zombies superheroes, you go in to the town fresh spawn, and you got killed by this superheroes, just because they barricade the exit of house by them selfs and there's a problem with a loot, that you can't handle this,can't kill them, to all who say that it's cool and you are a noob, look this isn't cool because there isn't any stealth anymore, it's a lagged, zombies can see you from a mile, look i would probably come back in time, in to that moment when i was scared of every bush and zombies were a scary than other players, but this patch didn't bring this nostalgia about old times, patch destroys balance just because it's different, very different from that mod that i was playing in summer of 2012

And my verdict is that: This patch destroy balance, what i mean by that: It's very hard to survive on the beginning, but there is almost nothing changes if you good armed have a automatic weapon and a team who have the same gear as you, but the food problem are probably touches all classes, even if you a cool guy ninja you not going last long without food or water, of course there's a lot of meat running around but i also didn't seen any hunting knife or matches, maybe it's a little better with drinks but not to much. Also it's an alpha patch but it is to raw at the moment, because there is to many problems with gameplay process.

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Passionate men like mrBandit would benefit greatly from the use of paragraphs. If this patch is as bad as everyone says it is, then go take a break till it's fixed. I suggest playing breaking point. It is very fun.

Edited by pbrunk
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Haven't posted in a while but felt like this update was important.

I am assuming with this update's release that zombies are almost impossible to get correct in this engine. Zombies have never worked appropriately, and it doesn't look like they ever will. The majority of 1.7.7s problems stem from the fact that you guys are trying to make a zombie out of something that is technologically unable to be a zombie. Someone prove me wrong, I am no coder, I won't undermine the amount of effort it must take. BUT they STILL hit through walls, they STILL hit from ten feet away, they STILL clip through objects, they STILL start running towards you even if you are crawling on the ground.

It is like trying to build a particle accelerator out of planks and nails.

Then there is the problem with loot, or should I say the problem with no loot. This mod had a thrill of finding the means to survive and it was what made it fun, now finding loot is a gamble. Also the hope of surviving is essentially gone, because two-three zombie attacks guarantees you a one way trip to a slow infected death. IF players could react appropriately, have means of negating infection probability, it wouldn't be so bad. Needless to say it is currently pointless to search for antibiotics.

I don't WANT to sit in the woods all the time, I WANT to take risks, but with this updates it seems that is the last thing the developers want you doing.

The best tactic for the longest while was to grab starting gear on the coast, and head north. Now the only realistic option is to head north immediately in hopes that you find food quick.

TL;DR: The mod/engine as it stands is unable to support the requirements of a zombie apocalypse scenario. Giving more power to zombies and less power to players is not just difficult, it is unfair and 100% unentertaining.

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Personaly I realy enjoy the patch ,the zeds do work you just have to adjust your play style and crawl or crouch walk [it took me a few deaths and some hours to get the hang of it].The new crash sites and infected camps are very cool ,though I thought the infected camp had slightly to many zeds to be worth investigating for the loot I found there. The only things I think realy need changing are a higher spawn on antibiotics at hospitals ....I rind a million bloodbags and painkillers etc ,I think the most common thing you would find at a hospital would be antibiotics in RL certainly not blood bags:D.Also I think a very slightly higher ammo spawn would be handy.On another note I wonder why there isn't a .22 rifle in the game its the most common calibre in the world by a massive margin and the there are billions of rounds in circulation... .quiet and good for rabbits and zed brainpans. Also the admins have now used the rollback patch on our servers unfortunately due to problems and bugs in the administration area.

Edited by smashy

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Its hard, zombies are dangerous, loot is scarse.... its really dificult to survive... and i love it. Looks like a survival game and not CoD with big map :).

I find everything i need to survive, yes, knifes, matches, axes, etc...antibiotics are maybe a bit scarse, but what the hell, its end of the world :)

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Well Mark Starkiller, maybe it is more challenging for you but this is not a single player game, the main point that you should be afraid of people now lost, there will be more guarantee that you survive if you find someone to team up, but more people you get more resources you need and that is a problem.

Zombie now is the scariest type of enemy and that ain't right, because they have now some crazy abilities.

If this patch wouldn't break a loot spawning system,it could be good, well now we see that it's not, because you don't have any guarantee that you will come out of town alive or at least you will escape but resources that you will pay for your trip doesn't pay of.

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MMO's dont give you everything in 20 mins. You need to work for everything.

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Dayz database is saying that castles are now military loot spawns, is that correct? I haven't found a one military loot from those (devils castle, rog etc.)

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I have to say. I am puzzled as to why certain vehicles have now been banned. These arent even mentioned in the changelog that I can see. Why ban the SUV? And the MTVR? There are others that were, up till now, allowed, but are prolly overpowered or not "appropriate" but cmon.... really?

As a server admin this is slightly annoying.

Edited by Counterfeit79
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It feels like we are being prepared for Standalone by making zombies more of a threat and reducing loot all over the map. This is what it's going to be like though. It's going to be tough to survive. It's going to be tough to find food. It's going to be tough to find high powered weapons. It's gonna be tough to avoid or kill zombies. This is the zombie apocalypse after all. It's not supposed to be easy. Man up everyone!! ;)

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It feels like we are being prepared for Standalone by making zombies more of a threat and reducing loot all over the map. This is what it's going to be like though. It's going to be tough to survive. It's going to be tough to find food. It's going to be tough to find high powered weapons. It's gonna be tough to avoid or kill zombies. This is the zombie apocalypse after all. It's not supposed to be easy. Man up everyone!! ;)

You seem to have failed to grasp the concept of entertainment.

There needs to be a balance between realism and entertainment.

Currently, and judging by the feedback in this thread, 1.7.7 needs some further tweaking.

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I haven't failed to grasp the concept of anything actually. It's called having an opinion.

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