LulzGamez 17 Posted July 18, 2012 This happened (short) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JaTochNietDan 9 Posted July 18, 2012 (edited) JaTochNietDan's Story - Day 1 (Part 1)I ran into a town that was seemingly called "Electrozavodsk" in Russian (luckily I had learned Russian when I was growing up) looking for some sort of weapon or maybe even survivors. All I currently had on me was a hatchet and an M1911 with around 7 rounds left. I saw some fellow running from the factory at the back of Electrozavodsk and then he saw me. He pointed his Revolver at me, I panicked and decided to open fire before he did. He immediately got down, unfortunately I was too far away and all my shots missed, except one which hit him in lower chest and left him bleeding. He ran in behind a little shed and I assumed that he had started bandaging, so I quickly decided that with no ammo left, I had no other choice and ran his direction with a hatchet. Next thing I know bullets are flying towards me, blackness.I wasn't dead. I was still breathing, but heavily injured. I regained conciousness and saw the attacker crawling towards me, probably to loot me. He must have assumed that I was dead. I quickly stood up and ran towards him, hatchet in hand, swinging wildly. The hatchet came down with sickening, crushing force on his skull several times, leaving the man disfigured and ultimately...dead. I looted his body and took his Revolver, he had plenty of ammo to go with it.The story doesn't end there. I decide to head off into the wilderness, this life of war isn't for me. As I'm running out the road from the factory out of Electro, I hear shots from multiple directions whizzing passed my skull at ferocious speeds. I run and run, looking in every direction as I run forward and bullets zoom passed me in an attempt to see where at least one of the attackers was shooting from. I finally spot one, far off in the forest, he notices that I spot him. I manage to get behind a small wall and lay low for a couple of seconds, before making a run through thick lines of hedges and trees. Bullets continue to fly passed my head ferociously, the attackers were getting a little bit more desperate.As I continued running forward, I eventually lose sight of the attackers, I'm now in the forest to the west of where I last saw the attacker. I climb up high in the forest before going back east in the general area where I saw one of my attackers. I estimated how far east I had gone and started heading back downhill, through the dense forest, looking around anxiously for any sign of the attacker. I jumped as I saw my shadow go across a tree at one point. Then I see him, he's near the bottom of the hill at the edge of the forest, he looks shaken. He is moving around quickly, looking in the direction that I was when he originally started shooting at me, clearly he was not aware that I had flanked him. I was too far away to take a shot with the Revolver, so I slowly made my way towards him, using the dense forestry to make sure that if he happened to turn around in my direction, he would not see me. Thankfully, he never did turn around. I got as close as I was comfortable with and hid behind a tree, waiting for the right moment. He paused, looking anxiously around where I had been previously, I could smell his fear. I pointed my gun at his back and took a shot. Blood gushed out of his lower back immediately and my attacker gasped in tremendous pain. I didn't want to give him any chance of redemption, so I shot at him 2 more times. One bullet hit him in the arm and another hit him through the neck, blood gushed out as he fell to the ground grasping his neck with his hand. There was no doubt now, he was dead.I checked his body and boy was I in luck. He had a DMR with 4 clips, an M1911 with 5 clips, night vision goggles, a toolbox, an entrenching kit, a map, a GPS device, a couple of bandages, morphine, painkillers, cooked meat, soda drinks and some canned food. There was an immense feeling of satisfaction, this man had set out to kill me and take my hard earned spoils, but I had gotten the best of someone who clearly should have gotten the best of me. It felt like I could walk into the forest and live happily ever after, I could stay away from all of these heavily populated areas of death and destruction. Avoid the stench of death and the sound of flies buzzing around dead, deformed bodies. I could live free in the wilds, I had all of the equipment I needed to hunt animals, gut them, make a fire and cook the meat. I could find a water source in a safe area and fill it up whenever I needed with my newly acquired water bottles.Looking back on it, maybe that's what I should have done.To be continued.... Edited July 18, 2012 by JaTochNietDan 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
