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So this is the story of my longest lived character, who just died not 10 minutes ago. I won't whine about it. I'm really disappointed, but I won't whine.

So I had this character for about 2 weeks, and over 36 hours in-game time. I spent my time sneaking through towns and for the first week and a half, I armed myself to the teeth without killing a single zombie or player. I ended up with an AKM with 3 mags and an M1911 with 6 mags in that time. This is when things really start to kick off.

So I was really close to Stary Sobor and I decided the military base there would be a great target for me. I then remembered from a passed character that there was 2 deer stands just north of town. In the first one, I find two dead bodies. One with a military shotgun (not the Remington) and the other with an Enfield. There was also an AK-74 Kobra in there, but I decided to keep my AKM instead. After looting those deerstands and the dead bodies, I ended up with an Alice pack, two hand grenades a watch and a compass. I sneak through the town, not finding much, but when I finally got to the military base, I hit the jackpot. Someone who had another AKM just went through there and dropped it for something better, leaving me a total of 8 additional mags. I also found a dead body there who had a map on him. I was leaving Stary, heading north, when I see two survivors across the field. I drop to the ground, so do they. "Guy across the field near Stary, you friendly?" "Yes, you?" My trigger finger was itchy, but there was two of them and one of me. I'm a terrible shot and I wasn't about to reassure myself of that. "Okay, we don't want to team up, just passing through." the other guy said. We parted ways and I left Stary going anywhere that wasn't there. Sneaking through that town was intense, but I had a new target. Krasnostav Airfield.

The road the Krasnostav was an easy one, but a long one. It passed through two towns as well. Gorka and Dubrovka, if I remember correctly. Now, I'm generally a good navigator, but I messed up something fierce here. I spent literally an hour going in the wrong direction, turned around, headed back to Gorka and went in the wrong direction again. That was two days ago. Today, I finally reached Krasnostav.

I snuck my way through Krasnostav airfield, finding a G17 to replace my M1911, but not much else. I accidentally alerted a group of 10 zombies when inside the control tower, quickly killing them with my AKM, but not without taking some hits from a crawler that snuck up on my after the chaos. I bled a bit, and at this point, had only 7000 blood from my passed run-ins with the zombies. I had everything I needed for some cooked meat (including the raw meat) but not a match box. I left the airfield, happy with my new light-equipped pistol and headed for a warehouse I saw about 500 meters away. I went inside and found jack squat. There was an m9 mag and a DMR mag. Apparently, there had been a ton of zombies around, and one noticed me. I quickly had 20 zombies on me. After lining the up in the building and killing them, I waited too long (like 2 bloody minutes) and they all respawned. Pain in the bum. Spawn rates are ridiculous. Another twenty come at me when I try to leave. I run north out of the warehouse and shoot the remaining 2 monkeys down, which alerted ANOTHER 8. I killed them with a LOT of difficulty, partly because they were chickenrunning but mostly because I suck. It's at this point here that I made my fatal mistake.

It had been about 45 minutes since I was at the airfield, and figuring things had respawned, I headed back in for a second run. All was going well, barely any zombies in sight. The whole time I was thinking "What the hell are you doing?!", which turned out to be a great question. I'm crawling into the first hangar when another player with an AKM fires three shots at me! Two miss, one hits my side. I start bleeding and I run inside. I bandage myself and arm myself for a shootout. I make a mad dash for the next hangar. I'm shaking like a mad man, and need painkillers. I see a box in the back of hangar 2, and run for them. I get to it and take them, but while I was taking them, my assailant peeks around the corner and fires on my, full auto. He misses about 8 shots, I dodge out of the way. I'm about to unload on his ass when he fires another shot square between my eyes. I fall to the ground, and he unloads another 3 rounds into me. The sad music starts to play, and the "You Are Dead" screen pops up.

Well played, mystery murderer. My greed got the better of me.

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This just happened.

I was doing my normal routine of collecting gear. Well as I approached a deer stand and went into it, I was surprised to find only 2 items in a loot pile. Now I've played enough to know that that isnt normal, and directly after that I see there were no zombies around. I climb down the ladder a notice something on the ground.

A pile of loot appears before me. Some cooked meat too. Alarm bells begin to go off in my head as I know this is the doing of a player. I begin to go west a bit and suddenly I see an un-natural shape about 30 meters ahead (remember I'm in the middle of the woods).

This is the point where I realize that this player is farming for items at this desolate deer stand. I duck behind a tree and poke my head out. The air rings with 3 winchester rounds.

One hits him square in the chest, the rest is a mystery. I see him look around confused and disappear into some trees. My heart is racing and my hands are shaking. I do a few looks around and I run to better cover. I spend about 5 minutes patrolling the area, waiting. After a while, I begin to think he DC'd. I get a bit too comfortable as I start running. Suddenly, between two trees, my enemy aims at me. I duck into more cover.

I shoot twice. AK rounds split the air as muzzle flash and smoke rip toward me. No enemy shots find their mark. I move to the right and light more rounds into my enemies side. I hear the crack of broken legs. He slithers away. I sprint down the small hill and wait for another opportunity. A few minutes later, a murder appears on my debug monitor. My enemy has bled to death. (By the way if you read this far, thank you)

This is not the end of my tale, as i begin to find multiple, around 10 piles of loot around. My deceased enemy has been at this for a while. I begin to search for my enemies body; I never find it

At one point I turn around to the deerstand again and I see a person with a ghillie suit looking away from me about to head up the deerstand. With my battle blood pumping, I shoot him twice as he climbs up the ladder. He falls down at the top. For good measure, I shoot him once more with the winchester. This is where the tale turns against me. Little did I know this man had a friend.

A bullet rips the blood and flesh from my body, shaking my screen. I know I'm dead. But first, I shoot the ghillie'd man once more. I hear the crack of broken bones once again. More rounds split through me as I am blinded. I fall.

That is the end of my tale. I believe these three were in a group together, farming this deerstand. If that is the case, I killed 1, maybe 2 farmers in exchange for my life. I will never know if I actually killed the ghillied man, but I hope so. After 19 DayZ of survival, Justice had been done. I begin my life anew. Thanks for reading.


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End of 2nd (long) life. 2 basic mistakes - fell off dear-stand and didn't have any morphine. Crawled to devil's castle (I was in the middle of nowhere already) hoping to find a spare rucksack.

If I'd been more carefull I reckon I could have lived their for ages - plenty of sodas and beans but crawling up stairs was tricky to say the least and the inevitable happened. Just at the top of the keep (perhaps there are 2 there) I failed to negotiate a right-hand bend and slipped off to my death. Bugger-it. I'll never know whether there was any morphine at the top (unlikely).

Would have been interested to see how I could have survived there otherwise.

