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New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

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Yeah, saw that but don't understand it. Is there a para phrased version that makes sense to us non programmers? I ask because I need to spam it at other forums where this issue is very much alive.

With ArmA 2 the clients are mini servers that can create weapons and vehicles, teleport around the map, mark locations of any object on a map, or compile code to be executed on other clients and/or the server.

In DayZ Mod this is locked down, but modifying the client can unlock much/most of this functionality (at risk of getting caught by battleye).

With the architecture described in the blog post, the client would inform the server what it wants to do, but the server makes the decisions. The client won't know everything going on on the map, like it is now, but a resourceful hacker could modify the client to present what the client knows, but normally wouldn't tell you (like making players show through objects); this would risk getting banned though.

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Rocket/Dev team

I have a few questions in more regards to intent more then the actual state of the game right now.

1. Weapons: I know you gentlemen are working on making it to were weapons are "entities" so that you can add attachments, ammo, damage etc. How deep do you guys plan on going with this? Do you plan on making it to the point where if you gun takes a round that it is destroyed? Or more of the fallout style where the more use and abuse it loses "points" to where you repair it or it's destroyed.

2. Immersion: I love the immersion that is DayZ. It's not a question I just wanted to point that out and I hope you guys expound on this. I've specifically been looking for a MMO like FPS that is persistent.

3. Game engine: I know this is pretty much like beating a dead horse but I haven't found the answer I've been looking for I suppose. Rocket has made many comments about the engine and I guess I've either been oblivious or maybe my understanding of development is more limited then I thought. My question is this. How much optimization of the engine can possibly occur with the engine that DayZ SA is based on? I understand the architecture between server/client and how that will almost eliminate cheating due to the fact it's much more difficult to inject data into a server then it is a client. Also allow for more features. What of graphics though? I'm running my computer on a i7 2nd gen with a geforce nvidia gtx 560m and I can't play DayZ comfortably on ultra. Would it be possible to optimize the memory and GPU usage so as to increase frame rates? Maybe I'm just shallow but I like pretty. Regardless I believe the graphics on the current DayZ especially with the amount of data being processed for it's size is quite impressive.

4. Server/client: It's been stated that all/most the logic will be made server side. Has this ever been done by a FPS before? If so how was the turn out, pros/cons? I'm glad this is the direction being taken, I'm just curious to how it's going to turn out.

5.Map: After playing DayZ for months, the 255km squared map started to feel a little small. I got a little feeling of been there done that. Would it be possible to attach adjacent maps to the current and for the server's sake maybe have a way on instancing them? I don't like instances but I hate having to start all over on a character whenever I change maps for a change of pace. If this could be done smartly, and not impose on Rocket's design intention, I think the possibilities of exploring would be endless giving massive amount of replayability. Essentially you could have everyone in the DayZ community join the same game and seemlessly be spread out across multiple servers. I don't know if this is possible or feesable but I just think it'd be very interesting.

6. Character progression: Any thoughts on character progression? Again I'm sorry if this has already been covered. I just know if I was rucking around at 4mph for a few months and I'm well fed..I'll be able to up my speed/distance/weight. If I'm not well fed.. well...it'll slow me down, I'll get the shakes, dehydrated, atrophy..lots of bad bad things.

Lastly I just want to say thank you guys for bringing this game to the community.

Edited by McTwitchy
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Rocket/Dev team

I have a few questions in more regards to intent more then the actual state of the game right now.

1. Weapons: I know you gentlemen are working on making it to were weapons are "entities" so that you can add attachments, ammo, damage etc. How deep do you guys plan on going with this? Do you plan on making it to the point where if you gun takes a round that it is destroyed? Or more of the fallout style where the more use and abuse it loses "points" to where you repair it or it's destroyed.

2. Immersion: I love the immersion that is DayZ. It's not a question I just wanted to point that out and I hope you guys expound on this. I've specifically been looking for a MMO like FPS that is persistent.

3. Game engine: I know this is pretty much like beating a dead horse but I haven't found the answer I've been looking for I suppose. Rocket has made many comments about the engine and I guess I've either been oblivious or maybe my understanding of development is more limited then I thought. My question is this. How much optimization of the engine can possibly occur with the engine that DayZ SA is based on? I understand the architecture between server/client and how that will almost eliminate cheating due to the fact it's much more difficult to inject data into a server then it is a client. Also allow for more features. What of graphics though? I'm running my computer on a i7 2nd gen with a geforce nvidia gtx 560m and I can't play DayZ comfortably on ultra. Would it be possible to optimize the memory and GPU usage so as to increase frame rates? Maybe I'm just shallow but I like pretty. Regardless I believe the graphics on the current DayZ especially with the amount of data being processed for it's size is quite impressive.