texcat11 11 Posted July 18, 2012 I logged onto a server one night, at the airfield just as the sun was setting. I hurried past the hangers fearful of the undead inside. I saw the control tower building and decided to stop there. I went upstairs to find an akm on the top floor. It was the first time I had my hands on a good rifle. I looked out the big glass windows that surrounded me at all angles and saw a green chemlight onthe edge of the treeline. My heart was racing at the thought of other survivors come to take my hard earned gear. I went downstairs hoping that they didn't see me but I was sure they did. When I got to the bottom floor I saw a shadow pass by the light and that's when I really got freaked out. Because this was my first time encountering another survivor, (besides the people who take cheapshots from Elektro) I didn't know what to expect. So I crouched and went under the stairs, which are quite consealed and you can't see behind them when you walk through the door, and aimed down the sights of my new akm. I was too freaked out to think about logging out, in fact, I dont think it crossed my mind once. But there I sat waiting. The survivor never showed up and I went up into the hills the next morning. Long story short, I am still surviving on that charactor on my 25th day and I will never go back to that airfield at night again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SadPanda (DayZ) 181 Posted July 18, 2012 [00:23:23] Themiz: a[21:10:29] Themiz: You were cool[21:11:56] Themiz: Why would you lie to my group?[21:12:24 | Borttaget 21:19:52] Themiz: Message was removed[21:19:39] Themiz: In that case I could join your group since i don't have one anymore[21:20:48] Themiz: Because you set me, I hope you have fun now -.- you f**king dorkI just wanted to join your group so I could kill you and nothing else, you f**king cunt-whore[21:32:14] Candlejack: Hahaha. I wrote a direct quote from you.[21:32:23] Candlejack: To fuck your own group isn't honorable, so enjoy it.[21:32:36] Themiz: BUT why?[21:32:44] Themiz: Why so self-important? [21:33:04] Candlejack: Because you're a dishonest kid who was going to fuck his own group.[21:33:12] Themiz: I WASN'T GOING TO[21:33:15] Themiz: I JUST WANTED TO KILL YOU[21:33:27] Themiz: DON'T YOU GET IT IN YOUR TINY HEAD?[21:33:42] Candlejack: The plan was to trick you and then cut you up[21:33:42] Themiz: YOU COULD WRITE THE TRUTH YOU F**KING 12 YEAR OLD[21:33:46] Candlejack: Hahahaha.[21:33:51] Candlejack: If anyone is a 12 year old, it'd be you.[21:34:08] Themiz: FINE I'M A 12 YEAR OLD but you're still more immature than I am, you little cunt.[21:34:27] Themiz: Du vet säkert inte vem uncle dolán är[21:34:49] Candlejack: Haha, u so butthurt.[21:34:56] Candlejack: Naow is raep tiem[21:35:22] Candlejack: Good luck in the world now, we're gonna make sure that noone else from swec (a forum) helps you.[21:35:24] Candlejack: Toodels.This is a conversation between a guy in my group (candlejack) and this guy who wanted to turn on his group and switch to our group. But our plan was to trick him and kill him, but instead we told his group what his intention were and it ended up in them killing him and he got mad at us. Later on he sent an mail to the group that killed him that said stuff like ''You're the best group ever and I would never betray you, you're like my brothers ect ect'', alot of ass kissing. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Burn! 7 Posted July 18, 2012 A short:Yesterday, I threw a green smoke grenade straight up the air in the middle of Vybor. It landed on top of a house and slowly continued to produce a dense cloud. All of a sudden, I hear this horrible sounds of something collapsing, only to find out that the building's roof did just that. While laughing uncontrollably, I see the first death message in the bottom left corner, asking myself if that guy just happened to be in there. As I was just about to move towards the building to check the interior, I see one of the wall of this two story building come down in a thunderstorm of debris and noise and I see another "X has been killed". After the smoke from the collapse started to disappear, I made my way inside and find two bodies. I check them and it was the two guys. Didn't get any murders/kills for it but probably the best laugh I've had in this game.Smoke grenades, ladies and gentlemen. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PERFECTION 5 Posted July 18, 2012 (edited) Things that happened this morning. (Yes another one all nighter.)So the three of us are pretty much heading up north from Novy Sobor where those deerstands are. Along the way we came across a tractor with low hull and engine on an open field and it was working so I took it and headed out as fast as I could towards the two other stands and looted them out and had my mates come along with me. And as I turn around and see my two mates approach I noticed a militairy truck hidden inside of a tree so we went up to it and we found more stuff underneath the other trees.- 1 Militairy truck- 1 Militairy Jeep (Contained one MK 48 Mod 0)- 1 Blue van- 1 Yellow sedan- 2 ATV's- 2 Bicycle's- 3 Tents underneath a tree bunched up inside of one other. (We could not loot these and one of those was flat.)Just because we know these guys are exploiting I'm sharing this information. You can find it a little west of Ghrisno or something. Along the road you can find 3 tanktraps and 2-3 Deerstands. It's near a pond of water and the road is like a "n" on the map. (LU166)So what we did was steal the Sedan and the Militairy truck and we rode it up towards Black Mountain just above the barn in the treeline. (You can find it there, rawr!) And so we took the Sedan back because our limited ability driver broke the truck somehow. And we stole the van and we took it aswell to the same location. However, before taking the blue van we heard a vehicle approaching and it turned out to be a motorcycle