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im low on health. around the 4k mark. im heading east from cherno to hopefully meet up with my buddy somewhere in elektro for a blood transfusion. i only have basic starting gear, but at least i have a compass and an ak74 with 2 clips. long story short, i had survived about 4 survivor/bandit encounters since creating this character, and i needed a transfusion, or at the very least a matchbox and knife so i could go hunting for a bit. as im leaving cherno, i check a barn for supplies. nothing. just a dozen dead zombies and empty tin cans. ive seen some chemlights laying on the ground, lit, leading up to this spot, so im a bit weary. a little bit further east, across the main road, are 2 more barns. im seeing more lit chemlights strewn across the ground, so i proceed cautiously. nothing. just more empty tin cans and a dozen or so more dead zombies. i know im on their trail, so i keep moving east. after a couple minutes of running, i can see a road flare lighting up a secluded spot with 3 barns/farms next to each other. i slowly creep up onto the hill overlooking the 3 barns for a better vantage point. by the time i get up there, the road flare is done fore. must have missed them :/ but wait, there goes another one in the same spot! i whip out my ak, get iron sights, zoom in, and wait to see what happens next.

one survivor runs out of the barn and on top of a pile of haystacks. i can handle one, he doesnt even know where i am. i need food. i have him in my sights. i can take him.

another survivor runs out of the barn, also onto the hay pile. shit.

and a third. damn. this is going to be tough. theyre all standing on the hay pile, with a few zombies running after them. road flare still burning bright as sunset, i watch them easily take out their zombie groupies. then a silent second as theyre standing on the haypile, the three of them, zombies dead, flare lighting them up, and me with my ak sights on them and dangerously low health.

fuck it, i need the beans. i start firing off shots at them. one goes down, i keep firing. another goes down, the third goes prone. at this distance, im only hitting target with like one out of every 4 or 5 shots, but thats all it takes to kill two of them. proning homeboy gets up and runs into the barn, my shots wizzing past his body but not connecting.

"come in here and finish me off cunt."

as hes challenging me, i get tagged by one zombie i aggro'd with my firing range. i kill him, but im bleeding and i lose enough health to be back into the blurry screen with a violent shake at every heartbeat.

"come kill me, im logging off anyway."

no thanks, i cant even see the barn, let alone hope to take on someone when i have like 3k health. one minute. two minutes. he disconnects, and i check his fallen comrades. beans, the magical fruit! i get my health up a little, but they were all still makarov noobs, so i keep heading east to elektro. remember guys, road flares WILL attract attention from desperate, almost dead survivors, so be careful!

i make the 20, 30 minute treck to elektro with a painful pulsing. thankfully, ive been down this road a few times before, and im climb to the top of that lovely mountain inbetween cherno and elektro, the one right by the road. such a nice view :) so quiet, too. anyway, around this time, i notice side chat blowing up. some kid is stuck in a firehouse and needs morphine. he keeps asking people for help, but all he gets are responses from bandits planning on killing him. on any other day, i would laugh at such a noob mistake, giving away your position like that. either morphine kid at firehouse was either setting a trap, or he was already in one. i have one morphine left.... but i REALLY need a transfusion, and my buddy was still doing cool things IRL. i was desperate. i admit it. i knew i was taking a big chance.

"still need a morphine?" i ask.

hes at the powerplant firehouse, and i know hes got a bandit coming closer to finish him off. i tell him he better hope i get there before the bandit does. i keep running toward elektro, eyes open for traps. i see the powerplant, tell him im a minute from him. he adds me to steam. i walk in, dont see anyone. i walk to the top of the tower, where he was, and all i see on the ground is..... oh shit.

satchel charge.

its a trap!

but not for me! after he added me, homeboy told me that they were setting a trap for that other bandit, and that they would let me live cuz they thought i was nice :3. homeboy walks up to me, we look at each other in the staircase for a bit, he tells me they have a sniper aiming at my domepiece so i better be careful. i grab the scoped m4 laying at the base of the firehouse and follow him up to the big mountainrange overlooking the firehouse and all the rest of elektro from the north. he has at least 2 buddies with him. all ghillied'd. turns out, these kids are the server admins. and they have every gun and suit in the game. and they hack :/ whatever. they let me stick around, i watch them blow up the supermarket, the firehouse, then the firehouse again. satchels are pretty cool :) they kill a few players, get killed a couple times, aggro about a hundred or so zombies but manage to kill them all in the firehouse. after about an hour, they give me a silenced m4, nightvision, silenced stanag clips, the whole kit and caboodle. (what the fuck does that even mean). one of them goes to bed. ive been suggesting we keep moving to berezino. they want to come along with me, so we move out.

as we make the hour or so long trip north, we share some stories and get to know each other. i tell me 2 admin allies about my encounter with the 3 kids at the barns. how i would never have trusted them if i didnt need the transfusion so bad. how one of them wanted to kill me on sight, but the other suggested they see if im friendly first. they shoot each other in the knees a couple times, i patch them up a couple times. were past a treeline, and were at berezino!

berezino, how i love thee! some kids like cherno, while others prefer elektro, or stary sober, or the NW airstrip. me, i like this place just fine :3 i show them the berezino sights. these kids have never even left elektro! i show them the hospital. which was handy, cuz these kids have no problem shooting each other with DMRs and attracting all the zombies in town, along with anyone who happens to be listening. so many times i think i should just peace the fuck out and let these kids get themselves killed. but, i patch them up a few times, transfuse them since they dont even trust each other to do it :). i show them the military tents. just my luck, i find a god damn DMR for the first time ever with 3 clips, after i already have the best silenced m4 in the game. we head to the deer stand nearby. guess what? my first time ever finding a silenced mp5. with 3 clips, and another silenced mp5 with 3 more slips right next to it :/ so we keep moving to the apartments. well, i do. these kids at this point are just shooting each other and the dozens of zombies they attract.

as im looting the apartments, instead of covering me, they meet talk in sidechat with a guy who has a car. my 2 allies meet up with one guy named Applejack, who has a van. im in teamspeak with the server admins, and i can hear one of them suggesting they just drive off and leave me at the apartments. my other ally says fuck that and they drive up to the apartments to get me. the entire time i was at the apartment rooftop, watching them with NVG's through my silenced scope, sights on them, the car, then them again, thinking "no, its not time yet."

they honk the horn a couple times, i run down the stairs, and jump in as weve got a half dozen or so aggro'd zombies on us. we drive out of town, hop out, and kill the zombies still chasing after us. theyre arguing over whos going to drive. the one who wanted to kill me hops in the drivers seat, but the my other ally shoots at him, scares him, and makes him get out. he then gets in, and runs into his admin buddy. as theyre yelling at each other, laughing at how far his body went, im still just chilling in the backseat, waiting for us to get the fuck out of this spot before someone sees us. everyone is still alive, homeboy is just a little hurt from the hit and run.

a side note: they offered to give me a ghillie suit, even put one in my backpack. but, for whatever reason, my game doesnt let me see or pickup or use hatchets, heatpacks, or apparently ghillie suits. so im stuck looking like any other regular survivor. and nametags when you point at someone are off. and my mic is shitty, so it had stopped working in teamspeak at this point, but i could still hear them.

i look at Applejack, our makeshift ally and escort. he looks just like me, like a regular ol' survivor. hes just standing outside, waiting for the 2 admins to stop arguing and figure out whos going to drive. im still in the backseat. i get a real life grin on my face.

its time :3

i hop in the drivers seat and drive off. shaking, smiling, and heart racing in real life, im out of there before they even know whats going on. a silenced m4, night vision, gps, like ten silenced stanag round, coyote backpack, and now my own van. not bad, considering where i was just an hour or so ago :)

but eventually, my conscience gets the best of me, and i tell them im heading back to pick them up at the berezino military tents.

