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About Riska

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Riska

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I really don't think "dumbs" can be classed as a valid noun.
  2. Riska

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Yes of course these mean something to me, I wouldn't take the name of the Emperor in vain :) Glad to know Malazan is appreciated, just hope they don't turn it into a HBO mini series. Onos' Toolan is the best character and yes a very happy convergence, power draws power after all :) I was always partial to Fiddler myself. It was nice to see some references to the Rope on this forum though :)
  3. I don't think they are disabled, I ran into a repairable one last week just south of the NW airport.
  4. Riska

    That thing you can't find

    I forgot about the SVD actually, another one I have never found. I've had two AS50s and didn't much care for them really. My favourite sniper was the M24. God I would love to get my hands on that again, especially now you can convert DMR ammo into M24 ammo.
  5. Riska

    That thing you can't find

    This. Now one of only two guns left that I haven't found at least one of. The other is the L85A2.
  6. Riska

    Persistent starting skin

    Sarcasm aside: exactly. Though if they went from white to black I wouldn't mind so much :P
  7. Riska

    The tale of my tragic death.

    Moral of the story is: don't go near barns when you don't need to. You seemed to have pretty much everything you needed, and barns don't really spawn much great stuff once you've found some military equipment. Also, you're best bet after aggroing the zombies would have been to run the long way around the barn and back into it through one of the doors. Even with the walking through walls thing, they still move slowly indoors. If you were in the middle of the building you could have easily picked them off without them getting too close to you.
  8. I did a search and saw a few custom/editable skin suggestions, which would be nice but I get that some people consider it a bit game-like. All I would like to see is the civ skin you spawn in when you respawn persist until you die or change it for lootable skins. It's a little bit jarring to log out for an hour and come back to find that you aren't wearing the same clothes you were before.
  9. Riska

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    The best Veteran EU/UK servers by quite some distance are EU 4, UK 7 and UK 87. I would like to add UK 13 to the list of sometimes laggy servers.
  10. I couldn't agree more about the M9SD. I was so excited when I first found one, and eventually gave up on it and went back to the Glock. I found another one and thought maybe I hadn't given it a fair shake. It was worse than I remembered. The PDW is alright, but I still find the Glock to be more accurate. I like the Fal, but the ammo becomes a problem very quickly. The M14 is possibly my favourite gun.
  11. Riska

    DayZ Stories

    Series of unfortunate events happened to me today (it's all good though, happy ending). So i've been camping the NWAF for the last few days. At first I was behind Stary but it was pretty quiet so I decided to go for bigger fish. I had an M107 for static camping and an M14 aim for on the move, with a PDW for backup. I'd only killed one sniper with the M107 because he had just killed another dude looting a deerstand. I've been trying not to kill people just for the sake of it, and only killing if a) they spotted me or b) I could clearly see loot I wanted. NWAF has been surprisingly quiet for a while. I'm using the zombies as a detection system, sat far enough away so that I don't trigger them. When a group appears, I know someone is close. I let a few people by, but for the most part, it was dead. I was near the SE barracks, so I thought it would be pretty active, but you would be surprised. I really needed the toilet, and it had been a while since I'd seen anyone, and there were no zombies. So I just left my game running, came back, and I was still alive... for a few seconds, then I heard a shot and that was that. Alone that's not a very interesting story, but this was followed by half an hour of foraging, getting pretty much everything I need except matches, a hunting knife and a compass. I found a 1911 and an AK pretty quickly. I was on the roof of the school in Elektro, I knew there were folks about because I could hear gun fire. I was trying to see what was in a house to the south using binoculors, and managed to plunge myself off the top of the building. Died. Managed to run back and get all my stuff from my corpse, went into the supermarket, got an alice pack, turned around, guy in the doorway. Died. Run back, corpse is gone, being chased by some guy, managed to pick up an enfield in the store, waited, and shot him out of the back window. Wait... his friend comes around the corner, and I manage to take him out to. Between them, they had everything I needed. It's the most fun I've had in a week.