going downhill, driving by us as we were hidden. (We still aren't sure if he spotted us or not) and he went off before we could have gotten a clear shot on him. Then we moved the van to the truck and hid it nearby. We had one of our mates logging in in Novy Sobor so we took the sedan and went there and then went all the way back up to Devil's Mountain and had no luck on loot so we took the sedan towards the NW Airfield only to find about five players shooting eachother so we pretty much avoided that. (Mind you that by then the server was pitch black.) My mate was riding up the road and I told him to turn on the lights but he didn't hear me over the sound of the engine whilst turbo boosting. Turns out not twenty seconds later he managed to explode the car by driving into a random wreck along the road in one of the southern roads and killing us all. RAGEFIT ENSUES ON MUMBLE.G_G---Later we reaquire some Lee enfields and an AK and we headed towards Starry Sobor. We stayed along the southeast hill and I dropped my backpack. Two of my mates covering me whilst I ran in and looted quickly and got the hell out. Ending up with Two Lee enfields and three AK's. We were very cautious and then headed east only to run along a hidden player in some bush that took all three of us out before we could find him. RAGEFIT ON MUMBLE ENSUES.G_G---So later I was on mumble and my mate found a militairy Jeep by the high yield barn in Pris, northeast of Chernogorsk and as soon as he got to it, some player made it explode using a C4 charge.He respawned later and found himself a Winchester. More coming.Another mate went to that barn later on and actually found his first CZ Sniper, the weapon he had been looking for for a week by now. Both of them headed a little north of there where a small village because he wanted to practice with it and I happened to come across a rangefinder. Let me tell you how.I was in one of those bars in Chernogorsk and managed to get myself a revolver and a Lee Enfield thankfully and I heard a player chasing me. So I proned in one of the rooms and saw him cheating using third person to try and see me so I waited for him to peek out and he managed to shoot my arm with an AK and I shot him back in the shoulder with a revolver barrage and then backed up, bandaged while he did not. I switched to my Lee enfield and decided to beat him at his own game and went into third person aswell, with much reluctance. And he seemed to have switched to a M1040 Shotgun and I YOLO'd in Direct chat and sidestepped, leaned to my left and shot him without a crosshair and managed to kill him with a headshot and I saw him fall dead to the floor. I laughed and started to loot him. To much shock he had this on him:- 1 Raw Meat.- 1 Morphine- 1 Antibiotic- 1 Bloodpack- 1 Bandages- The mentioned shotgun. (The AK is forever missing by the way.)- M9 SD with loads of ammo.This was the suprising loot:- 1 Nightvision- 1 Rangefinder- 1 GPS- Coyote BackpackI looked everywhere for the AK he had on him but I never managed to find it anywhere. Regardless, I was on 5K Health and regrouped with my team up northeast of cherno and we started practicing with the rangefinder and the CZ. Along the way we found about 4-5 dead players but regardless we were safe. Shooting zombies and while my mate was luring them far away to practice on them we shot at a player and he instantly disconnected. (Noted he had a winchester.) We continued our thing and about ten minutes later it turned out that player spawned behind us and he shot me and my mate with just a winchester aswell as our backpack less mate with his own Winchester and while he shot the guy in the head and took 8 M9 Silenced Bullets to his body he did not die. And the three of us was gunned down. SCREAMING ON MUMBLE FOLLOWED.I respawned back in Cherno and legged it fast to where our corpses lay, picking up another Lee Enfield along the way from another player's corpse I find that our sniper's body had been hidden and the nightvision and the other items had been looted by the other player. I kept an eye out on Cherno to see if he was going to snipe noobs and our other friend went uphill to try and find the guy while the last guy ran to Mogilevka in attempt to hunt the player down and we gave up assuming the player left the server like a little bitch. Morale:Kill players.ALT+F4 if you get shot at.Join another server and relocateRejoin server behind your opponent.It is the only way you can win.---Sidenote question:If you kill a player and it counted as neither Murder or Bandit (Or Zombie) does that mean the player is cheating or disconnected whilst he died? I was on 0 zombies, 0 Murders, 0 Bandits but 1 headshot.Are C4's legal in the game? Can they be rigged to vehicles?Can you spawn inside of a rock like we have seen a couple players do?Can you place vehicles inside trees so they can't get stolen?Can you place 3 tents ontop of eachother inside of a tree that can only be looted in one specific way?Is disconnecting, relocating and rejoining part of the game and legal?ALT+F4 to surive allowed?Let me know please. Edited July 18, 2012 by PERFECTION Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shaun of the Dead 36 Posted July 18, 2012 Hey,I was looting towns looking for a map as it is all I'm missing and I stumbled onto a helicopter crash. The crash had an M14 Aim, NVGs and medical supplies, being pretty happy with that I went into town and looted the buildings. On the way out I caught a glimpse of another crash. Warily wandered over there and found it to have an L85A2 AWS and Bizon SD. I dropped the M14 Aim for the Bizon and L85 was that wrong? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PERFECTION 5 Posted July 18, 2012 Hey,I was looting towns looking for a map as it is all I'm missing and I stumbled onto a helicopter crash. The crash had an M14 Aim, NVGs and medical supplies, being pretty happy with that I went into town and looted the buildings. On the way out I caught a glimpse of another crash. Warily wandered over there and found it to have an L85A2 AWS and Bizon SD.I dropped the M14 Aim for the Bizon and L85 was that wrong?You need vinvyl plates mate. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shaun of the Dead 36 Posted July 18, 2012 You need vinvyl plates mate.What? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sambody 44 Posted July 18, 2012 Had funny experience today just a bit above stary sabor while i was going to run to a bush and logging out to go play some other games with my friends.While i were walking in the top of the hill i saw two survivors running only a meter past me without noticing me, i looked them for a few seconds until they saw me crouching and looking at them, probably thought that i was going to unload my cobra on them, but as i try mostly to avoid all pvp in this game I runned behind a tree and told them i was friendly and they didn't have to worry about me at all, they said nothing, so I just kept running to those bushes until i started to get some fire on my arse from those bastards, kept running a little while until I found good enough hiding place and logged out (Wasn't alt f4 logging away, just had to go play some other games with my friends)So, i thought It was fun experience for a while, two random people that i could have killed just so easily but spared their lifes, and just when I turn my bank i start getting cz570 rounds on my arse. Too bad for them that I can run fast enough and avoid bullets :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grifin 9 Posted July 18, 2012 (edited) The story I'm about to tell you all is probably one of the biggest emotional roller coasters I have ever fucking had in my life.I had started a new life up in Day Z, spawned, if I remember correctly somewhere close to Balota. I made my way toward the airfield, spotted a survivor.Instantly, I thought I was gonna die. I walked closer to him, repeating in direct with my mic that I was friendly. He accepted the fact, and told me that Balota had been cleaned out, so I went on my way, towards the hell hole that is Cherno.I arrive in Cherno, finding a some low tier gear; double barrel, makarov, and some food and a watch. As I move deeper into the city, I see other survivors and I keep my distance from them. As I approach a restaurant I suddenly hear a voice through my headphones."Whoever is out there, I can hear you"I freeze for a moment, and then respond with the good old code word."Friendly?""Yeah, yeah I am, I'm new to this game, help me out."I run into the restaurant to meet my new friend. When I find him, his is crouched in the corner with a crowbar like a scared dog. We talk a little, and then he says he needs a gun, so we go searching through Cherno. After running, ducking, and rolling through streets of zombies, we find him a gun and get the hell out of Cherno. He suggests we go to Balota, I tell him its cleaned out, but he insists so we go anyway.When we arrive, we kill a few zombies and go to the tower. Low and behold, there is an AKM on the ground. He freaks out about it and asks if he can have it, I say fine, and he picks it up. We decide to head North, but right before we can go, my computer starts acting up, and I tell him I have to switch. He says okay, I remember the server name, and switch, the entire time convinced that he will just be gone when I come back. I then log back on, ready to face the fact that he isn't there, but, to my surprise, he is still there......with another survivor.I get ready for him and the other guy to take me out, assuming they somehow set this up because, well, I'm a paranoid person. So I prepare myself and then tell him I'm back."Great! This guy wondered into Balota, and he is friendly. Mind if he joins us?"With relief, I say yes, but then another problem comes up as soon as this one is dealt with. The new guy has no damn gun.So we go and scavenge the hangars. Thankfully, we find him a M1014 with some ammo, and then we begin out trek North.As we begin to head North, we start talking and getting to know each other. Since none of us had a skype or something along those lines, we had to use in game chat. We also began to refer to ourselves not by our names, but by our weapons and equipment: I was Double Barrel guy, my friend was AK guy, and the new guy was Shotgun guy. As we were talking, AK heard a noise in the distance."What the hell is that?""What?""You can't hear that, its a rumbling sound, I think its getting closer... HOLY SHIT, THAT'S AN ENGINE!""GET THE FUCK DOWN!"We dropped down in a treeline, freaking out about the sound of the engine. After a little bit, we calmed down, and I told them that I would see what was going on. I walked onto the road to see if there was a car that, if possible, we could kill the driver