but heres the best part: the entire time, since my mic was down and theres no nametags and i wasnt ghillie'd, they thought that Applejack was the one that drove off and i was still with him, when it was actually the other way around :) so these kids are cursing Applejack, whos also pissed at me and separates from their group. as i arrive in berezino, i hear them saying they see a car. but its not mine. not even 2 minutes later, a tiny little car come flying past me. once hes past, i hop back into my van and head to a "safer" spot by the military tents, off the road. im telling them in side chat to get back in quick, but theyre way in the other direction. before i know it, im dead in one shot. Applejack is triumphantly announcing that he got the van back in side chat, so im left assuming it was him. i spawn, meet up with my admin allies who had all died by this point, them still thinking Applejack fucked us over, i was with them the entire time, and that i had somehow sneaked away and found a van :3. i tell them i think Applejack killed me, and they get pretty pissed.

eventually, Applejack logs off, the admin who wanted to shoot me at first logs off, and im chilling with my one surviving admin ally. right by the elektro powerplant, on top of the hill, where i met them a couple hours ago. its about 5 am east at this point, so i write down the server name and say ill see him around.

they still think it was Applejack who stole the car :3

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Tonight everyone but me in my group was killed in an altercation at the NEAirfield involving some douchebag server hopper. It happened in the air control tower. I go up to the top and it turns out the server hopper had a friend in the form of a sniper. He misses thankfully and I hit the floor. I eventually play a game of cat and mouse with him that spans the whole airfield. A lot of people in side chat were talking about the shooting in NEA and my KIA friends weren't exactly silent about being killed there. Some noob named {FUN}Fuzz or something like that was even asking if we would shoot him if he came into the airfield for guns since he only had a makarov.

I think he's gone and I go to farm the hangars and air control tower. I'm in the tower and close the doors behind and check everything there. I go to leave and as soon as I open the doors I'm shot, bleeding, have zombies on me from my return fire. I manage to bandage and kill the zombies assailing me but I'm stuck in the front hallway of the air control tower. Couldn't get the right angle to close the door, couldn't go up the stairs or out of the control tower because the sniper is guarding it. So I end up waiting in there for 20-30 minutes for my friends to arrive and flank him. A lot of talking and not so much shooting in that 20-30 minutes. From my friends, from someone watching the fight from a hidden spot, even from this noob that for some reason is hanging around.

I remember that this server has nameplates enabled. I scroll over about where the guy is and low and behold {FUN}Fuzz the 'noob' thats been 'running around with a makarov'. He's been here for over an hour now trying to kill me so I tell my friends who are in berezhino to approach the airfield from the southeast to flank this guy and flush him out. The guy I mentioned earlier notices my friend's approach and announces it to the whole damned server as well as in the same five minutes telling everyone that nameplates are enabled.

After {FUN}Fuzz finds out that nameplates are enabled these are the next things i see in chat:

{FUN}Fuzz: "Nameplates are enabled?"

{FUN}Fuzz: "interesting"

{FUN}Fuzz has disconnected.

Laughed so hard when he disconnected but was really disappointed my friends didn't have the chance to flank him and take his lying ass out. Sooner than later you wont be able to rely on your server hopping bullshit Fuzz. Remember that I was the one that survived that night without disconnecting or any crap like that.

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A few days ago, me and a few friends came across two AFK's by the gas station with a CAR. Why they would go afk when in the open with a car I have no idea. With greed consuming me I killed both of them in cold blood, taking their items and trying to get in the car. Alas it had no gas so I went to go look for some jerry cans, leaving my friend to watch it. After a few minutes of no success, I started heading back with my other friend. We saw zombies running towards the gas station and saw that another survivor/bandit was running, leading them to the car. We quickly told the one guarding the car to high-tail it out of there otherwise he would be mince meat, but the guy led the zombies to him. The guy who was leading the zombies got in the car and eventually was killed by the zombies inside of it. The guard ran for his life and we began shooting the zombies down as they came. Seeing as how I had no ammo for my M4 or pistol, I told him I would get the zombies to follow me and they would shoot them. As I got them to follow me, I began running. Just then one of them managed to get a hit on my and broke my leg. I was being eaten alive and my teammates were trying to kill them before I died. We finally killed all of them, but all three of us had low blood, and low ammo. We began heading back to the car and tried to see if we could arrange our things and heal up. As one of us left to go find another friend, a guy came up to him, asking if he was friendly. We said we were friendly and my friend started up a conversation with him. Apparently his name was matthews and was just trying to get out of Cherno. Suddenly, my friend saw someone behind matthews and just as he said "There's someone behind you matthew" he got sniped. Right in front of my friend, Matthew got sniped. He panicked and began running back towards us, everything being really dark (night) we couldn't see them. We stuck to the forest and tried to find the guy who killed Matthew but my friend got shot, being knocked unconscious. A zombie began eating him so I tried to kill it. As I began shooting I was killed by the same bandit. Both of us dead now, the guard just hid in the trees, scared out of his mind. When the coast was clear he went out to our bodies and only managed to scavenge a Czech backpack and my M4. Knowing the car was too risky, he just got away and logged. Was really intense.

A day after this, I felt bad for killing those people in cold blood so I went out to redeem myself. I was in the east side of Cherno when I heard makarov shots more to the east. I decided to investigate and saw a new guy being chased by a couple of zombies. I killed them off and bandaged him up, him being near-death. Since it was night I figured we could team up real quick and get him a blood bag from the hospital in the north-west side of Cherno. As we reached the forest line I heard unknown sniper fire. I told him to get down, but then out of nowhere I got shot. Bleeding and dying I began running back into the forest. The guy I was helping began asking where I was and that he had lost me, the sniper still shooting at only ME I kept running. Once I was safe I told him what happened and just left, saying to myself "This is what I get for trying to be nice..." :(

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i feel so bad for this so i have to share it. i just spawned, within five mintes of just running straight north, i come across a man in a field. he turns around and opens fire on me, so i (luckily) get him in the face with my makarov. heres all that he had on him.

NVGs, GPS, DMR, and AK with mags, map, compass, knife, and fuckin like 5 things of cooked meat. ugh this game is a bastard. now i dont even want to play haha, i just want someone to cap me real fast so i dont have to be paranoid lolz.


OH AND THEN THIS JUST HAPPENED LOL (in the middle of the ocean with two men standing on top of each other.


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Dear Capt Foo.

I'm sorry greed got the better of me, and for that I feel terrible.


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Dear Capt Foo.

I'm sorry greed got the better of me' date=' and for that I feel terrible.



Heh; I'd like to hear some backstory.

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i feel so bad for this so i have to share it. i just spawned' date=' within five mintes of just running straight north, i come across a man in a field. he turns around and opens fire on me, so i (luckily) get him in the face with my makarov. heres all that he had on him.

NVGs, GPS, DMR, and AK with mags, map, compass, knife, and fuckin like 5 things of cooked meat. ugh this game is a bastard. now i dont even want to play haha, i just want someone to cap me real fast so i dont have to be paranoid lolz.


OH AND THEN THIS JUST HAPPENED LOL (in the middle of the ocean with two men standing on top of each other.



Thats what he gets for shooting on sight

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A Memorial To The Bravest Mother Fuckers I've Ever Seen...

*It starts to rain*

~Alkatraz: We need to find a place to stay until the rain stops. Hell, you already have an infection and the rest of us don't need one either!

*Moxer continues to cough*

~Moxer: OH shutup already man! I can't help it that I got sick!

~Krackdown (our leader): Hehe, yea that damned infection almost got our asses killed. Zed were everywhere!

~Me: Well atleast you didn't lose the car, *cough* Alkatraz *cough*

~Alkatraz: HAI! Fuck you man it's not my fault those bandits came at us like that!

