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DayZ Mod Hotfix

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That's pretty damn rude. 5 minutes on the forums and you'll see they spend a ridiculous amount of time having to respond to ridiculous posts made by (insert offensive term here), sod it, posts made by what appears to be fuckwits.

And I'm in a good mood today :D

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Check out my thread for new textures and help out!


On another note, could the mods please rename my thread (if you can) at some point? To something more along the lines of 'Community Food and Drink Textures'. Would make it a little less, well, related to cangate.

Edited by Ingasmeeg

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Yea, but days survived doesn't give you benefits of getting better at your crafting more efficiently. Realistically, things should get easier the more you do it.

It doesn't matter if it means you'll have a bunch of people training on specific jobs like crafting whores.

In real life, isn't this kinda like what we do in school or university? We focus on a specific task till we get real, real good at it.. like... y'know... like a whore.

So you want a skill system. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

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Close to all the dev team run servers this is the first report of this issue. The publicEH will have nothing to do with it. What made you even try to edit that file?

But yea something else seems to be at play here i need to know everything you can about your setup including testing with and without be filters.

In, I have tried this so called "better" login process that is now implemented in DayZ, and had the same exact problem, also, vehicle fixing wasn't working. So with this version, I tried to use an older one, it worked, but like I said, it's a bad fix that is broke a lot more than working.

But yea, it's the new login process that's causing it. I'm pretty sure. I'm yet to gather log information, as there's nothing in there mostly but stuff that suggest that player sync failed, or something along the lines. had the crow issue, now has this. And there is no problems with my version of hive.

That new login process should've been avoided. I have also find out that this is less of an issue on a high end system. My server doesn't lag, but it gets overloaded, just like any other server. The more horsepower the lesser of an issue this is. But I shouldn't need a system better than mine to run a DayZ server anyhow, so I stand by my point. This login system needs to go fast, and it's a DayZ issue.

Edited by MrB

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In, I have tried this so called "better" login process that is now implemented in DayZ, and had the same exact problem, also, vehicle fixing wasn't working. So with this version, I tried to use an older one, it worked, but like I said, it's a bad fix that is broke a lot more than working.

But yea, it's the new login process that's causing it. I'm pretty sure. I'm yet to gather log information, as there's nothing in there mostly but stuff that suggest that player sync failed, or something along the lines. had the crow issue, now has this. And there is no problems with my version of hive.

That new login process should've been avoided. I have also find out that this is less of an issue on a high end system. My server doesn't lag, but it gets overloaded, just like any other server. The more horsepower the lesser of an issue this is. But I shouldn't need a system better than mine to run a DayZ server anyhow, so I stand by my point. This login system needs to go fast, and it's a DayZ issue.

What new login system ?

Anytime you wish to send any info about the issue your getting where all ears. (client rpt log, server rpt log)

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Can I suggest an RPG system? Preferably multiple choice dialog trees, Fallout style Perks and tomes you can find around so we can gain new background info on what happened on Chernarus.

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repo's closed now, but used to be here: https://github.com/f...ormanceUpgrades

by fred41.

Yea no idea the login process was changing the call to spawn that was about it. The rpt you sent is from a 3rd party use our hive and then resend the info. We know the debug calls on our hive. I also need you client side rpt log this will show me where you fail on login.

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Just to update the files being used are not DayZ server files there from a 3rd party so we are unable to give an exact report due to no .rpt files or .rpt files not using our debug msg's for us to look at. This does not mean there is an issue with the 3rd party system just we cant identify any issues with 3rd party systems.

We are aware of the timeout timer being too short for lower grade pc's/servers but leaving the screen loaded after the msg (Something went wrong, please disconnect and try again!) pops up should load the client in as normal. This has been changed from 400 to 600 for the new build this was changed to allow lower end/overloaded servers to catch up.

The main reason for adding the timeout to start with was to stop the black screen issue and then having to alt+f4 to get out again. (ie be kick or simple client hang)

The quickest way to test this.