and steal, but what I saw was not a car;It was a bus.I started yelling bus into my mic, and the others came out to see it. The bus, lumbering along down the road, honked its horn as it came closer to us, and through the rumble of the engine and the shriek of the horn, I made out a phrase."ALL ABOARD TO CHERNO, BITCHES!"I, along with my companions, cheered as we began to board our new found transport. The driver was dressed in military camo, and was equipped with, if I remember correctly, an AK of some sort, and in the back of the bus was a fellow with a ghillie suit on. The driver and I start talking, and I explain that my group and I were going North for some better equipment. He told me that they were going north to, but first they need to get some more parts from Cherno cause the bus was fucked up pretty bad. My group and I decided to help em out, and we started going back to the place I fear to tread.By the time we arrive, after some below average driving, the bus's hull is fucked up and the gas is nearly all gone. As we approach Cherno, we stop near a pond. The driver tells us to stop."This is the rendezvous point. If anyone gets separated while we are in Cherno, come back here and wait for us. Don't worry, we will be back."And so began the scavenging of parts. Lead by Ghillie suit guy, our group enters Cherno, with Driver providing over watch with his AK. After finding a few of the things we need, Ghillie comes upon an Alice pack. "Whoever needs it take it." Since me and AK already had Alice Packs, we told Shotgun to go and get it. He asked which house and we told him. He then entered to grab it as the group continued on.It was to late before we realized we lost him.By the time we realized he was nowhere near us, we were already to far away to try to chat him, so we continued on. We never found out what happened to him. He never came back to the rendezvous point.We kept going, grabbing much needed gear along the way, and we were then joined up by Driver. As we left Cherno, we met up with another player. He had no weapon and no mic, but he ended up following us anyway, always asking for a weapon. AK suggested that we go hit up some houses to get him a gun and some more medical supplies. Driver and Ghillie decided against it, and I agreed.I regret that.We arrived at the bus and repaired it to its former glory. We then drove North, trading stories and taunting zombies along the way. We then neared Zelenogorsk, and Ghillie said that he could get us some better guns from there and a gun for the new guy, so we all agreed to enter to enter the city. We stopped on the outskirts and scouted out the city. Since Driver and Ghillie were in a Steam chat, Ghillie said that he would lead us into town and Driver would defend the bus. We agreed on it, and I said later to Driver and the bus.I never saw that bus again.We began to go into the city with the first thing we hit up being the supermarket. Ghillie told us to be cautious, so we were, but he aggroed a zombie, and we crouch ran toward the market."Where the fuck is he going?""Who?""That no weapon guy, where is he going?""What do you mean- SHIT!"In a split second, shit hit the fan. The bastard with no gun ran off, attracting 30-40 zombies around the market, and they began to swarm inside. To make matters worse, AK was jumpy and shot his AK, which attracted even more due to the noise. We began our stand in the supermarket, with the zombies slowly closing in.AK- "WHAT DO WE DO, WHAT DO WE DO!"Ghillie- "SHUT UP! Don't fucking fire your rifle, it brings more of them. We gotta move, get to the front of the store and make a run to the bus!"Me- "The fronts blocked off by Zombies! There are way to many of them man, we gotta go out the back!"Ghillie- "Backs blocked off!"AK- "WE'RE GONNA DIE!"Ghillie- "I SAID SHUT UP! WAIT, WAIT, THE FAR RIGHT BACK IS NOT BLOCKED! GO GO GO!"Me- "Alright! I'm Mov-"And thats when I got hit. Zombies dragged me down and everything went black. I could still hear them screaming, but I couldn't scream back. I watched as zombies dropped around me and Ghille was still trying to calm down AK."WE ARE GOING TO DIE!""GOD DAMN IT SHUT UP! GET IT TOGETHER! WHERE IS DOUBLE BARREL!""HE WENT DOWN! WE ARE SO FUCKED!""JUST KEEP SHOOTING! GOD DAMN IT I KNEW YOU PEOPLE WOULD GET ME-"Ghillie was dead.I was helpless, bleeding out, broken legs and now the only good shooter was dead. He had blamed us, so I knew Driver wasn't going to come and get us cause Ghillie would say we got him killed. So I laid there, ready to accepted death, but then I realized that the shooting had stopped, and a scared whimper came through my mic."Is anyone still alive?"At that moment, I came back to my senses and began to speak into my mic that I was alive. AK was ecstatic, but the damage was done. We were both bleeding out and had only enough medical supplies for one of us. I knew we couldn't go back to the bus, and I was the only one who had morphine, so I used it on myself and then convinced AK to give me a blood pack."Hey man, I need some stuff to heal up.""Sorry, I used it all."AK was angry, but I told him that I would go get him medical supplies. I took Ghillies AKM, cause I knew he wouldn't be using it anymore, and we began to move closer into the city (at this time I had never been this far North, so I did not know there was no hospital here). I told AK to set up in a red building