*Sniper gunfire*

~Krackdown: HIT THE DECK!!!

~Moxer: Sounded like a DMR...

~Me: I'll tell you what is was! IT WAS A DAMN SNIPER!

~Krackdown: Both of you shutup and get to that barn over there!

~Alkatraz: Yet another wonderful reunion with bandits...

~Me: Don't these assholes have somewhere to be?!

*Second shot rings out*

*Moxer is shot*


*Two more shots ring out*

~Alkatraz: SHIT! Look! Moxer is down!

~Me: Hai Moxer you okay?! Cmon man get up!

~Krackdown: That's not going to work man, he's KO'd...

~Alkatraz: Well we can't just leave him out there!

~Me: Calm down Alkatraz! We are going to get him out of there but we need to get to him before he bleeds out...

*Sniper finishes off Moxer*

~Krackdown: DAMNIT!!! We lost Moxer!

~Me: What are we going to do?

~Alkatraz: We are going to go kill that asshole!!!

~Krackdown: NO! Sit there and be quiet alright! Let me think!

*15 minutes pass and nothing is heard*

~Me: Alright, he is probably waiting out the for us, and its getting dark out, we might be able to throw some chemlights out of that direction and get to that treeline.

~Krackdown: Sounds like a plan, but what about Moxer? He has all of our medical equipment!

~Alkatraz: I still say you guys let me take him out! He deserves to die!

~Krackdown: Hell he already killed one of us! He is up there waiting for someone to be a hero! What will we do if he gets you too?

~Alkatraz: ...

~Me: Alright well we will have to leave our meds here, we won't have time to grab them.

*I light a chemlight and walk over to the door*

~Me: Get ready to run... Alright, here goes nothing!

*Chemlight is thrown and three shots are heard*

~Krackdown: CMON MAN RUN!!!

*More shots are heard but all of them miss*

*45 minutes pass*

~Me: Look! There is a town up ahead! We can take shelter there!

~Alkatraz: Finally! We've only been running for about half an hour!!

~Krackdown: I still can't believe he got Moxer, hell, he was the funniest man I've ever had an honor to fight with...

~Me: We know Krack, we know. Well he's gone, we have to push on.

~Alkatraz: Looks like we are in Elektra.

*Flare is thrown on other side of town*

~Krackdown: Get down!

~Alkatraz: Small arms fire, must be zombies...

~Me: or worse...

~Krackdown: Stay close.

*gunshots heard in the powerplant*

~Krackdown: Woah, I'm counting over 23 zed inside, be careful!

*We go in guns blazing clearing out all of the zed and attracting more, but are quickly dispatched*


~Alkatraz: Chill out bro, we aren't going to shoot you, we just got here and we could use some supplies.

~survivor: Alright, I can't thank you enough man! I thought they were going to get me for sure!

~Me: Do you know where anything might be here? We could use some food and meds.

~Survivor: Well, there aren't any medicine places here that haven't been looted! Bandits came through about ten minutes ago and wiped the place clean, they attracted a horde and threw a smoke grenade into the power plant, wehre i was watching them, and the whole damn swarm came in here!

~Krackdown: That's quite a story!

~Survivor: Hai guys, I have a car if you want to hitch a ride!

~Alkatraz: Where?!!

~Me: Slow down Traz, we aren't etting you loose this one!

*everyone bursts into laughter*

Krackdown: Hehe, yea well we could use a ride! Can you take us to Green Mountain?

~Survivor: Sure, but we will have to refuel somewhere, the tank is almost empty.

~Me: Alright we can stop at a gas station later, lets go...

*an hour passes looking for a station*

~Survivor: Hai look there's one!

~Alkatraz: Good, I'm getting tired of driving around in the dark!

*The car stops and we exit looking for a jerry can inside*

~Krackdown: FOUND ONE!

~Survivor: Zed, here I'll take him out!

Me: NO!

*BANG BANG BANG, the zombie drops but turns into ozens of them*

~Alkatraz: FUCK! GET IN THE CAR!!!


~Survivor: CMON GUYS SHOOT EM!!!

*twelve shots are fired from the survivor before he is swarmed from all sides and eaten*


~Krackdown: Don't look now but we have our own problems!

*Zombie swarm that was in the field to our right is now following us*

*Several shots are fired from all of us and finally the horde is killed off*

~Me: Shit, I'm at 6k blood, and only half a clip left!

*More moans are heard as we approach a village*

~Alkatraz: Shit, not more zombies!?!

~Krackdown: Who cares! We don't have enough ammo to kill them off! Just run!

*10 minutes pass of running across the countryside*

~Me: Look guys, we can't keep running forever! We are getting hungry and thirsty pretty fast now and I have teh least amount of blood and ammo. When I turn back you guys keep running, but if you see me go down, take the shot...

~Alkatraz: Are you nuts man?!

~Krackdown: Don't man we can make it!!

~Me: *turns around and opens fire* RUN!!! I'LL MEET YOU AT GREEN MOUNTAIN!!!

*The horde comes after me and I turn around and head to the right of my friend's paths*

*Another 15 minutes of running before I find a banr and manage to get the zombies far enough in it to get away as they walk*


At this moment in time, I am without help and without hope of ever finding my friends. I have no ammo, no food, no water, and no sign of mercy from anyone who would want to claim me as a victim... I managed to find a small she with a winchester in it along with some slugs and pellets. I then searched the nearby village for food and water and found both. As I was on my way to green mountain I found a pond and filled my canteen as the sun rose. My relief was short lived however as a helicopter flew over me. I made a break for the treelline and made it. The helicopter kept flying, they probably couldn't see me due to the mist. When I finally made it to Green Mountain about three hours later, no one was there...

*twig breaks*

*My ears strain to hear anything in the morning mist at Green mountian*

~Alkatraz: Freeze bitch! Don't move! Now Drop That Shotgun and step back slowly!

~Me: Alkatraz? Is that you?

~Alkatraz: Oh thank god! I didn't think I would ever see you again!

~Me: Where's Krackdown?

~Alkatraz: Some zombies came from all sides at the NW Airfield, I managed to make a gap in the horde but Krackdown wasn't so lucky...

~Me: Shit... He was a good man, Traz, and an even better leader!

~Alkatraz: Yea he was, look man, there have been reports of some bandits coming up this way looking for a base, we have to move.

~Me: Okay, just let me go get some stuff from that tower.

*As I reach teh top of the tower where I find more ammo for my gun, I walk out onto the catrails and spot a group of 6 bandits coming up the road*



*bandits spot us and open fire*

~Me: SHIT!!

*We return fire and take down 3 of them with relative ease*


*I watch as a bandit puts 2 more into my friends head*


*I continue to defend my post ontop of the tower*

*BAM!!! One Knocked out an bleeding!*

*BAM!!! Another one down just inside the fence*



*I round the corner after going downstairs and see him sitting there with a silenced assault rifle*

*BAM!!! One shot to the hea and he goes down without a fight*

~Me: You are a worthless coward and desere no mercy...

*I unload a clip into his head... one by one...*

*BAM.... BAM.... BAM.... BAM.... BAM.... BAM.... BAM.... BAM....*

*I reload and finish off the rest of his crew. I then return to Alkatraz, the son of a bitch who saved my life more times than I can count,, lying dead on the ground...*

~Me: I'm sorry Traz...

