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Do you shoot bandits?

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Yup, have a bandit skin, shoot on sight. Have any other skin, don't shoot him unless he gets in your way of something

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Do you guys shoot people with bandit skins on sight? What's the standard there?

Yes, but I shoot everyone. There is no standard per say - just personal preference.

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I always give them the benefit of the doubt, but if your in a bandit skin ill stalk you until you murder a new spawn and then give you instant karma

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Eveytime I see a bandit, I make sure he dies. Otherwise I don't kill on sight.

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May the curse of the Mountains Dew fall upon anyone who kills a Hero...

Every time I see a dead hero, I salute and hide his body. :D

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Shooting bandits gives you the bandit skin. So per say other people shoot you b/c your a bandit too. It's a never ending cycle of why the fuck is there a bandit skin to begin with.

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One's past actions do not dictate their fate, in my eyes.

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I shoot bandits on site. Tables turned they would do the same.

Survivors only if they play up a shoot first. And I don't die:-o

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Perhaps. But only should be applied if the act has been witnessed within a certain period of time.

And how can you judge whether or not they murdered someone? It may have been an act of self defense.

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Never really kill bandits I recruit them as security forces while I conduct hero rescue missions because I know they will kill for me

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I used to give bandits a fair shake like everyone else, and on some occasions it's come back to haunt me.

Now, I will drop a bandit on sight unless he's unarmed. There's no point in warring with a man with no weapon, regardless of his affiliation.

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You would not believe how many friendly bandits I have found. Most never shoot me on site, (weather they know me from someplace, I may never know.)

However, with all due respect, I will be sure to shoot a bandit on site before he gets his sights on me. If that's not the case, we will negotiate.

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Do you guys shoot people with bandit skins on sight? What's the standard there?

I only kill heroes/medics/their narcissism.

Edited by plymouth_colony

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