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DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

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Can i stick my head in here ;)

Can we please not have different colours or highlights or whatever when you guys are in official duty mod status v 'mere mortal' forum mode.. i mean c'mon. You are in blue, dayz forum team stated as well as a mod team link at the bottom of the forums...the forum mods stand out quite clearly and i am sure more, and not less users, know when you are simply being part of a discussion as opposed to citing rules and regs or putting out fires.

Nothing worse than a sterile forum where a mod is simply a mod. All of the good thriving forums with decent discussion have mods that actually have opinions and are part of the community, ones that do not seem above and beyond or out of reach of even a first time poster.

Honestly to me..yes..imo.. the need for colours or whatver else when stating an official stance by a mod seems like something we would possibly need if we were all 10 years old.

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Well, when you put it like that I agree completely. This is just my opinion and not endorsed by BIS.

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Disclaimer: All characters and words in this post - even those based on real things - are entirely fictional. All "moderator" posts are serious... relatively. The following post may contain coarse language, gibberish or outright nonsense and due to its content should not be read by anyone.

I like bananas.

Edited by DemonGroover
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Any forum where the word "assassin" doesn't get censored to "******in" or "********" is a good one.

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You shall not disagree with a youtube star...he blessed us all by posting on this unworthy fangirl forums.....

Does no one see the extreme irony in the fact that RC built himself up by being a fairly extreme 'fangirl' of the DayZ mod? That's the only reason any of us have even heard of him...

So arguably, they are the biggest 'fangirl' posting here...and whinging because they aren't getting special privileges over the rest of us....Then accusing us of raging on the forums for pointing out how pathetic that is...

hahaha...oh dear.

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Honestly to me..yes..imo.. the need for colours or whatver else when stating an official stance by a mod seems like something we would possibly need if we were all 10 years old.

So we're officially getting highlighted mod text when the WarZ fails? ;)

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Does no one see the extreme irony in the fact that RC built himself up by being a fairly extreme 'fangirl' of the DayZ mod? That's the only reason any of us have even heard of him...

So arguably, they are the biggest 'fangirl' posting here...and whinging because they aren't getting special privileges over the rest of us....Then accusing us of raging on the forums for pointing out how pathetic that is...

hahaha...oh dear.

Mate i thought the same as you. Rhino dont start believing your own press, your just one of the guys around here, a nobody just like me

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From your post all your quotes came from 10:40, yet all I said was Blah and didn't edit the post. It's late and I CBA replying to you if you can't BA to quote me correctly.

Please say how I'm biased.

All you said was 'blah'?

No, you quoted me, then changed the content in my post to 'blah'.

Then you wrote a post which was the one I quoted.

I'll link it for your convenience: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/127518-dayz-developer-blog-8th-march/page__st__1420#entry1271885 Please note the timestamp, 10:40.

Also, please give an example of me 'not thinking for myself'. No, don't talk your way out of it, it's a challenge.

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I'm not gonna go on too much because it's already been phrased by a good few people but there is literally zero requirement for moderators to start defining under which persona they're posting: moderator or person.

The forum staff here are very down to earth, and it literally takes no time to realise when they are putting people in their place or throwing their input in.

I want these forums to feel like more like a pub than they do a prison.

I, for one, know that I'd make a shit forum moderator because I'd 'yard/delete half the threads made here and probably end up banning for less than honorable reasons. The forum staff do a grand job, and a vast majority of the regulars here will agree.

I personally think herbster is brewing up a shitstorm and jumping on the elitist bandwagon for the sake of it.

edit: now, back on topic... potential devblog today? if I remember right, I saw on Twitter that Rocket pre-wrote one on the way to Kathmandu?

Edited by mzltv
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edit: now, back on topic... potential devblog today? if I remember right, I saw on Twitter that Rocket pre-wrote one on the way to Kathmandu?

Matt hinted at a devblog today :P http://dayzmod.com/f...80#entry1270817

Edited by Zarniwoop
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Not any more a hint than handing a can of beans for an outstanding contribution to the forums... but I too am praying it is a hint, aha.

Edited by mzltv
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I'm not gonna go on too much because it's already been phrased by a good few people but there is literally zero requirement for moderators to start defining under which persona they're posting: moderator or person.

The forum staff here are very down to earth, and it literally takes no time to realise when they are putting people in their place or throwing their input in.

I want these forums to feel like more like a pub than they do a prison.

I, for one, know that I'd make a shit forum moderator because I'd 'yard/delete half the threads made here and probably end up banning for less than honorable reasons. The forum staff do a grand job, and a vast majority of the regulars here will agree.

I personally think herbster is brewing up a shitstorm and jumping on the elitist bandwagon for the sake of it.

edit: now, back on topic... potential devblog today? if I remember right, I saw on Twitter that Rocket pre-wrote one on the way to Kathmandu?

Please answer these questions, but please try and be objective:

Did I say that the moderators don't do a fine job?

What is the job of a moderator?

When a moderator is involved in a debate with a normal user, do you think that other users (not just yourself) may side more with the moderators views because they have an official capacity?

Have I said that a moderator (as in the person tapping on the keyboard) should be restricted on what they post on the forums?

Can you please explain to me what the elitist bandwagon is?

Edited by herbster

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Basically if there is ANY chance that a user (old, young, retarded, highly intelligent, ignorant, enlightened, streetwise, naive - I mean anyone) is more likely to side with a moderators viewpoint in a debate, than that of another forum user then there is NOT a zero requirement.

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What's with your complete boner for objectivity?

I've not read anything that outrightly says they don't do a good job, neither did I claim you said such a thing, but I felt to annouce how I think the moderators here enforce the server rules and keep things appropriate whilst still having personality. It's something that makes people more relaxed and at will to put forward their opinions, as opposed to thinking the ever-watching eye is gazing at every sentence they type, with a desire to come down on them like a tonne of bricks.

I agree to the point where people will side with the moderator because they have a name in blue and a moderator member status, but to be honest, that's that person's call. The only way you could avoid this is to remove all the credentials anchoring one person as a moderator, and even if that was to happen - how could a moderator have his words or warnings taken seriously by a member of the forum if there is no proof of their status?

I'm sure if this is a genuine issue then a load of other forums have the exact same problem...

If a person chooses to side with the moderator every time, regardless of their original standpoint - it's their call.

Perhaps the use of 'elitist bandwagon' wasn't used properly there. I meant it in the sense that your use of 'mere mortal' said to me that you have an issue with the moderator staff being in a position of authority on the forums. That's how I read it atleast, but then again, I am a moody fuck.

Edited by mzltv

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You are all off-Topic.

This Thread is not about Moderators, their roles or how Forum members react to staff interaction.

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The man's right ^

This thread isn't to discuss moderators.. we're here to annoy Rocket and Matt over devblog updates.

and on that note!..


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I'm bored in work again and my Photoshop keeps crashing. Devblog pls :)

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Someone's been working out...

Edited by mZLY
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This thread has gone on way to long ffs, yawwwwwwwwn.

Dev blog, Matt, please. At least just to give the moaners something new to moan about. :P

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yeah, we gotta close this one and open a new one. It's gone too long and offtopic...

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Look at all these kids, asking for the thread to be shut... Just because my mad Photoshop skills r stylin on u!!1!!11one!

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With Rocket away Matt'll be too busy partying and playing KSP to blog anything devwise.

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