*I fight back tears IRL and take what supplies I needed from him and buried his body. After it was all said and done I grabbed a rifle froma bandit and gave him a 3-Shot Salute and walked away*

I have never died in this game yet, but I have lost more than I can Bare...

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June 11, 2012:

Character: DocHoppy

I had just finished scouting out the hangers at the airfield near krasnostav, I came across an AKM and a single magazine.

"Great, I will just put this enfield in my pack and grab this up"

I checked the revolver. 1 round left. In the distance I hear gun fire.

"whats that I wonder..."

I made my way to the controll tower and climbed up the latter to see what I can see. Way off in the distance, looking like an line with dots for legs and arms I see two survivors running around. They appear to be following the treeline and heading to the airstrip.

"Great, I am about to get my self murdered..."

I get down the tower as quickly as I can, and make my way to the hangers to check for loot one last time. the gun fire is getting closer, and Ak and a Makorav. I make my way between the Hangers and crawl to the top of the hill. I have a pretty good view from here of the approach I think the will be taking. In the distance I see one of the two crawling...Alice pack on his back rifle slung on his shoulder. Looks like he is about 200m out. I take aim, hold my breath and squeeze off the first one round, and watch as blood gushes fourth, then a second round. My murder # now shows a 1. I wait patiently, as I know there are two of them. I don't see the second guy, I crawl forward to the body of the one I shot.

"Great!", I giggle, 4 AK mags, cooked meat, map, compass, hatchet. All things I needed, including a blood bag. I hear fast approaching foot steps, and look up to see the second guy approaching fast. I fire a couple of shots and miss, but it causes him to claw dirt. He fires back missing completely, but his shot from the enfield he is carrying doesn't go unoticed, and 8 zeds decend upon him pretty quickly. I get up to a kneeling position, he was knocked out by the zombies, I end his life for him, rather than hear him scream while being eaten. Suddenly I am hit from behind by a zombie, damn, knocks me out...as I watch the hour glass, I am hoping i survive. I get up, and kill the zombie and the ones feeding on guy I had just killed. I crawl over, only 586 blood left. Bandages! I quickly bandage up and pass out. I come too shortly later, and ransack the guys body. 7 cooked meat! What luck. I am back in good condition in no time. I gather a few other odds and ends from the bodies, and make for the woods. I have a long trip ahead of me, happy to have killed before I was killed.

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June 12th, 2012

Character: Forsh


Spawning in Elektro (hidden in the Church after last night's fun) I got into the fire station and found an AK/M on the floor but with no clips. As I was moving upstairs I saw a survivor outside about 30m away, moving across the big red doors, looking right at me. As I was using free-look, my body was faced away from him and I don't think he noticed I could see him approaching so I waited until he got closer and we briefly lost sight of each other so I span and aimed my Makarov at the door. He entered the room expecting to see my back and we both fired straight away, his AK shot missed but I got a headshot straight away and down he went. One bandit dead, and his 5 AK clips really helped...I got out of there as quickly as I could and moved NW, heading on a trek towards Stary Sabor.

150 dead zombies and a murder later, I was approaching Stary from the south, way up in the hills about 2KM away, not expecting to see anyone close by. I was checking my map, proned in some bushes when I heard it: a pepsi can ring pull and someone glugging drink, followed by munching noises which I can only assume was the sound of beans in action. Staying completely still I waited to hear any other sound to get a better fix on their position, but nothing for a minute or two..I waited. Then another sound, the sound of someone adjusting the zeroing on a military grade sniper rifle..this guy was covering Stary from over 1KM, a proper sniper, and he was very close.

I prone-rolled left out of the bushes making no noise at all, and span slowly 90degrees right.. the sniper was proning about 1 metre away in a ghillie suit and I had sat down just behind him for several minutes without either of us noticing each other. Not wanting to become sniper fodder I took my Winchester (I dumped the AK due to lack of ammo) and inserted 3 slugs into the back of his head. One would have done it but I was feeling generous. Another bandit dead.

Ten seconds later I died spontaneously..can't explain it, maybe it was divine intervention or my player was simply so excited he expired, possibly a bug. Who knows, but what an afternoon that was.

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The crew had agreed to meet up down at an old building site just out of Chernogorsk. Nobody knew what was going to happen next.

I stood up on top of a large crane, keeping on lookout as one of my guys looted the joint. Maybe I didn't see him, maybe he just slipped out of my view, but it wasn't long before gunfire erupted. I looked down through the holes in the floor of the crane, trying to get a look at the assailant. I wasn't in shooting range of him and it was too late. Sorthy died.

As the bandit moved up onto the body and began to loot it, I took point. Two shots from my Winchester quickly silenced the guy who just killed my friend. I moved down to loot, taking my buddies Remington. I slung it on my back and met up with Jack, and we began to move to the medical camp.

We arrived and everything was going well. We got some much needed blood bags and morphine, and was about to leave when we got overran by the first wave of zombies. We sprinted out into the open, and a few shots quickly dispatched the attackers. We became detached by the adrenaline, and it was only as I just caught sight of my partner that I heard the distinctive and hard to hear sound of MP5 shots and a small whisk of smoke rising up from the pale green grass.

I quickly took out my M1911, getting my second kill of the day. Haze was injured, but we used one of the blood bags we found & some painkillers to rectify the issues. We moved into a grassy compound and my friend began to loot the body when Makarov shots rang throughout the skies. I screamed for him to get up as I fired two rounds at pretty longe range from my shotgun, the only weapon I had handy in such a situation. He dropped to the floor; dead, I assumed, but I was wrong. A loud crack, like a whip, fills the air and my shoulder goes dead. I clutch at it, before reluctantly pulling my arm away and grasping my shotgun, sending two more pellets his way and putting him down for good. Some bandages heal my wound and morphine makes me forget my broken bones.

We look around, grabbing as much loot as possible with the fact we don't have much time on our minds. Some meat, an MP5 and a lot of clips get thrown into our backpacks and Haze ditches his Czech for an ALICE pack. We wouldn't of guessed what happened next.

I saw him go down in front of me, the sound of an M4 hitting right on target as he hit the floor with a thud. I jumped behind a wall, taking out my M1911 and taking him out with one shot to the head. I quickly looted the M4 and some mags, realising there was nothing else I could do, before I went on my way.

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not quite a long story more of a discovery. well after the menacing provess of gearig up and dying over and over again , i made my one goal to find or fix a vehicle.(as i have never seen or riddin in any) so i start out just hightailing it to all the firestations looking for toolboxed and parts dying along the way respawing somewhere on the coast over and over. the last time i respawned i look to the water and what do i see? A frickenBOAT!! super excited i swim out losing my pack with the begining goodies to get into the boat. the boat still had a little bit of gas so im wondring why someone would leave it. i then realize that the small boat is almost as slow as walking.. let down by the raw unexcitement of the small boat i coase up the coast looking for another town due north,till i run out of gas. stuck in the middle of i have no idea i letgo my fantasy of finding a sweet vehicle and roaming the map so i head inland. after about 20 mins of hiking thru the woods i stumble towards something i this is a treestand . once i got close enough i realize that is wasnt a treestand it was two sweetass atvs. the excitement was so shortlived as when i got on they were all gassed up and ready to o except for one tire was popped bare rim style. yet again in the middle of nowhere with some broken toys and a whole lot of frustration. i think now i am willing to settle on the fact that working vehicles are a myth.. maybe one day ill stumble upon those lucky finds again and actually have the means to fix them..

