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About GetYouBarbara

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  1. GetYouBarbara

    [FTC] Trade and Supply - [T] Standalone Shop Open! 100% satisfaction!

    I need to get myself some sort of healing myself. Dunno if thats a proper trade offer or not, just want it badly, guess i can give alot of m4 mags or something. I am near balota in a low pop server.
  2. http://www.oculusvr.com/ Please make it happen!
  3. GetYouBarbara

    ITT : Post your best gear yet

    You do know you can get the best gear in this game by simple server hopping around dobryy hill and killing some noob hackers with as50 TWS's with your Lee Enfield or even with a secondary gun? At least thats what I am doing and it is working like a charm. havent been to NW airfield or heli crash sites in ages.
  4. GetYouBarbara

    not sure if hack or not!

    Saw that hack happen to me as well. a guy was a zombie and acting exactly like one running everywhere to me. couldnt kill him as well.
  5. I call BS. Live Streams have a delay so you cant actually shoot and hear shots at the same time.
  6. GetYouBarbara

    [VIDEO] Don't Shoot Me I'm New Part 2

    Well this guy was a noob to not shoot you when u went close to him with the hatchet first time. lol.
  7. any video? and how u know it was him? anyone can use ingame nicknames.
  8. GetYouBarbara

    Dobryy hill action

    Sometimes my debug monitor fucks up when loadin into diff servers. So next time u accuse someone of hacking think twice. As for the guy telling me im a bandit these guys shot shots at me first so pretty sure they deserved it
  9. GetYouBarbara

    Dobryy hill action

    [Topics merged, please stop crossposting. -Max]
  10. GetYouBarbara

    Dobryy hill action

    hope you enjoy
  11. GetYouBarbara

    US 2123 Teamliquid TL server suspicious individual

    There was a hacker around that was killing everyone. Who were you?
  12. GetYouBarbara

    Looking for hacker free server please.

    SE 10 has really good protection against hackers and has a seperate hive. if you play alot there u might get access to se 9 as well which is password protected.
  13. GetYouBarbara

    Looking for small group or one other

    28 here. been soloing.
  14. Was interested to see if other fellow hero guys wanna form a group clan. Required is u got a mic.hero skin, and be over 18y old.
  15. GetYouBarbara

    Can it be done!

    I think you are wrong cause the bullet goes way beyond its own cap. its not like the bullet dissapears, it will eventually hit something even at 1800m-2000m. its all about the aim.