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L.T. Smash

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About L.T. Smash

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  1. L.T. Smash

    DayZ Stories

    My buddy and I were doing a night time run of Stary and as we approached the supermarket we noticed that the front doors were already closed. We cleared the building and then moved to the apartment, I was experiencing a huge amount of weird lag and I was moving at less than half the speed of my friend. I told him to wait up and when he turned around to look at me he noticed a survivor less than 20 meters behind me that neither of us noticed before because of a combination of my bitching and general loose butthole behavior. The survivor opened up on us and killed me before I even turned around. My friend took cover behind a bush, but was quickly taken out as well. The guy had a silenced m4. We re-spawned and were going to run back to our corpses and pick up what our killer couldn't take with him. I just logged for the night because I was lagging so hard that my full sprint was slower than a crouch walk and it would have taken me the rest of the night to get to stary from cherno at that pace. My teammate got back to our bodies and the guy must have been really well equipped because all he took was my m4 cco, ammo and food/water. He left both of our alice packs and my buddy's gps. He also left an AKM behind. We absolutely had this coming. We were lulled into a false sense of security by the low server pop, and more concerned with zombies than with the fact that we were in a high pvp area, also I should have bailed out as soon as I started lagging like I did where I did.
  2. I was playing with some friends and my character was moving much more slowly than theirs. Their crouching run was faster than my standing run. My latency was only at about 30 so I don't think it was lag. My game files are current, but I had this problem before and after updating and on multiple servers.
  3. L.T. Smash

    DayZ Stories

    I start a fresh spawn just west of the crane in elektro. I make a pass of the buildings there and come out with a hunting knife and not much else. I'm moving towards elektro when I see a flare light up the church. I'm describing it to my buddy and we realize we're pretty close to one another. While we're trying to find eachother in the dark I get aggro'd by a zombie, and with nothing to lose I take off at a dead sprint, bleeding, towards the flare. When I get into the city I realize that someone has thrown three flare's into the middle of the street outside the fire station, and there they are standing straight up on the first teir. They take one shot, I don't know if it was at me or the zombies behind me, but I pick up one of his flares off the street and book it back over to the grocery store where I drop the flare and take cover in the back room. Inside the grocery store are two dead survivors with a TON of bandages and 3 empty water bottles. I also pick up a hatchet and a watch.
  4. L.T. Smash

    Lights Inside Certain Buildings

    Maybe if you find industrial parts and Gerry cans in other buildings you can use them to temporarily run a power plant, lighting up surrounding buildings for a few minutes. I probably wouldn't use this to light buildings I was planning on entering, but as a distraction. It's like flares. I've never once used a flare to light up an area that I'm trying to loot. It's always been to move zombies or as a red herring to slow down other players while they investigate and I loot someplace else.
  5. L.T. Smash

    Arma2OA Custom Faces

    I guess this is as good a place as any to post these custom faces I made. They're both based on the Whipman template. The first one is just a camo and the second is the ultimate warrior. (google it.) http://i.imgur.com/YFpxV.jpg http://i.imgur.com/zqOi8.jpg
  6. Han Solo's need not apply.
  7. L.T. Smash

    Gladiator Arena.

    I thought the game was supposed to be what we made of it. I think that the challenge of gathering prizes, organizing security, clearing the venue of zombies and maintaining order during the event is exactly the sort of thing this game was meant to accomplish. Plus, in this situation the only people dying are a few volunteers rather than a free for all map wide death match. Blood sport has been popular since forever, and I think that a zombie apocalypse where there are no longer any formal laws and a majority of the population are hardened killers this is the sort of entertainment platform that would arise. That's what the security force is for. Also you could just set it up somewhere that the only sniper locations are already occupied by friendlies, a wooded valley maybe. Or if you do use the city, cordon off an area with barbed wire except for one side and train in a bunch of zombies and the contestants must kill them all with melee and or very limited makarov ammo. probably, but it's worth a shot... also GO WOLVES!
  8. L.T. Smash

    Gladiator Arena.

  9. L.T. Smash

    Gladiator Arena.

    I was thinking it would be fun to try setting up some sort of gladiator arena. Get some good gear and medical supplies to use as the prizes. Post guards around the perimeter, hand out axes to the gladiators, and the last man standing gets the loot and a blood transfusion. The main stumbling block would be policing the spectators, making sure that everyone knows that there is a large overwatch that will take out any spectator that draws a weapon. If (when) this happens their gear will go towards into the prize pool.
  10. L.T. Smash

    DayZ Stories

    Just looted a grocery store and alt+tabbed to check an online map. Going back into game my gun misfires and lets off a three round burst. Every exit is swarmed with zombies so I fight my way out the front door using up all but a few rounds to get clear of town. I lose the remaining zombies in the woods and cower under a pine tree for a few minutes before moving on. Moral of the story: If you alt+tab out, alt tab back in instead of clicking the taskbar.
  11. I gave this beans not because of the actual statement, but because you're name is a reference to My second favorite Heavy Metal segment. Fun fact: The voice of Hanover Fiste is Roger Bumpass who is also the voice of Squidward from Spongebob Squarepants.
  12. L.T. Smash

    Change your face!

    okay, I figured out how to change your secondary profile's face. In your documents folder (windows 7) there is a folder called other profiles drop the skin file you want in the folder inside that folder with the profile name i.e. Documents>Arma 2 Other Profiles>L%2T%2e%20Smash (Mine looks weird because of the periods and space in my name. This is an alternative to fully installing another mod.
  13. L.T. Smash

    Change your face!

    cool. I'll give that a shot. I tried doing the method where you just drop "face.jpg" into your arma folder, but it only allowed the custom face on my first profile, which is not the profile I use to play DayZ.
  14. L.T. Smash

    Time Zones

    Awesome. Thanks. Ride the Tiger.