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About Reverence

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    “When the pretty birds have flown,
    And you feel hurt and alone,
    Be strong and carry on,
    And remember that life goes on.”
    Join me on my TS: Rust.ts3dns.com
  1. Reverence

    Looking for play dayz with

    join my ts: rust.ts3dns.com
  2. Reverence

    Survivor Group of 4

    Application: Name: Brian Age (doesn't really matter, don't be shy):16 Historical Hero: Able to record or not: Yeah Has Skype (yes or no) Yeah, but I use my own TS for communication Believe in Green Mountain curse: Favorite thing to do in DayZ: Play the game Time Zone: PST Country of Origin: USA Motto: look at my sig Role applying for: sniper/ everything else Questions/Comments/Concerns: This application is a bit ridiculous. Although it's original, I'll give you that much.
  3. Reverence

    Im making a group/team/clan

    Join my TS or add my skype in my Sig
  4. Reverence

    Looking for a clan to join

    I messaged you
  5. Reverence

    What will make you play the alpha again?

    Vehicles. I put my foot down and will not play the SA what so ever until Vehicles are added.
  6. Reverence

    Russian Cars Suggestion

    You clearly haven't played the mod, most of the cars will be in the game.
  7. Reverence

    Do you agree with modding in SA?

    The sooner modding is available, the sooner the game will be complete by the modders, Dean won't finish the game any time soon, but the modding community will, 10x faster and 10x much much better.
  8. Reverence

    Upcoming Items/Weapons?

    Congrats you found that on reddit and now taking credit for it. You sir are an asshole.
  9. Reverence

    SOLUTION: Identifying other players

    You pretty much just copied the Arma 3 Breaking Point System.
  10. Reverence

    Zombies should have MUCH more HP than humans

    Yeah well a gunshot to the lower chest or to the legs/arms should not kill them in one shot. 1 shot headshot yes, at least 3 shots to the thoracic cavity, unless it was in the heart.
  11. Reverence

    Mod vs SA?

    Really, would you truely want to support and help the community? Then give up. Hand the SA over to the creators of BreakingPoint or Origins, people who actually have intent to get work done, to bring more to the game then some hand cuffs and a Payday 2 mask. In near a year of development on a recycled engine for a bloody helicopter sim, the team has done what? Remade a map, Improved a map, (Maps have been made a lot better by the community, such as Taviana, Namalsk..etc.) Added 4 Guns? WOW. Was a .357 that big of an update, a possible reskined FNX45. An obnoxious food and thirst system that constantly spams you with you are hungry in a chat system like you're really going for the realism. A failed sound system where random zombie noises and cans and drinks opened all over the map. A failed degrade system where some how you get shot in the leg and your gun is now destroyed. I can go on and on about how disappointing this has been. Back to your comment "But they keep releasing updates?" I don't consider fixing a few small things an update, that's just fixing something that should have already been fixed. The game was supposedly in testing for how many months? Holy cow did nothing get done or was the game outrageously bad then? .... etc. etc. etc.
  12. Reverence

    Mod vs SA?

    Yeah I think this whole alpha was released just to keep people interested. Now that all of us zombies have given Dean all the money he wants, why finish the game. He's gonna take his sweet ass time going and climbing mountains and traveling across the world and not finishing in the game. So in the end, he has our money, and pry doesn't have a strong intention in finishing the game ASAP.
  13. Reverence

    Things you want to see in SA updates first.

    All I want is vehicles. Period.
  14. My steam name has to many results, can I add you?
  15. Reverence

    what plays dayz mod or SA on a laptop?

    I don't only play it on a laptop, I play it on a MacBook Pro. And I play on maxed settings and don't drop below 40 FPS. To all you Apple/Mac Haters Go Fuck Yourself!