When the msg popups to disconnect ignore it and you should spawn in as normal


edit dayz_code/init/compiles.sqf line 114 on our files


while { _timeOut < 400 && !dayz_clientPreload } do {

Change too

while { _timeOut < 600 && !dayz_clientPreload } do {

Anyway just updating its a much faster process when we have .rpt files :-)

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No offence, but I don't think alpha testing is your forte.

I do find it increasingly apparent that the term 'alpha' is used as an excuse to prioritise new content over resolving old issues. God knows why it's still referred to as an alpha release anyway - 99% of the userbase play the game for enjoyment, not for alpha testing.

Edited by herbster

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I do find it increasingly apparent that the term 'alpha' is used as an excuse to prioritise new content over resolving old issues. God knows why it's still referred to as an alpha release anyway - 99% of the userbase play the game for enjoyment, not for alpha testing.

List the old problems plz.

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Every 3 hours on a good day, usually every 50 minutes because of people spawning in the debug. Server also has 50 people throughout the day and runs smooth when it does, if we don't get the error. But today we had the error occur already every single restart, like 1 hour in.

I have the same problem as MrB stated. My servers need to restart every 2 hours. I am very surprised about what RAZOR49 wrote (servers can run 6 hours, most of the devteam persons run a server, there is not such report...)

Login process from fred41 worked better than this version, I thought his code were included in this version but it seems it's not the case (I have not read/debug this part yet). Now sometime I need to restart less than 1 hour after a restart because nobody can log in.

Ref. about Fred41 work:


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Yea part of the loot system was fred's :-) (Precompiled Arrays)

Give the timeout fix listed above a try.

We all wont to fix this issue but unless we can recreate not sure how we can fix. No one so far has been willing to send in logs or anything my guess this is due to them running 3rd party systems or system specs that don't meet what DayZ needs for 50 players.

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List the old problems plz.

I think the last 2 updates are perfect examples. Whilst there have been issues fixed (hurrah!) with the updates, new content has introduced a whole can of worms. How about prioritising on fixing content before releasing new content? I would rather have a update purely for fixes and then wait for new content than wait longer initially for a single for an update for fixes and new content.

You may say that different developers are working on different areas and hence the update won't be delayed, but that'd only be true to a certain extent. Proper testing, documentation, packaging etc etc would all be required for the new content and cause a delay. Also, when introducing fixes, it's better to ensure they've done the job through proper player testing before introducing new content that may cause further issues.

So simply, have you learnt from the mistakes made in previous patches?

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List the old problems plz.

I think the last 2 updates are perfect examples.

The two latest updates are perfect examples of problems that need to be fixed?? What are you talking about?

You were asked to make a list of problems that need to be fixed before new content are added, apparently you weren't able to come up with any. It really can't be too bad then.

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I think the last 2 updates are perfect examples. Whilst there have been issues fixed (hurrah!) with the updates, new content has introduced a whole can of worms. How about prioritising on fixing content before releasing new content? I would rather have a update purely for fixes and then wait for new content than wait longer initially for a single for an update for fixes and new content.

You may say that different developers are working on different areas and hence the update won't be delayed, but that'd only be true to a certain extent. Proper testing, documentation, packaging etc etc would all be required for the new content and cause a delay. Also, when introducing fixes, it's better to ensure they've done the job through proper player testing before introducing new content that may cause further issues.

So simply, have you learnt from the mistakes made in previous patches?

Still waiting on that list of bugs. This has been an old request from players fix bugs first yet no one can lists any real bugs that are not a limit of the engine. You are more then welcome to dedicate your time to fixing the so called bugs.

Drop them on github when your finished.

As for new content we have three teams one dealing with code issues the 2nd dealing with models new content and then another dealing with sounds

Team 1 is mainly coders they deal with most of the code.

Team 2 is mainly Model designers they can code to a little extent to add models for testing.

Team 3 is mainly Sound creators.