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The fate of me and my 3 comrades.

I joined up with my 3 friends just north of cherno, while they made a raid in the city, i was providing sniper support.

After we got a good pile of supplies, and no bandit encounters. We decided that north was the direction we wanted to go.

The aim was to reach Castle Zub, and check for some good loot.

We see this mighty castle on the hill, carefully walking up to it while constantly looking for signs of life. We find nothing, and start climbing the tower while in search for some goodies.

We dont find much, and just as i span the horizon with my scope, i hear over the coms "Bandit, im opening fire!". BAM BAM BAM... "hes down".

The gunned down bandit, was lying just north of the entrance of the castle, our fresh survivor in the group, was the one who shot him, and in all eager he wanted to loot his bounty. I ran down from the roof, wanting to clear the area, but sadly my friend decided that looting was the priority. I quickly realize, we are in a bad spot, out in the open, and 2 of us are face down, looting.

I make haste out of the entrance of the castle, turning north-east. Just as i move around the corner i see another bandit on the ground, tossinga granade towards my friends.... i yell "WATCH OUT, GRENADE!!!".... Its too late, the hero who shot the first bandit, takes the grenade to the face, flying through the air, and lands lifeless.

three of us remaining, while 2 of us is shaken up by the grenade blast. i take shelter inside the entrance again, providing support to the north.

We quickly see the bandit taking cover behind a stone wall, and i open fire with my G17... bam bam bam, i hit him, but not without him returning fire, luckily, he missed.

I yell "FLANK HIM, FLANK HIM, I WILL PIN HIM DOWN"... so one of us three left, begins the flank... not much communication is given, and i see a person looking like the bandit emerge right were i saw him last, and i open fire again "BAM BAM BAM".... this was my friend, i shot him...and we were only 2 left, not knowing were the bandit were.

No time to reflect over the bad decision to fire, and the fact that i just killed my friend.

I rushed up to the roof, my last teammate hid in the entrance, overlooking the bodies to the north. I span the horizion and the surroundings, i see noone...

I'm carefully scanning the treeline to the south, thinking he might go around. Suddenly i hear gunfire, 2 shots. My friend is down, taken out by a sniper shot.

Im all alone now, 2 bandits (what i know of) has wiped 3 of my teammates, and now im the last one standing.

At this time, i have no idea where he/they are. I decide to wait them out, they surely want to loot sometime. I took position inside the castle, overlooking the entrance, patiently waiting with my G17.

I hear footsteps, my heart is racing... i see the shadow.... and there he is, right in my sights, starting to raise his rifle in my direction.. I pull the trigger... again..again...again... and again. 4 shots where fired, all from above, right into the head of my enemy... i wait, for what feels like an hour.. the lag of the server makes my heart stop. Finally, he falls the the ground.. i pop 2 more into his chest for safety. hes dead.

We won, they are dead.

Shortly after my freshly spawned comrades, make their way back, and they collect their gear, and we continue the journey north, not looking back.

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Walked into the Elektro power plant and had some zombies following me.

A guy poped out of the tower and started shooting the zombies to try to help me, as I was shooting a crawling zombie he sprayed me with his AK and ran up the tower. the shots put me down to about 2k blood and KOed me for about 30 seconds, during witch some zombies ran in and started going up the tower to attack this other guy, i woke back up with about 1k blood left, took out my Winchester, took some pain pills, slowly walked up the stairs, and when i saw the tip of his head i shot, and killed him, then nearly right after bleed to my death.

I felt so great after pulling that off. :)

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This happened just five minutes ago:

After getting some decent equipment I decided it's time to get a working vehicle. I started collecting parts, but they were just too rare. I made my mind up and headed for the Cherno industrial area, where I found enough vehicle parts. After that, I headed to the bus stop, hoping that I would get lucky and find a bus. As I approached the area, my heart started beating faster, lo and behold a bus was standing right there, two tires missing, very little fuel and a slightly messed up body, not counting the engine. Luckily, I had enough parts to fix everything.

After some time, I was almost done fixing everything up, but I somehow managed to put the last wheel on the wrong side, and so, it vanished. After around half an hour, I had finally found another wheel and fixed up the bus completely. Everything was fine, except the fuel tank wasn't filled up to the max. I thought I would fill it up when I head further north, where it would be safer.

As I turned on the engine and started driving, it was the best feeling I have ever experienced in DayZ, as if I was the king of this zombie infested land, and nobody could harm me.

After a few minutes, I was driving through a village between Cherno and Nadezhdino. As I entered the village, I saw multiple zombie corpses near the street, thus I knew somebody was here. Not 5 seconds later, I saw 3 survivors, they seemed pretty poorly armed, the regular Winchesters and Makarovs in their hands. My heart stopped for a second as they opened fire on me, luckily, I was driving fast enough and withing 2 seconds I was out of there, not long afterwards, the Side channel was filled with messages like "WHO WAS THAT IN THE BUS" and such.

I felt even better then I did at the start, I literally thought nobody could harm me, I was unstoppable.

As I entered Nadezhdino, I saw that the road further ahead was blocked off with a small barricade and some cars. Thinking I could knock the road block down, I drove at it with full speed... Little did I know.

As I hit the road block, the front of the bus let out a sound that the whole village could hear, the two front wheels flew off and I'm pretty sure I hit my head hard enough to get a concussion.

I quickly got out of the bus, running to the nearby barn to take down the zombies that were attracted to the noise. After taking them down, I started panicking, it wouldn't be long until those bandits that I saw would track me back here.

I ran into the forest and pulled out my map, looking around for the nearest industrial area. The closest, of course, was back in Cherno, but that wasn't an option, as I would have ran back into the three bandits on my way back, I grunted in frustration and decided to make a big circle around the road to Cherno.

As I looked up from the map, I heard gun shots, coming from the barn that I was in just a few minutes ago. The sounds of Winchesters and Makarovs.

I had to make a choice there, the three bandits were right inside the barn, probably looking for spare tires for the bus that I crashed. I could have went in there and prayed to god that I got them all by surprise, or I could have ran as far away as I could, collecting all the parts again and trying to repair another vehicle.

I didn't really favor the second idea.

I loaded up the MP5 that I had and aimed down the sights. Around 7 well placed shots hit one of the fiends as he ran out of the barn, I never saw if he dropped or not, but he managed to run back inside. As adrenaline took over my head, I ran after him, jumped in front of the door and faced the two others with their weapons pointed at me. A split second went by, but it seemed like a minute. In that time I cursed myself for not pulling out the grenade I had with me, but it was too late.

At least 30 shots flew across the three of us, I sprayed the two with almost the whole clip, but even I couldn't survive several Winchester shots to the head. I dropped to the floor with my vision going black as I saw the two bleeding for a second... And then I was dead.

That was the best DayZ experience I have ever had.

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This morning, I had awoken and immediately launched up my game.

Upon joining a Dallas server, I had realized my morning would be intense as ever. I had spawned in the NW Airfield, I guess I did not remember that is where I logged off last night, I was inside of the firehouse and obviously not thinking about it, climbed up the stairs. Without any ammo, I soon realized that was the reason I logged off last night.

I heard a sniper shot, so my immediate reaction was to lay down. Before I could press the Z button, I was already bleeding out. In the side chat, I saw a player say, "He is down, Go grab his stuff!"

