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DayZ Mod Update

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I played a lot after update, but with SD ammo to my M4A1 and was not problem with zeds of course. Now I have no more SD ammo and I see, it is paranoid a little. I tried to lot some in Stary Sobor, and it is possible only with Hatchet or weapon with SD ammo.

After single pistol shot in military camp (still Stary Sobot) I had zeds form whole camp and from village too. And as you maybe know, you must kill zeds in this camp (can't avoid), because they always inside tents.

I think, Rocket maked this game very well ballanced and every changes in more paranoic survival game are just freaky. But what I know.

Other. We must now heal longer with cooked food. Is bad idea imo, but ok. But how eating 2 off lambs, 1 cow and 2 bunnies can't kill me? I did it in 2 min and I'm still alive and moving.

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What's with the Patrol Paks spawning in Market and other spawns?? Don't most servers give you a patrol pack to start?? I didn't read the other 40 pages, so sorry if already asked/complained about

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General feeling from uk31 is that this update is a step backwards, I do not wish to go into detail apart from the fact tents are broken and whatever else, feeling is this patch is not good.

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General feeling from uk31 is that this update is a step backwards, I do not wish to go into detail apart from the fact tents are broken and whatever else, feeling is this patch is not good.

Luckily for us there's enough sub-mods and new maps out by now that don't need to apply this crap.

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General feeling from uk31 is that this update is a step backwards, I do not wish to go into detail apart from the fact tents are broken and whatever else, feeling is this patch is not good.

Yeah same vibes from the servers I play on, patch created alot of problems. Hopefully they do a hotfix asap.

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What's with the Patrol Paks spawning in Market and other spawns?? Don't most servers give you a patrol pack to start?? I didn't read the other 40 pages, so sorry if already asked/complained about

Yes this is one hell of a stupid loot item and from what I see has no point what so ever!

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Already knowing the troll replies, but is there a ball park Timeframe? Day(s), Week(s), Month(s) ???

I have players not playing because tents are broken / duping......

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so the patrol packs are really SPAWNING?

WTF, i though they were the ones that players left behind after changing for a bigger one.

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My issue so far is that supermarket became really worthless place to go. Before update one could spot many players around supermarkets but now people(me included) prefer to loot cafe instead. This way it's much safer but this game is not about security - it's about terrorism and paranoia. Give me back my big-window-shoot-me-supermarket please.

I love the way zombies became real threat in cities but once you shoot it seems like they running for you - not for a place shooting have occurred. As I understand zombies now 'speaking' and i think they're forming a 'talking chain' and that's the reason they run to player and not to location. It seems logical but it feels like zombies became too intelligent. How about 50/50 when half of zombies wont be bound to player until they see him and just run to location?

Also please don't bound zombies to player bodies for too long. I was once in Electro and all zombies in a neighborhood was bounded to 1 dead body. It's logical that they're bound but at some point there's no more meat/fresh meat running around and they should unbound and go for a next prey.


Not sure why some people putting so much hate here. Software cannot be perfect and some updates obviously can break something - especially when piece of software is a game and gameplay cannot be artificially 100% tested, especially when it's a mod.

Edited by luc1kjke

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Yesterday I was in the middle of the nw airfield, I took down all zombies near the baracks with my M4A1 CCO (sd mags), I stepped near baracks and all the zeds respawned... that's too mutch respawn... If I start taking down zeds in the airfield or in a city that's why I need some peace for looting or refueling but with this respawn time killing zeds become only a waste of ammo.

Edited by lotec78
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Already knowing the troll replies, but is there a ball park Timeframe? Day(s), Week(s), Month(s) ???

I have players not playing because tents are broken / duping......