As for testing we can test basic systems we can not test everything 100% this is where you guys come in. You have much more time to test everything. DayZ Mod has always been classed as an alpha due to the engine limits and will never change. If you remember back new content has always caused an issue even when Dean was designing the mod we had this exact problem with new content and old content being broke. Do you remember the fuel issues or the black screen locks or the graphical bugs that filled the screen that stopped players from going to airfields or the time you could hide tents in water or block everything within a building or loot not spawning or spawning in debug or insert it here.

If you wont everything to be perfect id wait for SA even then im sure you may see an issue or two from time to time.


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Still waiting on that list of bugs. This has been an old request from players fix bugs first yet no one can lists any real bugs that are not a limit of the engine. You are more then welcome to dedicate your time to fixing the so called bugs.

Drop them on github when your finished.

As for new content we have three teams one dealing with code issues the 2nd dealing with models new content and then another dealing with sounds

Team 1 is mainly coders they deal with most of the code.

Team 2 is mainly Model designers they can code to a little extent to add models for testing.

Team 3 is mainly Sound creators.

As for testing we can test basic systems we can not test everything 100% this is where you guys come in. You have much more time to test everything. DayZ Mod has always been classed as an alpha due to the engine limits and will never change. If you remember back new content has always caused an issue even when Dean was designing the mod we had this exact problem with new content and old content being broke. Do you remember the fuel issues or the black screen locks or the graphical bugs that filled the screen that stopped players from going to airfields or the time you could hide tents in water or block everything within a building or loot not spawning or spawning in debug or insert it here.

If you wont everything to be perfect id wait for SA even then im sure you may see an issue or two from time to time.


Did you read my original post? As it looks like you didn't I'll quote it:

"I do find it increasingly apparent that the term 'alpha' is used as an excuse to prioritise new content over resolving old issues. God knows why it's still referred to as an alpha release anyway - 99% of the userbase play the game for enjoyment, not for alpha testing."

Did I say there were was a list of bugs? NOPE.

An example of what I was saying about prioritisation was Z movement which has been an issue since dot, yet a decent solution (as good as we'll get with the engine probably) took until 1.7.6 to put into place. Now considering that we're talking about an environment when the NPC adversary is a Z, I'd rate their movement/AI quite high on the priority list, yet it has taken a long time to get it resolved. Maybe if resources were more focussed on it earlier it would have been resolved earlier.

Yes, I would like things to be perfect, but I'm a realist and know that it;s highly unrealistic to expect that. I do however expect proper prioritisation. Make sense? Oh shit, it's an alpha so lets fucking forget documentation, prioritisation, putting things forward to the userbase prior to implementation etc etc etc.

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The two latest updates are perfect examples of problems that need to be fixed?? What are you talking about?

You were asked to make a list of problems that need to be fixed before new content are added, apparently you weren't able to come up with any. It really can't be too bad then.

You utter PLANK (the name fits), instead of trying your best to get a brown nose, how about reading what I posted? Strange Idea I know!!!

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You utter PLANK (the name fits), instead of trying your best to get a brown nose, how about reading what I posted? Strange Idea I know!!!

When you are done with your tantrum, could you tell us what it is you want fixed?

Forget about the past, forget about my nose, just list the current issues that you think should be sorted before adding further content.

Also, see if you can do it without claiming to know what '99% of the userbase' thinks. You speak for yourself only.

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Did you read my original post? As it looks like you didn't I'll quote it:

"I do find it increasingly apparent that the term 'alpha' is used as an excuse to prioritise new content over resolving old issues. God knows why it's still referred to as an alpha release anyway - 99% of the userbase play the game for enjoyment, not for alpha testing."

Did I say there were was a list of bugs? NOPE.

An example of what I was saying about prioritisation was Z movement which has been an issue since dot, yet a decent solution (as good as we'll get with the engine probably) took until 1.7.6 to put into place. Now considering that we're talking about an environment when the NPC adversary is a Z, I'd rate their movement/AI quite high on the priority list, yet it has taken a long time to get it resolved. Maybe if resources were more focussed on it earlier it would have been resolved earlier.

