Insaneo 65 Posted February 5, 2013 Just curious, can people which are excited how awesome it is be more specific?Graphics? I've seen better looking games in 2000'sSwitching clothes? please...Please enlighten me.Its not that we have not seen better looking games, But its good that things are coming along from the current MOD situation. And people are expressing there joy at the fact that things appear to be heading in the right direction. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enforzed 19 Posted February 5, 2013 Yeah finally :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
twinturbonet (DayZ) 294 Posted February 5, 2013 You know the video is up when you have 200 notifications. lol. awesome vid, game is coming out great. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sergio Leone 3 Posted February 5, 2013 (edited) And people are expressing there joy at the fact that things appear to be heading in the right direction.That's the thing. They "appear to be heading", but I personally didn't see things heading in any direction. A minor graphics improvement, new locations, clothes, and that's it? It just makes me wonder do they have anything else to show or is this all for the moment. Well, maybe it's just me...The only thing that got me excited is seeing more enterable buildings - this is really awesome, but again I allready knew that from Q&A's Edited February 5, 2013 by Sergio Leone Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
syndicatefaction 118 Posted February 5, 2013 I finally know what the inside of those damn buildings look like. w00t! This is going to be epic, Chernarus has been revamped and is coming back with a vengeance! Way to go everybody involved, you have me standing at attention! :beans: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michaelvoodoo25 3120 Posted February 5, 2013 DayZ is a great game, there is a lot in the video that answers a lot of the players questions, one's which have been burning for so long.If people don't like it, that's fine, they can always go away and amuse their time with something else. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
poisonman 28 Posted February 5, 2013 Rocket, I didn't see it in the video, but under video options we streamers would Really Really Really love a Borderless Full Screen Windowed Mode option available so we don't have to us silly 3rd party programs / workarounds / and gimmicks to accomplish it!Video was awesome, keep up the good work <3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted February 5, 2013 (edited) That's the thing. They "appear to be heading", but I personally didn't see things heading in any direction. A minor graphics improvement, new locations, clothes, and that's it? It just makes me wonder do they have anything else to show or is this all for the moment. Well, maybe it's just me...The only thing that got me excited is seeing more enterable buildings - this is really awesome, but again I allready knew that from Q&A'sThere's a lot more than that. Have you read the actual devblog? If you read through it properly then you'll see why some are excited. It's going to be a very different game to the mod, and it's a vast improvement on what many of us were expecting.Of course it's not enough for everyone but it never will be, whatever they release. Edited February 5, 2013 by Fraggle 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
barrance 22 Posted February 5, 2013 This really is the logical conclusion to the RPG genre isnt it...It is also an almost perfect blend of the 3 computer games that I have ever really played. Fallout 2, FF7 and CSS... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michaelvoodoo25 3120 Posted February 5, 2013 Give the players more to play with and the players will use it. DayZ is going to go through the Stratosphere. Big time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZlobaRUS54 441 Posted February 5, 2013 Can someone please tell me what is the game that apparently Rocket is being inspired for the new inventory? This video made me damn curious about it.EDIT: nevermind, just found it: Jagged AllianceIt'd be awesome if they added voiceovers like when you clicked on items on the inventory screen from the original JA - "A .357 revolver, in excellent condition!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michaelvoodoo25 3120 Posted February 5, 2013 I thought it was the original X-Com? Am i mistake? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted February 5, 2013 Rockets talked about a few games including Minecraft when talking about the inventory so it just depends what interview you quote from. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joe_mcentire 2074 Posted February 5, 2013 Bist du ein bandit ich will dich im die swamp gestirbt.?!?! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michaelvoodoo25 3120 Posted February 5, 2013 ?!?!It says be wary of bandits wivh their dicks out in the swamp. :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted February 5, 2013 I salute your first post attitude. :thumbsup:Don't worry, he was just an old friend of mine trying to evade a ban. