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DayZ Standalone Discussion

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Hello there


Just to clarify'


Matt: Price point will be between 15 and 20 euros, roughly.


Rocket: $15 (not stated as fact but on a rough mock up)


I personally would not take either of these as gospel truth and would say wait until we have a confirmed price before anyone decides to rant/rage about it.


Also the caveat "roughly", if one must pick apart what the devs are saying, could mean under 15 euros.


We know the "rough" plans for the SA pricing but let's wait and see before wildly speculating.





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Since when quoting 1 of the developers is speculating?

Unless you meant Matt Lightfoot is speculating.

Edited by Jebaka

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In the interest of clarifying, here is the facts:

  • No decision has been made on the specific number value for the price
  • The price will increase through each development stage
  • The final price will be less than standard retail price
  • Any statements of the specific number value by anyone, including myself, is speculation
http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1i5l0m/sa_pricing_help/cb17fni?context=3 Edited by SmashT
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Hey guys, has there been any official statement of what the stand alone will consist of? Like will it be the same map? Any changes they want to make?


Personally the 2 biggest things for me that I want to see are:

- Harder zombies/environment. In the DayZ world it takes literally a minute if you are surrounded by zombies to die from their hits, and this is while standing still doing nothing. I feel like this isn't challenging enough, and whenever I go into town, it just seems like there are just a few stragglers here and there and I don't get that "zombie apocalypse shit hitting the fan" feeling.


- This point is connected to the previous. Because the environment isn't very challenging, DayZ has literally become a PvP game. I like PvP games and have tons of them, but the whole reason I bought Arma II and Arma II OA was to play a zombie survival game, not a PvP game. I don't mind some player killing here and there to make it more interesting, but that's all DayZ is. I don't have friends that play the game, so I'm alone most of the time, and whenever you do try to be nice it always backfires. It would just be nice to be able to see someone you don't know and work together instead of being alone the whole time and killing anyone you don't know. 

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Will we be seeing any changes to camping tents in the Standalone? I feel that the latest patch really overdid it, and made it tough to nestle tents into good spots. Don't get me wrong, I think they should've fixed people glitching tents into rocks and other places. Maybe we could have the option of putting some nearby foliage on the tent to help make it not stick out like a sore thumb.

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Will we be seeing any changes to camping tents in the Standalone? I feel that the latest patch really overdid it, and made it tough to nestle tents into good spots. Don't get me wrong, I think they should've fixed people glitching tents into rocks and other places. Maybe we could have the option of putting some nearby foliage on the tent to help make it not stick out like a sore thumb.


SA will eventually, if they can pull it off, have underground bases. So no need for tents anymore  :lol:

Edited by PXXL

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Things have been pretty quiet. Its been TWO MONTHS since the last dev blog, yes I know E3 happened but that was still a while ago. More information would be appreciated. You guys didnt all get your heads gnawed on by zombies right? 

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Ah yes, the standalone...i'm still waiting for my alpha key damnit.

Edited by GOD™
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I'm happy they decided to go from an key by key basis, towards the 'Minecraft' model of distributing alpha. 


I don't mind the wait so much,  but I hope the time is near. It'll be something for me to play over the summer. I understand they want to make the alpha the best it can be, but I'm not under any illusion regarding playability on day 1  and probably a while after,  with millions of people trying to get (into) the game. 


The release will probably be rocky,  no matter how long they wait. 

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I would have preferred a new name - Dayi. Also would good to emphasize theme of infection in SA even more. Though i understand, that name have its own value.

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Hi,  I been reading lots of post about the alpha, but didn't find any question to the devs regarding storage.

Storage will probably came along with the base construction, but until then I think we need some kind of storage: tents, a box under a tree, a hole or whatever, something that would remain in the world, and can be found by others. 

There will be any kind of storage for the alpha or anytime soon?




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The alpha will have tents/manholes and whatnot, as promised and as is already in game so far as  know.

The full game (I'm guessing at some point in the alpha, too) you can make your own base and store stuff there. Not that I'm crazy about independent instances and-ugh. Im not going to start another flame war. >.>

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These things are not confirmed, only the community-s viewpoints of what will be in the SA.

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Nothing's confirmed at this point.  It's worth noting that the initial alpha release won't be feature complete.

Edited by Fraggle

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It's worth noting that the initial alpha release won't be feature complete.

 I do hope folk are aware of this.


This truly will be an Alpha not a pseudo release/teaser that many big companies put out there, it's gonna be rough and ready like me.





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They won't.  I hope you guys have your helmets strapped on tight for the trolls and slow-witted are gathering at the gates.  I'm still looking for the perfect image for an 'it's an alpha' meme.

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They shall not pass!

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I think we should really be focusing that the SA will never be released xD

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How much is It going to cost (in dollars)? I read in early 2013 It was going to be 10-15 dollars, now I'm reading: 25-30 dollars!

Edited by zombie123

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