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What will NOT make you want to buy Dayz?

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I know all of us are eagerly anticipating the dayz standalone, but I think it's fair to say that it has a lot of margin for error. Use this thread to list annoyances in the mod that will prevent you from buying the standalone if carried over or not fixed.

I will start with mine:

-Getting knocked out from zombies: This is extremely annoying and game-breaking. If you're playing alone, there's no way for you to survive after getting the 1 minute~ knockout timer. To add insult to injury, you can't respawn or kill yourself, you have to slowly watch the zombie(s) consume your flesh.

-Breaking your legs from zombie "bite": I personally don't think you should break your bones from getting bitten from a zombie, but the way breaking your legs works in the mod makes it seem as if your legs were ripped off because you can only crawl.

-Overpowered blood bags: In less than five seconds, you can fully heal another survivor, which pales in comparison to the blood points gained by eating meat (which has been further nerfed) and the amount of time and effort needed to obtain meat. There has to be alternative healing methods, or blood bags should be nerfed.

-Can't open / pick up my tent!: Easily one of the most annoying things in the mod, not being able to open your tent when you place in a tree or an obscure place, and then not being able to pick up the tent after removing it. You also have the strange tent glitches, like items being moved far away from it if the tent is full, breaking your legs in it on a slant, etc.

-Side step? what?: I don't know what this is as there's a hundred controls for arma 2, but sometimes I'll see my character do a strafe or a side step, during which you can't shoot or do any other actions. Sometimes I'll do this by accident during a gunfight, and die because I can't shoot while doing it, and of course rage ensues.

Most of these aren't that game breaking to me except the first two, which if aren't fixed I probably wont spend money of the standalone. Tell me what you think and if there are any concerns for the standalone, I'm interested in hearing your thoughts.

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I know all of us are eagerly anticipating the dayz standalone, but I think it's fair to say that it has a lot of margin for error. Use this thread to list annoyances in the mod that will prevent you from buying the standalone if carried over or not fixed.

I will start with mine:

-Getting knocked out from zombies: This is extremely annoying and game-breaking. If you're playing alone, there's no way for you to survive after getting the 1 minute~ knockout timer. To add insult to injury, you can't respawn or kill yourself, you have to slowly watch the zombie(s) consume your flesh.

-Breaking your legs from zombie "bite": I personally don't think you should break your bones from getting bitten from a zombie, but the way breaking your legs works in the mod makes it seem as if your legs were ripped off because you can only crawl.

-Overpowered blood bags: In less than five seconds, you can fully heal another survivor, which pales in comparison to the blood points gained by eating meat (which has been further nerfed) and the amount of time and effort needed to obtain meat. There has to be alternative healing methods, or blood bags should be nerfed.

-Can't open / pick up my tent!: Easily one of the most annoying things in the mod, not being able to open your tent when you place in a tree or an obscure place, and then not being able to pick up the tent after removing it. You also have the strange tent glitches, like items being moved far away from it if the tent is full, breaking your legs in it on a slant, etc.

-Side step? what?: I don't know what this is as there's a hundred controls for arma 2, but sometimes I'll see my character do a strafe or a side step, during which you can't shoot or do any other actions. Sometimes I'll do this by accident during a gunfight, and die because I can't shoot while doing it, and of course rage ensues.

Most of these aren't that game breaking to me except the first two, which if aren't fixed I probably wont spend money of the standalone. Tell me what you think and if there are any concerns for the standalone, I'm interested in hearing your thoughts.

The first two there is no problem with, it's one of the risks you take if you decide to play alone. You may be more stealthy but if you are gravely injured you're going to die.

Blood bags I'm pretty sure will be nerfed.

Not sure about tents, I'm assuming they will fix them, current problem is down to Arma II.

Side step? If you keep hitting a button, rebind/unbind it - it's nothing to do with the game you keep hitting the wrong key.

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The "side step" is part of the ArmA 2 mechanics, thus it cannot be removed.

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The "side step" is part of the ArmA 2 mechanics, thus it cannot be removed.

How am I doing it so that I can never do it again?

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For me?

1/ Hackers. I know it's been said that things will improve for the SA, but I seriously doubt that they will held at bay for long. The SA will appear as a challenge to them and will become a prime target, I reckon. I'll just have to wait and see what happens, I guess.

2/ Performance issues. We can't all afford high-end rigs.

3/ Too many deathmatchers and spawn killers. (A strong TDM element would be fine by me, though.)

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i think the side step animation is triggered when strafing on an incline or uneven ground, I think it is there to artificially create momentum not allowing you to stop strafing instantly. In my opinion games need more physics. Character movement should be governed by physics like in backbreaker. Animations and physics are make or break for me.

Edited by freeman83
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-3d crosshairs


-Side chat

-Kill notifications & counters

-Peripheral dots


-3rd person view

But I would still buy it even if all those things were in it.

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If it gets rushed out to keep people happy that'll piss me off.

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How am I doing it so that I can never do it again?

When you run with a gun out and quickly turn left or right, your character will sometimes initiate this movement.

Also, your signature made me cringe.

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The most troubling is the amount of time the game makes you consume :) . Adictive :)

_vehicles use incredible amount of fuel, for example a UAz can carry 100liters and does 55 kilometers per tank(info by dayz wiki). That is 1.8liters per kilometer?