Within 3 seconds a player was already up the stairs looting my Alice Pack as I bled out. He stole all of my medical supplies and that is it. He then ran down the stairs and let me bleed to death as I had no way of bandaging up.

I wrote down one of the players names. "Pauly" was his username.

Of course I knew he was the one who sniped me, but who was the one who let me bleed to death, and obviously they were working together.

As I respawned back in, I was a bit frustrated, however, I didn't have ammo, so It wasn't the worst of things to have a new start.

When I respawned, I was astonished to see what was in front of me on the beach of Elektro.... A survivor who was completely Russian, driving a car... Right on the beach!

In the side chat I heard him say, "You get killed yes?"

I replied in direct chat, don't use voice in the side chat, but yes. He goes get in. I did not know how to get in the other players vehicle but after a while he taught me more and more. Eventually he took me to stary sabor.

He told me to go on my way and as someone who drove me that far, I did not argue. I went into the military tents within stary sabor and found myself an AKM with 5 clips of ammo. I knew the AKM Is good, but it is loud. I stepped out of the tent and a zed had approached me, so I shot him with my makarov, however 2 more followed me into the tent and so I shot both of them, before I knew it, there must have been 20 zeds crawling through the area. I had to pull out my AKM. I killed a bunch, but the loud shots only drew in more. I knew I had to make a run for it!

I booked it straight north from there, and found a small little barn where I could pop off all the chasing zombies. I looted all the corpses and found some delicious beans, but no ammo. As I left the barn, and the coast seemed clear, I saw what I thought was two zeds running past the door of the barn. But oh no. They weren't zeds at all.

I noticed they were survivors, one by the name of xFantastic (with a couple numbers in his name too) and couldn't get the other one's name. Before I knew It, I accidentally hit the CAPS LOCK button while trying to hit shift which in the direct chat made a noise.... They both turned around. I quickly typed "Stop Im Friendly!" but they open fired on me and I got around the corner and back in the barn and hit behind a pile of hay. I heard footsteps, and it was xFantastic running in, I shot him and he was bleeding, his friend came in to help and before he could xFantastic died. My heart was racing, I went to reload my clip but before I knew it, I had been shot. As I was bleeding again, I saw the player standing over my body. His player name was "Pauly" and All I could think in my head was "THAT WAS THE GUY WHO SNIPED ME EARLIER!"

In the back of my head though I knew that I killed the jerk who had let me bleed out who was this "Pauly" guys friend. And that was all that mattered to me.

It was a good feeling.

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Man, this game....


A mate and I decide to go on a lunchtime mission to find a few bits and pieces, we're pretty well stocked, I've been alive 6 days and Strategos has a near perfect inventory. As always, there's just a couple of things we need, but it's a mission that is to end one of our lives.

Grishino is the target location, not too far so we know we can comfortably make the round trip. We head out approach the town. Scoping it out through the binocs there aren't any zombies wandering about so we know there aren't any players, we're okay to head in and start looting. Loot is sparse and what we do find isn't of much use(as ever, when we have fully stocked vehicles I find a wheel, engine parts etc) I do find a 200 shot cartridge for my M249 though.

Crawling about my mate has scoured the town and I've made my, as usual, much slower progress through a couple of outbuildings when suddenly my mate spots a vehicle 'It's a truck!'. 'Where!? Sweet!?' I ask, excited, at finding a new set of wheels 'No. As in someone is driving it!'. 'Shit!, hit the deck!'. We both dive into the cover of trees and lie there, we're unsighted from each other and can only describe where the sound is. I decide to crawl to another tree to get a better view and as I'm inbetween the two, lying in the grass in the sun, the truck rolls by, it's a flatbed army truck, the biggest I've seen yet!. Then suddenly it seems to be stopping and changing direction, has it spotted me or is it just doing a 3 point turn!? I hear a few revs to my right and then all falls silent.

Heart beating 20 to the dozen we lie there, unsure if the vehicle drove off or if they just got out to raid the town, edging our way through the trees we eventually realise they're gone, headed down the road toward Kabanino.

We decide to follow their route, maybe we can take them out and take the truck? they'll likely have gone on to somewhere else but it's worth a look. Running along a treeline we keep stopping to scan the horizon and check the town. Then suddenly I see a survivor crouch walking through a field, heading into the same town as we are. We decide to observe.

Following him in we trail him into a barn and shots start ringing out, every zombie in town is heading into that barn and we sit back and watch the carnage unfold, my mate has got the range and his rifle is set to take the shot, as the survivor fights for his life his aiming frequently points in our direction through the barn doors, does he know we're here? I decide against shooting, I'd rather observe, but all it would take is a few shots and we've got a lot to lose.

If I was playing on my own and I was in a town and then suddenly just died I'd be pretty frustrated and think it was lame, so if we are going to kill him I'd want him to at least spot us first so it's fair game, but that's a huge risk for no gain for us, our lives would be a lot simpler if he was gone, I'm fighting to find a reason to leave him alone.

Shortly after we lose sight of him and periodically hear a couple of shots from different parts of the town, we can't locate him. What the hell do we do now? We're stuck in a clutch of trees, if we go any closer we'll reveal ourselves and he could get the drop on us, or if we stay put he could be circling round to flank us.

We fall back and head to higher ground to overlook the town. As we crest the nearby hill there are only Zeds in the fields behind the town, he may have moved on. 'Two guys on a bike behind the church!' my mate cries, I pull out the binocs and look up and see an amazing and terrifying sight. Two guys on a scrambler motorbike, the guy on the back is wearing a ghillie suit, the guy riding pulls a wheelie and accelerates at the approaching lip, launching into the air and down a hillside, tearing across fields. We turn around to work out where they're headed and realise we're right in range of the NW airfield. Oh god, the airfield.

We continue on through the trees, hoping to catch a glimpse of where the bike is headed when rifle shots start cutting through the undergrowth around us, Strategos calls out 'Fuck! I'm down!' more rifle shots are hitting the ground and the plants around us, my mate has lost two thirds of his blood and has broken bones so I stand up and start running around in the sun in figures of 8 to draw fire whilst he repairs himself. He patches up, we're nailed and into lunchtime overtime, time to get the hell out of dodge.

My mate logs out in the bush and I sprint off over the hill, zig zagging to find a spot to do the same, who is it? The guys from the truck who'd come back to the airfield? The survivor from the town, or the two majestic heroes from the bike?

As I start on the downslope of the far side of the hill the shots stop, a moments respite. This is so unfair, we let players live and this is the thanks we get. I need to fight back, stand my ground, and maybe next time they'll think twice. I reach a line of pine trees, hit the dirt, get in amongst the foliage, prime my M249 and check that all 200 bullets are ready to go. 10seconds later a figure appears in a bush at the top of the hill, he's quite a distance away and he may not be on his own so I decide to wait. I watch him shuffle about in the bush on one knee looking left and right, scanning the scenery for me. Is there another guy? I don't know, but as soon as this one comes out that bush across the clearing towards me I'm opening fire. Lying in wait, watching. A flash of black and white, the screen seems to spin over a single frame and then blackness. I am dead. Lying in the ground with my pathetic face resting on the full magazine of bullets I never unleashed on the enemy, a death full of regret.

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So this is how it goes...

I hear rave reviews all over the internets, about a mod on a game I have never tried, so I look into it... Looks good! I buy Arma combined ops from Steam for £24.99 safe in the knowledge I have made a good purchase that's trusted and played by so many.