4. Server/client: It's been stated that all/most the logic will be made server side. Has this ever been done by a FPS before? If so how was the turn out, pros/cons? I'm glad this is the direction being taken, I'm just curious to how it's going to turn out.

5.Map: After playing DayZ for months, the 255km squared map started to feel a little small. I got a little feeling of been there done that. Would it be possible to attach adjacent maps to the current and for the server's sake maybe have a way on instancing them? I don't like instances but I hate having to start all over on a character whenever I change maps for a change of pace. If this could be done smartly, and not impose on Rocket's design intention, I think the possibilities of exploring would be endless giving massive amount of replayability. Essentially you could have everyone in the DayZ community join the same game and seemlessly be spread out across multiple servers. I don't know if this is possible or feesable but I just think it'd be very interesting.

6. Character progression: Any thoughts on character progression? Again I'm sorry if this has already been covered. I just know if I was rucking around at 4mph for a few months and I'm well fed..I'll be able to up my speed/distance/weight. If I'm not well fed.. well...it'll slow me down, I'll get the shakes, dehydrated, atrophy..lots of bad bad things.

Lastly I just want to say thank you guys for bringing this game to the community.

All good, well reasoned appointed questions. If any Devs or Rocket himself could get a look into this It would be great.

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Other then the usual complaints about Steam that everyone's heard a million times before,

The big problem I have with having to use Steam for DayZ is that I'll be forced to install it on my SSD because the RV engine

performs 100x better on one but I don't need an SSD for the very few Steam games that I have.

I use a standard HD for regular games that don't have issues with texture popping, LOD switching...etc on the slower drives.

My precious SSD space is reserved exclusively for games like Arma 2, Take On Helicopters, Crysis 1 and others that stream

a large amount of data off the drive.

Far as I know, with Steam it's all or nothing, yes you can change the location of the games but they all got to go to the new location.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong about that.

Correcting: I split my steam games between ssd and hdd.

If you are using windows 7 you need to use the mklink command.

Basically install steam on your hdd.

Install DayZ.

Cut dayz from the steam folder (it will be something like Steam\SteamApps\common\dayzstandalone) to your SSD.

Use mklink from the command prompt to make a junction from where dayz was to where it is now (which basically tricks steam into thinking it hasn't moved.

E.g mklink /j e:\steam\steamapps\common\dayzstandalone d:\games\dayzstandalone

Beans please. :D

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For those who havent read it(im assuming next noone on here :P) http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/post/36771692833/dev-report-november-2012

I absolutely love the dedication the staff has for this game. At the end, it states the release date may be moved so the game is exactly as they want it.. This is true developer pride. They strive for quality over profit, something truly lacking in the gaming industry these days.

So i will say it openly; Thank you Dean, for striving for such a goal. And for having a backing of staff that i know strive for the same thing. i know this game is going to be one of the best games to come out over the next year or so. I love this game, and will continue to do so daily.

And yes. I am a "fanboy" :P.

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I've read about of a bunch of the changes you plan to make. New features aside, it seems like a bunch of existing features are receiving some polishing up and in some cases, complete overhauls. For an example, much of the medical system is receiving a complete overhaul. My question comes from a key feature I haven't heard much about but has been talked about on the forum by myself and many others.

Currently, you can die rather quickly from dehydration and or starvation. Have you put any thought to making it a bit more realistic, or authentic as you put it?

My idea would be that the player goes through different stages before death. The overall process of dying would be extended and the player would see cues on the screen instead of having the icons, which I know you plan to take out. For an example the player would experience dizzyness, decreased energy (not being able to sprint as much for an example), hallucinations (audible and or visual) and random unconsciousness (all in order) before they finally bite the dust. Thoughts?

Edited by Lights Out
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Very glad to hear how much is getting reworked. I'm of course glad that it's on Steam, that is convenient and easy and it sounds like it is the same on your end.

I would ask about the controls also. Does this mean that things like the animation cycles being cut down or at least alot of it can be done while moving? It's kinda ridiculous how you have to stop to switch guns or how if you put your binoculars away, you have to stand still, or how you can't just easily climb ladders, etc...I don't expect too much too change as I see some of it kinda still stuck in ARMA3 and it won't kill the game for me, some of it was just kinda annoying. I mean, I'm not expecting to be able to run and bandage myself at the same time, and it more comes down to issues with ARMA2 itself, but anything that makes it better is a good thing in my book.

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Other then the usual complaints about Steam that everyone's heard a million times before,

The big problem I have with having to use Steam for DayZ is that I'll be forced to install it on my SSD because the RV engine

performs 100x better on one but I don't need an SSD for the very few Steam games that I have.