Now i understand that they want you to have as many interaction with zombies as posible, but that is too much. Also when i stop at a petrol atation i can masacre any amount of zeds that atack me, even with a hatchet only, so such unnatural fuel consumption is only a waste of my time i spend refueling.

-repairs shouldnt take whole engine parts ot a tire. you can reinflate a tire if it gets flat, car parts should be repairable with only a tool box if yellow, now if red they should require replacenemt.

-that side step is anoying too, sometimes you walk and turn left or right and do some 2-3 steps in that direction that you cant control.

Personaly i doubt i will be buying that game when it gets out. I have played for a few months and it has goten very boring lately. I must force myself to play if my friends invite me for a group looting or something.

And as i see it the number of people playing on servers is falling, now when spring comes i hope people will spand more time outside and not wasting their lives behind computers.

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For me?

1/ Hackers. I know it's been said that things will improve for the SA, but I seriously doubt that they will held at bay for long. The SA will appear as a challenge to them and will become a prime target, I reckon. I'll just have to wait and see what happens, I guess.

2/ Performance issues. We can't all afford high-end rigs.

3/ Too many deathmatchers and spawn killers. (A strong TDM element would be fine by me, though.)

Ah right, performance issues is one I forgot to put in. I remember them saying they were helping performance issues, something to do with the zombies, and I really hope they're focusing on it since they are improving the graphics. It's not going to be very enjoyable if I have to play it all on low to get decent frames.

When you run with a gun out and quickly turn left or right, your character will sometimes initiate this movement.

Also, your signature made me cringe.

So double tapping W then pressing A or D should activate it then? I'll try it out, thanks.

If you have something to say you are free to PM me, unless you want to instigate a flame war.

Edited by Guest

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A 'large' amount of hackers. (I can 'tolerate' a few)


I feel theres some more that I should put down, but now that I think about it, there things I could be okay with.

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Canned muffins

but dayz would be my only access to canned muffins :(

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but dayz would be my only access to canned muffins :(

Talk to Derpy - i think he is bringing out his own brand

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I know all of us are eagerly anticipating the dayz standalone, but I think it's fair to say that it has a lot of margin for error. Use this thread to list annoyances in the mod that will prevent you from buying the standalone if carried over or not fixed.

I will start with mine:

-Getting knocked out from zombies: This is extremely annoying and game-breaking. If you're playing alone, there's no way for you to survive after getting the 1 minute~ knockout timer. To add insult to injury, you can't respawn or kill yourself, you have to slowly watch the zombie(s) consume your flesh.

-Breaking your legs from zombie "bite": I personally don't think you should break your bones from getting bitten from a zombie, but the way breaking your legs works in the mod makes it seem as if your legs were ripped off because you can only crawl.

-Overpowered blood bags: In less than five seconds, you can fully heal another survivor, which pales in comparison to the blood points gained by eating meat (which has been further nerfed) and the amount of time and effort needed to obtain meat. There has to be alternative healing methods, or blood bags should be nerfed.

-Can't open / pick up my tent!: Easily one of the most annoying things in the mod, not being able to open your tent when you place in a tree or an obscure place, and then not being able to pick up the tent after removing it. You also have the strange tent glitches, like items being moved far away from it if the tent is full, breaking your legs in it on a slant, etc.

-Side step? what?: I don't know what this is as there's a hundred controls for arma 2, but sometimes I'll see my character do a strafe or a side step, during which you can't shoot or do any other actions. Sometimes I'll do this by accident during a gunfight, and die because I can't shoot while doing it, and of course rage ensues.

Most of these aren't that game breaking to me except the first two, which if aren't fixed I probably wont spend money of the standalone. Tell me what you think and if there are any concerns for the standalone, I'm interested in hearing your thoughts.

Are you meant to be letting zombies hit you in a Zombie survival game?

Would you survive long in real life (if it was to happen lol) if you did?

One hit from a zombie in real life (if it was to happen lol) would probably infect you whether if was a scratch from a zombies nails or a bite, and then im afraid good sir would be your lot :)

Edited by jaytmuk

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If I can't break my leg on a Door or reload my Hatchet then DayZ isn't worth playing.

ShotGun Shovel:

- Hackers: After confirm a Hacker, they need to forced to play with a red blinking skin...

- Combatlogger/Ghosters/Serverhopper: The position and inventory should be stored per server!

- S.T.A.L.K.E.R. shadow of chernobyl "zombies" (Bloodsucker), superzombies (l4d), invisible zombies (S.T.A.L.K.E.R), zombies with machineguns (S.T.A.L.K.E.R), ... running and jumping zombies are alright. If i want to see "zombies with machineguns" i play S.T.A.L.K.E.R again and not DayZ.

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I'm curious, when the standalone is released, will people be able to mod it and remake Namalsk and Panthera etc?

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Simplified, unrealistic or non-existent ballistics and firearms-related stuff...

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I dont mind *simplified* if it smooths the experience, however I don't want *simplified* in a dumbed down/consolian sense.



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I NEED to be able to customise my clothing PRIOR to creating a character. Why? Because is it realistic to have everyone starting wearing the same stuff? Also if Im in a clan I want to be able to recognise them.

If I cannot customise my clothing then I at least want random clothing.

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