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rocket 16567 Posted February 5, 2013 That's the thing. They "appear to be heading", but I personally didn't see things heading in any direction. A minor graphics improvement, new locations, clothes, and that's it? It just makes me wonder do they have anything else to show or is this all for the moment. Well, maybe it's just me...The only thing that got me excited is seeing more enterable buildings - this is really awesome, but again I allready knew that from Q&A'sI think you are vastly underestimating the amount of work required to implement the "weapons as entities" system (demonstrated through the clothing) and what that actually means. It is hard to describe in simple words what this means, but those with technical knowledge who have read the devblogs understand how huge this is.To be clear, no previous Bohemia product has this and it's been something of a "holy grail" for the company for some time. 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted February 5, 2013 I thought it was the original X-Com? Am i mistake?yis Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Insaneo 65 Posted February 5, 2013 (edited) That's the thing. They "appear to be heading", but I personally didn't see things heading in any direction. A minor graphics improvement, new locations, clothes, and that's it? It just makes me wonder do they have anything else to show or is this all for the moment. Well, maybe it's just me...The only thing that got me excited is seeing more enterable buildings - this is really awesome, but again I allready knew that from Q&A'sIts one thing to talk about the features that they want to be in the game and to say what they currently have working. Its quite another to actually be able to see these things working in game.EDIT: As much as i also (like yourself) want to see more, i can also see the benifit of keeping some things under wraps for fear of other companies (not naming any) stealing these ideas and making Dayz standout less than it is capable of doing. Edited February 5, 2013 by Insaneo 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted February 5, 2013 (edited) I wouldn't worry. Some people just won't be impressed however well you try and explain what is actually being done here.You could say "well, we've just spent 300000000 hours re-writing the whole loot spawn system from scratch" and they will say "300000000000000 hours work just to put a tin of beans on a table?".DayZ has always been greater than the sum of it's parts so when trying to show off just one individual thing it takes imagination to understand how that will affect the game in many ways. Some see a tin of beans on a table, other peoples minds go wandering off with exitement at all of the possibilities this unlocks. Edited February 5, 2013 by Fraggle 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Insaneo 65 Posted February 5, 2013 (edited) I think you are vastly underestimating the amount of work required to implement the "weapons as entities" system (demonstrated through the clothing) and what that actually means. It is hard to describe in simple words what this means, but those with technical knowledge who have read the devblogs understand how huge this is.To be clear, no previous Bohemia product has this and it's been something of a "holy grail" for the company for some time.I think Rockets sig is in need of an update :P Edited February 5, 2013 by Insaneo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted February 5, 2013 (edited) It looks like people watched the video but didn't "see" it.There were lots of new "things" to observe rather than that which was talked about by the guys.There's a a lot of work in that vid. Edited February 5, 2013 by orlok Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ssimmons 72 Posted February 5, 2013 Nice work. I am very excited to play the game! Stick to your guns Rocket! Don't let the loudest/impatient voices derail the path to a great game that will be loved by the masses. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 149 Posted February 5, 2013 (edited) Chernarus looks really nice now, as well the clouds and water/ocean the colors are now richer and more vivid.As said I too was watching closely for potential door clipping and turning around in tight areas but so far good, that makes me really happy because as said earlier getting up and running had the most annoying animation...Definitely love the idea of more/ aditional island/s, who knows maybe one of those will be guarded and become a safe zone where ppl may trade and stuff, that would be great.Looking forward to new/overhauled inventory system very much too. Epipens / blood bags always took valuable space in da backpack :)Great stuff so far and FPS seemed to be nice n smooth tooEDIT - Any chance seeing a vehicle damage in next or near future video blog? One thing that I personally feel needs as much attention is vehicle damage. What I mean is vehicle damage seems to be rather random and while some rock/tree/tall grass/sunflowers and chickens...can make you loose a wheel or two and severely damage and make even explode your vehicle, other times quite reckless driving doesn't seem to do to car anything or braking window/s at best Edited February 5, 2013 by Colonel-Wicked Share this post Link to post Share on other sites