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I wanted a cool sounding nick so the first thing that popped to mind was "Mora". It's an ancient Finnish knife.

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Well, back when I was 9 years old, I was chillin' about, about to play some vidya games. So, I'm sitting there, about to play Ocarina of Time or some shit, and

I needed a name for my save file! So, I thought for a long time, and eventually Flonk came into mind. NOW I AM FLONK THE INCREDIBLE DESTROYER OF WORLDS! ;)

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Many do not realize this, but my name is from Tolkien's book The Hobbit. In which Roac is one of the talking ravens.

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Well, back when I was 9 years old, I was chillin' about, about to play some vidya games. So, I'm sitting there, about to play Ocarina of Time or some shit, and

I needed a name for my save file! So, I thought for a long time, and eventually Flonk came into mind. NOW I AM FLONK THE INCREDIBLE DESTROYER OF WORLDS! ;)

I don't know why but that is actually awesome!

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That's crazy! Welcome to Dayz

Thanks man, Have been playing on Taviana and I am absolutely addicted to DayZ

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A LONG time ago I needed a new name because the one I usually used was already taken at the PSN. And I didn't felt like adding 1234.

So I got an english dictionary and randomly opend it. After 4 tries I got to "to link something".

Being an old Zelda fan that was sufficient.

But since it should be the word "link" and not the guy in green I added "The".






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Not sure about my name, I've just had for a couple of years, I used to play with Lightning-Hawk & Dahira, but since there was a ton of other people using it, I thought I should get a name-change. So I ended up with Moffenson, it's simple, sounds like a last name (In my ears atleast) and I like it! It also is original (Yes I literally checked places if anyone else actually had this name)

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Many do not realize this, but my name is from Tolkien's book The Hobbit. In which Roac is one of the talking ravens.

I noticed that. Anyone who uses something from a book of Tolkien's deserves my respect for the most part.

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I wanted a cool sounding nick so the first thing that popped to mind was "Mora". It's an ancient Finnish knife.

Swedish. Also, they started making them in the 1890s.

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Swedish. Also, they started making them in the 1890s.

ohhh history battle time

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anyone point me in the way to change my in game name? been searching on forums but no luck... plus internet is crappy at work office... :)

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My nickname has been Axx since i was 7 and i am a big fan of the Assassins creed series so Axx+assassin=Axxassin :I

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Ive been using the name Nobody since Halo CE and been using it for every username since, and after i became a medic on dayz it evolved it Dr Nobody

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A backdraft is when a fire inside a closed room burns SUPER HOT and eats up all the oxygen. It's still hot enough to burn, and has lots of fuel, but is starved of oxygen so it smolders (waits) until oxygen is introduced. Once oxygen is let in (door opened, window broken) it rapidly ignites everything, even the air inside the room, so fast the it causes explosive-like forces. As a firefighter it is one of the aspects of firefighting that still scares me. Plus it describes my playing style; lay low, blend in as best I can, stay out of everyone's way.... Then BOOM! You strike :)

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Played allot of medal of honor allied assault breakthrough back in the day. I loved playing with the delisle carbine, a rifle that was silenced. An incredible gun from the ww2. Then i was named killabeast (original right :P ). There was allways a guy playing in a sertain server who couldnt speak english at all. (even worse then me) All he could say was silentrifler fuk yu. I lolled so much about that which made me change my name to SilentRifler. He actually quit the game then, so if you are here on this forum thank you for the name. :D :beans:

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I think i use reverence because I have deep respect or reverence for players better than me

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I appreciate players who will accept better players. Ever need a hand. give me a shout

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I like to use Shadow because I'm a bit of a loner and like to use stealth and keep out of sight. Most of the time "Shadow" is taken so I add stuff to it. The forum picture is a silhouette (a bit like a shadow) of a man. Hey presto. Oh, and I am a man too.

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Back when i used to play only on consols i played the Soul Calibur games on my Gamecube. And i always liked the Nightmare character.

And so i thought well in games like Unreal Tournament and Counter Strike i could become a Nightmare to players, well that didn't work out so great since i am an ok player but not giving anybody Nightmares lol.

So i made Nightmare from the Character and the GER for Germany were i was Born and live.

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