in the middle of town. I was good enough at dodging Zombies so I knew I could get back to him with ease. I began my search, and came across the military tents a little outside of town. Sadly, none of the supplies we needed were in the tents, so I returned to AK. While I was coming back, I was trying to think what I could do to help the guy who had been with me through thick and thin.Then there was the gunshot.The noise skipped through the air like a rock on water. I panicked and ran as quickly as I could back to the house AK was in. When I arrived, it was surrounded by zombies. I began to fight and dodge my way through them to get to AK.It turns out the moron had misfired.And then it started. Our last stand inside the damn red house in the middle of Zelenogorsk. I unloaded with my AKM, killing scores of Zombies, and ran out of ammo. I then switched to my makarov and started pulling off headshots, and then ran out of ammo for that.The bastards were still coming."I CAN'T SEE!""What?!?""I CAN'T SEE, MY VISION IS BLACK CAUSE OF BLOOD LOSS, I CAN'T SEE!"So I stood there, directing AK where to shoot. But there were to many zombies, and not enough bullets."I'M GONNA DIE!""I know, and I'm sorry.""Wait! You can't leave! DON'T LEAVE ME TO DIE!"I ran. I ran as fast as I could. I kept running, and running, and running, and running. I ran out of that city and into the woods, all the while never looking back. Edited July 19, 2012 by grifin 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Safrion (DayZ) 9 Posted July 18, 2012 (edited) Sidenote question:If you kill a player and it counted as neither Murder or Bandit (Or Zombie) does that mean the player is cheating or disconnected whilst he died? I was on 0 zombies, 0 Murders, 0 Bandits but 1 headshot.Are C4's legal in the game? Can they be rigged to vehicles?Can you spawn inside of a rock like we have seen a couple players do?Can you place vehicles inside trees so they can't get stolen?Can you place 3 tents ontop of eachother inside of a tree that can only be looted in one specific way?Is disconnecting, relocating and rejoining part of the game and legal?ALT+F4 to surive allowed?Let me know please.No, you are not allowed to disconnect during PvP. Report that player if you got the name so we can be rid of such douche kids. (this goes for alt f4 and just plain dc.)Also if I remember, you are not allowed to intetionally bug vehicles, that ruins it for the rest, obvious thinking. : )And I've never seen people spawn in rocks, that must be some form of bug :P Edited July 18, 2012 by Safrion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chrhn 1 Posted July 18, 2012 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fooz (DayZ) 46 Posted July 18, 2012 "Twas a lovely day in the land of Chernarus, Fooz (My guys name) had just logged in with his hopes high, he had recently raided an army barrack and in the process found himself some more ammo for his AKM. Morale was high.”"With his head held high he started making his way to the North West Airfield in order to find some sweet sweet loot, he made his away around a small town just south of the Airfield, making sure to avoid zombies and players""But in a flash he was teleported to a mystical empty land, and then back to his previous position even quicker, he felt a crunch and suddenly died, along with everyone else in Chernarus, understandably he rage quited as he had lost 7 hours worth of gear and travel distance""It must have been one of the legendary hackers""So he logged into a different server, knowing he had a long trial ahead of him, making his way from the eastern coast he came across a rare sight, a 'Friendly Survivor with a gun', knowing he had gottten lucky he confirmed with the survivor that he was infact friendly and that they could maybe chat for a minute, after chatting and finding out the spot he was heading to had already been looted by said friendly survivor, they said farewell and went their seperate ways.""Moving on he came across the biggest city in the land 'Chernogorsk' or 'Cherno' as the locals called it, knowing of the dangers that lay within including bandits on buildings with high powered rifles and countless zombies he was reluctant to enter at first, but taking a deep breath he moved quickly and quietly towards a shop in order to find some food or drink, on the way he discovered a house and decided to enter, his luck had gotten better, he had found a pistol""Now this pistol was no Dessert Eagle or anything, but it would see him right if he were to be chased by a zombie or maybe do some damage to a bandit, making his way to the shop he managed to avoid the zombies, upon entering the shop he saw nothing of value except a can of Pepsi and a can of Coke, he thought 'what is the fucking difference between these two drinks?' but that thought quickly rushed out of his head when he heard some rustling coming from the back of the shop, he readied his pistol and proceeded slowly to the back of the shop. What he saw almost took his breath away, a survivor who was heavily armed looting a fresh kill, he asked the survivor 'Friendly?' hoping for a yes, the survivor did not respond and turned around looking straight at Fooz, without a second thought Fooz shot the unknown survivor in the head twice killing him instantly""Going through the now dead survivors bag he found an AKS-74U with 6 magazines, a better