Yes, I would like things to be perfect, but I'm a realist and know that it;s highly unrealistic to expect that. I do however expect proper prioritisation. Make sense? Oh shit, it's an alpha so lets fucking forget documentation, prioritisation, putting things forward to the userbase prior to implementation etc etc etc.

The z issue have been worked on. More now due to us now fully knowing the limits of the engine we had to sit and try working out every command used and why other commands that did the job a bit better wasn't added we assumed Dean didn't use such commands for a reason and then started to find out why. Now this is for the commands that had info on bis's wiki DayZ is also using a few commands not listed on the bis wiki so i had to spend more time digging into that issue.

Don't forget i work 2 jobs and have 3 kids so time is everything to me i have one day per week to sit and do anything and that day is more like a few hours this is the reason nothing was done till later updates.

Now you mention putting stuff to the userbase every time this has been done in the past we get a 50/50 spilt with only a few k of users difference each way. Nothing will ever get done if we had to wait for a weeks poll and such. For now we take items form the suggestion thread and feature posts on the dev tracker and always have.

None of us have Deans expertise in the engine working for BIS im sure helped a lot when creating DayZ.

Seems i know someone will mention the cans here. We have been trying to fill out the loot tables to add a bit of difference to everything make it feel a little more real to an extent now the title names used on the last set of cans had some backlash but the in game names where different to what was listed so the changelog needs more time when doing we have a big post about that on the forums We still are not allowed to use real names for items due to law so made up names have to be used for everything product wise.

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When you are done with your tantrum, could you tell us what it is you want fixed?

Forget about the past, forget about my nose, just list the current issues that you think should be sorted before adding further content.

Also, see if you can do it without claiming to know what '99% of the userbase' thinks. You speak for yourself only.

Is it really that much to ask that you read what I posted?!

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The z issue have been worked on. More now due to us now fully knowing the limits of the engine we had to sit and try working out every command used and why other commands that did the job a bit better wasn't added we assumed Dean didn't use such commands for a reason and then started to find out why. Now this is for the commands that had info on bis's wiki DayZ is also using a few commands not listed on the bis wiki so i had to spend more time digging into that issue.

Don't forget i work 2 jobs and have 3 kids so time is everything to me i have one day per week to sit and do anything and that day is more like a few hours this is the reason nothing was done till later updates.

Now you mention putting stuff to the userbase every time this has been done in the past we get a 50/50 spilt with only a few k of users difference each way. Nothing will ever get done if we had to wait for a weeks poll and such. For now we take items form the suggestion thread and feature posts on the dev tracker and always have.

None of us have Deans expertise in the engine working for BIS im sure helped a lot when creating DayZ.

Seems i know someone will mention the cans here. We have been trying to fill out the loot tables to add a bit of difference to everything make it feel a little more real to an extent now the title names used on the last set of cans had some backlash but the in game names where different to what was listed so the changelog needs more time when doing we have a big post about that on the forums We still are not allowed to use real names for items due to law so made up names have to be used for everything product wise.

Razor, I'm not trying to diminish what you do or the time and effort that you have put into the progress of the mod. You and your team should be applauded for implementing the changes to the Z AI and the resolution of other bugs. My gripe is that things have been done that haven't been constructive to the development of the mod. It's not worth going into specifics as it'll end up being finger pointing and when it comes down to the crunch, people do it for free. All I hope for is that past failures don't become future failures. Still labeling the mod as alpha makes it open to abuse though IMO. If it's never going to go beyond a certain state, it's either binned or release IMO.

As far as the cans are concerned, I really don't care whether a can says Heinz or Razor, the concern I had was whether it was a suitable addition considering the prevalent issues at the time. Considering the problems with the 1.7.5 update, maybe the PR machine wasn't working as intended........we're a fickle lot!

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So are there any existing issues you think should take priority over additional content now? Because it really feels like we are going around in circles here... Telling them that they need to get their prioritise right and fix existing issues before releasing new content is useless if you can't actually identify any existing issues for them to prioritise.

Edited by smasht_AU
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