I use a standard HD for regular games that don't have issues with texture popping, LOD switching...etc on the slower drives.

My precious SSD space is reserved exclusively for games like Arma 2, Take On Helicopters, Crysis 1 and others that stream

a large amount of data off the drive.

Far as I know, with Steam it's all or nothing, yes you can change the location of the games but they all got to go to the new location.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong about that.

This here, mister. http://www.heartlessgamer.com/2011/11/tip-how-to-move-steam-games-to-another.html

Works like a charm!!! :D

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I am pleased we have VAC, but it is not a silver bullet. It will be a small part of what needs to be an ongoing and developing strategy.

This is true. Infact, I suggest IP tracing the hackers, and matching it to their forum account.

That way, we can implement a "negetive reputation" feature to the forums, and everyone can give them -1 rep point until he's on, like, -108... and then he'll be distraught and we'll be the true victors!

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1. Weapons: I know you gentlemen are working on making it to were weapons are "entities" so that you can add attachments, ammo, damage etc. How deep do you guys plan on going with this? Do you plan on making it to the point where if you gun takes a round that it is destroyed? Or more of the fallout style where the more use and abuse it loses "points" to where you repair it or it's destroyed.

At this stage, all we are doing is setting up the architecture so that we have limitless possibilities for storing attributes without those attributes being lost when you put the weapon in your backpack or on the ground. A good example, is that now when you load a magazine, it takes it out of your inventory and actually puts inside the weapon. We aren't committing ourselves to any design objectives until we have the architecture fully implemented and tested, as that will set the left and right arc's of what is possible.

2. Immersion: I love the immersion that is DayZ. It's not a question I just wanted to point that out and I hope you guys expound on this. I've specifically been looking for a MMO like FPS that is persistent.

This is what I want also. The immersion is the primary goal, to the expense of everything else.

3. Game engine: ... How much optimization of the engine can possibly occur with the engine that DayZ SA is based on?

...What of graphics though?...

Significant amounts of code have, quite literally, been deleted. Things such as the unit AI mechanisms and a whole bunch of stuff that DayZ never touches. This will give optimizations. Most of what DayZ Mod does is essentially a hack. In DayZ Standalone, it is no longer a hack. The optimizations of this are significant. Also the assets themselves are optimized, take for example the zombies in the mod. They have five "sections" each (for each section, the GPU must do a new render pass) and over 8000 triangles when including the head. In the standalone, zombies have 5000 triangles and one section. This makes a big difference.

4. Server/client: It's been stated that all/most the logic will be made server side. Has this ever been done by a FPS before? If so how was the turn out, pros/cons? I'm glad this is the direction being taken, I'm just curious to how it's going to turn out.

This is an entire discussion in and of itself, not one I really have time to go into - but I am sure if a seperate topic is made members of the community could probably explain these better than I could, and I can clarify as needed.

5.Map: ...Would it be possible to attach adjacent maps to the current and for the server's sake maybe have a way on instancing them?...Essentially you could have everyone in the DayZ community join the same game and seemlessly be spread out across multiple servers.

This technology is already possible in ArmA's big brother, VBS2. Porting this technology would reasonably straightforward, but something that if it were done - it would be done next year.

6. Character progression: Any thoughts on character progression? Again I'm sorry if this has already been covered. I just know if I was rucking around at 4mph for a few months and I'm well fed..I'll be able to up my speed/distance/weight. If I'm not well fed.. well...it'll slow me down, I'll get the shakes, dehydrated, atrophy..lots of bad bad things.

This is a complex design area we have been thinking about, but we need to see how the architectural changes come together - as they heavily dictate what options we have for these things. We will have a better idea of the possibilities next week. It would be pointless for me to describe what I'd like to do now, and then disappoint you with changing those next week.

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Where's all the giraffes? :(

Makin' out with your mom...

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rocket said..

take for example the zombies in the mod. They have five "sections" each (for each section, the GPU must do a new render pass) and over 8000 triangles when including the head. In the standalone, zombies have 5000 triangles and one section. This makes a big difference.

This is just the model I hope, not the "hit boxes", you see, I like to kneecap em !

+ Can I call them Zombies too ?

I've been insisting on infected.

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It's all that crap or the game, really. We'll do that stuff later, once the game is finished and some uber special boxed edition is done for the Xbox72000 and the PS^5 or something.