If all goes well Monday 25th

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Ok, I have to say that perviously the loot was a little too easy. One hour in Cherno or Electro and I was leaving for the woods with an AK and enough ammo to start a war, a large backpack, two tents, ghillie or camo, usually a g17 or 1911, water bottles, knife, watch, map, usually compass, matches, morphine, bandages and painkillers, basically all the kit I need to go to the woods, live off the land and never have to go into the cities again, and as noted, with a nice military rifle just in case I get into a hairy situation. Previously with all the guns lying around, I had to check the road signs to make sure I wasn't in zombie apocalyptic Texas.

Now it has swung too far the other way. I played for hours without findind a pistol - finally found one with 0 ammo. Not finding many pistol mags either. Guns are pretty rare too - I've only seen enfields, crossbows, and shotguns spawn - no military rifles at all. So much for those new guns added if you'll never see one. Managed to pick up an AK74 from a corpse - I'm beggining to think the guy either was a hacker or got it pre 1.7.5. Can't find any of the larger backpacks. Deer Stands are a waste of time now, unless your collecting empty cans and chem lights, lol. Went to North East airfield, and all I got was antibiotics (which was cool!) and a military flashlight. Zeds are spawning stuck in buildings, and it often seems to take a few minutes entering a town or area before they spawn at all.

You'd kill a man for a makarov mag - if you could find a makarov to stick it into.

Also the temperature icon- I played for several hours at night and mine went completely red. I started coughing - not sure if that was from being out at night or driking unboiled water, but I took antibiotics and the cough went away; However the temperature icon is still blood red.

I'd say the good loot needs to be a bit rarer than pre 1.7.5, but not this rare. Ammo should be fairly rare, to the point that your only going to use full auto in an emergency. And as for the zed spawns - if you clean out an area, you should have a decent amount of time before zeds respawn, regardless of weather or not another person enters that area - I would guess somewhere between five and ten minutes. Ten might be good, as you could possibly stack zed spawning on the loot spawn table.

Edited by Psylnz
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My two cents on the update...

I hate the zombie changes. Not all of them, primarily the spawn rate, you know, the rate that means as soon as you kill one another takes it's place in that abandoned farm :/ I bought a server to play the game away from the admin hunters who shoot on sight, the zombies feel like they were buffed to bring them back up as the major threat and stop KOS... But most of the KOS was done by experienced players who shoot from a safe vantage point, and with the z's too hard to kill a new player has very little chance of living. Teamwork has now become less likely, because while you can trust the noob friend not to kill you, you can't trust them not to aggro the town and kill everyone. It doesn't promote co-operative play really, it does support the lone wolf stuff but why have multiplayer at all then?

A squad of survivors should be able to clear out a location of z's and loot with relative safety without worrying about running around and grabbing whatever the buggy game can put in their pack quick enough before a zombie jumps them. If there is no safety you can achieve in the game, what's the point of playing? I like how unforgiving dayz can be, but there needs to be a payoff.

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If there is no safety you can achieve in the game, what's the point of playing? I like how unforgiving dayz can be, but there needs to be a payoff.

...and so it begins.

'scuse me a moment while I go rev my "I told you so" engine.

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Just thought I pass my compliments on the tweaked vehicle damage, at last feels right now and was one of the biggest frustration well for me personally, so cheers :)

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Zeds are now a threat now.... Which is good in my opinion.... And i love that fact some zombies don't even make the aggro sound when running to kill u... Requires u to listen for foot steps....

9mm pistol noise might need a tweak to not aggro the whole town.... 45 should aggro a whole town.... Make my day :)

Tents need to be fixed.... Servers have people duping all high miltary guns and people running from the dupers..lol. Which i beleive this patch was at aimmed at lowering the chance for high grade miltary gunz.

Helis now seem to take more of beating(zombies) if attempting to land for fuel.... And another negative for ownin a heli i guess....

Market spawns could be adjusted alittle... Like previous post "patrol backpak". Wtf? :)

Deerstands have always been a crap shot... Since update I have found a m4a1 and alice pak in a deerstand.

Can't wait for March 1st ;)

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What's with the Patrol Paks spawning in Market and other spawns?? Don't most servers give you a patrol pack to start??