pistol again with 6 magazines, some cooked meat, a compass, a hunting knife and a military flash light, Fooz jizzed his pants and ran to the hills squealling with glee waving his arms in the air, when Fooz reached safety he laid down next to a tree and logged off, because he was nackered and needed to go to bed" 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaME 0 Posted July 18, 2012 (edited) One of my first days in DayZ. Night started to fall upon, as i wandered off the streets of Cherno. I had no idea, where i was, where i was going to or where the heck i SHOULD go. During that evening, there was alot of survivors roaming Cherno, and aproximately 99% of them was hostile, guns were blazing nonstop and infected ran the streets, fairly often right after some miserable and unarmed survivor's ass.This is, what happened : I scavenged supplies, i had an winchester, revolver, all kind of neat stuff & plenty of survival supplies. Cherno became silent, no more gun shots or infected screaming around, and i got all the time to investigate (thats what i thought..). All of sudden, automatic weapons X unknown starts to blaze out, i didnt know where from, but i didnt even want to find that out, as they was pointed towards me. I ran like a wild bunny inside the first building i was able to, also covered my escape with plenty of random shots towards the unknown enemies, most likely didnt hit a bloody thing..Few seconds before i hided out inside the building, wich happened to be some sort of office i notice, i attracted around 5 infected because of the shooting. And what makes the story hilarious ? The fact, i wasnt only one running around like a headless chicken, i ran right towards another survivor who ran to me from behind the corner inside the office, and i cracked up my leg by the power of the crash. We both stopped, gazing each other from eye to eye and i hear a voice over mic "lol sorry, imma in a hellish of hurry!", and right after he rushes up to the upper floor. I sit there on my ass, legs broken and watch how infected following HIS ass, starts to roam inside, and the infected i atracted, roams from the other way.Situation was helpless, by the moment i saw the other survivor, he seemed to be unarmed, i yelled over the microphone to get his pity ass back to the downfloor and fight like a man, as he made my damn leg fall apart, but he didn't answer! I decided to give the infected hellish a fight before they'd get to bite my sweet sweet ass. Everything happened so quick, the room was pretty dark. I just aimed, and shot randomly to a direction i saw something standing, after the gun blaze from the previous shot enlightened the room. After a very intense minute i realized, i survived, i'd stay alive! I felt thrilled, as i was under a pile of dead, smellyass pack of zombies.I wanted to check out, what happened to the other survivor and ask him to tag along, as there was some people still outside shooting around with the machine guns. Before i got to say a thing, he rushed down from the upper floor, and the last thing i saw, was a muzzle fire from a makarov.. The walls on the office got a new, bright red&yellow paint...Afterwards, i can only keep on guessing.. I think he found a makarov from the upper floor and decided to let me handle the infected for him or let the infected handle me for him, afterwards cleaning up the mess, whatever is down there. After that day, i have sticked up in the motto "hunt, or be the hunted"Even so, the death wich occured, it was pretty legit. I cant be mad about it as i memorize what that random survivor said to me after breaking my leg off, having infected swarming around us and AK's throwing heat on us. I saved his ass by the moment the infected interested more of the easy pray, laying on the ground, instead the hastemaking marathonrunner and he thanked me with a pretty awesome hole between the eyes. Edited July 18, 2012 by LaME Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
j0lssoni 2 Posted July 18, 2012 (edited) I spawn on a beach. I see some train tracks nearby, I run along them until I come across a small power plant. I climb to the roof, only to find dozens of zombies nearby on the ground, circling around the plant. I try to climb the ladder down, but for some reason, my character just lets go after the first step down, breaks both of his legs and dies of bleeding. Story of my life. Edited July 18, 2012 by j0lssoni 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
qksilvr73 4 Posted July 18, 2012 So I found a bike in a bush in Zelengorsk. Rode around looking for bandages as I was out from breaking my leg on a tent a little North of Lopatino and being attacked by a zed out of no where. the ones that respawn after you take them out. Anyways found one on a Zed, and 3 in a barn in zelengorrsk.Anyways, I am riding my bike east towards Green MT, I hear some shots. I go and investigate and hear flies near the fence. I ring my bell and get outta there. As I am leaving the area, a guy is running from some zeds and ring my bell. At this point my heart is pounding a little as I am riding down the hill towards Sosnovka. He's shooting at me BTW and am zigzagging trying to not get shot. I then ejected outta my bike, and I couldn't get it back up. More shooting, Heart pounding like crazy.I am running like Forest Gump as he keeps trying to shoot me. I think I ran for like 5 mins using trees as cover.I wish I had it on fraps, but oh well.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