The games have finished downloading and installed, I apply the mod as per instruction, I jump into the game with a somewhat confident smug look on my face having heard stories and seen videos of the game including zombies, bandits and PvP and I feel I fair well in this genre of game, I'm excited... but little did I know what I was going to be in for.

I join a UK server, wait for it to loadup and Bam! next thing I know I'm on a beachfront, I familiarize myself with the game keys, its quite confusing for someone new to this whole game, so I decide that I really don't want to move too far until I'm safe in the knowledge that I can..

1. Fire my weapon

2. Move my character in the various stances

3. Use basic functions of the inventory

I start to worry that I'm not taking any of it in, there's just so much to learn.. I alt-tab and watch some Arma tutorials and DayZ vids on Youtube and start to try it myself ingame, tabbing in and out of the game each time to try something else. So I'm watching a video then suddenly when I alt-tab back in there is a person standing infront of me pointing his gun directly at my face, I panic and run away not to sure about what to think of the situation, as I'm running I'm getting shot at, my character is hit, I start to lose blood, I think I'm dying, at this point I dont even know what the keys are to use the ingame chat function to try and plead for my life, YOU ARE DEAD screen is there, Call of Duty this is not.

I hit disconnect and go watch me some more vids, I aint making that mistake again that's for damn sure. After I get some confidence back I jump back in, I'm feeling confident this time, if I see another player he's going down before he has the chance to do the same to me, no questions asked. I start to explore the world further than the beach, I don't know where I am, where I'm going and what I'm even doing, I just want to live... I see a village in the distance, as I approach I see zombies... my heart is beating faster already, with a slow crouched pace I start to work my way toward them a zombie is near so I shoot it, BIG MISTAKE! Out of nowhere I have attracted a half dozen snarling flesh eaters sprinting toward me like madmen, yeah, I'm screwed, they swarm on me like bees and I'm overwhelmed, YOU ARE DEAD screen again.

By now it seems I dont just have a lot to learn I have an awful lot to learn. Back to the beachfront for me for another bash at life.

Determined to learn from my mistakes I soon come across a different looking village with a building that has open doors, I venture inside, I see items that can be picked up and now I'm hooked.. its tin cans, a watch, some ammo for a gun I dont even have, I take it all none the less. I come out of the building thinking I am better equipped and start to look for more enter-able buildings... its not long before I find a shed/garage with engine parts and other items, its apparent its going to take a while to find guns. I run out of buildings able to be entered and start to run through a field, through some woodland and into the abyss... this map is HUGE I have been running for 20 minutes, where the hell am I going? A BARN! but a zombie has spotted me, hes broken my bones and i'm bleeding fast, I kill it and bandage myself up, take the 2 morphine shots to magically fix the bone damage, I'm beat up bad but I'm alive... inside I find what seems to be a shotgun, WINNER! I take it and head off.

I need blood, its low... my screen is dark and blurry and my character is occasionally falling unconscious. I have no food left, its a bad situation that's only going to get worse. I see a lookout tower (only now I know is called a deerstand) there are zombies around it so I crawl and climb up it to find a PDW - UZI machine gun, somehow a zombie must have heard me up there and soon enough he has climbed the ladder and broke my bones again, I kill him and the others that come running, use my last bandage and climb down... I'm prone on the ground with what I believe to be broken legs because I'm unable to stand and severely need blood, food and water in the middle of nowhere. I'm what you might say dead meat. I have no choice but to commit suicide and hit respawn.

This game is unique, it's full of suspense and action, each playthrough is a story, a story that can change so many times in so many different ways... its all I want from a video game and more. Best £25 I ever spent, Thank You.

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I bought this game only for DayZ so I was so keen to play this game that it got the better of me as soon as I spawned.

I of course spawned not knowing any buttons at all. It was pitch black and I saw a flare so I started crawling toward it. I checked the controls and saw that 'z' was to go prone. So I did. I crawled over to the flare and went had no idea how to get up. While I was checking the controls another player shot me in the back.

Didn't care. Was so happy to get the game working.

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Here's one I'll share.

Me and a mate were on UK22 server one afternoon and were busy looting stary after a quick run to the NWAF. After grabbing bits and bats from the tents we ran north, up into the tree line to make a quick exit. As soon as we reach the edge of the trees, I noticed a player at the deerstands, across the open fields around 700m away. I yell "get down" and we both observe him with binoculars, our M4's at the ready. We debate what to do, he's way out of our firing range and "normally" were friendly guys and let players go on there way, so we watch him scamper up into the treeline and eventually lose sight of him.

We lay there, debating weather or not to go check the deerstands for any loot when I hear a bullet fly over my head and thud into something. My mate yells "I'm hit" and I stand up and run into the bushes. Meanwhile his blood has dropped from 8000 to 400 in a matter of seconds, and we manage to bandage up the wounds and give him a blood transfusion.

During the melee, I saw the nametag of the sniper and asked if he was friendly....he told me he shot because we were aiming at him.... I explain they were binoculars and we were just observing from afar. Anways, he ended up apologizing, and offered us a blood bag in exchange of some M24 rounds I was carrying, he even started a fire for us so we could cook our meat as we were both without matches....we both went on our merry ways and vowed to not shoot at each other if we ever crossed paths.

Coming into Arma 2 as a complete noob, and mainly having a background of CSS and Battlefield, that was one of the best freaking shots I've ever seen, and the sound effects were amazing. I literally crapped in my pants!

Plus going from shooting someone, to then helping them out is totally unique to DayZ, one of the best gaming moments I've had. Great stuff. :)

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I Awaken from my makeshift tree house in the forest i have been hiding in. i look over to the my pile of supplies and notice i'm running low on supplies. i decided to move towards the nearest town (kamy) and search for supplies, i check my ammo for my ak-47 and find that its out of ammo... i take my m1911 over it for obvious reasons. i begin to walk towards town, i keep watch from the tree lines and immediatly see atleast 60 walkers... i quickly decide it would be best to forget about it, i remember of a few ruins not far from there. i turn to leave when i hear a few gunshots. i sit there for a minute and deduce that its probably a winchester, i decide against my better judgment to investigate. i continue walking and see a man running away from mulitple zombies, he is firing furioursly, i quickly notice that he has stopped firing and deduce he was out of ammo, i take a risk and draw my m1911 and take a few careful shots and kill the remaining zeds. i type friendly and walk towards the gun, he immediatly spins around winchester in hand and tells me to empy my inventory or he'll kill me, i could tell he was out of ammo so i took aim at his head and fire two rounds, he manages to fire one round off before dying. i felt bad about it but the kid left me no choice. i take his winchester and what little food he has and make my way to the ruins but suddenly my character takes two rounds to the back and falls over unconscious. i quickly curse knowing i about to be looted, suddenly i wake to find a group of zombies devouring the very man who just shot me, i thanked god they hadn't seen me and that i had my stuff. then 4 turned and looked at me they were just about to rush me when they were taken down in a hail of gun fire, i turned to look and see two men standing there holding rifles, one immediately types "friendly friendly!" i say the same. i immediately bandaged myself up and one of them was kind enough to use his bloodpack on me. they offer me some of their winchester rounds and i decide it would be worth my while to travel with them, they say their headed to kamy and i inform them that its overrun and that the ruins nearby would be a better bet. the three of us reach the ruins and hunker down on the rooftop of one of the buildings, all seems well so far. all i can say is i love this game...

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