I always assumed they were packs left when players found better ones and replace it. Its the same when you find civilian clothing laying about.

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I'm cool with the majority of the patch, but the respawn time is way off.

Case in point: Heli crashes.

I found one last night and took out the four zeds wandering nearby from a relatively close distance....... But by the time I'd walked closer four more 'magically' spawned in front of me.

Immersion: blown.

And because I was walking, they instantly aggroed and chased me into the woods. I didn't fancy repeating the process so I just kept on running.

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Appreciate the amount of work you guys put in this "for free" so far and Im grateful for this awesome game. But here goes the but... this patch seriously f...ed up so many things terribly. Tents, duping, full ammo on reconnect again, vehicles being doubled... but the worst thing for me is the Zeds.

I always thought you wanted to go for a realistic approach to the Zombie Apocalypse, yet these respawn rates undermine that completely. Its fine for me if the aggro range is increased by shooting, fine with me that the Zeds are more of a threat by not making that aggro noise anymore, but if I clear out a whole town to be able to loot in peace, well you have like 30seconds before they respawn, never giving you a break. Is it realistic, that after clearing 100 Zeds in a town, they will magically appear again within seconds? Maybe add more Zeds to a single building to increase the threat by them, maybe add Zeds to the areas surrounding towns/buildings and have them start walking towards the city when they hear a distant gunfire, maybe have respawn times in minutes and not seconds. But the way it is right now, its just a joke imo.

Another thing, that is very annoying: You cant land a heli anymore for refueling. Since gas tanks are always near buildings, there are Zeds, but before you even reach the ground they already start damaging the heli. Everytime so far, 6 glasses went yellow just by landing and getting hit by 1-2 Zeds before hitting the ground. You actually have to have one guy parachute and clear the area, if you dont want to repair 6 windscreens everytime you land for refueling. Is this supposed to be like that? Maybe have windscreen glasses actually be more of a challenge to break for Zeds than with just 2 hits... I seriously doubt I could break the windscreens of a military heli even with a baseball bat that easily.

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Appreciate the amount of work you guys put in this "for free" so far and Im grateful for this awesome game. But here goes the but... this patch seriously f...ed up so many things terribly. Tents, duping, full ammo on reconnect again, vehicles being doubled... but the worst thing for me is the Zeds.

I always thought you wanted to go for a realistic approach to the Zombie Apocalypse, yet these respawn rates undermine that completely. Its fine for me if the aggro range is increased by shooting, fine with me that the Zeds are more of a threat by not making that aggro noise anymore, but if I clear out a whole town to be able to loot in peace, well you have like 30seconds before they respawn, never giving you a break. Is it realistic, that after clearing 100 Zeds in a town, they will magically appear again within seconds? Maybe add more Zeds to a single building to increase the threat by them, maybe add Zeds to the areas surrounding towns/buildings and have them start walking towards the city when they hear a distant gunfire, maybe have respawn times in minutes and not seconds. But the way it is right now, its just a joke imo.

Another thing, that is very annoying: You cant land a heli anymore for refueling. Since gas tanks are always near buildings, there are Zeds, but before you even reach the ground they already start damaging the heli. Everytime so far, 6 glasses went yellow just by landing and getting hit by 1-2 Zeds before hitting the ground. You actually have to have one guy parachute and clear the area, if you dont want to repair 6 windscreens everytime you land for refueling. Is this supposed to be like that? Maybe have windscreen glasses actually be more of a challenge to break for Zeds than with just 2 hits... I seriously doubt I could break the windscreens of a military heli even with a baseball bat that easily.

Try to land at docks where zeds can't go. One of the places where zeds aren't a thread is coastline town called solnicny as the fuel tank is placed at the docks. Players are obviously another matter ;)

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Maybe having a mate to clear the landingsite from zombies is actually the way to go then... helis are not really "solo" vehicles, but a team one, so this actually makes a lot of sense...

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