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About griffinz

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    Kick it in the guts, Trev

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  1. griffinz

    Can't find any damn batteries

    Haha sorry I just wanted to be on the supply-side of complaints for a change. Loving the game, been away for ~2 years (same time I left forums) due to work, picked it up again last week and it really is enjoyable. One downfall it has is playing alone can be very, very boring.
  2. Seriously what the heck? I have 2 range finders and a pistol light + a weapon light...If this continues I will demand potato power
  3. This game dev cycle is pretty standard for games of this size (open-world, crafting, persistent) Also, hello
  4. Does anyone else think 3rd person should be removed?
  5. Please keep discussion civil and relevant
  6. griffinz

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    From where I sit, the standalone development is moving along, but its hard for everyone to keep the hype for a game going for 6+ months. A break from announcements would be ok if it means we can all get excited again. Just relax and enjoy the mods that the community is churning out in the meantime. The standalone is still being worked on, announcements or not :)
  7. griffinz

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    I use a PCI card, recording does absolutely nothing to my framerate. Like I said: open broadcasting software
  8. griffinz

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    http://obsproject.com/I use it over the avermedia default program because its actually better than premium software
  9. griffinz

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    well...you cant accuse them of scripting their videos
  10. griffinz

    The Notorious Can Incident

    locking thread. The issue is over, let sleeping dogs lie. To sum up: Cans were put in as a tribute to mods by *some* devs (not all). Mods had no input on the matter, and found out after the fact. Devs responded to complaints. Cans canned. Development communication improved. Let us all move on together as a single gaming community to help improve both the mod and the standalone. While you may have different opinions on the actions taken, the ultimate outcome is a lesson learned for the development team for future iterations :)
  11. griffinz

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    theyre not just re-doing the animations, they're re-doing the model skeletons. Those who have been playing arma for a long while are probably far more excited about this, as it will probably be a look at what will be in Arma 3 in terms of movement.
  12. griffinz

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    I've told rocket off for promising regular updates and never delivering them on time :P. You guys will just have to forget about the next blog update and Rocket will post 1 without prior warning
  13. griffinz

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    President Obama currently does not do much actual work, instead Joe Biden and other oval office staff actually do most of the bill signing. This is why some bills that Obama opposed during his campaigns such as the US citizen assassination bill has passed in to law. I base this entirely on my own conclusions and have nothing to back it up whatsoever.Please don't spread misinformation :P (also dont start a political debate in here, this is just an example)
  14. griffinz

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    You can turn head-bob off...rocket kept it on...kept it on high. Moving around with head-bob off is fine.
  15. griffinz

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Looting in the street will always be followed by gunshots