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  1. I like this idea. It fixes server hopping and ghosting in one fell swoop. When base building is added it would fix people changing servers, walking to the middle of your camp and then switching back to your server to get past defenses. Want to raid a base in the far NW area of the map? Better be prepared to run for 20 minutes to get there... Edit: I don't like the idea of respawning within 2km of your current position. I like the idea that your location is saved per server. When switching servers you always spawn in a fresh spawn location.
  2. I think there should be some indicator when someone is logging in the area/building, that would force people to log out in more safety places. This would obviously not eliminate server hopping but would help in ghosting.
  3. Evil Minion

    Private vs. Public Servers

    Public servers: better for playing in a group/with friends (find a suitable server and meeting up)bigger loot economy (not important yet)better for playing on a certain population numberbetter access to your character in general (server down? join another!)single character allows for more longtime immersion and progress (especially for casual players)Private servers an established community when playing on the same servergame dynamics (no server hopping means people have to use more ingame routes)less loot overflow (no server hopping for loot/looting empty servers)more intermediate geared players (as opposed to freshspawn/highly geared on public)no server hoppers picking clean higher value loot areasallow for more characters (whose lifes matter less though)no ghosting (combat logging is still possible)no server hoppers (again because this one is big)whitelists possible (can be a negative though)no server hopping (!)
  4. mercules

    Private vs. Public Servers

    To me the advantages of private servers always outway the public servers. 1. No Ghosting 2. No server hopping across multiple servers to gather loot quicker 3. Reputation - for example on Gents of Novo my Novo is a "safe" city meaning it is the place to go and trade. Various traders will actually set up shop in the main square and my friend and I have actually spent time growing gardens and offering food to anyone passing through. With it being some of the same people coming on you end up with things like, "Oh, my friend told me about you guys." and such. If someone is a backstabber who will try and "friend" you only to take you out while you are drinking or bandaging or something other people hear about it and start to be wary of them. 4. Loot - a lot of times on public servers you get somewhere and 100 people have been through that spot in the last few hours leaving NOTHING. The logged on here, looted a town/base, and logged off to go do the same on another server. On a private server only those who regularly play on that server have been on and gone through the area and only if they played long enough to reach that area.
  5. This kind of garbage needs to be addressed. Funny that you say your server information is no longer available in your signature "because it's so busy." Wouldn't want someone ghosting and killing you that's for sure... then what? Wipe your server to bring everyone back to zero so you can lock the door and start all over again? What is your server name anyway? I want to stay the fuck away from it.
  6. I'm renting a private shard server to avoid this. Find my loots, build a camp, get cozy, and then remove the password. Additional bonus: No ghosting players because I'm on an isolated shard.
  7. Hopefully since 3 months i'm playing in private servers, where gameplay it's slightly better because of no ghosting or spawnkilling. But the major problem is still about players focusing on just 3 town instead of whole map. I do understand that actually the loot is broken, and everyone is standing only on Elektro, Cherno and Berezino because of the new small houses full of loots. But even if this thing is going to be fixed in my opinion, the people will always stay on the coast. Things are not that way different from before. Yea, the small bugged houses aren't an excuse. Before was this way off course, but not that different. Why always being on the coast? 1-Loot stuff from other players killed 2-suicice several times until you are close to the town you need 3- Regroup to your teammates within 15 mins So that....somehow, it is some sort of a legit glitch: Being able to suicide several time and reach your teammates for having a better positioning AND, spotting enemies that killed you it is an abuse for winning. But i'm not complaining about this point because i have something against the poor spotters that are trying to do something. Off course not! But it's so unrealisting that we can be always able to reach our teammates with the....EASIER WAY! My opinion is: Do you die? You will play better and carefully next time. If you want to regroup start to have a long run! Until there won't be a SPAWN LOCK for 1 day once you get killed, people will always focus on those 3 cityes instead of exploring the whole world. I do understand that is not possible to force people play "AS THE WAY YOU WANT TO", but we can't even pretend to play a survival game as a CALL OF DUTY game! Same corners, same spots, same hills, loot within 10 mins and wait for server restart for more loot? Comooon...Then you die and you do revive as a TeamDeathmatch with the weapons to pickup from the ground? It is the same!!! Believe me that is not possible to push people inside the map! They will never do it because most of the players are guys to pretend to have the scores "now"! And not earned by efforts. Less efforts for a goal. What do you think?
  8. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Both ColdAtrophy and I dropped all our gear and committed suicide to start fresh. I'm not dropping things from hands automatically or having any problems with the hotbar or item swapping within my character. Items are still "ghosting" on the ground however. I can drop an item and then return it to my bag but it leaves a ghost of the item on the floor which anyone nearby can then take or use. (Old well documented bug, I know.) Things ran well for me and I only experienced slow down a couple times. I ran into another player before my friend and I could meet up. I was approaching a police car when I saw him approach from another angle. I backed away from the figure all clad in white and told him I wasn't going to shoot. He, hands empty, arms at his sides, did the friendly dance but kept a safe distance. I told him he could feel free to loot in safety and that I was leaving the way I entered. Had he typed or chatted I would have offered a trade. I'm just glad to have had another neutral encounter (I've had great luck with player interaction for quite a while now).
  9. BeefBacon

    Server Specific Characters

    I only play on private hives. Better community, no server hopping, no ghosting and many have active admins who are able to get rid of hackers or at least warn players that a hacker is active. I recommend you give them a go since it sounds like exactly the thing you're asking for. Let the scrubs play on public. Let the fools have their tar-tar sauce.
  10. Austin_Martin

    Status Report - 14 Aug 2015

    Bases are not suppose to be impenetrable, this was said in the RTX 2015 presentation. Ghosting is bad, I hate it, just for the record.
  11. nubsauce

    {BAMBI} Squad +Loot | Events | Active Admins | 24/7 Day

    UPDATE: I just wanted to let you all know that our New Super Shard Servers now have Ghosting Protection activated on them! I know a major issue with getting a linked shard is the fact that people worry about someone combat-logging and ghost to a different location. I'm here to let you know, none of the admins, including myself, will allow Ghosting by any means. We will take action against it. If you become a victim of Ghosting, please let one of the admins know, and we will check into the matter for you, and you will get an answer on the matter. Why are we doing this? Because we want all of our players to enjoy their time on our servers and Combat-Logging and Ghosting absolutely ruins the experience. Not to mention it's a childish way to play a game. I would like to thank you all for taking the time to read this and playing on our servers! We hope to see you all soon! Thanks, {BAMBI}Nubsauce
  12. Funkmaster Rick

    Don't allow players to host public servers

    Not letting regular peeps host a public server would place an extra cash-load on the developers. If you've been a gamer as long as I have, you'll notice servers hosted by the developer or publisher shut down as soon as new copies of the game stop getting sold. Best to endure the ghosting and hopping till its fixed.
  13. gannon46

    Don't allow players to host public servers

    when they get persistence working hopping will not be that bad because after that first reset the mil-loot will be gone it'll be first come first serve then you gotta wait for the shit to respawn or look elsewhere the way it should be if they can make it like a poster above stated where you have to explore the map and find gear not just go here and get all mil-loot then server hopping will be a non issue except for folks just looking to find people at high risk areas to kill it won't be for loot. and as someone above posted i as well only play on private hives theres less non legit players less d-bags and no server hopping or ghosting.
  14. BCBasher

    Don't allow players to host public servers

    Or just get rid of public servers all together, the only fear I have in hot zones is some asshole ghosting in and out of the same barracks building or whatever from server to server looking for one thing without walking like people who only play on 1 "home" server. For example I loot long barracks from back to front shutting the door when I enter how does it make any sense that if the door is still closed someone could get behind me in a building I've cleared room by room. I know hoppers can/will make all kinds of excuses why not so I'll go back to privates when a good build gets on stable.
  15. Count_Grishnackh

    2nd Character Slot

    What is the communities view on having a second character slot? (Probably has been suggested before...) Reason: I mainly play with other people... and when they aren't available, I'd like to solo with a totally different character. Now you're probably going to say I should go play on a private server... that doesn't really help me when I live in South Africa, where DayZ community is already tiny... we only have a handful of servers and all are public. What are pros and cons? EDIT!!!!!!!!! To combat revenge kills/ ghosting, and and and: perhaps something could be implemented where if your "Character A" joins a server then you cant join that same server with "Character B" until the next server restart (or a certain amount of time 12 hours)? and vice versa obviously. This will also stop people from server hopping the same server but at 2 different locations (for each character)
  16. Count_Grishnackh

    2nd Character Slot

    Edited fist post with a solution to revenge kills/ ghosting ...
  17. Count_Grishnackh

    2nd Character Slot

    1pp/private servers are not an option because they don't exist where I am... I get the "mule" character thing, but who ever does this are still playing a single character at a time... they aren't magically getting good loot or anything... The only "positive" thing playing like this would be having one character near NWAF/military area or searching for Heli crashes... while you have one character on the cost/elekrto... so really you are only saving valuable traveling time...or? It doesn't allow you to have duplicate weapons/gear... they are 2 completely different entities As far as ghosting...yeah, probably would happen... but even then, you'd have to have both characters in the same area etc and are still risking getting killed, it doesn't make situations less dangerous To combat this... perhaps something could be implemented where if your "Character A" joins a server then you cant join that same server with "Character B" until the next server restart (or a certain amount of time 12 hours)? and vice versa obviously. This will also stop people from server hopping the same server but at 2 different locations (for each character) I'm bringing this up to make DayZ more accessible, using my own situation as an example... Currently... I want to play DayZ, but I choose not to because I am mainly playing with a friend (and/or other people) Right now if I decide to play.... I will not be where we both logged out, have the chance of being killed etc... then Id have to restart and regear/meet up again. Id like a casual character I can mess around with.
  18. mercules

    2nd Character Slot

    Solution, Host a Private Server. In my opinion all servers should be unhooked from the hive since it adds very little value but creates some bad situations like Ghosting, Server hopping for loot, and a generic sea of players who you never really get to know. Private servers are the way to go. Yes, but at least they had to get a second Steam Account and purchase the game again to have their "Mule Character" to hold their stuff. Why give it to them free?
  19. SaveMeJebus

    2nd Character Slot

    Best option is to just play on a different private hive for a different character ... all I can see out of a second character slot is more ghosting or people leaving character #2 logged out in same area so they can hop straight on them for a revenge kill.
  20. Hello there, Been playing DayZ/Zero for the past 3 or 4 years with over 5k hours in total, among other mods. I have a few suggestions that could improve gameplay, and I'd like to share some of them and see the feedback. 1) Fog Fog is not the first in the list because I think it's the most serious or annoying, but simply the first one that came to mind. I don't mind a fog + rain that is so intense you can see only 10m in front of you. In fact I think it rather adds a lot of immersion and tension, adds to the gameplay. However, the feeling lately is that 9 times out of 10 you log in, the fog is restricting your view to 300m or less. Me and my team had the habit of always carrying a sniper as a secondary weapon, however this fog issue is so frequent that we've been leaving the snipers at the stash. Suggestion: Make the fog as intense as you want, but set the frequency similar to real life. I'd say around 15-20% of the time is a good start, and we tune more from there. 2) M14/DMR The M14 variants are semi-automatic weapons, and the rate of fire (in real life) is between 700 and 750 rounds a minute. In game, the rate of fire is very similar, with the weapon being able to empty the 20-round magazine in a little under 2 seconds. However... in game, the recoil is almost non-existent. I've just recorded this to illustrate: This renders the M14: More common than the MK48 More precise than the MK48 A LOT less recoil than the MK48 Much easier to find ammo If you consider the fact the M14 uses a 7.62×51mm NATO, currently the most powerful cartridge in the game, this makes the weapon overpowered in terms of gameplay ballance. There's really no reason to ever use another weapon: you can spray it for close, medium and long range targets with the same effectiveness. No wonder 8 out of every 10 players we come across is carrying an M14/DMR. Suggestion: increase the recoil of the M14/DMR so it's no longer possible to precisely spray 20 rounds in 2 seconds over any distance. Currently, I hardly ever see players going for precise shots, nobody practicing to increase their accuracy, since they can spray-to-win. Cheap strategy being used by most. 3) Ammo relog Sort of linked to the issue above. If players have an infinite amount of ammo, they spray-to-win instead of trying to be accurate. I assume that in a post-apocalyptic scenario, ammo is hard to come by, the game should reflect that. I really like what VJ has done by adding 5 min ghosting to prevent (or at least annoy) players practicing this shameful behavior. I'd, however, make ghosting longer, maybe 15 mins. I'd love to hear from a developer if this can be fixed, as it's the most abused and game-ruining bug/glitch at the moment. 4) Bases It's fairly new, I haven't used it myself, nor am I interested in, but I do like and approve new content. However, making bases indestructible (or close to) can affect the mod negatively. I hope I'm wrong, but I do worry about it quite a bit. I hope not to see most people building their bases and hoarding all vehicles inside, using them only every now and then to go collect supplies. This is not epoch. Nothing more exciting to hear a car coming on the road, or a helicopter dropping some troops to get action in around your area. But lately it seems like people are more interested in protecting their "property", not allowing others to use the vehicles instead of using it themselves. For the mod not to die, we need action. We need people running around, vehicles driving, helicopters flying, things exploding. I've noticed a great decrease of action up north after the latest patches added the option to build bases. Again, I hope I'm wrong, I hope I see some change soon, respect to those who wish to spend their time building, just please don't camp in there all day. (Example from a conversation with a server admin: I thought maybe the hitpoints were too high, when me and a friend used a satchel charge on Vybor base, only 2 walls were destroyed from that huge explosion, and when we got in, we tossed a grenade at a ladder, nothing happened. Then we proceeded to empty several magazines of ammo on it, nothing. And to finish it off, we hacked at it with hatchets for good 5 minutes, both of us simultaneously, and nothing happened. We thought either it's indestructible or just waaaay too high hitpoints, in which case nobody would bother trying to destroy, which is what I tried to say.) Suggestion: Make walls/gates easier to be destroyed, and damage to be carried post-restart. If there's no reason to upkeep your fortress, then what's the point? 5) Temperature system At the moment, it's sketchy. When it was first introduced, everybody was shivering their bones and stuck around fireplaces or inside houses. If the players are not able to worry about anything else other than their temperature and afraid of getting infected, then there's no action. Everybody inside, away, empty fields. Nobody running around NWAF afraid of catching a cold :mrgreen: Seems like the temperature system is a bit better after the latest patches, but it's still inconsistent and weird at times. You can run like a madman for 30 mins straight and still have your temperature dropping like crazy, only to lay prone in the grass 10 minutes later and have your temp rise again. What? Would be nice to have some explanation about the temperature system and how it really works, so we have a clue about how to manage it. Does it increase with the weight you're carrying? I'm assuming if you're running for 20 mins with 20kg of equipment in your back, you'd be overheating regardless of how cold it is. That's it for now, but I can add more if you guys have any other issue/suggestion. Please discuss like gentlemen, let's not start throwing wrenches, everybody is entitled to an opinion. Thank you!
  21. commanderbash

    Status Report - 30 Jun 2015

    I know the system you should use for stamina, I've used it, and I know you won't find a more ideal fit for the type of game you're making. I do want to stop for a second and say that I'm highly opposed to stamina for the sole reason that it will make server hopping for loot, an already nearly unchecked problem even worse, and will offer a solution after misery mod, a free mod for the game "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat" did a lot to make the game more of a survival event, and a LOT of it could be used to improve DayZ, including the stamina system the stamina system worked with two variables: ideal weight, and energy; both of these had roughly linear relationships, and one unseen static variable, stamina capacity at max food energy, you could run at your ideal weight indefinitely; that is to say the stamina reduction for running and the stamina replenishment for your energy level were equal. if you were at zero food energy (starving) your stamina replenishment was roughly* zero if you were at zero weight, you could run (roughly*) indefinite regardless of hunger * there was minimum values to negate issues with either extreme As these were roughly linear relationships, running at your ideal weight while starving will deplete your stamina just as fast as running at twice your ideal weight being well fed (at max food energy) Additionally there were consumables such as energy drinks and drugs that offered a temporary boost to stamina recovery separate and beyond the food energy recovery rate. stalker was a smaller game and used weight as the sole barrier to capacity, so their ideal weight was higher and stamina capacity lower then what would be best for dayz, I would suggest starting with the values of 25kg for ideal weight and around a minute for running stamina to deplete while starving at that weight, and work your way from there. other then the misery stamina system: misery mod also listed the kcal(energy) of food items. which would at least be on any canned good, something that should be in dayz, I know cans have had their values changed, and not sharing this in game somehow is only making people more reliant on playing through a wiki, not cool. the misery mod terminal ballistic system is based around the US NIJ Standard, non penetrating hits doing roughly 10% player damage, something to consider now that plate carriers have been added,,, and in case other vest are to offer any sort of protection. and on the note of server hopping, infestation survivor stories has done it the best of any game I've seen thus far, you cannot log out in a main city/military base and jump to another server, it will boot you to the outskirts of what ever place you were in, this will simultaneously resolve ghosting in pvp, and make it more likely that looters run into opposition getting back to a high loot area as well as delay them. this system could be improved upon by using a custom no hop zones for different areas, for example instead of just including the main building areas in the enclosure, you could include sniper hill in the electro no hope zone, and 1km around NWAF to increase travel time, which both increases hostile encounter chances and decreases looting viability. PLEASE look into this any questions to this please ask
  22. I just re-read my post and it occurred to me that I kind of sound like I'm endorsing those activities... the ghosting, the server hopping... I'm definitely not. But definitely things you need to be aware of that do happen out there and also reasons why a private shard is preferable... levels out the playing field for people. With that said, since the last character wipe I only have a single public character in action... so public isn't ALL that bad!
  23. Advantage with the private is you can have a different character (perhaps with different motives) in each private server. Pub servers will all be the same character... Pubs are more prone to ghosting and loot spawning- things you may have read about already but basically take advantage of the multiple parallel universes that exist between each public server. Imagine for one minute- you buy a server for your own character so you can run around at leisure in your own world... kick everyone else out when they come in and then go jump onto a busy public server to go pick on fresh spawns like a certified badass. Oh wait- even better... get all your clan buddies in so that now you have MANY certified badasses to run around and do badassery... Yeah... It happens. In private domains, you are in a single map with a single character... so you can't bounce from server to server either running away from a fight or to gather up loot from the same place 10 times... An additional benefit to that is you tend to see fewer trolls... not as many people are geared up to the nuts... Private shards can also be more controlled by the moderators- they can require whitelisting (application) or just be invitational if desired. They can actually lock the door- As you get more into it you'll be amazed at how the various game systems can be manipulated to your advantage... but I get the impression you'll get much more out of the game if you just keep doing things the good, ol' fashioned way!
  24. UK | FP Gaming | Vanilla DayZ | 4H Restarts | A totally vanilla server for those of you who want a more classic experience! 2 hours day / 2 hours night; in-game time is set to 4pm on server restart, restarts every 4 hours with plenty of warnings in advance. Enabled: Side chat Anti-ghosting system Full moon nights Temperature system Disabled: Spawn selection Clutter cutter on dynamic loot events Weapon quick switching We have plenty of experience running DayZ servers, and previously had one of the most popular PVE DayZ Epoch servers. With the recent mass migration of people away from Epoch to Arma 3, we decided to instead look for an under-represented segment of the DayZ community, and so here we are with a brand new Vanilla server!
  25. Nimura

    Multiple issues

    The servers you have been logged in may appear under the 'History' tab. Just check the 'History" tab to find out which servers you have been on and see if you find one of your former characters. As someone already mentioned there's also a bug, that might reset your characters if you are logging in too quickly after a serverdown/restart. Prevent this by being patient and wait a couple of minutes before you rejoin after a restart or check the servertime. Sometimes there are intended character wipes too, but this would be announced usually and does not happen often. in some cases you also might have been killed during the logout process, since your characters needs 30 seconds to disappear after hitting the logout button. (this is needed to prevent combatlogging and ghosting). So make sure to always find a save place to log out. Be aware that you might also die (and so be a freshsapwn again), when you are uncouncious, restrained or sitting in a car when the server goes down. I don't know the default key to let it show up (it fades out if not used recently), but try dragging an item to the bottom of the screen should make it appaer. Here's a screenhot showing the action bar: He might be covered well (ghilly suit, lying in a bush etc.) or has already been changing position. There are a couple of soundbugs in the game, but all I experienced and heard of so far are shots people were supposed to hear but didn't and eating/drinking/split ammo/open soda-noises global sounds sometimes, find a morphin and use it or combine a stick with a rag to craft a splint and use it