Lmao, those console names.. :D

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Heeyyy rocket....Would you even consider making a singleplayer/offline mode for dayZ? So you wouldn't have to put up with being bum-raped by hackers, snipers, bandits etc. Also if you have a bad internet connection or a small amount of it, you don't have to worry about it. I was just wondering, I know there was a thread about this but I just wanted to get from the guy whos in charge of not being retarded. :rolleyes:

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Hey Rocket. I believe you mentioned in a press conference that there would be servers that have 4 hour days (24 ingame hours for 4 real time hours) and 24 hour days, which is essentially real-time as it is currently in the mod. Now I was wondering how will you address the issue of food in regards to these timescales?

Currently in the mod you have to eat about once or twice an hour depending on what you are doing, but there is always an abundance of food wherever you go. Do you intend on keeping the level of hunger the same and making food scarce, or do you intend on having a realistic hunger rate while making food scarce?

I may be getting ahead of myself here, but do you believe that there will be some sort of demo or beta build of Day-Z at the BI booth at E3 for exhibitors to play?

Edited by newtee2

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rocket said..

take for example the zombies in the mod. They have five "sections" each (for each section, the GPU must do a new render pass) and over 8000 triangles when including the head. In the standalone, zombies have 5000 triangles and one section. This makes a big difference.

This is just the model I hope, not the "hit boxes", you see, I like to kneecap em !

+ Can I call them Zombies too ?

I've been insisting on infected.

Hitboxes and models tend to be different to my understanding.

Edited by newtee2
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I applaud anyone who stands up for their consumer rights, and I it is important customers vote with their wallets for what they believe in.

From my perspective, unfortunately this decision is not just about digital content distribution.

I hope this doesn't come across as me trying to convince anyone that they should use Steam, I'm simply trying to provide some background on why the decision was made, and why there is no possibility of it being changed now.

i have been waiting patiently and with anticipation for the standalone, updated my PC recently specifically to be able to play dayz with higher FPS, i know this is my first post on this forum so i hope you can view this in perspective, i registered now specifically because of the steam issue.

you have been very open during the development process, i do not understand why you could not have told us earlier that steam was "make or break" for your development process, i also find your reasoning strange, BIS has a store where it sells its games, BIS has a development pipeline it has used for all its other games, you already use a external anti-cheat, there already is a "community" server browser called dayz commander which many people use as a server browser and to update the mod.

i dont understand how you can just wave away consumer rights in this way, i live in the EU, when i buy a game i expect to be able to use it as i wish, i do not expect to be locked into a "black box" service that accesses my property in a opaque way. i also dont apreciate that a "service" like steam takes away my legal right to trade or sell a license i have purchased.

of course i do not know what the proportions are like for other BIS products regarding sales on steam vs retail or the BIS store but the people that bought directly or in retail did so for a reason, and one of those reasons could be steam, and you are potentially losing these customers.

i am extremely disappointed and the way things stand i am a customer you are losing because of this.

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Heeyyy rocket....Would you even consider making a singleplayer/offline mode for dayZ? So you wouldn't have to put up with being bum-raped by hackers, snipers, bandits etc. Also if you have a bad internet connection or a small amount of it, you don't have to worry about it. I was just wondering, I know there was a thread about this but I just wanted to get from the guy whos in charge of not being retarded. :rolleyes:

This could be achieved with LAN and I don't know any MP games without LAN option. But prepare to a (short) lonely journey with tons of zombies :P

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Hitboxes and models tend to be different to my understanding.

Yes they are, the hit boxes aren't seen, they are for collision purposes that are around the actual model.

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Why are people getting their knickers in a twist about using VAC. It's been clearly stated multiple times that this is just one of the measures being used, not the only thing protecting DayZ from hackers. Combine that with the fact that people could lose their Steam account if caught and the risks for hackers start adding up.

You don't lose your account according to the VAC description.

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Why are people getting their knickers in a twist about using VAC. It's been clearly stated multiple times that this is just one of the measures being used, not the only thing protecting DayZ from hackers. Combine that with the fact that people could lose their Steam account if caught and the risks for hackers start adding up.

from what i have read people are not "getting their knickers in a twist about using VAC", the issue is steam itself from what i read and my personal POV, i dont buy games that require steam as i do not wish to be locked into a service that could be gone tomorrow and i do not apreciate giving up my basic consumer rights.

i would like to correct one misconception you seem to have, people do not lose their steam account if caught using cheats, only the use of the games using the engine they cheated in, nothing changes compared to now, i read that people who get banned by the current anti-cheat used by dayz can just buy another CD key, people that cheat in steam can make a new account and repurchase the game, also because VAC does not ban instantly a cheater can keep griefing for "days or weeks", to quote online sources, before VAC actually kicks in, this to me seems like a considerable downgrade compared to the current situation where if someone is caught by the dayz anti-cheat they are instantly banned.

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