L.T. Smash 14 Posted July 18, 2012 Just looted a grocery store and alt+tabbed to check an online map. Going back into game my gun misfires and lets off a three round burst. Every exit is swarmed with zombies so I fight my way out the front door using up all but a few rounds to get clear of town. I lose the remaining zombies in the woods and cower under a pine tree for a few minutes before moving on.Moral of the story: If you alt+tab out, alt tab back in instead of clicking the taskbar. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 8 Posted July 18, 2012 I was running along the road being careless heading east out of Pustoshka when an ATV blazes past me. I think, surely, he is heading towards Vybor! Having been gunned off of my first ATV I wanted to get one back. I start sprinting north to try and catch him looting the school/supermarket. Sure enough, the dude had flipped his ATV on the small bridge right before Vybor. I scouted for a bit and went in to check if there was loot. M4A1 Camo SD and a Coyote Backpack. Thanks dude! First time I've had that gun. Too bad I couldn't get the ATV. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luke Nufc 0 Posted July 18, 2012 I spawned. 30 seconds later, a bandit kills me. Fantastic : ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Str8Dumpin 11 Posted July 18, 2012 30 hours in game, day 2, 443 zombie kills...A bro I've been gaming with for 9 years runs me over.Thanks J3ster! Love you bro! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CraftZ49 18 Posted July 18, 2012 2 days ago me and a friend both died after a week of living.We both ended up in Cherno and we wanted to mess around. It was the middle of night so we found a ton of road flares and chemlights, went to the top of the clocktower and threw over 100 chemlights and road flares all over the city. We didn't even get killed. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
foxsyd 1 Posted July 19, 2012 Hi! In case anyone is interested I've been blogging about my so far brief DayZ experiences . I still got a long way to go till I experience some of the extreme adventures I've seen many have, but I hope some might find some amusement with my bumbling. They can be read here: They are titled "Dear Zombie Apocalypse Diary..." 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MikeTupper 68 Posted July 19, 2012 Ok so i've logged in about 200+ hours of dayz now, and I finally have a story. It's about how I became a superhero vigilante.I'll start by saying i'm a lone wolf. I haven't ever had any other player or clan help me in any way, and i didn't use online help either (maps, wikis, loot spawn points, etc) so I learned everything from hardcore trial and error. I know the feeling of getting your first gun, hell even your first hatchet. I have also raged many times when after finally getting everything I need, and i'm about to skip town to go north, I get sniped and die just like that. This is precisely the reason I vowed to become a hero of the noobs, savior of the meek. I've never been a PKer, not even an avid PvPer. I longed to protect the unarmed. So to make Chernarus a better place, I decided to exact revenge on snipers, more precisely Krasnostav airstrip snipers, because my second-longest survivor died there after being sniped while gathering phat loot.So I prepped a survivor to the extreme, being overly cautious, and I ended up basically having everything, from NV goggles to mountain dew, even antibiotics. I set up camp at Black Lake, where I stored dozens of steaks and water bottles, to survive for years. Every two hours or so, I sneak up Olsha hill from the back, and carefully look for my mortal ennemies: snipers. One or two never fail to appear, most times they connect and spawn directly at the sweet spot for sniping. But i'm there. And i'm watching. And as they prepare to snipe poor souls raiding the airstrips, I creep up behind them and whisper: "I'm Batmaaan..." then I shoot them in the head.I leave the sniper rifles on the dead bodies, as I will never become one of them. My trusty AKM is all I need. 11 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lonewolf12 25 Posted July 19, 2012 i was at the airfield after amounting a full cooking/hunting set, map, watch and some weapons..........when this guy comes at me with an axe, gets a hit, i miss him with my makarov, he is chasing me around...... i manage to lose him by going prone in the bushes behind the barracks...i bandage myself up... now ive got 280 i run away to the forest near some exploring looking for animals.......find a cow! get 8 raw meats and cook that shit, back to good health..................go back to the barracks, get a auto shotgun, find a bull on the airfield field, kill that, back up to 12000 blood im in the aircraft tower and SNIPER!. Start taking hits and SNAP, broken bones....manage to crawl now im stuck with broken bones, all this sweet gear and effort put into this character and no morphine.............i crawl around looking for some in vain..........nothingthen i get the bright idea.......dump all my gear, then respawn and grab it!respawned near electro, then 20 minutes later i had my stuff back.............few.......what a night....... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites